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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Oh, let's see, pretty much every claim in Paglia's Sexual Personae for starters, followed by her ongoing dismissal of any allegation of sexual assault that is not immediately reported, and then we can get into her embrace of Hugh Hefner's ideas of masculinity and sexual relations. And of Hoff Summers's many offenses, I'd put dressing up MRA bullshit as "equity feminism" near the top of the list, delve further into her "war against boys" nonsense (her Gamergate comments and buddying up to Milo are just the tip of the iceberg), and then move to her Paglia-like claims about false allegations of rape (which are, of course, actually only slightly more common than unicorn sightings) and denying the wage gap. And then they have the nerve to call it feminism, which is right up there with Phyllis Schlafly calling herself a housewife in the "alternative facts" section of women's history.
  2. The Cheyenne is an alcoholic/no, she's not, she just likes the attention/wait, she really is? arc is on right now, and the episode where Van downs quite the collection of drinks to keep them away from Reba when she has unknowingly ingested one of Cheyenne's "Booze-Away" pills plays perfectly to Steve Howey's comedic strengths and cracks me up. "I can't pound this whole bottle of vodka, I barely got down the Scotch." "Keep your mom from drinking? Have you seen her parties? It's like she's sponsored by Smirnoff."
  3. I could consider myself a cat, but I wouldn't actually be one.
  4. I know this was mentioned previously, but I hadn't seen it then. The Geico commercial where the robot gets pissed off at all the "prove you're not a robot" stuff and the barista getting his name wrong cracks me up:
  5. When I first saw Little Miss Sunshine - which does the same thing with the ridiculous world of kiddie pageants (including using real kids and their parents) - I was reminded of Best in Show for that reason. I haven't seen BiS in a long time, but it's my favorite of Guest's improvised mockumentaries. This is a fun oral history, which included Fred Willard just a month before he died.
  6. It's Emma, not Amy, who says "Unless they're cute little blonde boys, in which case you adopt them?" (eliciting a terrific glare and dismissal from Sharon, followed by her fantastic "eh-eh, sit" when Andy and Provenza think they're off the hook and head out the door). I love that episode. It's a hilarious Flynn-Provenza misadventure, but there's also the underlying sweetness to their relationship that Provenza is concerned about Andy's stress-induced hypertension and keeps running interference to try and keep him calm.
  7. Probably because Darlene wasn't engaged in some sort of psychotic showdown with him, he was simply at the house for Darlene to share with him and Dan her fear Mark was selling drugs (after having found the cash) and ask them what they'd observed from Mark lately. It was just that one short scene.
  8. While we both loved the original season and the two seasons of the one-hour movies (with guest appearances by the Harlem Globetrotters, Sonny and Cher, Jerry Reed, the Addams Family, Don Knotts, etc.), a friend and I discovered enjoying them as an adult requires being drunk or stoned. But not even as a child could I abide Scrappy. I don't even remember Scooby-Dum, but I remember Scrappy because I hated him so much I'd turn off the TV if it was one of his episodes.
  9. Good job by Emma, who only got one wrong, while the others had quite a few incorrect answers; those add up to an insurmountable deficit in a hurry. The Rio de Janeiro and Big River TS surprised me, as did tubular and Bobby Riggs a bit. The Shirley MacLaine TS made me sad; the picture was old, but I thought she was readily recognizable if you know who she is. I missed two in R and one in stage managers (unlike the contestants, I knew stage managers were part of the DGA, but, unlike them, I didn't know the name of the movie about Barnum), but got everything else in the first round. I was on fire in DJ, getting all but two! (I missed the Gone Baby Gone and Sea of Azov TS.) I didn't know FJ, though. I'm not familiar with that ride, so didn't think of an elevator - although I certainly should have based on "tower", but my mind wasn't working that way; not knowing the ride, I skipped right to thinking of companies of that era with technology that might later be used for this purpose. If I had made the elevator connection, Otis would have been my immediate guess. Alas, I wound up guessing nothing - interestingly enough, after dismissing the other two contestants' answers, Kodak and GE, as not yet being around in 1853.
  10. Interesting. I thought that was a pretty well-known stereotype (thus "going Dutch"). In my limited experience, I think they tend to indeed be frugal in the best sense of the word, being practical and spending their money wisely. I was struck by that when I traveled there - not only do the overwhelming majority of people speak English (something like 90% - it's a second language taught in most schools from early on), they generally speak it well.
  11. I am absolutely one of Those People -- people are getting wiped out right and left, and I turn to my then-boyfriend and say, "If Boomer dies, I'm out of here." Oh, celebrity news? Hm, let's see ... I guess Nick Cannon doesn't plan on stopping his one-man quest to worsen the overpopulation crisis any time soon. After apologizing for being insensitive in talking about the death of one child in the midst of discussing the upcoming birth of another, he said, "And I'm going to love my new child, I'm going to love every child from that point on."
  12. Cheyenne and Van would likely be divorced, and one or both with second spouses and possibly additional children, so that would provide the blended family dynamic that was fundamental to the original, but this doesn't really strike me as a show that lends itself well to a revival all these years later. I guess they could age Elizabeth and Henry down a bit. There would have to be a whole new arc, obviously, since the show was about Reba adjusting to and ultimately thriving in her new life. Having long since made peace with Brock and becoming BFFs with Barbra Jean, she'd need a new storyline. Something professional, maybe, like, now that she doesn't have so many mouths to feed, she'd like to get out of real estate and get back into teaching, but she has trouble getting hired because of her age. And they'd have to get a different actor playing Jake, since he was awful as a teenager and, unsurprisingly, hasn't done much acting since. Or just use him quite sparingly, like Michael Fishman on The Conners.
  13. I loved Heather's face - and her "What is the potato?" response - for the lithosphere DD. (That was the one clue I missed in that category; I knew it was stored somewhere in the recesses of my brain, but I couldn't access it.)
  14. I like Emma and am glad she won again. Heather's story was long, but I liked hearing her so tickled about a Ray Charles encounter, as he was my favorite celebrity seatmate on a plane -- a total Chatty Cathy! I got maltese thanks to not being burdened by knowledge. I have no idea what one is supposed to look like, so the picture was neither here nor there for me, but I know that's a breed of dog, and since I don't know a ton of dog breeds, mentally running through those I do know for one named after an island meant I came up with it in time. I only managed to guess one dating show (The Bachelorette), and I'm perfectly okay with that. If you took out that category, I'd have done fine in the first round; I ran purple and naught and missed one each in the rest. I did well in DJ, and actually ran the Bible category. I also ran idioms and tributaries (the latter due to several lucky guesses). I missed one each in everything other than exile, my only bad category, where I missed three. I joined the contestants in being stumped by FJ, though. War history is not my jam, but I did consider Eisenhower when going through WWII peeps with the death date in mind (after no jacket immediately sprang to mind), but I'd never heard of a jacket by that name so I moved on. I have only come up with one FJ so far this week; fingers crossed for tomorrow night.
  15. There are a lot of great schools represented, so hopefully it'll be a strong tournament. And it's nice to see more diversity among those contestants than we tend to get in the regular game.
  16. The New York Times ran an article a couple of years ago about the artist who wrapped the car in fur. And here's an article about Mikki's crochet pieces we saw her decorating with. There's also stuff out there about some of her performances. She's quite interesting.
  17. Y'all got me curious enough to watch, and normally someone who smiles that much would make me stabby, but I enjoyed her. I like the way she spoke about all the homes, and watching someone charmed by a tiny rundown home in a very rough area was a nice change of pace. I laughed at her friend-agent saying, "You're the only client I have who wouldn't gut this kitchen."
  18. As noted, other than when they were flipping out about her dating. And, no, dating Alex was not a good idea, but that was for her to learn, and it would hardly be the end of the world for her to do so. They did eventually realize that, but were their usual ineffectual selves there, too, because they told her she could see him twice a week, she immediately began having him over every single day, and they did nothing. They never stuck to anything! Their system of bribing Max not to be a holy terror was bad enough, but they weren't even consistent in enforcing it. All he had to do was go on long enough, and they'd say "Okay, you can have another reward if you do what you already agreed to do for the first reward". That kid was utterly unwatchable. It's their fault, not his, but that doesn't mean I was willing to endure it.
  19. One of my childhood cats used to hide under the bed just on the other side of the bed skirt and wait for someone to walk up to the bed so she could reach out and grab their ankle.
  20. I can buy that, too, but what I can't buy is that an ADA with Emma's experience and attitude would be handed the major crimes cases, and especially not the Philip Stroh case. She's a blight on season two (I do not understand how Duff & Co. were surprised the audience hated her as much as they did), but it's still one of my favorite seasons. I love "There's No Place Like Home", too. Such a fantastic guest cast (although it seems like every time I watch it, someone else had died since the last time). The fundamental premise is bunk, because the motive is an inheritance that would not have actually happened (La Shangri-La would have passed to the nephew's heir, not reverted back to the uncle's original will - which was ruled invalid and thus legally does not and never did exist - and thus going to the tenants), but I still love the episode for how great the interaction between the tenants, and between the tenants and the squad, is. And, yes, love that courtroom allocution! "And we're very sorry, Your Honor, and we promise never to let someone kill themselves again."
  21. Presumably, but that has no relevance to her dating life because they only got married for legal purposes (to aid his immigration status); they never had any agreement to actually be together romantically.
  22. I recently tried Parenthood, and gave up after season two, because the Bravermans were all pretty much the worst parents, which led to most of the households being ruled by the bratty kids. It's possible Julia and Joel raised an actual demon in Sydney, Sarah waited years to take off her blinders and realize hey, ya know what, letting teenagers do whatever the hell they want leads to disaster, and the way Kristina and Adam failed Max - chalking everything up to his autism and thus excusing utterly abhorrent behavior and demanding the world contort itself to do the same rather than accepting he could have ASD and be a shithead sometimes, not everything he did was something he was powerless against due to the disorder, and, overall, they needed to teach him how to function in the real world - was too much for my blood pressure medication to overcome, so I bailed.
  23. I never got around to watching last week's episode, but I managed to remember this one. LOL at Becky's definition of homeschooling, and Mark knowing she wanted him home so he could babysit the rapidly-aged Beverly Rose. But what the ever-loving fuck, Becky? Do not date your professor! It's not that long until you're out of the class, and then you can get a different advisor and go for it. And what the hell with worrying about his career; if he behaves inappropriately, he deserves the consequences. He was cute making Beverly Rose his TA without disrupting the class, and is smart and funny, so he could be a nice future possibility, but going for something now on the DL is just gross. Jackie didn't shoot herself in the leg when she tackled a naked guy and tumbled down the stairs with him. "What's your idiot kid's name?" "Skylar." "Of course it is." That was funny, but they're not doing terribly well with Mark's storyline.
  24. Oh, dear, this was not my game. I only ran authors and MLB in the first round, but wasn't terrible in the rest, missing one each. But then came DJ. I ran poetry, but that was it. I blew leaders almost entirely, only knowing Meir. I missed two each in the rest. And then capped it off by not knowing FJ; I didn't even know what that show is about, so I had no clue.
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