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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Has the reunion for this season already been shot? I would love for Craig to have whatever moment he can have in front of these idiots. I do not care if he ultimately wants to practice law or not, but he can shove it in the face of those that seem to be using Craig's drive (or lack there of) as a story.
  2. Crystianna and Faith are my favorite Dolls, so Crystianna leaving made me diappointed. The ending was a bit weird with no TH's with Dianna or Crystianna (I also thought the ending would address Kayla leaving to the team). I wish I knew more about Crystianna's perspective on leaving the DD's, because it felt like it was all Rittany. As for Kayla, I know I went to college in the same state as my hometown (Sparty on!) and loved it. I did end up moving to a big city, but that is something I always wanted. If Kayla is college in Jackson (which I am assuming she is) is it so bad for her to finish there and continue helping out at the Dollhouse? Sometimes I think Kayla would like to be a professional dancer, but other times I think she would be happy coaching and teaching classes. Maybe it is time for her to choose, but if she went the coaching/teaching route I have no problem with her staying in or around Jackson. Some people love their hometowns and are perfectly content there, others not so much. I do think Camryn seems perfectly fine. It is her mother who makes me crazy. Mimi's obnoxiousness is making me root against Camryn though. Is there not a reunion or anything? Some seasons seemed to have them tacked on at the end.
  3. I believe Kayla is in college. I think is one of the previous episodes this season she mentioned going to school and working with the Dancing Dolls. She has tweeted about studying a few times. I have not wandered to her Instagram in awhile, but there was a picture of her in scrubs, with her saying she had to wear scrubs to school that day. I always thought Kayla going to school and working for Dianna was a nice setup. Rittany wanting to leave the Dollhouse seemed way more about Rittany than Crystianna. We really did not get Crystianna's viewpoint, except that she was disappointed in not getting a solo, which is understandable. I do feel that the solos seemed more varied when Kayla was captain and when Camryn first got the captain title than the past season or so. I thought last week that the main solo would go to Camryn. I feel is Camryn tries out for a solo, she generally gets it. Mimi is so obnoxious. I wouldn't mind seeing Camryn not get solos just to take Mimi's ego down a few pegs. I was not really a fan of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory routine. It was ambitious, but I did not like it. Anyone know how long the routine was? The brief snippet that we saw felt long to me. Also, did the fire actually ruin anything or was it some fake storyline, because it looked like the Dancing Dolls had a fair amount of props. I thought the Oakland team and Black Ice had great creative routines. I was not crazy about The Prancing Tigerettes routine.
  4. I was one of the few that enjoyed the last few seasons of ER. I really enjoyed the last season as well. My UO is that I do not like Chip or Joanna Gaines. I will sit alone at my table with that opinion.
  5. I found it amusing as well. I have a cat named A. Purr. My previous pets were a dog and cat named Pancakes and Waffles, so I was with you on the food theme. Who am I to judge? I do not care what people name their pets. My friend who was a Doctor Who fan named her pets whatever number the doctor was and his companion at the time. I do not mind people using the same name over and over. I do find Carole's three pets all named Baby a bit ridiculous, but overall I do not care. I really do not care about Carole's couch. If she wants to keep it because it has sentimental value because of her late husband that is fine with me, and if she doesn't I am cool with that too.
  6. I thought in the previous episodes Dorinda brought up that Sonja was bashing her on Twitter. I do not follow any of these women on social media so I do not know if and what was said. Though during Dorinda's tirade she never mentioned it she just mentioned a blog post. I was fine with Dorinda being mad at Sonja if she did indeed say things on Twitter or quotes in articles, but Dorinda never really got into specifics. It was more of insult after insult with her. I am one that was surprised that Sonja was washing her underwear in the bidet. I did not realize it was mentioned/featured before. I skipped season 5 and 6, so I could have missed the first time she did it. Maybe I will go back to Hulu and check those seasons out if I get really bored.
  7. This cracked me up as well. I kept thinking really Carole you couldn't come up with three different names? Also, Carole assuming that the kittens were girls, which they might be, but Carole acted like she did not know for sure. I did like Carole's reaction shots during the Dorinda dinner party meltdown. I do not believe for a second that Ramona cooked the food that she served at her party. Does Sonja not have a washer and dryer or a sink? Why was she washing her underwear in the toilet/bidet (I forgot which one it was)? If she is going to hand wash them I am sure she has a sink in that bathroom. At least I would hope so. Hell put them in the dishwasher with your sex toys. Did Charlie Rose really go to Sonja's play? I am kind of liking Tinsley. I already like her way more than Jules. Of course it could all go downhill fast, but I like her right now. I know we are only four episodes in but Ramona just seems kind of off. She is being very messy. She was always kind of messy, but now it just seems to be more than usual. I cannot really put my finger on why she seems different than before. Well, besides her face. I think Dorinda should have handled the whole situation with Sonja better. I got the impression from Dorinda speaking about it with the other housewives that it was much more than what she went after Sonja for at Ramona's. I do not know if it was because Dorinda was angry and word vomiting, but it all seemed left unsaid. I was fine with Dorinda being angry at Sonja, but she could have handled it way better. I really do not get Sonja's issue with Dorinda. Is it really the Berkshires thing? I thought Sonja and Dorinda were friendly after the Berkshires non-invite. I laughed at Sonja's intern (Conner?) standing in the kitchen holding the dog while Tinsley and Sonja were arguing.
  8. I always thought that Caitlyn and Kris are very much alike personality-wise. I think they are both horrible people for similar reasons. I do think Kris is a bit more savvy and better at playing the media game than Caitlyn.
  9. I am with you. I thought Meri was kind of bland, but pleasant. I liked her interactions with Sebastian. I thought she worked with the team dynamic well. I liked when they added Shalita Grant, because I enjoyed her in her first appearance in season one. I also thought they did a good job introducing her into the fold. I thought she fit in well and gave them four team members so they could pair off. So if Percy is indeed out than I probably will be as well. They are killing the team dynamic that drew me into this show. Gregorio and possibly Sebastian are not cutting it for me. I like Sebastian in the lab, but not so much in the field.
  10. I think what I liked most about Everwood was all the different relationships between the various characters. I do watch (or used to watch) some of Berlanti's other shows but nothing packs the emotional punch like Everwood did. I really wish Everwood was streaming somewhere. I have Netflix and Hulu and it is not on there. I do not know if Amazon Prime or any other streaming service might have it.
  11. I am just happy this season is over. I thought it was such a boring season with petty arguments that were blown out of proportion, never-ending games of telephone, and rehashing the same shit from previous seasons over and over again. Hell, even the filler parts of the Atlanta reunion was more entertaining for me than pretty much this whole season. I do not dislike any of the current cast, but I do not really like any of them either at this point. Though, I would not mind them all sticking around for next season and seeing how it goes. Oh Kim was there. I hate Kim with a passion. Hate. If I tune in next season I want less Kim. Can't she just be wallpaper like Camille is when she shows up?
  12. This. Neither Shep or Chelsea seem that interested in each other besides a hook-up every now and then. So Cameran's insistence on pushing Shep and Chelsea together when they both do not seem that interested in each other is pretty lame. I keep waiting for the wacky hijinks episode with Chelsea scheduling dates with Shep and Austen on the same night. They will all be at the same restaurant and Chelsea will go back and forth between them while Shep and Austen will not catch on until the end of the night. I do find Austen and Chelsea boring, but I did appreciate that they actually had a somewhat normal conversation on their date. Though my bar is set pretty low on this show, so it does not take much. If Shep gets mad at Austen over him dating Chelsea I will roll my eyes so hard. Was it Whitney that said that Shep would do the same thing if he was in Austen's shoes? Cameran needs to find another storyline besides not wanting a baby or pushing Shep and Chelsea together. I like Craig when he is calling out all the it's a southern thing bullshit, but I am not wild about lazy Craig. Landon's voice is the worst. It is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Though apparently she is killing it, so what do I know. The less said about TRav the better. He is so smarmy. I will be at my table for one in not liking Patricia, so I am happy when I do not have to see her in an episode.
  13. I cannot believe I did not make that connection! Thanks you for pointing that out. The Locked movie scenes looked like a completely F-ed up movie IMO.
  14. I am probably a horrible person for wanting Cody to die. I cannot stand the character. If this no Jack thing is permanent I am probably out. I thought for sure he would show up at the end or something, but nope. The various townspeople are not enough to keep me watching. I feel like I would care more about these characters if their stories were not so lame. I feel like there is potential, but for me, it seems like a lot of things happen offscreen.
  15. It is hard to believe that this show got worse with every episode. So many times I thought it could not get anymore terrible, but yet it did. It was soapy, but not in the good soapy kind of way. Does that make sense? I pretty much disliked all the characters as the series went on. On other shows, where characters make poor choices I can usually understand why or actually care, but with this show not so much. Everything was just so cliche, which I can deal with if I care about the characters, stories, or has other things going for it besides cliche after cliche. I did not see any chemistry between Rainer/Paige or Jake/Paige. I could care less who she chooses. I do not care who shot the reporter or released Alexis' sex tape. They did not give me any reason to care about any of the characters. I could not help laughing at the scenes of the "Locked" movie or when the director guy was giving a synopsis of it. It sounded and looked so terrible! Granted there are terrible movies being made all the time, but I guess I could understand why people/tweens went nuts for the Twilight series, even if I hated them. I assume that is what the "Locked" books in the show were suppose to be similar too at least hype-wise.
  16. I thought she was going start shouting "objection" or asking to sidebar. Did she watch Law and Order in her spare time? Porsha your head is so far up Phaedra's ass. It is like she has to run her thoughts and feelings by Phaedra first. Not much happened, but it was still infinitely better than any of the RHOBH's reunion so far. At least I do not have to hear a rehash of panty-gate for the millionth time, talk about a bag of pills, or trot Kim Richards out, which is a win for me.
  17. I read the first book in this series awhile back when I wanted some fluff to read. I believe that Cassie really did not have a story in the book. I think there is at least another book(s?) where she could have this story, but I am thinking it was made up for the show. I think most of the supporting character's stories are not from the book. From what little I remember is that the first book was all Paige's POV. I could be misremembering, like I said I read the book awhile back and it did not make much of an impression on me besides remembering the basic story. Though either way the call girl story is pretty cliche.
  18. This is what I am worried about. SG has missed a lot of episodes. If Sonja is being written out than I will probably quit watching as well. I do not want more Greggorio and I really prefer Sebastian in the lab. I really enjoyed the end of season one and season two, so I am disappointed if this is the case.
  19. This is what I thought as well. Kim was acting like she did not mind some things about Rinna and being somewhat complimentary of her. Lisa Rinna seemed to think that they squashed their beef as much as they could during that one episode where they hashed everything out for what seemed like the hundredth time. Then out came the bunny. I never thought Kim and Rinna would ever be friends, but that they could be cordial and such. I am so over this feud. If i have to see another season of this I am out. If Kim really wanted this stupid storyline to be over than she could have just donated the bunny or given it away. She did not have to give the bunny back during the reunion, because that starts all this shit up all over again. I really hope this is not Kim's way to get back to being a regular housewife again. I am probably biased because I hate Kim way more than I ever hated Brandi and I really hate Brandi. Oh I still dislike PK. Ugh. This whole reunion could have been a lot shorter if PK and Kim did not appear. I would have loved that, especially since Atlanta has a four part reunion, which I thought part one of the Atlanta reunion was way more entertaining than these past two episodes of the BH's reunion.
  20. I will admit to still loving Sheree's "Hell to the no no no" talking head.
  21. Hee! If Yolanda was Naomi's mother than Noami would be on the modeling career path and less about school. Eh. I do not think Shep was ever that interested in Chelsea as anything more than a hook-up, so I could care less that Austen is moving in on her. I actually kind of liked Austen in this episode. Well as much as you can like any of these idiots. Landon's voice just grates on me. I want to rip my ears off whenever she speaks. I loved Gizmo's reaction shots when Craig was struggling with the printer. Thomas gets more smarmy in every episode. Did one of the women at the bar with Shep, Austen, Whitney, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Thomas, ask who the old man was in reference to Thomas? When Naomi was talking to who I assume was one of Craig's law school buddies and the guy responded that from social media Craig looked like quite the gardener. That cracked me up.
  22. Hee! Well, from what they were spinning last night was that Kanye is just so overworked and needs time off, nothing about mental illness. So Kim can keep saying horrible things about Rob's issues.
  23. Are Kris and the rest of the Kardashian's that charitable? I do not really follow much about them outside of the show and what I read here. When Kris was giving her speech at the Angel Ball she was going on about how charitable they were, so I wondered if that was true.
  24. This makes me laugh! I kept thinking someone is probably telling Tristan that he should be embarrassed that he is dating Khloe. I thought they kept acting like Kanye was just overworked. I feel like most people who do not know Kanye felt that something was up. Hell, most of the people in this thread felt something was up. Then of course it turned into Saint Kim who has been through SO much.
  25. I figured the first episode of this four part reunion would be pretty much nothing. I still thought it was more entertaining than the first episode of the RHOBH reunion, but really the Beverly Hills women's drama seemed so lame this season anyway. I would imagine nothing much will happen until the end of part three so they can carry it into part four. I do not think Kandi needs anger management. I hate when people just get mad that they automatically get labelled with needing anger management. I do not think Kandi goes off any more than most of the housewives in all the franchises. Hell, I think she gets less shrill and loud than many of the other women in the various Real Housewives family, who seem to go off at anything. Vicki and Tamra from the OC come to mind first. There are housewives that seem to go off all the time over the most ridiculous things, usually when Kandi gets really angry I can see why. I thought Kandi and Cynthia looked great. I liked Kenya and Sheree's hair. I think some of the dresses would have been fine if they looked like they fit the women's chests. I am glad Kandi call BS on Phaedra's we might be friends in the futures. Riiiiigggghhhhhtttt Phaedra. I am not a big Kenya fan, but I was on her side in the Phaedra disagreement. Why is Phaedra bringing up the Apollo texting stuff when that is already something they hashed out and decided to move forward with awhile ago? I just roll my eyes when Porsha speaks. I feel like she does not have any thoughts that are not Phaedra's.
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