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Everything posted by Irritable

  1. Amen. Emasculating your husband in front of others is utterly atrocious behavior. Emasculating him when you are alone with him is also atrocious. As far as I'm concerned, whether you are drinking or not, having a bad day or not, there is no excuse for lashing out at the person you married/claim to love with the lowest blows you can think of. There is no true recovery from that, apologies don't wash it away. Those are some deep jabs that never completely heal, and if you can't trust the person you married not to do that to you, then who CAN you trust? Them's fightin' words, Lizzie, the kind people sling at each other across the table when they are negotiating a divorce and want to cause emotional damage. You don't casually say something that hideous like it's nothing, and act like it never happened afterward, come on.
  2. Lacy looked like a completely different person dry and covered in make-up than she did wet with her make-up washed off. Her made-up self looks fake head-to-toe, like I expect her to have hair extensions, colored contact lenses, false eyelashes, lip injections, teeth whitening, breast implants, acrylic nails, etc., which may not actually be the case, but she looks SO overdone that every part of her looks like it was purchased to me. I would think men would prefer her looking more natural, like someone they could make out with and not have to worry about accidentally detaching something. I feel so bad for everyone who was bitten by fire ants. The bites are painful enough, but it's the itching afterward that is unbearable and goes on for weeks. Those little things are no joke!
  3. Glamping is definitely a thing that existed before any of the RH did it. They just do it wrong (because all they do is bitch about how it's not luxurious enough). It's a stupid word, to be sure, but being of the ilk who loves the idea of camping but not so much some of the realities, I do like getting the good parts of the experience without the bugs, pottying in the woods, not being able to take a shower, sleeping on an air mattress that deflates while you're on it, etc.) but I'm not sure I could ever bring myself to say the word glamping. It makes me sad that we are discussing Shannon's breasts, but I knew it was inevitable. I noticed them too, during the hotel scene, and thought she should have worn a better bra or a different cut than she had in that dress (I did LOVE the dress, though, I thought it was super cute when it was shown full length). All I could think about was that conversation she had with David on their date when he told her she should get a boob job, how much that hurt her feelings, and that the way that dress fit was going to bring that hurtful topic up again. My personal opinion is that no one, aside from breast cancer victims who need a cosmetic rebuild, NEEDS a boob job. There is no law about how breasts are "supposed" to look, and that there is so much pressure to have a dangerous elective surgery just to appease a society that has decided normal 50 year old breasts are unacceptable honestly breaks my heart. I think she looks so good, and that moment was just a combination of an unflattering style combined with her sitting down and leaning forward. I don't understand the value that has been placed on having breasts on display, and what constitutes "good ones" these days. This is coming from someone who married a man who quite literally was first interested in me because of my big boobs - I get that many men really like them, but somehow the whole "women should look like Playboy bunnies!" mentality has spread so far and wide that now even women subscribe to it, and it just doesn't compute for me. I think it's a huge bummer. End of sad rant.
  4. I love this so far, just as I knew I would. Only got to watch the first hour because Mr. Irritable had to go to bed and I didn't want him to miss the second hour. I'm mostly in it for the travel porn, as usual on these Bachelor shows, and the cave pool date for Sarah and Marcus looked so fantastic that I wanted to wait until I could share it. I agree, Sarah's bathing suit was SOOOOO ill-fitting. I wondered if perhaps a one-piece is just easier for her to get on and off by herself, but there are a million other styles which would have suited her figure more than whatever that thing was she chose. Yikes. Pretty hard to compete with the cute and sexy bikinis the other women brought when you're wearing grandma's swimsuit. I am among those that do not see what is so immediately appealing to these women about Graham. Never understood why Deanna was so into him, either...he doesn't even have lips! I think Marcus is the best looking of the men, but his personality just seems so bland. I remember that back on their seasons, I had liked Ashlee and Clare well enough. Ashlee has a smokin' body, her legs are mind boggling, but her entitlement and Stage 5 Clinger issues make her less attractive already. I hate that Clare gave into her and didn't go on the date with Graham, that was such crazy garbage. I also had forgotten that Clare sometimes refers to herself in the third person, which is a big pet peeve of mine. I hope she can keep that to a minimum.
  5. I am so envious of this trip to Bali (NOT of the forever long flights to get there, though, UGH). Rather than ride an elephant I would have much preferred to experience feeding one, or petting its ears, doing something that is an interaction with the majestic animal which makes it happy instead of just hitching a ride on it. I have appreciated that Vicky has been a much calmer, more reasonable person this season that usual, until she acted like such a complete ass on this trip. From screaming and honking the horn from the driver's seat of the shuttle, to freaking out because her feet were touching the elephant, and everything in between, she is firmly back on my shit list. Just shut the eff up, you ridiculous cow. Everyone screaming and running from the obviously friendly and not at all rabid dog was annoying. I think Vicki was faking those dry heaves to teach the other women a lesson for not letting her sit up front like she had demanded. One way or another, Vicki WILL get what she wants. I don't really like any of the fighting on these shows, but because Tamra is such an evil succubus who is proud of being a shit stirring liar, I'm looking forward to her flouncing away in a fit because she didn't like being called out for her nastiness. It's hard to stand her ground without Eddie there to keep her steady, I guess. WAAAH.
  6. I also really enjoyed Kate Hudson, she is ethereal! I always love it when Elizabeth Moss is on, too. Andy really does get some great guests on his silly little show. Shelby, the beagle is Andy's, his name is Wacka (sp?) and there are mixed opinions about him allowing his dog to wander around the guests at the end of the show. I figure it's part of the casual "clubhouse" feel, and don't mind it because I love beagles and animals in general, but some people do not like him being there at all. He did chew up the reading glasses of one of the guests, and that wasn't cool. Maybe that's why he always seems to have some kind of chew toy since then.
  7. I'm not sure if Caleb is fickle, or if in his middle-school boy brain he thinks he's making Amber jealous. It goes without saying that he believes Amber left the house, talked to Julie for a few minutes, went straight home, and instead of spending time with her family and friends, she has been nonstop on the feeds watching and listening to everything Caleb does. He's just letting her know that she needs to step it up, know her place, start acting right and be ready to apologize to him on finale night, because there is another woman out there waiting for Caleb's love if Amber doesn't prove she deserves it.
  8. For me, Caleb is the whole show right now. I think Donny is a lovely person and I would be very happy if he won, but he doesn't rivet me with his bird calls. Whenever Caleb is on the screen, I am waiting for something to come out of his mouth that pleases me. Tonight, he said that he's not worried about what happens on Double Eviction night because he's planning on winning HoH. He's SO serious! I was holding my breath for him to finish that off with an "it's that simple", but I guess he's changing things up or forgot to add it like he usually does to his powerful statements of power. The few minutes I saw of Zack tonight he was gross, saying something about how great it would be if BB called him and the others he was talking to into the storage room and told them they had 15 minutes with the naked women (and men for Frankie) waiting inside for them to have sex with. Sometimes his immaturity is disgusting, and I'm just so very, very tired of his nipples.
  9. I enjoyed the scene in Dina's closet. Her closet and shoe collection are the stuff of dreams for me. Mr. Irritable is a good, beloved man who allowed me to turn the small bedroom next to ours from his office into my closet. It's nothing special compared to what Dina has going on, but I love it so much that I totally understood her saying she would rather take a match to it than let another women inhabit her closet. I have 2 rows of knee-high boots that might bore some people, but when I look at them, I hear angels sing, and to part with any of them...well, I'll let you know if I ever manage to do that, because this brown is not the same as that tan, and therefore they are worn with completely different outfits, plus I wore that pair to a great birthday party last Fall where we had so much fun, and this pair was so perfect on the girls' weekend antique shopping in the mountains! Shoe sentimentality, I has it. I also liked that Dina wore scrubs to the party - and still managed to look really cute in them. I appreciate that she isn't into the whole "dressing for parties mean tits and ass out!" groupthink. I didn't find the oily beefcake she was matched up with to be particularly attractive, but I've never cared much for that type. Everything about Amber's personality is gross to me. I thought I was going to hate the twins, and I don't like them so far, but they are about one notch more tolerable than Amber. These women have supposedly been friends for many years and the first thing they do at the start of an argument is grab hold of each other's hair and start yanking??? This does not compute. I can't even imagine getting into a yelling fight with one of my friends, because we are grown, and also because we are the kinds of friends who love each other, support each other, enjoy each other, are kind to each other and don't give each other reasons to yell. I understand that some women do argue as a regular thing, but to get physical right out of the gate? You would think after the probably hundreds of hours of my life that I have sadly wasted watching Real Housewives scream at each other that I would be numb to it by now, but I stopped watching the Atlanta franchise (even though it's the city where I live) because of all the hands being put on people, and here I am clutching my pearls all over again. Last year's fight between the Joes was really upsetting to me, and if we are going to start this season with violence it only makes me shudder to think what's coming. Might have to tap out because it's too nauseating.
  10. True, I've had the vacation block myself, but Caleb was saying that this is a regular thing for him, his body only poops once or maybe twice a week as a general rule. Honestly, it came across like bragging, which is why it struck me so funny...there is nothing this guy won't brag about and exaggerate to the extreme while doing it. Even his bowel movements (or lack thereof) are impressive! Someone as full of shit as he always is should need to poop more than the average person, not less.
  11. Well, I'm not sure what it says about me, but these are the kinds of things I live for. All the game talk eventually turns into just background droning for me, like the adults in Peanuts, because there are a million things thrown around and in the end only one of them sticks, so I get tired of hearing all the things that don't. I will admit that I've enjoyed the game talk more since Nicole and Donny won than I have the rest of the entire season so far, but I'm really just here for the snippets of things like this. I seriously doubt it's true that Caleb only has to poo once a week, I think it's yet another of his enormous lies, and it's so funny to me that he is so out of control that he would even lie about his bodily functions. There have been many times he's been sitting on the toilet that I can remember specifically, so unless he's a sit-to-pee like Cody then he's definitely going more than he claims. Also fun for me was that he then went on to educate everyone about how he eats, because that's what keeps him from needing to go potty. In his regular life and when he's not on slop, he barely eats any food (which has to be true because giant, muscular bodies don't require much nourishment at all), and when he is, he only eats about 6 or 7 spoonfuls of slop at a time, then waits a few hours to eat more spoonfuls. This causes his body to absorb it faster (???) so it doesn't turn into poop. I laughed out loud at that. How can someone be so dumb that they don't have even the most basic understanding of how digestion works, and still sort of, almost function as an adult? I'm kind of shocked that he was able to be potty trained, you would think that level of cluelessness would lead to a lot of "Oops, I crapped my pants!" moments because it's always a surprise if he needs to go more than once in a week. My favorite is that whenever he talks, no matter what he says or how ludicrous it is, no matter how much his statements BEG for someone to challenge them, everyone just stays silent and lets him ramble until he's finished. I always mentally insert crickets chirping every time he ends one of his stories because there is inevitably this moment of silence while everyone just waits to see if he's really done. I definitely don't want Caleb to go, he is so incredibly entertaining to me. I wouldn't even mind if he took 2nd place next to Donny, because I know he would blow the $50K on something so hilariously dumb, like a pair of $25,000 cowboy boots for himself, and a car for Amber.
  12. Yep, I remember pretty early on a discussion around the pool table about BMCB shirts. I think it was Zach that said someone out there has probably already had a bunch made up, and when Caleb was all, "Ya think so?" you could practically watch his ego swelling as the poor, exhausted gerbil in his head tried to turn that rusty wheel so he could think more thoughts about what Beast Mode's fans were out there doing to celebrate him. I don't like Zach as a person, but I do LOVE the way he winds up Caleb like a little toy just to watch him go. He's great at throwing huge, OTT compliments at him with a straight face just to encourage Caleb to brag some more or do something stupid. And when Caleb tells one of his hundreds of stories of awesomeness, Zach will egg him on with stuff like, "Dude, that's SICK!" which Caleb just soaks up like sunshine. I watched Donny and Nicole get their HoH stuff, and there was a photo of Nicole with her best friend Mariah, who is apparently very attractive based on everyone's reactions. Caleb instantly started talking about Mariah, then said "she needs to know me" (because to know Caleb is to love him), and after he had made a handful of comments about Mariah that everyone in the room completely ignored, Nicole said something about how Mariah was probably at home saying, "Nicole, you're an idiot for not trying to hook up with Cody" but since she didn't, that means she can introduce Cody to Mariah, which I'm sure chapped Caleb's ass so hard. Caleb asked what kind of guys Mariah likes and Nicole said she's into athletes, and he said, "Well, then she's into me." UH OH. Mariah...run. You in danger, girl. I noticed that zoom-in of Cody rubbing Christine's hair/head, too, and it was WAY too familiar. Last night she was stroking and petting his arm and when she got to his hand they did this thing with their fingers that felt icky and intimate to me, too. I really like the theory that Cody has a condition that compels him to touch people, almost like a tactile form of Tourette Syndrome!
  13. This makes me feel like I need to go lie down for a while with a cool compress on my forehead and maybe some nice, ambient music playing softly in the background.
  14. Victoria is so dim that the closest I expect she'd get to putting it together without help is to maybe one day say to Derrick in the hammock, "Like, you know what's weird? Like, Frankie has a sister named Ari Grande, right? And like, there's this singer? Like, a famous one? Named Arianna Grande! Like, isn't that insane? Like, I wonder if Frankie ever noticed that like, his sister and like, Arianna Grande have like, almost the same exact, like, NAME!" And Derrick wouldn't be able to take that and run with it, because he wouldn't heard a word she said. eta: Y'all are my people, and I love you. Someone posted in the episode thread that they were disappointed by Amber's "mean girl" comments that were a little cruel about Caleb. I just. I don't. I mean...I know this person might be REALLY young, maybe has a crush on Caleb because they only see what airs on CBS and wants to think the best of him, and likely this only represents 1% of the viewers' opinions, but damn. I feel faint. Nicole can talk about being hardcore and targeting Frankie until she's blue in the face, but I refuse to believe her or get excited until she actually does something. I'm so tired of getting my hopes dashed by these people.
  15. Whenever he says that "bite the hand that feeds her" garbage, I have to sit on my hands until I have fought back the violent urge to book the next ticket to L.A. and jump out of the plane as it passes over the BB house, just so I can take a decent shot at landing on him and shutting his fool mouth for good. Didn't I read here that it was someone else who actually used that phrase first, and Caleb didn't even know what it meant and had to ask? And now he spouts it once every 90 seconds like he invented it, only I don't think the little pea that rolls around in his head really understands the meaning of the term. I want to be excited that Donny and Nicole are HoH, but I can't let my hopes get up. I realized after Amber left that she and Donny were definitely the last 2 people left that I like at all, so all my hopes and dreams are pinned on Donny, which scares me with the crew he's dealing with. I'm glad he will get pictures from home, and I'm very interested to see what's in his HoH basket.
  16. I am proud to announce that so far, I have managed to not hear an Arianna Grande song or even see a glimpse of her on tv. I'm sure at some point she will be inflicted upon me via some store's speaker system, but I probably wouldn't even know what I was hearing, so I will keep on trotting blissfully along unawares, just as I have done with Justin Bieber. For real, I have never, to my knowledge, heard a note of any of his songs. It's not even because I am too old for their music (I am) (and so is Frankie), it's just that I don't care to tune into what's being spit out of today's pop stations because years ago I realized most of it doesn't suit my moods. I am on pins and needles waiting for BBAD. I hope Caleb is bawling his face off and wiping his nose with Amber's slippers! If they subject me to another 2 hours of men playing pool, I will start kicking things. Would seriously rather watch Jocasta sleeping than another second of anyone playing pool.
  17. I hated to see Amber go, she was such a gracious, genuinely kind, and SANE, presence in that house full of stupid crazy. But she went out well, and I'm forever grateful that she doesn't have to spend a minute in the jury house with Caleb. I'm also very glad she will be surrounded by people who love her, and that she will be comforted by a lot of fan support to hopefully take away some of the sting when she sees all the misguided hate and venom the houseguests were spewing constantly behind her back - on the feeds more than the show, because the bashing they did against her was played WAAAAAY down on CBS. The dramatic shot of the dead bunny slippers on the floor was funny, but I'm super pissed that Caleb was able to keep Amber's slippers in the end. Where were the Big Brother rules for that??? The only thing that will make me less pissed will be seeing him sleep with one slipper against his face at night, and the other on his foot. Lunatic moron. The only time Victoria manages to be anything more than a dead-eyed, mouth breathing pile of fake hair that uses up more than her fair share of precious oxygen is when she's casting her vote and making bitchy, inaccurate parting shots. I never saw Amber as fake in any way, shape or form. Appears to be a lot like jealousy on Victoria, and it's not a good look. eta: Maybe when Amber said she thinks Donny is running the house, she meant that he is the one person in there that they all truly like, and that none of them want to be the ones to actually get rid of him.
  18. Oh, I am dying at that video. Laughing so hard I woke up my husband and dog and then couldn't properly explain what was so funny. "I said I want to fuck Frankie?!?!? .... Hey, look at these ants, man!" Hysterical. I'm also still on a high from a video I saw that Caleb posted on YouTube of him doing a cover of a Brad Paisley song. I put it over on the Caleb forum because I don't want to be All Caleb, All the Time in this thread, but it's worth checking out for a good giggle. It's a great representation of what his actual talent looks like vs. him thinking he's going to get a record deal. I wish we were still shown what the Have Nots are given to eat in addition to slop, like Lollipops and Lizard Lips or whatever. I sometimes hear them mention what they got, this week I think might be sardines, and I weirdly miss that weekly moment of seeing what weird items were voted in to supplement their meals.
  19. I have been so fascinated by the disaster that is Caleb that I'm starting to fear that I might be becoming obsessed with him myself. I saw someone tweeted this video of him singing a cover of a Brad Paisley song, and what absolutely kills me, and by kills me I mean delights me and makes me giggle SO HARD, is that he admits he doesn't know how to play the song on the GEETAR, but he holds on to it and stares at it anyway, while he sings. Maybe I am just getting loopy because it's late and I am waiting for BBAD to start, but I cannot stop laughing at him using the guitar as a prop, and occasionally tapping on it. On top of all the other incredible things that he thinks he is, he also fancies himself a musician, and not just a guy who can sort of carry a tune okay like half of the population. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRJmEKQkbkA&feature=youtu.be
  20. Yes, I noticed the abs are out of alignment, too, and I don't even care about abs! I'm not really into beefcake, so shredded abs (if that's even the right term) to me are like expensive tire rims on a car - I pay no attention because I think they are superfluous, and yet, I am always honing in on how Calebs look like they were poorly installed. Is it possible they are implants? Finding out that they are fake would please me so much that I would probably smile straight into next week.
  21. I just saw this, and does it not look almost EXACTLY like that brilliant still that was posted of Toy Story's Big Baby being comforted by the teddy bear? It's like Caleb and Frankie were earnestly trying to re-enact it. Things are getting downright eerie around here, and I love it. This is the first time in years that I have honestly looked forward to BBAD. Considering what a snore I thought this cast was for a while, I sure didn't see this excitement coming! Hopefully this link goes to the pic of Caleb crying and Frankie holding him: https://twitter.com/BigBrotherLeak/status/494286281539862528/photo/1
  22. Ha!!! When the PLEASE! factor goes up this high, there should be some kind of cosmic entity that hears us and makes our wish come true. Not God, necessarily, since he's busy helping Jacosta kick so much ass in this game, but maybe some snarky lesser almighty power who just wants to see us happy. I don't think this is too much to ask.
  23. Oh please, please, please let Nicole tell Caleb she lied for Frankie. I need this! Frankie's anxiety gives me life!!!!! This is the probably the only time Christine will be in close enough proximity to a man who looks like Cody that allows her to run her hands all over him, so maybe she decided it's better to apologize later than have permission first. If she thinks Cody has any actual interest in her as a woman, or even as a person outside of this game, she is in for a shock. I can't even picture him taking her calls once this is over, much less having a real friendship with her. Caleb is not the only delusional person in the house, he's just the most Beast Mode about it. Like Caleb, I'm getting more and more bummed out about Amber leaving on Thursday. I've actually liked her the whole time, which I didn't expect since her bio on the Big Brother site made her sound like an asshole. I would much rather see Nicole go, because she's dumb like Victoria, but not in an amusing way. If Nicole vanished into thin air right now it would probably take me a week to notice.
  24. LOLOL FOREVER!!!! He absolutely DOES look like that doll, and that makes BMBB even more perfect: Beast Mode Big Baby
  25. I cannot believe I just watched that whole video. Poor, POOR BRITTANY! She just experienced the same trauma that wolves go through when they are caught in a trap and decide to gnaw their own foot off to escape. I've never seen anything quite like that. Watching him do this shit in snippets is one thing, but a solid 15 minutes of him barely taking a breath while he explains all the ways Amber is wrong for not constantly thanking him and telling him to his face that he is such a perfect, wonderful guy made me feel like bugs were crawling all over me. Of course, everything she has ever said he has twisted around in his own mind to either suit his fantasies, or to use as reasons to be mad at her. Since it's not possible that she isn't in love with him, it's just so frustrating that she won't show it! There are only 2 possibilities: She's a sweet, shy girl who desperately wants to be with him but for some mysterious reason refuses to show it while they are in the house, or she's an ungrateful piece of shit who desperately wants to be with him but for some mysterious reason refuses to show it while they are in the house.
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