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Everything posted by Sailorgirl26

  1. Costco has these in store sometimes, but I'm in Florida, so. . . . ya' know . . . 🙄 Can't have those Gravy Seals military wanna-bes goin' hungry!
  2. "Better" and "noticeably improved" are subjective--in the broadest sense of those words, not really. It has gotten slightly more watchable with hints of what people liked about the old show peeking in. If you read the episode threads first you can plan to fast forward through the Che scenes (as a couple of us seem to be doing) and it is much much more watchable. I too gave in to my weakness and started watching despite swearing I wouldn't. The Che fast forwards are what's working for me.... that's all I've got for ya'.....😎
  3. It might have been beeswax--that makes more sense as a healing salve. I wasn't 100% sure about the contents, just their purpose and how Negan ended up with it! 😆
  4. well not really, though. Its the survival thing. The show has shown us that taking from the dead is a necessary evil in the post-apocalypse world. Even if you don't want to, or mean to, kill someone, you still search them after to find anything that will help you survive. And there's no sense in hiding it, because someone will always see it, and even though they know where it came from, those people also know the reality of survival. That's one thing I've always liked about the show -- the ongoing fundamental question of how much of your humanity will you give up, or are willing to compromise, in order to live, and if you cross a line, can you ever come back? And I like that this is the question they're pushing with Negan. He gave up his humanity, got it back, and now he's on the edge again. I really love that they're showing this character struggle -- OG Negan is bubbling just below the surface and it scares him, showing he really has changed. But can he stay on the "right" side of it -- its going to be interesting to see how they have him walk the line between the two.
  5. And I wonder if MPK, SJP et al realize this is their out to save face. Even though we all know differently, they could say this was their intent all along -- to bring the show into today by showing a lesbian relationship with a nonbinary character and also highlighting that toxic relationships exist no matter the gender(s) of those involved. Miranda can get her shit together, realize that Che is bad for her, and find a healthy lesbian relationship that lets her be true to who she is, Che-Che Binks can disappear into the Cousin Oliver hall of fame, and we can all pretend Che was just a fever dream. Che is definitely the show killer because it really is much more enjoyable when I fast forward over any scene they are in. Even Miranda one-on-one with Carrie was okay (and "okay" is as good as this show is gonna get). But the second -- and I mean the SECOND -- Che appears, the hate level skyrockets. And it has nothing to do with their gender. It is JUST. A. BAD. CHARACTER.
  6. This is why I think the head of HBO reached out to Kim. Because of the drama surrounding the toxicity that Kim spoke out about and made clear was her reason for not returning, MPK, SJP, et al dug their heels in about both Kim and the Che/Cynthia relationship, choosing to ignore all the bad reviews, feedback, etc., and blaming the audience rather than themselves. I'm sure that contractually its their right to keep and develop whatever story lines they want, no matter how pathetic and that there are all sorts of financial contingencies in their favor if HBO wants to pull the plug prior to contract end or renegotiation time. The head of HBO, however, did not get to be head of HBO by giving in to stubbornness and high-school behavior. SATC is one of their biggest and most successful franchises and that's where the money lies -- thus they as a company have a lot riding on AJLT, so he definitely saw the reviews, feedback, etc. and knew it was a dumpster fire. Breaking the contracts and blowing up the concept of the franchise is just bad business, but so is keeping Kim Cattrall away from it. So he did what he needed to do as the head of the network, and was smart enough to know that her requests were both reasonable and manageable and that bringing Samantha back -- in whatever capacity he could negotiate -- would pick up some viewers season 1 lost and create some positive press for a change.
  7. The metal tin was the cocoa butter beeswax that belonged to the big guy Negan killed--last week Negan asked if he could use some for his hand and the guy said no. Negan took it off him after gratering him to death. Maggie had the matches but lied about it-- they showed her using them at the end of last week when she was debating burning the stuffed animal (which we all know she didnt burn) that belonged to the silent kid Negan was taking care of.
  8. Not a defense of Carrie's lack-of-work-ethic but re: the whole Covid test with no symptoms--it actually is a plausible excuse. If someone I've been around tells me they have COVID, I'm going to take a test to find out if I have it, even if I'm asymptomatic. If she really wanted to live the lie, she could have said that someone at the podcast studio tested positive so the whole staff took tests. I'd believe it if it was said to me. It is still a thing people do, or should be doing.
  9. I legit thought they were tomatoes. This season is overall much better than season 1 (a low bar, as others have already observed), and it's orders of magnitude better when you fast-forward over the Che/Miranda scenes completely. I read the forums before watching each episode so I know exactly when to hit the skip button, so I am truly appreciative of those of you here who are taking this hit for me. 😆 Now that Miranda is back in NY and away from Che, I'm more inclined to watch her scenes because hopefully the pod person inhabiting her was left in California. I'm hoping her tattooing her initials on her wrist was to remind herself of who she is--that she realized she was becoming one of those women she used to loathe--the kind of smart woman who abandoned who she was as a person for the sake of a relationship. Original Miranda would have called bullshit on a woman like new Miranda in the blink of an eye. And sorry MPK, not because of homophobia.
  10. That's not new with this bunch....
  11. I don't necessarily agree on this point. It's not like the kid knew his name and had an association with it and was traumatized by the name change. It's not completely unheard of to change a baby's name as his or her personality emerges--not saying it's a daily occurrence but there are much bigger concerns around this family than a name change for an infant who doesn't know the difference and for whom the impact would be damaging if they did have association with the name.
  12. I enjoyed it, but I was never so invested in the mother ship to be disappointed with the later seasons (except for the whole Whisperer thing -- that was interminable and the season(s) I skipped). I do, however, remain firmly in the HELL NO camp of a Maggie/Negan hate sex and/or romance plotline. I am glad I read this forum prior to watching though, because as soon as those cockroaches appeared, I hit the skip button, so thanks to those of you that took that hit for me. Oddly, the rat thing didn't bother me and I have a pretty low squick level. Looking forward to where they go with this, and I may be at a small table, but I'm also looking forward to see what they do with Darryl in Paris -- walkers dressed in haute couture! Snooty walkers turning what's left of their noses up at being forced to have to try to eat les Américain! Walkers stuck in black-and-white-checked cafe chairs, smoking ever-lasting thin cigarettes and judging the other walkers going by! Walkers on bikes in berets with rock hard baguettes under what's left of their arms! The possibilities are endless!!
  13. The Kinky Boots throwaway line was hysterical. I couldn't agree with your second paragraph more -- I wasn't bothered by Ted being a background character this season as so many others were -- that was the entire point of everything Ted brought -- that it wasn't about any one individual, it was about the team. Of course he became more of a background character -- he'd done the work to build up the others and the team -- this season was the time to let them shine. His book note to Trent was the overarching theme of the entire third season -- "its not about me -- it never was." Agree with everyone else about Nate and Jack's storylines taking up too much time and wish Roy and Keeley were endgame, but overall, I'm content. And of COURSE Rebecca's reconnection with hot boat dude was a Rom-Com meet cute. With this show, how could it have been anything else?? Even though Ted going back to the states was end game, I was really hoping that Ted was going to change his mind and bring his kid and ex-wife to London. Futbol is life!
  14. Am I the only one who was half expecting to see Kendall's body falling past the window as they were signing the deal? We saw him pondering it in earlier episodes. I know we saw him push the lobby button but there's always another elevator. And did they only need one CE-bro to sign? I would have thought both would have needed to sign. Tom is the perfect yes man, so it makes sense. A fitting end for all involved.
  15. Yes,because, as I said, he saw audience reaction and knows what makes good TV. But as a boss, in the office, his employee was insubordinate and was fired because of it. I'm not going to get into a back-and-forth about the difference between what happens in front of a camera versus behind it.
  16. Midge got fired because she went around the boss to get what she wanted. Regardless of whether she was a hit or a flop, there is no way she could have continued on the show because there would be chaos and Gordon would no longer been seen as being in control of his own show. You don't go around the boss. Not only did she go around him, then she went rogue and took the mic? Flat out insubordination by today's standards--let alone 1950s-60s--and even worse, it was a woman doing it. Gordon asked her on the couch because of the audience reaction and because the audience didn't know the backstory--he was being a good tv host. But as the name on the show and the ultimate decision maker about on-air talent? Bye-bye Midge.
  17. Came here to see if I was the only one -- Episode 22 still not available on either outlet (CBS website or Paramount+). This is annoying!
  18. Not a high bar among any of them. . ..
  19. I don't think Tom being tired is a harbinger of anything other than exhaustion. Remember, it's only been what five or six days at most since they were on the plane and Logan died. Tom was immediately in the middle of all of that, had to step off the plane and go do the pre election night party where he finds out the wife he loves but hates is pregnant, then has to be all in the next day for what is probably one of the most insane news cycles for any outlet, then manage the fallout from that, then the NEXT day go to the funeral and deal with the family drama--realistically he probably has only slept a few hours at most going on, what, 72 to 96+ hours? Yeah, dude is exhausted.
  20. And Violet specifically references her when she's talking about the children. So is the character/actress physically in the series? No. Does the character exist in the series? Absolutely.
  21. This was wonderful. Just . . . wonderful. Agree that it was the best out of the three so far.
  22. In the flashbacks with the young queen and young Lady Danbury, of course not. But the timeline with Violet, the Queen, and Lady Danbury as adults is current with the Bridgerton series. It's a valid question.
  23. I can't take credit for this, but: Macht Frei is a reference to “Arbeit macht frei”, a message that appeared on the entrance of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps, meaning “Work makes one free”. Doderick is one of Waystar’s mascots, so the tweet means: “Doderick makes one free” or “Doderick sets one free.” Source. And in the possible foreshadowing of "Greg taking it all", the park character he was dressed as in his first episode (the one he puked out of the eyeballs) was Doderick.
  24. Insurance has nothing to do with accessing healthcare for miscarriages these days.
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