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Everything posted by Jalyn

  1. Huck has a lot of dog beds, He uses them off and on. The first really nice one that I got him, though, was this big comfy bed with a memory foam siding, It sat next to my desk and he would sometimes use it while I was working. And then I would look over and he would be chomping on that memory foam side. I finally ended up throwing out the side of it and just using the bottom of the bed. The only other time he went after his own bed (my beds he tries to eat alot) was one time when I left him in a kennel with a memory foam bed. I got home and he had entirely shredded that bed. Now, when I leave, I gate off the bottom of the stairs and he can have my bedroom, the hall and the stairs.
  2. Jalyn

    Book News

    Unless I'm missing something larger, there was a single woman who put in a request to have the book removed from schools. Stupid as hell, but there is no "they" that are trying to do anything in this specific instance. One dumb woman made a request that was immediately rejected by the school system and, based on my quick google, at least 8 national news stories about it. ETA: "in this specific instance." Certainly not saying that there aren't any groups working on other book bans.
  3. Huck turned one! First we had his cake and ice cream: Then we had presents: (yes, I'm mean and he doesn't get his barkbox toys when they come in the mail but when I want to give him something special) And finally, we toasted his first year: I had birthday hats, but didn't work with him early enough to get him used to it for pictures.
  4. Huck's first Christmas photo. Apparently, he knows what to do with rodents found in mommy's house. Poor Mickey.
  5. There are notes that show that at one point in time, Jordan planned on Taim being Demandred. There is no indication, to my knowledge, of when he changed his mind. I've always felt that it was before LoC was released (for the two Foresaken in the same place issue that I mentioned above) and that he left in some of the hints as red herrings. I don't disagree that the Foresaken were a great training ground for all of the kids. It's just that lots of stuff needs to be cut to make this work. I'm proactively trying to be ok with most of them.
  6. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they cut down on the number of foresaken in the first place. Some of them are pretty useless and just there to give us a mid-level boss fight to end the book in the first half of the series. I'm fine with changes for an adaptation. This series was already going to be really hard to bring to screen just because it is so massive. While I absolutely love things like "the random dark friend that Rand punches in the nose on the way to Camlyn is the same one that is conspiring with Morgause before being randomly executed." There's not really a way to do things like that in a TV show. Besides, it has a built in explanation for changes - we're looking at a different turning of the wheel. (Of course, the Dark Tower The Demandred/Taim thing would kind of annoy me just because I had gotten so sick of people arguing it on message boards before Winter's Heart was released. It feels a bit like rewarding people that had gotten to strident with their pet theory. Other than that, I don't actually care. The spec that Perrin is going to be married at the start of the series and lose her in the Winter Night battle drives me nuts for multiple reasons. A) Randomly fridging a non-canon character? Why? B) Unless they cut the Faile storyline entirely, that relationship is going to feel very weird if he starts the series mourning some other woman. I can understand that some people would LOVE for the Faile storyline to disappear, but it sure cuts alot of what Perrin has to do. C) I think I've heard that they are aging up the characters a bit, which is fine, but they still need to be maturing into who they will become. Having Perrin already married just indicates a higher maturity level than I would expect or want for these characters.
  7. It's been speculated that that switch will be made. I've never understood why it would make sense to have both Demandred and reincarnated Aginor in the black tower at the same time.
  8. One death is one too many doesn't take into account the fact that this is a fluke accident. It was much, much more likely that someone working on that movie would die in a car accident on their way to the studio. We don't suggest that they should find a transportation option (say, building a hotel on site so that they don't have to commute) to stop any chance that that happen. Every day we all take risks that we consider to be reasonable. We cannot take all of the risk out of any situation ever and most of us would not want to live the life that would result. Now, if there was negligence on site that caused this, that would and should be actionable. The deaths on the Twilight Zone movie are an instance where gross negligence should have resulted in massive fines, if not jail time.
  9. Candle making, soap making, anything that involves being able to walk away and do other things while the object dries or hardens? You need to be in the room while melting any wax, but you (once you are sure of your equipment - flashpoint fire in wax is BAD) don't have to be sitting next to it and staring at it. Alternatively, perhaps baking? Same basic idea, get something all set up fairly quickly and then leave it to finish.
  10. If you listen to podcasts and want a deeper dive on this one, there's one called Murder in Alliance that is just about this case. (At least thus far) It is biased toward David being innocent, if that matters to anyone.
  11. I'd never say that Jordan couldn't do dark (think the nightmares that the Aes Sedai fall into while training in dreaming as an obvious example) but Donaldson was just doing something completely different. It wasn't about making the world dark but about putting a completely irredeemable character as the protagonist. I'm not sure what that lead to (other than more Donaldson) but it didn't lead to grim dark exactly. (GRRM isn't fully grim dark, but it's headed that way)
  12. That's all the Seanchan. The Sea Folk deal more with the Elayne/Nyn due to the BoW and the agreement that's made to use it together.
  13. Yes, exactly. When you patronize a specific podcast on Patreon and get an ad free version that way, they provide you with an entirely different RSS feed to subscribe to that is ad free. You can then subscribe to that feed in any podcatcher that you want to use. As a note, it is specific to you and will stop publishing when you end your contribution. You can't subscribe, get the feed, cancel and continue to use the feed. Personally, for podcasts that you really enjoy, that is the way that I would suggest subscribing to them. Unless you like most of the podcasts on a particular network, using their particular app is supporting the entire network and not the podcast that you really like. The tiers on Patreon let you decide how heavily you want to support that particular podcast (and what perks you get) and it's not shared with other podcasts that you might not want to support. Be careful though, it's easy to lose track of what all of those individual items add up to until the monthly bill hits. When I cancelled all of my Patreon subscriptions as the first thing to go in my personal Covid downturn, I was spending over $50 a month for podcasts!
  14. I've tried bunches of them and always find some issue with them. I've been using Pocket Casts for quite a while now. You can set up podcasts to be automatically added to the playlist at either the top or bottom. The speed factor can be moved up by .1 percent if you only want to go to 1.3. It also goes up to 3 times speed at the max (where I generally listen to them.) It has multiple other features - including having an Alexa app. As with every other one I've tried, there are niggling annoyances. I've just been using this long enough that I don't recall anything other than that it won't create a playlist interspersing the backlog of new podcasts that I add and I have to manually create that list. There isn't, as far as I know, a pod catcher that can remove ads from all podcasts. For podcasts that are associated with a specific catcher (like stitcher premium) those apps will remove the ads specifically for those podcasts. For a lot of casts, you can sign up for their patreon and get a feed that is ad free. That can be added by using the URL to almost all apps. If you're subscribed to a lot of podcasts, look for one that will allow you to import an OPML file that brings in all of the podcasts. Generally, this won't work for all of them and you'll have to correct some, but it takes care of most of them.
  15. From https://www.tor.com/2020/03/23/23-things-we-learned-from-rafe-judkins-wheel-of-time-instagram-qa/: Min, Elayne, and Aviendha will NOT be merged into one character. “I’m not going to combine huge characters like that,” Judkins added. “Maybe sometimes a minor character folded into a major one to make better use of our cast but nothing nutso.” As for whether Min and Elayne will show up in season 1, Judkins replied “TWWaTWW,” which is short for “The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills” and appears to be Judkin’s version of Robert Jordan’s famous non-answer “RAFO” (Read And Find Out). In another post, however, Judkins confirmed that Min is in season 1.
  16. I don't think it would matter for the Little House books, but authors have expressed that they feel that that site is copyright infringing, especially given the new policy regarding the wait list: https://www.sfwa.org/2020/04/08/infringement-alert-national-emergency-library/ (Seeing as I replied to Snarkysheep, I want to be very clear that I'm just trying to provide information, not that I think that there is anything wrong with using the site or providing the information about the site.)
  17. The fact that so many people didn't know who people were dressing as had me go looking: https://www.abc.soapsindepth.com/posts/general-hospital-2019-halloween-costumes-173427 says that Michael was just "a prince" - not a specific named character. The same is true of Jordan - "a sorceress." The teen costumes were not identified.
  18. I'm not actually watching GH, but I have to laugh that they are finally going with the basic storyline that I wanted for the Two Todds story on OLTL. "Wait, there's a chance that I'm NOT the person that did all of those heinous things? He's definitely the real Todd." The fact that they are doing it with RoHo after giving him an even more ridiculously awful character to play means that if the actual viewers weren't insisting that it sucks (and, you know, the rest of the show being GH), I'd consider watching it.
  19. The Stephen King Cast (a podcast with one man’s musing on the works of Stephen King”) ran an episode with one of the show runners. Among other things, he confirmed that Polly is not part of this continuity. Also, just a good podcast for King fans.
  20. Policeman is probably Frank Dodd from The Dead Zone (serial killer cop that Johnny takes down midway through the book.) Gravestone references Church, so that's definitely Pet Semetary. Vampire is Salems Lot. Woman with the machete might be Annie Wilkes from Misery?
  21. Why would you ever use vegan mayo in chicken salad? Egg allergy?
  22. I think that there is a difference between not being able to communicate an idea clearly and making an artistic choice to obscure the message. The first is necessarily bad writing while the second can be done well - though it will be polarizing in audience reaction. I personally think that Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury is brilliant but that James Joyce is unreadable and lacks an actual story. Some people think that Faulkner is unreadable and other's that Joyce is fascinating. While I think that those that don't see the brilliance of the first are missing a wonderful story, I'm still not willing to put in the work to try to understand Joyce, no matter how many people tell me that it's worth it. I suppose that there is a scale of how much people are willing to put into a story in order to interpret it. Everyone's different.
  23. I read a lot of Diane's actions as a reaction to the rape by Mr. C. First she learns that while she was violated, it wasn't truly done by a man that she loved and trusted. That's her immediate reaction to finding the real Cooper. Then, however, he goes back into the lodge - he puts himself back into the situation that created the man that did violate her. That has to be frightening, she has to be concerned that the man that hurt her will return instead. When he comes back out, she's reassured that it is still her Cooper, the one that she can trust. Except, she can't forget that she has been violated by that body, that face. That's why, when they have sex, she has to cover his face. Whether he is the real Cooper, Mr. C or some combination of the two - she's still looking at the same face she was looking at while she was violated. Even loving Cooper and having him back is not enough to deal with the trauma being ripped open over and over just by being with him.
  24. Hmm. The image on the jerky is slightly similar, but I think it's just a stylized bull. The horns point up rather the down like the card image. Also, the beef jerky has the same image and Sarah was pointedly only concerned about the turkey jerky. I think the problem is that it was "smoked."
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