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Everything posted by Shrek

  1. Yup, look at me, LOOK AT ME dammit !!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm available on only fans for the low monthly fee of $9.99 at www.famehoarslutassho.narcisist.90day.
  2. There's a reason it's called 90 day fiance and once they are married the only thing they should be on is 90 day HEA? ( whatever happened to that?) not on every iteration of 90 day that exists just to feed their fame whore, narcissistic, look at me bullshit. The fact that there's going to be another "other way" before the last is even cold with any of the same people is ridiculous. I get that they probably can't do a good old fashioned 90 day fiance at the moment due to the long wait times for a visa after covid but jeez stop with the same old boring faces that we've seen enough of. How long have cry baby & his actual baby been married now?
  3. I did say in a follow up post that what I meant was that in bed together getting it on wasn’t the place or time.
  4. I thought John Travolta with Grease & SNF being the movies in less than a second & then almost talked myself out of it because it was so easy but couldn't come up with anything else in time so stuck with JT.
  5. I'm so old we weren't even allowed to use a calculator in school, not that anyone could afford them. And yes I did walk up hill to & from school in the snow, thankfully not barefoot.
  6. No I didn't say that, she could have told him in a whole lot of places besides in bed just as they were about to do the deed. Nowhere is a good place to tell someone that you had fucked their best friend & then lied about it but where they were was probably the worst possible time & place. I have no doubt he had also asked Daisy about it ad she lied as well as Gary, neither of them come out of this looking good.
  7. I got the impression that he had asked them both if they had had a sexual relationship and both had said that they hadn't & that there was nothing between them making the coast clear for him without what happened happening. They're both guilty of lying to him and that is what he's upset about, not that they had a relationship but that they lied about it & then Daisy in all of her wisdom decided to tell him that they had actually had a relationship with Gary while in bed with Colin. He felt betrayed by both & was hurt by the betrayal, not that they had slept together. Daisy should have kept her mouth shut rather than tell him when she did.
  8. Eva Longoria is looking great for her age. 😉
  9. Some channels have them (very few) & some don't, Howard Stern does which is no surprise as he brings in the most subscribers & gets paid the most.
  10. You're not alone in hoping that.
  11. I had crap insurance & by using Good Rx drugs were sometimes cheaper than with my insurance given its high deductible. Hopefully you're already using these sorts of tools readily available now.
  12. Whoopie moderated today.
  13. I think you missed the point which was that it should be up to the parents of any & all kids whatever their point of view is, not some politician wanting to score points or get media coverage for themselves which is what is happening now.
  14. I thought Daisy looked great in the very little I saw (her walking on) of WWHL.
  15. It's certainly more lively without the writers.
  16. The "my children are my world" rings a bit hollow to say the least. She's a very pretty girl and would have no problem finding a friend with benefits type of deal closer to home if that's what she is after but it just seems like she is running away at the moment but one episode in is too early to say for sure.
  17. A very underrated movie & well worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
  18. Every time Gino laughs I expect the next words out of his mouth to be "gigetty gigetty" .
  19. I thought they behaved awfully towards Tim Scott, they were constantly interrupting him & trying to intimidate him by standing together. And whoopie berating the crowd after the way her & Sunny behaved was laughable.
  20. Oh Sunny, most people don't dislike you because you're black, it's because of your holier than thou, snooty nose in the air , I mainly read books, my children are perfect, I was a federal prosecutor attitude whenever you think something is below you.
  21. No, this was much better than the last few iterations. Some of what you seem to have read on the internet is not even close although TLC certainly seems to be exploitative in some cases, particularly the recent widow.
  22. My wife thought he meant that he had the more obscure Elton John albums not that he was obscure. Also your point later about losing the 20,000 in a fire is 100% correct, I went & checked on my recording as I haven't watched the whole 2 hours yet.
  23. Thanks, that's the word that I was looking for to describe what this season looks like, exploitative.
  24. Maybe it helps her cope but she is nowhere near ready for a new relationship & this being on tv is very close to TLC taking too much advantage of a grieving widow. Nobody is ever going to match up to her deceased husband & she should really concentrate on her kids & herself rather than flying to a new man in another country. I already feel uncomfortable just from watching her on the preview.
  25. There was more than 1 episode left, there are 2 on the Lifetime app so far not shown on tv with I presume more to come.
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