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  1. meep.meep

    September 5

    You don't remember it because of the time difference. Just watched on MGM+ - really good. Leonie Benesch is the indicator of a good film/series.
  2. Stacy's looked like regular cake, not smooth like cheesecake.
  3. When Harry's giving you advice on how to deal with girls, you should really get a clue. I still want to go to the tortoise sanctuary.
  4. On the radio this morning, I heard that he apparently got 40% of sales of the grill in the beginning. What an agent! He eventually sold the rights for $128M years later. Old George had a lot of money.
  5. But if Nancy is going to wear that strange hat, we won't be able to check out her odd arrangement of barrettes!
  6. If you ever had to pick a year to cheat on your taxes, this is it. Don't worry about being audited.
  7. George Forman Grills are very popular among college students. There are culinary competitions featuring best use of the grills. It's a device with an impact well beyond what would be expected. George himself seemed a little eccentric but I never heard anything bad about him.
  8. shouldn't a portal have an opening in it?
  9. Seriously, they don't need to do highlights from the entire run of ER in 16 episodes. Don't let the helicopters win! What has happened to Dr. McKay?
  10. Wait until they turn 50 and get that letter from AARP!
  11. What was up with that strange commercial on the TV in the motel? It was about vehicles being reposessed and I swear Jon Bernthal was in it. Yelling about how they couldn't take his boat.
  12. I enjoy having Feniger and Milleken on the judging panel but it always seems like they come as a pair. Throw someone else in the mix occasionally. That said, I cannot imagine having the balls to come to judge this, eating eight separate dishes standing up and on camera, and wearing a white sweater! I feel sorry for Simon, he's obviously very sick. Good for the producers for keeping his job. Tiffany is trying but obviously is not as good at it as Justin.
  13. I'm with you - and it's not just Facebook. For some reason OneDrive persists in showing photos that they think are wonderful memories for me but truly aren't. They specialize in the pictures we took of my mother to send to her doctor to show recovery from jaw surgery. I've got lots of lovely pictures of us doing fun things together, but no. They just want me to remember the disease that killed her.
  14. But Collins and Langdon are the senior residents during this shift and now he's sent both of the home. What could go wrong? Of course he had to get Langdon out of there, but... Why would Robbie attempt to turn the baby himself? It was a teaching moment and Collins has much smaller hands than he does. This was clearly their "Loves Labors Lost" episode - glad it turned out better than that one. For years I've told my pregnant friends not to watch that under any circumstances.
  15. It was pretty obvious that they would be back. Too bad the young guy didn't make it. I like Minah as a traitor so much! I don't think anyone suspects her.
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