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Everything posted by Sake614

  1. I’ve been asking myself the same question. First Abby, then Kasie, and now Blue. Is it a prerequisite to being a forensics expert that you have to be an odd duck?
  2. There are some, sure. But unless it was the middle of the night, the 59th St station is going to be crowded. And the A or C trains are going to be equally busy. that’s also why people generally stay upstairs by the token booth until the train arrives. And it’s unlikely that the train would be completely empty like that. Personally if I’m riding the subway at night, I make sure to sit in the conductor’s car.
  3. So Jason finds out that John/Jagger knew Jason Q in HS and is Stone’s brother, and that causes him to spill everything to Anna? Seriously? And Anna, just because a professional assassin tells you he didn’t shoot your cop, doesn’t mean it’s true. I mean, we know he didn’t do it, but why is it impossible to believe? No one knew where Jason was or what he was doing for 2+ years. PLEASE stop with the teary eyes and wanting so desperately to believe the mob guys are good, upstanding citizens who would never hurt anyone! at least the desk sergeant didn’t let Snarly waltz into the interrogation room to see Jason. I’m sure Anna will be more than happy to let her in, but I’m glad someone said no. Ava is definitely playing Sonny. I just haven’t figured out to what end. I hope he has more brains than that. Would she really date an FBI agent when she believes Sonny is an honorable man?
  4. Actually I think Lily is doing the right thing. If the game division is profitable, why dump it just because her heart got trampled? Just tell daniel to work from home full time or find him another office away from hers. Ditto for Heather. Sure there are plenty of lawyers they could hire, but if she’s good at her job and gets fired because she stole the boss’ boyfriend, that’s a lawsuit CW doesn’t want to be anywhere near. But again, there’s no reason their paths have to cross. And if they do, they can or at least should, be able to put the personal drama aside for the good of the business.
  5. Holy hell, that man is HOT! And those eyes!!! It’s criminal what they do to him on Y&R!
  6. Yeah I agree. Jason would certainly do anything to protect Michael but I can’t think of anything he did to incur RICO charges. I don’t think ‘felony stupid’ is a federal crime.
  7. They acquired the rights to the game. Daniel signed a contract. It was never a company, just a product. I believe CW gave Daniel the green light to hire a staff to continue development.
  8. So Willow, who insisted in the adoption papers that Julian not be allowed anywhere near Wiley because (gasp!) he’s a mobster, is perfectly okay tending to Jason (a mob hitman), KNOWS he’s innocent (because Mikey said so) and would do it again? Gah! Where’s a good crane when you need one? I know Trina will be forced to apologize to Josslyn when the truth comes out but it was nice that she got to be pissed for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Joss is still team Jason the hitman (the fact that the shooter missed Sonny is PROOF that it wasn’t Jason 🙄) but Dex possibly being a mob hitman is too much for her to bear so she breaks up with him? Um, okay sure. And Trina’s grief is still all about Josslyn. ‘When Oscar died…’ so the deal Jason cut to cooperate with the FBI has to be about protecting Carly. Maybe Sonny, but 100% Carly.
  9. Nothing bonds a family like almost killing someone. 😳 daniel, YOU may not have intended to hurt Lily, but Heather would have gladly stepped right over her to get to you. She pretty much did just that, on absentia. I’m surprised (and a bit disappointed) that Lily didn’t accidentally on purpose spill her coffee all over the bitch. chrisitne in a mini skirt…is she 16? I mean she’s got a killer body but geez. I did kind of like that she didn’t take Phyllis’ bait and instead just walked away when she got the text from Danny. But I can’t for the life of me understand what she sees in that man. And his whole ‘the real rock n roll experience is going coach and staying in flea bag motels’ was beyond stupid. If he’s as big a star as he’s supposed to be, he hasn’t done either of those things in forever. I hope there are cameras in the GCAC halls. Pretty sure pulling a fire alarm when there’s no fire is a crime. Even in GC.
  10. Logan hated Briscoe in the beginning Briscoe hated Curtis until he didn’t.
  11. Not soon enough! Devon’s name is pronounced De Von with the emphasis on the second syllable. Deven or Devin would be pronounced like Heaven.
  12. I guess I’m in the minority but I liked Sasha’s dress. I still don’t get how Cody lives in the stables. And EATS of China in the stables. I love horses and have limited sense of smell, but even I wouldn’t hang all day/night with them.
  13. ‘Sundress Day’ had me cackling because I was FREEZING yesterday in a winter coat! Who the hell wrote that shit? Have they ever been to NY in March? Yeah we had a couple of warmish days, but nobody was in a sundress. Like that’s not even a thing and it was ridiculous. other than that, I actually liked the episode. I could’ve done without Liv at the end, but I didn’t even mind her connecting with the witness. I appreciated using the whole squad, but didn’t understand why Sykes (that’s the FBI agent, right?) was in a sweatshirt. Why didn’t she get the Muncy speech about proper dress code?
  14. Also, why didn’t Price bring up the boyfriend’s assault record? Preempt the defense by letting the witness explain the context. Instead, he let the defense bring it up and change the narrative. Did Pride think the defense attorney didn’t know or wouldn’t mention it? why didn’t the girl come forward when she saw the headlines? She could’ve gone to the police and still said that the defendant was protecting her. just way too many holes that weren’t even patched, never mind filled.
  15. Victoria/Diane. I have to admit it was a tough call between diane and Jill, but Diane is just on my last nerve.
  16. This is why I don’t like the new format. Before, someone would just stumble across a dead body and the police would have to make a case. Now they’re showing us a brief clip of an interaction and then throwing in that this other guy presumably saved as young woman from being attacked. That he attacked the guy isn’t in question. There’s video presumably showing it happened. And the defense didn’t object at all. Only stated that it was in defense of someone else. Why didn’t Price at least say he reserved the right to recall the witness and then delve into her background during recess? Was there a connection between her and the defendant? Did she post anything on social media about the incident or expressing her views about Blacks? They’re just making the DA’s office look completely incompetent
  17. I didn’t understand.Nolan questioning the girl about the signs of an asthma attack. How in the world would she know that the victim was suffering one? Is she a doctor? Does she have any medical training? She’d just been intimidated by a bunch of other men and changed cars on the subway. Then she immediately has ANOTHER guy grunting and promptly falling on her (or so it seemed from the brief shot we got). I’d have freaked too! And I’d have been eternally grateful for anyone who intervened on my behalf. Might she have been a racist as well? Sure it’s possible. I don’t know why the DA didn’t ask for a continuance to get some more information about her. She was a surprise witness even though the cops/DA should have looked harder to find her. Were e there no working cameras at the 59th st station where she got on? I know that’s a real issue in the nyc subways. I do question her not going to the police or even a token booth clerk if there was one, to report a fight on the train that just left the station. agree with others re: the comment about Nolan being a ‘great prosecutor.’ The writers are trolling us right? 🤣
  18. To my everlasting dismay, March Madness is extremely profitable to CBS. When they canceled the tournament because of Covid 4 years ago, they lost $90 MILLION in ad revenue. So unfortunately we will never be done with it 😫
  19. Don’t think so. He originally chem tested with LW and didn’t get the part, so I hope they don’t go there. In fact there isn’t a single woman on the show that I want to see him with. Let him stay single for a while. He can be friends with Anna and even Jordan. But no romances
  20. I really liked this episode. Wonder if Dr. Charles wants to cross over to CBS and help treat Connor on Y&R? 🤣 Seriously though, I liked how they explained the OCD in layman’s terms and got the guy to consent to treatment that could save his life. And I think Dr. Ripley is learning patience and works well with Dr.Charles. glad the cancer patient made it thru surgery okay and that both doctors Marcel and Washington could put their differences aside for the good of the patient. Did NOT like Crockett accusing Sharon of letting her relationship with Dennis influence her decision so it was nice that he apologized at the end. im still not convinced Margo isn’t somehow a bad person, but I hope not because Dean deserves to be happy. so is ‘epic herbal tea’ the new etchings? 🤣
  21. That dream was…something. I’m not quite sure what, but it was definitely something. So Eve is just the most fun, most talented, most EVERYTHING in the whole wide world! Summer and Abby are valley girls, they all went off to Cabo together where Eve naturally was the life of the party. and to top it all off, Adam is the GCAC manager because Eve turned him into the authorities for something. Pity Aunt Jordan didn’t just kill her.
  22. Meh. Dex has zero proof of his accusations. And Diane would eviscerate him on the stand. He was too stupid to keep a copy of the USB drive from the Pikeman deal so there’s nothing tying Sonny to ir. I’m all of taking down the gummy bear mobster, but I want it to stick.
  23. Someone tweeted a video showing Joss saying that Jason is a professional killer. Does she now not know what that means? Do we need to explain it to her like she’s 5?
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