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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I've made it through Betty saving Claire from prison* and surviving Daniel's girlfriend trying to kill her, and I don't understand how neither Christina nor someone in the Suarez family has told Betty to demand a raise. *There are not 60 consecutive seconds, and probably not even 60 combined seconds of the entire episode, from the trial that show how trials actually work, so I kept grumbling at the TV until I remembered, Oh yeah, I'm watching a soap opera; let it go. Can Henry hurry up and go back to Tucscon already? He and Betty finally stopped acting like a couple of 13-year-olds, and then Gio turned back up like a bad penny, and now we just keep going on and on and on with this Betty/Henry/Gio/Charlie shit in which everyone is stupid and annoying.
  2. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Five missed FG in eight minutes? This Packers-Bengals game is very strange; it's like someone on both teams has money on not letting the game end.
  3. LOL! Why not? It's a Saturday night and she's reporting on fucking leaf colors. You go ahead, Aggie woman. I don't think I've ever even rooted for them strategically (e.g. if their victory would benefit OU) in my life, but against that walking turd Nick Saban? Gig 'em.
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Since I don't get up until most of the first half of the morning games are over*, I will never see a London game, so I'm glad they keep picking match-ups I don't care about. I thought the Rams game next week would be the first time I got to see the Giants this season, but we get the Giants-Cowboys game this afternoon. I better have an extra Bloody Mary this morning. *Back when the Giants were good and we got more of their games, it irritated me how many 10:00 games they played. Now they suck and we hardly get any of their games here in L.A. <sigh> I'd rather be complaining about missing half of a good game than being relieved I didn't have to sit through them playing like ass.
  5. Everyone says that. 🙂 Taken at face value, it's an over-simplification; many people who don't drink wine at all (because they don't drink alcohol) will cook with it, people (like me) who don't care to drink a glass or more of sweet wine may still find a bit of it a great flavor addition to some cooked dishes, etc. It's just a push back against the notion of "cooking wine" meaning a not-good wine someone buys because it's cheap and they're "just going to cook with it". Don't go that far. (But you don't need to cook with your best bottle of wine, either.) If you take a swig of wine and think, "Yuck," don't next think, "I'll just use it for cooking." If you hate it in the glass, cooking all the alcohol out so all that's left is a flavor you don't like isn't going to magically transform it into something great in the pan. That's a good idea; I forgot about those. Also, if what you need to cook with is a dry white wine, you can use dry vermouth instead - that's shelf stable and an opened bottle lasts months, not days.
  6. It's entirely possible MTV won't pull off a single Homecoming season with the whole cast. - NY was supposed to have everyone, but Eric could only call in occasionally because he got COVID, and then Becky left early. - LA won't have Aaron or Dominic, and, knowing that group, it won't be a shock if someone pulls a Becky and stomps off. - SF couldn't have Pedro, shouldn't have Puck, and I can't decide whether Rachel would think she's too "big" to revisit it or if she'd be thirsty for another camera to spew her nasty worldview through. I read something about Jo flipping out and leaving a RW/RR Challenge, so maybe she wants nothing to do with Jon Murray. Mohammed was barely around the first time. Et cetera, et cetera; I can't think of a cast other than the first where it seems to me like all of them would be willing to do it.
  7. I'm making seared scallops tonight, too, with mango and cucumber salsa. The salad will be arugula, but I haven't decided on the side yet. Maybe roasted asparagus.
  8. It depends; in some cultures it's rude to leave them on.
  9. I don't wear shoes in the house, but it's up to my guests whether they want to or not; they're guests, I want them to be comfortable. In real life, it's probably a pretty even split between people who wear shoes in the house and those who don't, but on TV, shoes are far more common, even on furniture. Part of that is because the stage floors get filthy with all that equipment, so barefoot actors wind up with dirty feet. (Not to mention the websites dedicated to either mocking or getting really creepy about celebrities' feet.)
  10. The seat is empty, so I don't see a problem. And unless this is a shorter version of a long commercial, we have no idea where they're going. Maybe they just bought it and are heading home from the toy store. Maybe she's taking it with her to Grandma's for the weekend. Maybe she likes having it in the backseat while he drives her to school. Wherever, though, it doesn't bother me - Teddy is just occupying a space that isn't needed for anything else right now, and puts a smile on both their faces.
  11. Of all the late night pieces "celebrating" the 25th anniversary of Fox News, the sexual harassment montage TDS put together is my favorite.
  12. I'm the same way. My maternal grandparents were both cremated but then interred in a mausoleum within a cemetery. It's about five miles from my house, but I never visit. They're dead, so wherever their remains are, they're gone. I can remember them anywhere, and I enjoy doing that randomly a lot more than I'd like staring at a marble wall. I don't think my mom - only another ten miles away - goes very often. (She didn't pick it; my grandma died 25 years before my grandpa, and that's what he bought, with room for him, so when he died she had his ashes added.) So does my mom. I find it so weird, but she sometimes comes across someone she knew. (To which I think, So? If you no longer knew them well enough to know they died without reading it in the paper, who cares? But it's her quirk.)
  13. It depends on the wine. This is representative of the conventional wisdom. My instinctive reaction is always Oh, it must last a little longer than that, but I've never kept wine around long enough to find out. *It doesn't much matter whether you're using it for drinking or cooking. Cooking gets rid of the alcohol, leaving you with just the flavor, so the flavor needs to be good. But, if you're cooking with it, the wine is not the only flavor in the dish, so a wine that you wouldn't enjoy straight from the glass because its taste has just started to change could still be fine as one ingredient in a dish.
  14. No, my dad was able to - with tremendous difficulty, but just strength, no tools - remove one to rescue a kitten he heard meowing (and the person who'd tossed the kitten in a cage down the manhole had obviously been able to pry it up as well, although who knows what they used - my dad used the adrenaline surge of hearing a cat in trouble and the fact the asshole hadn't put it back fully snug).
  15. With how far ahead he planned Brenda's exit, and already knowing he was going to do Major Crimes, I can't imagine James Duff waiting until late in the game to decide who the leak was. Gabriel makes perfect sense both from a characterization standpoint - he was the one of the three in the car who cared that they'd done something horrible, so the most likely to have expressed that regret to someone, but he's loyal, so he never would have intentionally let Peter Goldman in on Brenda's answer to the $20 million question, so he can be an inadvertent leak - and from a logistics standpoint, that if you're going to replace an additional character for the new show, Gabriel is the most likely to leave with Brenda. Other than being sad to lose the actor, I suspect it was a pretty easy decision to make once producers and writers started brainstorming. If they'd brought Anne in when they started dating, that would have been contemporaneous with the lawsuit, and too many audience members would figure she was involved.
  16. People pay newspapers to run obituaries (starting price for LA Times is a little over $200), so, yes, they're quite happy to print them.
  17. ICE thinks he's in Mexico. He was supposed to stay there for X time (two years, maybe?), but he came back across the border to be able to see Beverly Rose. He's cooking at the Lunchbox and living with his aunts.
  18. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I like Smith's response:
  19. I know; I remember this discussion, and it was pointed out then that the line is right there in the dialogue and I just somehow managed to miss hearing it during that one viewing, making me think there was a glaring plot hole I'd never noticed. Weird. I'm a bit puzzled by how much money they had to have spent to set up the crime - the uniforms and guns, easy enough, but they had to also get a car and dress it up like a cop car - so at a couple hundred per victim, they'd have to rob a lot of old folks to break even. Unless they just stole an LAPD vehicle, but that was never mentioned; if that had happened, it should have come up when they first started discussing the fake cops theory. I love Mary McDonnell's face acting in the scene where Sharon realizes it wasn't the gang; Rico is telling the truth that cops (or people posing as cops) did it. And, of course, I love the master class in acting when her entire being changes in the second she shifts from the helpless bystander she's pretending to be to the captain with a gun in a cop killer's face.
  20. I can't believe the clown TS (I've never heard of Clown in a Cornfield, but a "smiley creature" that would menace kids in a horror tale was a pretty good hint that I would never have expected not one of the three to come up with). The fuel injection TS surprised me at first, too, but then I remembered contestants tend to miss clues about how cars run. After a couple of rough games, I was back on track in the first round, running three categories and only missing one each in the others. But in DJ, I only ran technology and gemstones, and blew the Frenchman category almost entirely, missing all but one. I missed just one each in the rest, though, so still a good game overall. Except I didn't get FJ, and then when it was revealed, I did the V8 head smack. It's so great to watch this episode and know Richards got the boot afterward.
  21. After a long time not only not filming, but not even hearing if/when they would be again (when AT&T bought Discovery, they put filming of pretty much all the Discovery productions on hold while they evaluated what to keep or dump, and then the pandemic dragged on, and things remained in limbo for a long time), they just started filming again - so VRC will get the money they desperately need, and we'll get new episodes (we don't know when yet).
  22. Same here. I have all my cats' ashes, my parents have all their cats' ashes, and they've said to combine the cats' with theirs after they're cremated, so, great, when everyone is dead I'll have a damn vat of ashes to toss somewhere. I need to decide what's the most useful thing to my body (minus any usable organs, which will be donated) used for before it's cremated or composted - used as a teaching cadaver, left on the "body farm", etc.
  23. The last time I went to a funeral was about three years ago, and the last time before that was probably close to ten years ago. Most people I know have instead had "celebration of life" type parties either a few months later or near what would have been the dead person's birthday. People should do whatever comforts them, of course, but I greatly prefer those parties to funerals. I'm going to one next month that was pre-planned by the deceased; there will be a taco truck, margaritas, her favorite music, and lots of sharing memories. If my parents died now, I'd plan something like that, probably a last gathering at their house before I sell it (they have a great backyard for parties). But if they do like my grandpa and outlive pretty much everyone, I wouldn't do anything (just as we didn't when he died, which is what he'd requested).
  24. FN has made a shit ton of money because of him for nearly 30 years, and he's made buckets from his umpteen shows and gained international celebrity; if now that AT&T owns all the Discovery networks there's no mutually agreeable deal to be made, FN has plenty of other shows and Bobby has plenty of other income sources. Everyone will be fine.
  25. That wasn't the reason back when I marred the film experience by thinking she'd dropped the ball on purpose, because it's not something that would be any less likely to happen following a proper loss; it's natural that, after the time passed to get cleaned up and head out, the one silver lining of blowing her only chance and feeling like she hadn't come through for the team to which she'd returned would be that Kit finally got the spotlight she wanted. In fact, that happiness makes far more sense if Kit legitimately beat her, because if Dottie had tanked the game and screwed over her teammates in order to hand Kit victory that isn't real, she'd feel guilty all around, so that moment of observation would show clearly conflicted emotions. So would her conversations with Jimmy and Mae. But all of those play straight - that Dottie tried her best and came up just short, but it's okay; Dottie enjoyed the time she spent and is headed off to do what she wants to do next, the league goes on for those who are staying, and Kit has emerged from a life-long shadow.
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