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Everything posted by Sake614

  1. Love how Connor’s therapy session becomes a conversation among the adults, completely leaving him out. Until it’s time to say ‘we want to put you in a group home.’ Then they involve him, but only because they’ve already decided and are trying to convince him. At least Adam is putting the brakes on and saying they’ll discuss it as a family and make a decision. I mean, is there any reason the kid can’t just go home and get help there while living with one of his parents? Of course Kyle wants to hire Claire without knowing anything about her besides she’s Victoria’s daughter. That’s good enough for him! At least Summer is using the two brain cells she has to do some research. ashley or whoever she is, is not particularly subtle. pretty sure JG wrote Vicki’s DID on OLTL so he should know how it works. Your alters shouldn’t be throwing up big red flags every time they interact with someone. OTOH, the sooner this thing ends, the better.
  2. Right, but she asked Diego if he was sure he didn’t need another person. She very clearly WANTED to be in that ambulance. I kinda wish she was, because maybe she’d be the one to die and put us out of our misery. Of course then we’d have both Diego and Bode fighting over who loved her more and who was responsible for her death. So maybe not…
  3. I mean, could this show BE any more predictable? Diego offers Gabi a job at 58, she gets pissed because she really wants to be at 42 with Bode. They fight. Bode gets hurt in a fire because he was stupid enough to go into the building in case anyone else was trapped. Comes out fine, albeit with some burns and bruised ribS. Tells Gabi he loves her, which of course is overheard by Diego. Gabi then wants to go with them to the hospital because Cara can’t possibly handle ONE patient all by herself. 🙄. Winds pick up, tree falls and ambulance topples. I saw that coming as soon as they started moving. I hope Diego lives, at least long enough to tell Gabi the wedding is off because he doesn’t need this shit. If she wants Body, she can have him. I have no use for Cara but her kid doesn’t deserve to lose her sister/mom. And Body doesn’t deserve to be anyone’s father. He’s a train wreck who needs to learn to care for himself first.
  4. I don’t know about anyone else but I was getting dizzy watching the shrink wave he finger back and forth like that. And then I was afraid the whole fucking episode was going to be Liv in therapy. In which case I was just going to delete it. so Maria stayed in Liv’s mind for 10+ years and she never once tried to find out what happened to her? At least they had the shrink say basically the same thing. Nice that Maria became a cop, but did Liv have to show up at Maria’s house? Couldn’t she have just tracked her down at the precinct the next day? and to those who thought Olivia was going to adopt the 13-year-old, that was my worst fear so it was a pleasant surprise when she said she found the girl’s grandmother. im really not sure how much more of St. Olivia I can stand.
  5. Surely you don’t expect the great and powerful Josslyn Jacks to attend classes????? She’s probably pulling straight As in everything and is the darling of all her professors. Why, I heard that one of them even invited her to fill in for him. Because she’s just that good. She’ll graduate in June, three years ahead of schedule and become chief of staff at GH by September.
  6. so I guess the great albatross, er, phoenix, doesn’t exist anymore since everyone is staying at the AC these days. memo to Kyle: lose the glittered sweater.
  7. Victoria: my father isn’t cruel. me: really? Maybe Claire would like to have a chat with Billy or Jack? So Hairyson really likes Claire. Of course he does. And Summer just welcomes her to the family with open arms? Although from the previews it seems she’s going to do some digging into Claire’s background so maybe there are one or two functioning brain cells in her head. There are now two people who think something is up it’s Ashley. The way Kyle looked at her today, I’m almost surprised she wasn’t immediately committed. And next week she calls Billy ‘ bro’. Well okay then. Let’s see if it goes anywhere and how long it takes to get there. Hopefully Josh won’t drag it out too long. I’m mildly amused by the alter who’s in charge but it’s getting old fast. Especially when she throws herself at Tucker.
  8. Why is Diane involved in a medical consultation about Heather? She’s not a doctor, and she isn’t Heather’s lawyer.
  9. I dunno. I liked it. And since it costs more than $500 I’m willing to be it’s neither cheap nor poorly tailored. But YMMV. I would’ve loved it in different colors. I’m not a pink person. I’d rather see it in neutrals Or bolder colors.
  10. Yes he did. Which had me thinking it was the next morning. Until Drew showed up at the gate house and Willow offered him a glass of wine. And when he was leaving, he said he was going to bed. Then Danny came back to the hospital and Sam chastised him for coming back after she sent him home. And John showed up at Carly’s house and it was pitch black outside. Does Avery go to night school?
  11. That’s not Faith, it’s Lucy. She has no relation to Summer but I agree about the way she dresses. I have a high school right by my house and not ONE girl looks like that. They mostly wear torn jeans or leggings with sneakers. Maybe boots.
  12. I’m still shipping Adam and Sally. Sorry not sorry. Still want to throw both Billy and Devon out the window. But no, Chance, you and Nate are not alike. Not in the least. Nate will stab you and anyone else who gets in his way in the back without even glancing back. Do not align with him! Maybe you and your grandmother can stage a coup and just take over the whole company? At least then it would be run by grown ups! damn, I knew Lily would find out that Devon knew about Heather but did NOT see Daniel telling her the minute she walked in the door (or 10 min after). Poor woman just can’t get a break 😳
  13. Yeah but then he said she was the best editor the magazine ever had so she said she’d stay
  14. Sam: if Jason contacts you again, call the police. Carly’s face: have you lost your mind? love how in addition to breaking up with her, Drew also fired her lol! Not sure how I feel about Drew/Jordan but if he has to stick around, I guess it wouldn’t be awful. But damn the look on her face when he suggested setting up a meeting was ‘your bed or mine?’
  15. I barely remember why I got off the sofa 5 minutes ago, and look for my phone when it’s in my hand. But yeah sure, I know exactly where I was and what I was doing 37 years ago! 🙄
  16. Why does Marshall think his doctor from 40+ years ago will have even the slightest clue who he is, never mind why he diagnosed him with schizophrenia? Does he think the doctor kept all his records and will pull them up in a matter of seconds? Wait, what am I asking? This is GH, of course that’s exactly what will happen! 🙄
  17. I actually didn’t mind the Blaze scene and was annoyed with her attitude toward her mother. She knows her mom is deeply religious and considers homosexuality a sin. She’s never even discussed the subject with her mother so how could her mom possibly know that Blaze is gay? Her angrily saying ‘I’ve been with women before!’ Was likely a total shock to her mother. Would it be nice if he mom was completely understanding and supportive? Of course, but she knew it wouldn’t be easy and was wrong to expect unconditional acceptance right away. Instead of getting angry and storming off, try having an actual conversation with her mother. Let her mother express her POV as well, and then gently correct her. ‘No mom, it’s not because of Linc. I’ve known for many years that I was gay, and have had relationships with other women. Do you remember my friend from HS? The one you liked so much and who spent a lot of time at the house? We were in a Romantic relationship but I was afraid to say anything because I didn’t know how you’d react.’ Something like that. ANYTHING to show that she’s an adult who knows what she wants. If her mom still refuses to listen,then get angry. * *I have no personal experience with coming out so if I’m completely off base here, I apologize.
  18. I’ve got nothing to add to the already brilliant comments about todays show. But did you see the previews of Michael in a black t-shirt and leather jacket? What the holy hell?????????
  19. And didn’t Sam fall off that bridge and land in the dirt? Where she proceeded to give birth through her pants? With our luck it’ll be Wiley 🤣
  20. Whole scene with TJ and Jordan had me rolling my eyes. NOW TJ is worried that the baby will be related to Sonny? He’s been singing Sonny’s praises for years. He even lived with the mobster and was quick to defend Sonny against everyone including his own mother. I did love that Anna wasn’t taking any shit from Carly and told her to get out of the way or be arrested. I really liked Alexis with Danny. the Finn/Jake scene was okay but a bit preachy. There are no teen viewers watching this fiasco so the whole thing kinda fell flat as a PSA. previews: Carly to Drew: ‘why are you so certain Jason is guilty?’ Cue the end of Crew in 3, 2, 1…
  21. Holy hell this was bad. I mean BAD! I honestly don’t think I can watch anymore. I love Nathan Fillion. But this show just gets worse with every episode.
  22. Jordan, you had ONE job. You had the gun pointed at Victor. All you had to do was pull the trigger and put us all out of our misery. Presuming of course there are silver bullets in that gun. Otherwise Nosferatu will come back. I refuse to even discuss Phylth and Dickolas. 🤮
  23. So John and Anna show up at Carly’s house while Carly is on the sofa with Jason. They knock, announce themselves and then wait. Meanwhile there are huge ass windows on either side of the door, but neither of them thought to look through them to see what was happening inside? Instead John tells Anna they should try another entrance. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 but it was a thing of beauty to watch John tell Carly that they have a warrant. Of course next week she’s on the phone, presumably with Diane, telling her to put a stop to a legally executed search. With any luck Jason will pass out and fall down the stairs right into their laps and end up in jail. It won’t last, but he should be right at home there… while Joss isn’t wrong about Sonny, why did she bring Dex back to PC if she thinks Sonny is so dangerous to those around him? Oh yeah because Michael said Sonny need Dex. Ava, wtf Are you thinking? WHY do you want Sonny? After the way he’s treated you over the years, you should want to be far, far away from him!
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