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Everything posted by jaytee1812

  1. If it is because of the writing then that just makes Arrow a bad show (which it is) and the hate would be shared around, but Laurel gets the hate, not the abusive sociopath in the Green Arrow costume. It's a bit like the OscarsSoWhite thing. If you can name them all then it's a rarity. He's a bad guy, he's meant to be hated.
  2. To be fair you're meant to hate the only straight white dude on Jessica Jones! There's a great tweet that I've seen retweeted so many times, a guy tweeted 'all the men on Jessica Jones are either evil or eye candy... Oh that's what that's like.' Winn on Supergirl probably is the only show I can think of where the nice guy everyone is suppose to like isn't popular. Although part of me is convinced that's meant and he'll turn into a bad guy. I'm a season behind on The 100 so I'm not sure who you mean. But I really can't stand Bellamy, but the people I hate are usually popular and vice versa. (I mean did I mention I love Laurel Lance).
  3. Of course Laurel being a woman is relevant, the same when it happens to Felicity. Hate for Laurel in particular usually comes from internalised misogyny. She's hated for having her own opinion, daring to question the great hero of her show, and she's shown she can cope without him. The hate for Felicity usually comes when she's not 'the perfect girlfriend'. Search these forums, find me a forum where the most hated character in any show is a straight white man.
  4. Okay, that was weird. And disturbing, I find it weird when someone is so desperate for any woman's death, even a fictional one.
  5. I thought the Stein kidnapping of Jax was disgusting, did no-one see a problem with it being the black guy being kidnapped by a white guy and ripped from his home against his will, and forced into this? Because it was really what the white guy wanted. The fact he changed his mind in the end is irrelevant. Hackman basically beating Hawkgirl into going was a bit dubious too. Amell looked wooden opposite Brandon Routh. It left me thinking they should've cast Routh as Oliver Queen, even at his creepiest on Arrow he was still rootable. Smell just make OQ seem more like a controlling abusive creep. (Hence why I stopped watching Arrow) Did no-one really notice when a tech billionaire who had made several tech advances died? Sorry don't believe that, it's like saying no-one would care when Alan Turing or Steve Jobs died, that we wouldn't notice Tim Berners-Lee or Bill Gates. Sorry, not buying that. Also show, I know Sara is a well trained assassin, but small woman v big guy is always gonna lose. Always. Always. It's not just this show, NCIS used to be really bad for it, as is Hawaii Five-0 (and I love Kono). Unless they have actually superpowers like Buffy or Jessica Jones or Supergirl, otherwise stop with the tiny girl can beat big lump. And in that vain, Hawkgirl is about as threatening as a teddy bear, same with Hawkman to be fair. It was decent apart from that. I didn't realise how much I'd missed Arthur Darvill from my screen. Victor Garber was also excellent. I loved the Lance sisters scene, mostly I admit because I missed Laurel since I stopped watching Arrow. But I didn't mind Caity Lols in this she was interesting, I liked the 'we can change the future speech'. Although I wish it was Laurel on this show. (Actually could they add Thea, Roy and Malcolm too). All in all, I'm in.
  6. http://www.geektown.co.uk/tvairdates/dcs-legends-of-tomorrow/ UK air date is 3rd March at 8pm which must mean they're moving Supergirl.
  7. I kept thinking she looked familiar but nothing on IMDb rang a bell. Yeah she is just like her sister.
  8. It has a negative connotation, especially in regards to African-American women.
  9. I'm calling it now, Sara will gave a one episode fling with a woman, then the rest of the time it'll be a love triangle with Rip and Cold. Ugh.
  10. I doubt betting on elections would improve voter turnout but I doubt you would have any problems with it. People vote for who they want to win and bet on who they think will win. Not necessarily the same thing. But isn't most betting outside of a casino illegal in the US? I mean I can bet on elections the same way I bet on football, or TV talent show results.
  11. All she said was it makes some people happy, but it's not for her.
  12. I agree with you about Iris/Eddie, but Barry/Patty was dull at ditchwater. Mind you the actress playing Patty wasn't half the actress that Candice Patton is.
  13. He probably think she should give Kilgrave another chance. Mind you is there a man on Arrow who's not bordering on abusive to either his romantic partner or daughter? Maybe there'll be a female writer on LoT who can write this like abuse and not in any way romantic. (That would be straws you see me clutch at.)
  14. I see neither Roy nor Jordan know the difference between the Uk and England. Utterly ignorant from both of them.
  15. Maybe Amber would do better if she didn't rely on outside forces. The only person that can get her anywhere is herself.
  16. She can identify any way she likes, but it shows how little diversity there is in this show. There is a huge cast but there is one person of colour and one LGBT character. That's appalling in this day and age. *i know this isn't the thread for this but I'm not sure where it should go.
  17. My entire family do the. 'Hi, it's just me' every time we're on the phone to each other, fully aware of how stupid it is!
  18. I liked it. I'm another one who tuned in basically for Harry Shum Jr. The only thing I didn't like was Simon. He's pathetic, and he really needs to die.
  19. Lea is on the Fempire podcast again this week, they're answering listeners questions. Lea gives some really good advice.
  20. I first heard about them when one of the seven dwarves insulted them on Twitter.
  21. Hopefully with a second season we'll get more complex female characters, and some older actress, and hopefully at least one women of colour. I'd pay them money to get rid of Sara. Hopefully both halves of Firestorm are around for season two, if there is one.
  22. https://twitter.com/harryshumjr/status/686983079005573120 Harry's pancake looks weirdly like Grant Gustin.* *That will sound weird until you see the tweet.
  23. I watched the first two episodes of season one the other day and the Mary/Edith sniping felt a lot more equal than it does now. I think because it feels like Fellowes likes Mary and likes good things for her (he only killed off Matthew because Dan Stevens wanted to leave), whereas Edith gets the shitty end of the stick.
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