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sugarbaker design

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Everything posted by sugarbaker design

  1. Artsda posted a great article abovethread, the radio studio concession wasn't the only one.
  2. The only people who believed the guest co-hosts were auditioning were the people who believe everything they read on the internet. The producers were probably negotiating with RS's team for a year.
  3. Currently watch episodes from 2006 on Channel 21 WLIW in NY/NJ area. The story about baby Janet Mitchell has got to be the most ill-conceived, poorly written storyline with the worst characters and most god-awful actors in recent EE memory. I have to FF through it every episode.
  4. Highlight: Miss Quill reading The Hunger Games, wondering aloud if it was non-fiction!
  5. Those segments are probably the only thing keeping this shitshow on the air!
  6. Right, I'm sure he'll arrive in NYC an hour before taping on Monday morning, and will be back on the plane Thursday at noon!
  7. Wow, thanks Artsda, this article makes perfect sense. The producers must've really wanted RS. I expect he'll be wearing a Ryan Seacrest Distinction suit every day!
  8. That's exactly why he wasn't on my short list, I for sure thought the producers were going to cut corners and look for someone NY based.
  9. Mother Nature at her best. Seriously, and not a facial movement at all from the husband after Clare confesses to pouring scalding water on the nanny. No look of distaste or revulsion?
  10. You two look like you fingered The Incredible Hulk!
  11. Only DVRing Monday and Friday. I hate Anne Coulter with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns, but I do enjoy Whoopi engaging with her, struggling with words, reason and righteous indignation, culminating in a word salad that would make Bitsy proud!
  12. So boring. He'll put people back to sleep. Bad choice.
  13. We don't know what's going on in Lydia's mind, she could be concocting some diabolical plot of revenge for all we know.
  14. The rumors started 15 minutes after the accident. Of all the portrayals of Charles on film, the one personified in Peter Morgan's The Queen is my favorite. Child-like, paranoid, narcissistic and a tad nutty, played to perfection by Alex Jennings, I'd love to see Ryan Murphy play off this.
  15. The TARDIS translation of symbols, or written language, was shown in the episode where little Melody Pond's name was sewn into a blanket, and then translated into River Song.
  16. The one thing CJ doesn't need to do is talk, she needs to listen. She always took the time to throw Hillary under the bus on "I Am Cait", and then supported Cruz, and ultimately voted for Trump. Then CJ is shocked when protections for trans kids are rolled back by her choice for president. Way to go, asshole!
  17. Episode 1 introduced the inhabitants of the house quite nicely, some are quite likable, some not so much. I'm more of a Cherry Grove person so it's nice to see how the other half lives. The aerial shot of the houses in the Pines along the shore with their massive pools was stunning.
  18. With 6 finalists there's a 1st, 2nd and 3rd for men and women.
  19. Have you seen the lists of guests? Yes! That would be tomorrow, former Kardashian spouse, Caitlyn Jenner.
  20. That's the concise political analysis The View is known for. The panel really gives women a bad name.
  21. No, they made the right decision. The View wasn't a good fit for NW. I liked her and I liked her take on things political, but she wasn't great on the pop culture/light-hearted topics. Granted she was 100 times better than 3 current hosts (Whoop, Paula and Jed), but The View wasn't where she belonged. MSNBC is, for the most part, she hasn't been on Morning Joe since Mika was a total asshole to her post 2016 election.
  22. Right! He was dumb long before he was a liar!
  23. Or they could've cut a segment of Hot Topics, sometimes HT goes on for 35 minutes! Does anybody need to hear that much Jediblahblah?
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