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Chaos Theory

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  1. Don’t make me wash your keyboard out with soap for even insinuating that Jill’s beautiful, chaste, god fearing daughters could be anything other than wives and mothers. What kind of monster are you? Wanting them out in the modern world where women wear pants. <Shudder>. 😝 😆
  2. I have seen women with better makeup on old episodes of “MSNBC Lockup”. Now those women know how to do more with less.
  3. Looks like romance is in the air for Ormewood, Will and Angie. I know people on this board aren't liking Marion but I personally think she is exactly what Will needs right now in his life. It may not make for good TV but she acts like a real person would act after a terrible experience instead of just shaking it off and moving on to the next terrible experience but she did still help Will when he needed it.
  4. To be fair season 1 had Shane and his "I want to speak to the manager." energy, Season 2 had a father and son fight over a hooker. Season 3 has Saxton a guy who talks about nothing but sex. These are all horrible people. Mike White writes tropey characters and then pushes them to the extreme of bad behavior. It's the entire point of the series. Bad people will be bad people even on vacation to paradise.
  5. My personal theory is that up until now it’s always been evil rich white people vs poor working class natives. This season I think that natives are getting more of a dark edit and the robbery is going to be deeply connected to Mook. She is either the cause or the effect of the robberies.
  6. This looks like it’s going to be silly fun. I like the main four enough that I feel bad for the issues they are having in their lives that are definitely going to spin out of control. And yay a dead body. That is being dug up because of course it is.
  7. I know a few people are saying that the friend group is cliche and not very realistic but I know friendships that are exactly like this. My sister had one all through highschool and they remained “friends” until they all started to have families of their own. That is the thing. This kind of friendship only works when everyone in it is kind of bored and miserable. They talk a couple times a year and my sister just got a rambling text about how she was a terrible friend but then she is the only one with a functioning marriage and family. I think there were hints that the friends only see each other periodically so I can see them growing apart as their lives moved on but instead of helping each other through the hard times they gossip and bsckstab. One of the things I noticed about the Ratliff is how they all laughed like hyenas (or maybe since the theme is monkeys -like a group of wild monkeys) when Saxon made an inappropriate joke during dinner.
  8. Two women talking about a third woman can get brutal. The fact that they all do it is interesting. I absolutely love when characters in a show dump on acting. I find it kind funny in a dark way. A douche from a family of wankers…..Does kinda sum them up. You rob a jewelry store in a hotel you gotta take off your sweatshirt before you hit security gate. That is robbery 101. “I almost died but I got the room comped” could be the theme if the entire series. I think I am rooting for the monkeys.
  9. That’s the thing about the kind of faith the show is portraying. Something bad happened to Tai and Van (they unintentionally caused the death of a guy) and then something good happened when Van’s diagnosis came in. The mindframe Tai is in right now she connected the dots of what could have been a coincidence and turned it into a cause and effect which pushes her deeper into the throws of a religion that she believed in as scared teenager.
  10. This was a brilliant episode showing how far on the dark side the girls have gotten in both the teenage and adult timeline. Shauna is just ultra angry and Lottie being around is fueling her anger but that anger has been bubbling at the surface for a long long time. I am not a big fan of the hallucination theory or more to the point the magic theory. I much prefer the deep trauma bordering on mental illness that never quite healed for any of them. That being said I did really like the fantasy sequences. I also really like Lottie hanging out with Callie. And the sacred necklace makes an appearance in the adult timeline. It is important in the teen timeline as a symbol of who is being hunted but seeing it on Callie is creepy especially with Lottie saying it doesn’t mean what Shauna thinks it does.
  11. The three women: I think two of them literally get by in their looks. One is an actress. The other I think married well. The third is likely the one who had to work hard for her money. It’s implied she is a single mother and a corporate lawyer so she works hard for everything she has and is likely the lowest on the totem poll because of this. This is good portrayal of toxic female friendship. I am still guessing that none of these ladies actually LIKE each other and the claws will come out completely during the vacation.
  12. I love the relationship between Will and Angie and what the show is doing with it this season. Adding a bit of resentment that has been bubbling for awhile and maybe even though they love each other that they are just not right for each other. Marion may not be the toughest person in the room but she is also emotionally open which is something new for Will and might be what he needs. Marion is someone who feels her emotions and she wears those emotions all over her body. That might be good for Will at this point in his life. my favorite part was everyone carrying the generator up flights of stairs joking along the way. My other favorite part was when the cops finally got to the medical examiners room they just looked at the scene and were like “what do you need?”
  13. Although a good episode my biggest issue about an episode about how prevalent Rape actually is in this country wasn’t focused on the three women in the group or even the rape victim (who had actually been on previous episodes) but on Remy and his feelings.
  14. I am usually not a fan of procedurals but I kinda wish this was just a procedural and not watching shady people being shady. I like the chasing escaped serial killers a lot more the government conspiracy stuff. Maybe I am just not in the headspace. Still Kari Matchett is one of those actresses that when she appears on a show I take notice….so there is that.
  15. Rewatched Season 2 (and I will likely stop there as I have other stuff to watch now) but I really liked the cat and mouse between Dexter and Doakes. I know she isn't a popular character but Lila was a fun addition and necessary because the show needed to giver Dexter another option to Rita when he hadn't made his mind up yet about how far down the rabbit hole he wanted to go with the relationship. Also the whole hunt for The Bay Harbor Butcher was done really well.
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