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  1. Anyone watching All Stars Season 2? It's a bunch of the people that annoyed you from past seasons! Really selling it, I'm sure. 😂
  2. It almost does if you say it with a lot of twang. 😂
  3. Anna - what a charmless asshole. Get off my screen, you blank-eyed sociopath. Hope you have better luck next season, Ezra. I want to say they couldn't give you anyone worse, buuuuuut Susan Smith is up for parole soon and I don't want to put that kind of energy out into the universe. DWTS clearly has no qualms about criminal chachas.
  4. Can someone please smack me on the back? I rolled my eyes so hard they got stuck. 😆
  5. This whole season was so effing dumb. What a crapfest.
  6. Well then. Seems like they broke up quicker than some couples in the non-Golden run of the show. Maybe should have waited to get married? Whatever - not my monkey, not my circus. 😆
  7. Yes, in the intervention episode (I think) Becky said that a deer jumped out in front of his motorcycle, causing a fatal accident.
  8. Did they repeat scenes from the first block of episodes here, or is it just all so boring it's running together? zzzZZZZzzz
  9. I don't have much to add besides what's already been said except: Sarah Ann? Oof. The chomping of that gum needs to stop immediately.
  10. Yes! Literally the only line that made me laugh. Maybe the series will wrap up with everyone in prison, ala Seinfeld. 🙄
  11. Woof. That is forever away.
  12. Hey Sydney? Just because you don't like what someone says, it doesn't mean they are bullying you.
  13. Not disingenuine? 😜 I second the motion for a Kat/Olivia tidal wave wipeout. So sick of the two of them and their petty crap.
  14. This one was dumb. Like what was the point? I read something that said Shelley dressed up like the teacher's dead baby, which is why he had such a visceral reaction. That went over my head, but I was also doing several other things while "watching" since it wasn't holding my attention.
  15. Seriously. He reminds me of the giggity guy on Family Guy, but a Ken doll he is not.
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