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Everything posted by Irritable

  1. My eyes rolled all the way to the back of my head when Dina said that Teresa had changed and matured, and was no longer the same woman who only cared about having the biggest and the best of everything. Oh, please. Same with Teresa saying material things don't matter to her. Come on! Who do they think is watching this shit? The prosecutors? No, it is the same people who were watching 3 (or maybe it was only 2) years ago when Teresa was paying for tens of thousands of dollars of furniture in ill-gotten cash. The viewers who saw all of the high living and spending remember it well and don't believe for a minute that Teresa has "grown older and wiser" since then. We know she has gotten busted and is grasping at anything she can to get leniency from somewhere, anywhere. I like Dina, but I think Teresa asked her to say that line about knowing what's really important. Gia is such a lovely girl, and if she really didn't want a party, I think a big part of that is because she constantly hears about how the lawyer costs are eating their family alive, so she doesn't want to add to their money problems. All she really wants is for everyone in her family to be okay, and if she can help by foregoing a birthday celebration, she will. Take a lesson, Teresa, because Gia is actually sincere about these things. You are just saying lines for the camera in hopes that the right person will hear them and put a stop to all this mean court action because a beautiful family like theirs doesn't deserve to feel the stresses of justice bearing down on them.
  2. Frankie's head is so far up his own ass that I can't help but wonder if part of his gleeful anticipation about getting out Zach is because he thinks it will make incredible television (as in, the very best and most exciting episode of Big Brother: The Frankie Edition so far), and really put him on the Big Brother map for making "huge moves". In the same vein that Caleb was sure America (and maybe even The Whole World!) would be shocked and enraptured to see the Romantic Cowboy put his Lady Love in Danger because she hurt his feelings, Frankie probably has this idea that The Whole World would be on the edge of their seat to see Frankie put Zankie in Danger. Ratings would skyrocket! Ariana's album would sell a million more copies overnight! An army of Frankie worshippers would immediately go dye their hair pink! All the news stations would be running stories the next morning about how no one could believe the huge move Frankie made that changed the game and turned reality TV on its ear! I vacillate between wanting Zach to go, and wanting him to stay. I would barely notice if Victoria left, so him staying wouldn't mean I lose someone I care about. Especially since I only care about Donny. But at the same time, he really can get on my damn nerves. I can't decide if it's worth all the headaches he would give me with his yelling just to see what he would do if he found out the plan was for him to go and he somehow got enough votes flipped in his favor. I guess I could just turn the volume way down and enjoy watching Frankie's twinkly fake-smiling fairy face turn into sad, washed-up clown face when he couldn't just fix everything with hugs and babytalk this time. eta: and by fairy, I'm not referring to his being gay, but to his general proclivity to flit around like Tinkerbell on acid.
  3. I realized the delivery was those dolls, too, and then it clicked why they stole photos of the departed from peoples' homes. I was absolutely DELIGHTED to finally have an answer to something! One answer! Hallelujah!!!!! It was also an answer of sorts, Patti's explanation of why they don't speak, wear their own clothes, etc.; to strip themselves of everything that makes them who they were before the vanishing, so they could focus 100% on their goal, which was to remind those who dared to move on with their lives that they should instead be thinking constantly about the fact that the vanishing happened. It doesn't necessarily make big sense, but it makes small sense, and I will take anything that even resembles sense when it comes to this show. I did a bit of poking around online about the original story and re: where the GR get their money, I saw this somewhere: Of course, with the small tidbits of information they did feed me, I almost forgot to be pissed about how many new questions this episode created. Dammit!
  4. Well, this is very sad re: Michele Noonan (now Dr. Michele Ross): Dr. Michele Ross 17 hours ago. I have some bad news about my health. It looks like I have a hemangioma (tumor) on my t7 spine interfering with my nerve function. I'll keep you updated as I learn more about the tumor and how I can treat it. It's a scary time for me, especially since I already been exposed to toxic levels of lead and mold in my apartment. I'm fighting for my life. Send some healing energy my way
  5. Cody does realize it, but whenever he mentions how much of a LITERAL loser he is in this game, whoever he's talking to always says something to excuse it, like "well, that was a REALLY hard competition" and then he nods and says, "Yeah, it was", and seems to feel a little better. I need for people to instead say, "Yeah, Cody, I was surprised you lost again, I thought for sure this time you would finally win something, but even Victoria lasted longer than you did." I laugh whenever Caleb loses, and then goes on and on to people about how he ALMOST won, and details how close he was and the millisecond between him winning and the reason that millisecond cost him the win. It's like he really still technically thinks he won, but someone else just won a second sooner. He is the winner even when he loses, because he still lost better than the other losers.
  6. Thanks, wings707! I have never seen FORT, I will check it out. I looked all over the CBS site thinking that is the first place the hamsters will look to see their rank and couldn't find a thing. I rarelywatchtv36, you're my next target!!! Thank you, duskyliterati! I'll make you a sandwich next time you finish being a Have Not. So Cody really has only won 1 competition total. And no one in the house is talking about the fact that he is even less of a threat than Victoria. Makes perfect sense! It makes me beam with joy that Joey is still to this day ranking higher than Frankie and Christine. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And that Cody is only on the entire chart something like 4 times. ZING!
  7. I was just saying earlier to Mr. Irritable how rare it is to even see Cody upright, much less actually doing anything besides lay around bitching about something while getting head and body rubs. When he sits up at the table to eat, it looks like an effort. He says Veto competitions just aren't his thing, and I wonder, what exactly IS your thing, Cody, because I can only recall you winning one HoH and nothing else. I'm not sure what he is using to measure his awesomeness, exactly, when he talks about how useless other people are. I've been trying to find the stats on what each person has won so far, and their popularity rankings, with no luck. Would someone mind hooking a sister up with a link? I'd really appreciate it, and promise not to put you up if I win HoH next week.
  8. Even headbands give me a throbbing headache after a few hours, so I can definitely see how all that stuff clipped to Victoria's head would hurt, especially since she wears them all day, every day. I attribute a lot of her insecurity and vanity to her age. I cared so much more about that stuff then than I do now, and if hair extensions had been a thing back when I was in my early 20's, I probably would have tried them even though my own hair was perfectly fine. I always thought I should look better than I did, even though I know now looked my best at that time without even trying...I just didn't have the benefit of the wisdom on these things that comes with age. I'm still not sure why Victoria thought Amber was so fake and why she was so angry about it, unless that was more of her own insecurities bubbling forth, because Amber wasn't fake in her actions, nor was she fake in her appearance. I can't help but think Victoria just envied that Amber was able to look the way she did and it was seemingly effortless, whereas Victoria feels the need to primp and check herself in the mirror every second to make sure her fake hair is still on straight and her make-up hasn't gotten smeared. I'm sure Victoria in her 30's will be much more relaxed about these things than she is now. I'm in my 40's and I can hardly be arsed to put on makeup unless I'm going out somewhere more important than the grocery store, but my makeup and hair routine from ages 14 to 29 was around 45 minutes every day. Exhausting to think about now! Caleb's story last night about his brother making his wife put raw deer guts in her mouth in exchange for "getting" to wax his butthole? Who knew it could get even more horrifying and disgusting from there, but it sure did (anyone who missed it, consider yourselves incredibly lucky) - and Caleb took video of the whole thing and even put it on YouTube?!?!?. Sounds like Caleb being around his brothers brings out the absolute worst in him. Living in a house full of people who don't think like the people he's normally around is probably the best thing that could have ever happened to him, but sadly, I expect once he is back in that environment he will sink straight back to that awful level.
  9. Yeah, Caleb wearing make-up is number 726 on the list of things that Zingbot could have made fun of about him, what a let down. At the very least, there should have been some kind of jab about Beast Mode Cowboy. Come on! I agree that the Donny zing sucked and does not apply, but without that the best they could have probably done is say something like, "Donny, you are a really good person and it's a shame you're not on a season with people you can actually work with. Sigh. zing." and then Zingbot would make a sad face.
  10. Hold on...they seem to have used your quote exactly? That is amazing, Andrea! High five!!!! This means they are reading what we are saying on these forums. Which is pretty much the coolest thing ever and I am SO HAPPY to know that people in production are looking around for REAL opinions, not just things they would read in CBS-friendly places. I might dislike most of the people left in the house, but based on things being revealed about production, I want to give them some kind of America's Ally Award. Frankie is going to break Zach's heart if he goes through with the plan to back door him. He might even send him all the way back to being straight again. At least this will (hopefully) help turn Frankie into a villain on the regular broadcast, which is the last way that "Look at me! Love ME! I made a heart with my hands!" Frankie wants to be perceived.
  11. These Caleb gems are cracking me up, and reminded me of something he said the other day. He was talking about when BB cameras came to film him at home being a "real cowboy" and doing things real cowboys do. At one point, he was on a horse and said he kept trying to get it to do "the Hidey Ho", but it never would. Someone must have asked what the Hidey Ho is, or hell, maybe no one asked, it doesn't actually matter if Caleb wants to talk. Anyway, he went into a long, detailed description of basically a horse wheelie, like the kind "Zorro's horse" always did, up on the hill, when you would see the silhouette of Zorro and the horse up on its back legs kicking its front legs in the air. Either no one cared enough to say, "Caleb, it wasn't Zorro, it was the Lone Ranger, and it's not called the "Hidey Ho", you're thinking of when the Lone Ranger said "Hi-Yo Silver, away!", or no one in the room knew that none of this was actually about Zorro. Reminded me of the time way back at the beginning of the season when he said he loves cowboy movies the most, they are his favorite, especially that one with the little girl who hired the guy to help her hunt down her father's killer. He tried and failed to come up with the name of the lead character, Rooster Cogburn. Couldn't remember the name of the actor who played him, even though he was talking about the one with Jeff Bridges, not even the John Wayne version. And then he couldn't even recall the name of the movie, True Grit. I was yelling all these things at the screen like a fool, and I'm not even a cowboy! Turkeys might not be book smart, but they are still a whole lick smarter than Caleb. Oh, one more! He was talking about the first endurance challenge on the spit, and how the BBQ sauce was like paint that got in his eyes and didn't burn, but made his vision blurry. He thought his eyes had been ruined, and that his vision had in an instant gone from 20 / 15 to 50 / 50. The first thing that made me laugh was that OF COURSE his vision is better than the average person! The second was when Christine started to correct him and said, "No, it would still start with 20 / ..." then just gave up and laughed her ass off about it.
  12. I feel bad for thinking that Victoria didn't purposely avoid talking about Frankie's sister when Julie asked her the question, but that she was caught off guard and had no idea what to say, didn't realize or understand this was supposed to be the big Arianna Grande Segway!, and just went with the first thing that came to her mind, which was that she has learned she is emotional and cries a lot. It worked out beautifully for the viewers, since it took the wind out of Frankie's sails, and I really do hope it was on purpose, but after watching her on the feeds/BBAD for so long, I just don't think she has the kind of brainpower to quickly pick up on the reason for the question and then decide to sabotage it.
  13. Yeah, it was such "Classic Caleb" when he was all, "Well, Julie, I already know some NFL players so meeting more of them is no big deal to me compared to meeting the owner". This so obviously translates to, "Those guys who make a fortune being actual beasts at something, with real fans, who are on TV every week during football season and are nearly twice as big as I am in height and width make me feel insecure, so I will belittle them to make myself look better." Heartbroken for Donnie. I wish they at least could have a pet that he could hang out with and enjoy. I think season one got to have a pug dog for a little while. Give Donnie a dog, Big Brother!!!
  14. I had also wondered at one point if Caleb had been drinking. He was downright loopy! Yes, he was still doing all the narcissistic things that make him so very, very Caleb, but when he laughed and made jokes he suddenly became really attractive to me, like a veil had been lifted and underneath was this good looking guy with a cute personality for a minute. Someone had said that he and Cody should wrestle naked (possibly after Caleb had sat there going on and on to Cody about how he WILL BEAT HIM in the next endurance competition, and was trying to get Cody fired up with trash talk, but all Cody would do is smile and say OK), and Caleb said they can't wrestle naked because " inaudible would get a boner". Everyone started laughing and said, "WHO would get a boner?" and Caleb said "Both of us!" and was laughing, too. It was the weirdest moment because it was funny and somehow endearing in the most bizarre way. Conversation turned to how wrestlers often can be seen in their singlets with boners after a match, and then someone explained that it was because of something like adrenaline or testosterone, or something other than the possibility that rolling around skin to skin with someone might turn them on. But he's still definitely Beast Mode Cowboy underneath all the Fun Caleb. He guarantees he will not only win the endurance competition, but he will most definitely sleep through it while holding on with one arm. During his BB interview he was drunk (???) and making EVERYONE die laughing by doing animal calls. He accidentally made a turkey whistle or something himself using a squeaky toy that is way better than any $80 call you can buy on the market. And, this is probably the best of the best, you guys: When Caleb was in high school, he had a girlfriend who said she didn't believe he would "stick up for her". So to prove that he would, because apparently there were some kids who were saying mean things to her or something, that wasn't clear, he PUNCHED HIMSELF IN THE FACE over and over until he nearly knocked himself unconscious. And then he was like, "See???? I DID THIS FOR YOU!" Why in the world is this girl not still with him, after such a dramatically romantic gesture to prove that he will always stand up for her by punching himself in the face? She made a huge mistake letting him get away, I'll tell you that.
  15. I hate to break it to Terry if he thinks he has just come up with the new, hot insult, but calling someone a penis in any variation has been happening for a long time. For instance, I'm sure all the way back in the 1980's, people he knew were already calling him a little prick!
  16. I remember in the beginning of their marriage, Kroy was trying to get Kim to eat healthier and exercise, and she always said that will never happen. Looks like she was right, and has even managed to convert Kroy to her healthy lifestyle. The last time Mr. Irritable and I were in Destin, we ate at the same Melting Pot restaurant that Kim and Kroy went to, but we only went because it was March and most of the restaurants were still closed for the off-season. During spring break, all the best seafood restaurants are open and I would never want to go to the Melting Pot if I had a chance at fresh seafood instead. Guess that was the only place Kim could find that had fried food AND table service. I'm surprised she didn't complain about having to cook her own food...seems a little too close to actual work for her.
  17. Tonight has been my favorite night in the house ever. From Frankie teaching Cody a dance to the BB theme which includes Cody doing body rolls with aplomb, to Donny opening up to Nicole with his feelings on everyone - his distaste about all the C & C cuddling, that he thinks Victoria might suffer from a medical condition that causes her to act like a 12 year old in her 20's (I think he was looking for the term "arrested development"), that Derrick is just using Caleb for his muscles and stupidity, that if Nicole thinks these people are annoying (mentions how much he hates Christine's laugh) imagine how it feels for him being the old guy, and then Caleb and Zach do the fantastic reenactment of Cuddlegate and won't let Cody get away with saying he never snuggles Christine inappropriately...why couldn't they have been like this every night???? I thought it was very sweet that Victoria wanted to make Nicole a special dessert as a surprise - she didn't specifically say it, but I got the feeling it was meant to be like a goodbye gift now that Nicole knows for sure she is going home tomorrow. So far, Nicole is taking the news well, but by voting time she might be bitter again. Donny said if he goes, he wants to say something nice to someone on his way out the door to throw all the house focus on them , like say, "You've got my vote, Derrick, and I'll be working on everyone in the jury house for you!" so that everyone will finally start to realize Derrick has been behind everything.
  18. Oh my GOD, yes, he totally does look like Ruth Buzzi. Thank you for that, I have been wondering for years now who it is he reminds me of. I just googled her for images to refresh my memory because it's been a while since I've seen her, and now all I can see is Terry in drag (no offense to Ruth intended). I am going to be laughing about this all day!
  19. Exactly, the issue was that she wanted one of those commercial vans that has 5 or 6 rows of seats, and instead they sent a minivan that a family might buy as their regular mode of transport. An easy mistake, I would imagine, someone in booking probably just got the number of passengers wrong. It was inconvenient, but she reacted as if the poor van driver had just accused her of sleeping with multiple partNERSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHH!!! SCREEEEECH!!
  20. Maybe we are all misunderstanding Aviva's ghetto remarks, and really, she meant them as a compliment! Not to Heather, who let's remember she also called a "pit bull", but to all the ghetto people out there, who she was just trying to represent. She understands the plight of the ghetto person, and how they do not appreciate white women walking around in the Hamptons using their trademarked lingo!
  21. Pretty sure it's not an open marriage, because I read that Tim has prepared a speech for when he meets Cody on finale night that includes, "Hey bud, now that the summer's over, so is your friendship with my wife." He also supposedly said he was unhappy that BB gave Christine an older letter from him instead of the newer one when she won HoH. That's a good one for the BB conspiracy theorists...did they intentionally give her the older one so she would continue to flirt with Cody, oblivious to Tim's feelings about it? Did anyone catch it on the feeds when she read her HoH letter aloud? If they didn't show that on the Sunday night broadcast, then I guess they aren't going to. I'm curious what the older letter said. This from Jokers: "Caleb and Frankie alone in the kitchen. Caleb says that Christine and Cody kills him, everywhere he goes they are all over eachother. Frankie “It’s bizarre” Caleb “It’s like she’s married” He says he wouldn’t want his wife seeing him with another woman like that and he would expect to be left by his wife if he carried on like that. “Thats just too close"
  22. I just snorted so loud at this that I might have damaged my sinuses. I'm confused by the whole "trespassing" thing, because I thought the beach in front of the house the Biermanns rented is private, but that doesn't mean the entire stretch of beach on each side is. I've been to Destin and other beaches in that area, and there are often strips of public beach in between private ones. I'm pretty sure you can also walk on those private stretches, as long as you are just strolling by the water and not setting up camp or loitering. The couple with the camera sounded British to me, so it's possible they either didn't know the rules about the privacy boundaries, or they were rightfully there and staying nearby but chose to leave because who would want to stay after being accosted by these wild, giant, obnoxious assholes? Welcome to America! Kroy took those ridiculous binoculars to the beach to do exactly what he did, look for someone who might DARE to point a camera in their holy direction, and then go apeshit on them. Notice he never once pointed the binoculars toward the ocean.
  23. Oh, now I didn't realize Derrick had made comments about Vandalay's body or virginity. Ew, again. Caleb is shrinking at such an alarming rate, it almost seems like more than just being on slop. My brother in law was a competitive body builder way back in the day, and from what I know about that world, steroids are rampant and easy to get. Caleb absolutely strikes me as the type to use steroids, especially to get uber-beefy for the show, without fully understanding that when he stops taking them, he will lose bulk quickly. Considering that he works out religiously and I see those giant containers of boost powders on the kitchen counter, he's losing mass really quickly if it's really only due to slop. Has anyone else in there lost a lot of weight? It's not like Survivor, where it's expected and inevitable.
  24. This woman living in the suburbs who has so far never done hard time was pretty shocked to hear that. My vocabulary is mighty salty when I'm fired up, and if I had to be in the same room with that nasty, and yes, racist piece of shit Aviva, I would have surely called her a lot worse than a motherfucker. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who manages not to involuntarily lunge at her and snap her neck like a twig just to get her to shut up has shown admirable restraint.
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