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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Or when, instead of saying A abuses B, they say "A and B have a tumultuous/volatile/turbulent relationship".
  2. I can't tell from this article whether it started during his run or after; someone else was maintaining an archive, but got sick of Ken's run, and quit after season 20. J-archive "filled the void", but I don't know if it happened immediately:
  3. Interesting; the four results I clicked on all pronounced it Como.
  4. When I was playing via the archive, I said "Cuomo. No, wait, Como" (not thinking Como was pronounced Cuomo, thinking at first the lake was called Cuomo and then remembering it's Como). I've only ever seen it written, never heard it said, so when Zoha said Cuomo, I thought I was inadvertently right the first time and that's how it's, against all logic, pronounced. I can't believe they let that go.
  5. My friend pushed our call back to 7:30, so I went ahead and watched the game even though I'd already read the archive. I remain fine with Mayim as host, just as I'm fine with Ken as host. Neither were on my list of "people I'd like to see host J!" - which consisted of Aisha Tyler and Meredith Viera - but both, like pretty much everyone else who filled in during the run of guest hosts, did just fine, and are doing just fine during this filling in after Mike Richards got the boot era. So I'm good with her hosting the tournaments and other specials as planned, and I also don't much care who they pick as the host of the regular games starting next season, whether it's Ken, someone else, or Mayim is tapped for all hosting duties. I'm not here for the host; Alex bugged the shit out of me sometimes and I stuck around. Put someone non-despicable behind the podium and I'll adapt. I was rooting for Zoha the moment she was introduced as a movement lawyer*, and I hoped she'd polish off that late-game comeback by winning, but it was not to be since she joined me in whiffing FJ. *Unsure if it's widely known what that means today, I wish she'd been asked about her work in the interview segment.
  6. No, it had/has a meaning beyond just being from Oklahoma. From the Oklahoma Historical Society: Like any term used by outsiders to denigrate a group of people, many in that group of people have tried to reclaim it, turning it around as a badge of pride. But it's still not appropriate for outsiders to casually use it (e.g. put it on a nationally syndicated television program). (My dad is from Oklahoma, and his brother will sometimes joke "your Okie side is showing" if I say or do something tacky. That's his self-deprecating humor, but I'd never say "I'm just getting my Okie on" to joke about the same thing; it's not my place.)
  7. Yep, that's exactly why the picture wouldn't have helped me come up with it (and thank you for posting it).
  8. "Okies"? Really? I know it was used in the book, but it's a slur and you're not quoting; describe the novel another way ("migrant farm workers head west"). Another archive game for me. I guessed bee hummingbird just based on the text of the clue, so was a bit surprised that was a TS -- maybe not being able to see the picture helped? I was also a bit surprised by the Steel Magnolias TS; I thought that film was still pretty widely known. I missed two in film, and one each in flags and "too" (the festoons TS, and I doubt seeing the picture would have helped), but got everything else in the first round - yes, including the bible book, as I knew Leviticus is the one with all the crazy rules. In DJ, I ran meanings and little things, and almost ran conductors, which was a surprise. I also only missed one each in get-togethers and TV shows (another feat, since I've only seen one of the shows). I missed three in read it, but otherwise that was a great round for me. I didn't know FJ, though. But I'm happy with my rebound after last night's performance.
  9. I didn't watch to the end when I linked it, but I just did and she does it again with one of those glass syrup bottles once they're at their table. But I don't see any unreasonable risk (well, other than the amount of sugar she has added to those waffles 🙂 )in that scene, either. And I noticed this time that when she does it at the breakfast bar, it's after he makes a dramatic display just like that with the batter. So she's imitating him. They're touting how fun it is to make your own waffles at their breakfast bar, so they have these two characters making a production out of it together. The pitch in general doesn't appeal to me because part of my fun of vacation is someone else making my food, but I have no problem with this particular scenario, since they're not disturbing anyone (either with a mess or antics that hold anyone else up), they're just harmlessly enjoying themselves and each other.
  10. Oh yeah, we may get a tertiary character who's happily child-free, or an antagonist character who of course doesn't have kids because she's an awful person. But a main character we root for -- have her know she doesn't want kids, happily live her life without one, and not change her mind? We can't have that; she'd be "unlikable". There was Amy on Major Crimes, who didn't waver and told her boyfriend (after he brought it up yet again), "If the baby thing is that important to you, find somebody else. Otherwise, stop talking about it." And they were still together when the show ended, with no more baby talk, so that was nice. Another trope is mothers are never done having kids. Clair Huxtable had FIVE and The Cosby Show still did an episode where she got baby fever (yet thankfully snapped out of it). (And I don't accept an actor's pregnancy as an excuse for writing an illogical pregnancy; pregnancies can't always be timed around hiatus, and audiences are plenty savvy enough to just nod at the careful blocking and understand the character is not pregnant, so an actor being visibly pregnant during shooting does not force anyone to write a storyline they never would have thought of writing if not for the actor's pregnancy.)
  11. I hadn't seen it, either, so I just looked it up; it's a plastic squeeze bottle, and there's little chance of her losing control of it and making a mess in this situation: https://www.ispot.tv/ad/qjAx/hampton-inn-and-suites-daddy-daughter-time
  12. I am in such a pleasant food coma: shrimp scampi, garlic bread, roasted asparagus, and arugula salad with lemon vinaigrette.
  13. I wasn't home tonight, so just read the archive. I got very little sleep last night, but have felt fine today. I'm still going to go ahead and blame tonight's performance on that. I ran ballet, which was unexpected, and silent T, but that was it for the first round; I blew the entire book to TV category, missed three in stupid answers, and one each in the rest. In DJ, I only ran biopics. I missed all three of the revealed psychology clues and two each in the rest. Thankfully, I knew FJ, to end on a high note.
  14. I know how to drive stick, but I have no interest in doing so in L.A. traffic (and it just doesn't do anything for me in general) so I have always had automatic cars. But every once in a great while I need to drive a stick for some reason, and I remember how to do it well enough to get from A to B (maybe with a stall or two along the way, but I get there).
  15. I love the actor's line delivery on "It's like nobody's seen a cat before".
  16. THREE WEEKS?! In someone's home? Oh, hell to the no. Even among those with whom I have a close relationship, there is no one I'd let stay with me for more than a week. That's tough. It sounds like they've done a very effective job of cultivating the fake image of them as loving, involved parents, so it's natural for you to dread having a bunch of people judging you, but you said you have no siblings or other close family, so if those you love know the truth and there are just these random friends of your parents out there believing the lie, you'll have to concentrate on that when you start feeling it.
  17. Okay, having finished the second season, I'm out. Because they left a few words out of the title; it should be How to Suck at Parenthood. And, of course, their parenting fails are going to be part of it, but they're just so bad at this; Jabbar is the only kid who isn't running his family. I was so glad when after Camille and Zeek babysat Sydney Camille told Julia that Zeek may be a cranky jackass who handles a lot of things wrong, but he is absolutely right about that kid. It's not "stifling her spirit" to teach her some damn rules and respect. That's the job! And, of course, the way Kristina and Adam's house revolves around bribing Max not to be a fucking terror, but there's also their totally ineffectual handling of Haddie. After they relent and say she can see Adam twice a week, she immediately starts having him over EVERY DAY. They do nothing. Amber jeopardizes her aunt's professional reputation by getting baked on the job, and Sarah's response is to take her out for pasta. It takes getting shoved by her daughter for her to realize, gee, I shouldn't have been letting my teenage daughter do whatever the hell she wants these past few years. Also, if I took a drink for every time Sarah barges into a sibling's office when there's someone else in it, I'd ... well, maybe I'd be buzzed enough to deal with some of these people. They don't produce enough alcohol to make Max bearable, though.
  18. Me neither, and it's not anything I'd start doing. All I need is for a toilet seat to be clean; I toss one if it's broken or the finish has worn off, not if someone else has been sitting on it. I'm always barefoot in the house, so I don't deal with that on my hardwood floors, but that's another valid reason which never comes up when the rare HH to want carpet is featured; it's always some nonsensical reason instead.
  19. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I hate him, too. But I don't hate that he's the owner, because he's hands off and has a shit ton of money. I don't have a crush on him, but I do find him kind of attractive despite not being my type, so I don't get it, either, but I get it. 🙂 Wade Phillips (defensive coordinator at the time) had Brady completely befuddled in that SB game. If the offense could have done anything, we'd have won. So, yeah, I'm nervous about the play calling. And stupid-ass challenges. Of course I very much want the Rams to win, but I'd be happy with a good loss in a great game -- I really want the Super Bowl to be as good as these past two weeks of playoff games deserve.
  20. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Fanfuckingtastic finish! Way to cap off a great fourth quarter comeback.
  21. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Ha - I went through that with my dad last month.
  22. Last night, a friend and I finally had our Black Christmas move night - re-watching the original and watching Glen Morgan's 2006 remake. Oh, dear. The remake is horrible. And really had us worrying about Morgan, as this film felt like what the "Home" episode of The X-Files would have been without network standards and practices. But, apparently, it wasn't him - all the truly disgusting, gory stuff was there at Bob Weinstein's insistence. That doesn't let him off the hook for the bland writing and his inexcusable insistence on casting his terrible actor of a wife (Kristen Cloke) in his projects, but at least we no longer think he should perhaps be committed. We don't have the 2019 version, but it's rated as even crappier than the 2006 (too bad, since that one was written and directed by a woman who wanted to explore the original premise "but with a Me Too-style twist and a celebration of the bonds of sisterhood"). We watched the original Scream for the upteenth time afterward as a palate cleanser (we haven't seen the latest one of those yet, since it's only in theatres right now and we're waiting for streaming due to the pandemic).
  23. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I am physically pained by Skowronek not catching that TD pass.
  24. Corday was my favorite of the female characters for several reasons, the biggest one being how immediately and often she sought out the company of the other women in the ER. I love that gathering at her apartment (that Benton so rudely interrupts), and how much she enjoyed the company of women in general. As a surgeon, she's surrounded by a lot of men, so she needs to balance that. A lot of women in male-dominated professions can relate. Her consistent attitude towards women is why writing her as the horrible stereotype of an insecure, jealous wife when Susan returned was ridiculous and really pissed me off.
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