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Everything posted by JNavarro

  1. What a worthless sack of shit Devon is. I hope he loses all contact, Dominic finds out about what happened years later and fully agrees with Abby and Chance's decision. Go try and rebuild the relationship from there, idiot. Fuck him for trying to play games with someone else's kid because he and his fee fees are lonely. I hope Mariah stays out of this. For her own sake and also because it's one less thing for Abby/Chance to have to worry about. Cait Fairbanks has the greatest background presence on this show. I always love watching her for the reactions and the faces she makes. Something apparently happened with Chelsea? She sucks, so I wouldn't know.
  2. Devon has doubts about Chance's ability to be father? I have more than doubts about Devon's ability to be a grown ass man, but you don't see me filing lawsuits. Maybe someone should take custody of him. I thought for the first time in a while, Sally mostly handled herself well today and held her ground. Except at the end. Adam treats her like crap, and still appears to be a whiny putz....move on already. And Chloe might want to lay off the big bad lectures to Sally when she let's herself be nothing but Chelsea's lapdog. I'm so disappointed with the backstage stuff that I couldn't care less what happens with Ashland going forward.
  3. Some of you will certainly disagree with this, and that's totally fine. But from what I've read about the RB situation so far, this is fucking ridiculous. I mean, fired?? He at least followed the CDC guidelines, so he wasn't categorically disregarding safety. Plus, I'm sorry, but the network has to take some responsibility in these situations and be proactive in not letting people come back long enough to test negative *twice* if that doesn't meet their policy. If it's about safety and prevention, don't just make it a morality play starring only the employee. If I read differently and RB wasn't accurate with how he described things, I might change my opinion. But as it looks now, I don't like this. Not one bit.
  4. Ayyy Rey Rey, probably should have been at that party, bud. What's the deal with Sharon and her relationship to Christian, anyway? Obviously she's not his actual mother and there was the whole "Sully" fiasco, but wasn't she like a de facto mom when she was with Nick and the show treating it as such? Just not sure what they intend for it to be right now, if anything. Apart from storyline purposes, if it's so bad for Noah, why doesn't he just leave and go somewhere, anywhere else? Dude's booking a luxury seat on the pain train if he's trying to see this Tessa thing out to the bitter end. Of course Nick is going to grunge out in a flannels and jeans the following day. What's the difference? It was so fitting that he literally got a children's birthday party. The "world" doesn't think Devon has a son? Yeah, because Devon gleefully agreed to exactly that in writing. As others pointed out, it's normal for him to have regrets now that it's here, but it doesn't change the reality. Like, the kid is fine. Absolutely fucking fine. Loved and cared for by both parents and an extended family. There's no "protection" needed from Devon, so it absolutely is selfish if he puts his regret over the quite happy situation the baby is in right now.
  5. Babynapper Amanda thinks Abby/Chance are scum for allowing Devon to visit their son whenever he wants, but it's hilarious that friend Phyllis brags about running someone down in a blind rage.
  6. Yeah, I couldn't believe he said that. It's an actual lie, and makes it seem like Abby and Chance are denying him access when they're being completely open with said access. So his big moment is seeing Chance doing his best to bond with HIS (Chance's) son? My God, what a pathetic, utterly selfish thing. Maybe he should get his enablers Amanda/Nate/Lily to go fight this entire battle for him since he's let them tell him what to do so far. The "I don't know how Courtney Hope acts these scenes out" conundrum rolls on. I haven't been a fan of Jason Thompson's portrayal of Billy, one bit. I've never disliked the guy, but it just seems like he accentuates everything bad about this character (and there's a lot), but can't highlight any of the good. That being said, I thought he did well showing he felt the weight of this go off him in those scenes with Lily. Elena's skin is unreal. She glows, and it's getting ridiculously fabulous.
  7. I'm just piggybacking all the other observations/comments about today. The scenes about the baby- Dominic I mean, not Devon- I KNEW would make me angry, and that still undersold it. Amanda and that bad look on her face.... who does she think she is? Her weakling boyfriend AGREED to everything as it now stands. He's not being cut out of shit, and there was no "keepsies" because Abby asked him to fucking babysit. Abby and Chance let him come into *their* home and see the kid whenever he likes. Devon having literal custody- custody!- is guaranteed to cause confusion as to who his parents are as he grows up, but Devon doesn't seem to care. All about Dominic, my ass. And yet, Abby still managed to annoy me today. She's totally in the right and is being more than gracious with Devon on the custody thing. But enough with the side eye about Chance again. Didn't she see how happy and enthusiastic he was? He's going to be a much better father doing what he feels fulfilled doing instead of in some existential crisis. The dude's going to do dangerous work, and this is about as safe as it's gonna get. I like the Chance/Rey bromance. These guys really do seem like partners even though this is all new with this particular actor. I thought Nick's big plan for Noah was going to be a blowup doll.
  8. After today especially, I don't get the whole Sally/Adam thing. I mean, they do have chemistry for sure. But the way this is written is such a dud. It's not coming off as a slow burn, just her looking like a desperate fool as usual and Adam acting like he's too good for her.
  9. Is there a more worthless character than Chelsea? She's not a nice person, or even arguably interesting (ala the Victors of the world). She's not funny. She's just nuts. Worse than Phyllis, IMO. Because MS's Phyllis is such an absolute whackjob I can at least just laugh at her. Chelsea is UGH. Yeah, dumb on you Abby for accepting your friend's weird "offer" to be the splooge donor, and she's still approaching this whole thing from a selfish perspective. But all that said, I totally get why she and Chance would be freaked out at this whole situation. Devon is so completely self-unaware. You have to know this kind of request is going to turn into a confrontation in an instant, and I think he gave away the game with his pissy reaction there at the end. If you start asking for shared freaking custody, they're not going to want you around the kid, and they're gonna be right.
  10. I could've hypothetically gotten into this story and sympathized with all the characters, but this is more than enough....Noah's a damn creep.
  11. Does Billy get that not taking the conventional way of rebuilding his 98% fuck up reputation, and instead staking everything on the double or nothing risk is in fact him gambling again? Never mind, of course he doesn't. Some friend Devon is. The way those earlier scenes played out, it seems like we're clearly meant to think Devon is indeed using that conversation with Chance against him, no matter what the characters are saying now. Beyond being just stupid, I hate how poorly it's being shown specifically. So far they've really just shown Chance being happy to spend time with Dominic and facing no additional bonding problems than any overwhelmed new father. Chance's issues seem to be in more the general sense and in his regrets, so it doesn't really mesh with this sudden idea that there's some underlying issue about him being a dad in particular. Abby and the smug looks she's giving. She does just seem miffed that everyone isn't playing the role SHE planned for the big fun party she apparently intended this to be.
  12. I would think Amanda and Nate must hate Devon and are setting him up to be humiliated or emotionally destroyed. Shut the hell up. What they're telling him is the exact wrong thing for both the kid and Devon himself. Noah, too. Sally SHOULD have hurt Summer, because Summer is trash. And you might not want to talk about people getting what's coming to them with your scumbag Grampire being probably the most horrifically amoral person in town, or the world. And dude, no one- not ever- has succeeded in kindling or rekindling things with a woman while acting like this. He's clearly Nick's kid, because he's not necessarily the worst individual, but manages to be completely annoying and unlikeable in everything he's doing.
  13. In the spirit of the day, I figure I'll just share a couple (mostly positive) observations from Friday's ridiculous episode. Besides, you lovely people already roasted the eye roll worthy crap way better than I could. I think NuFaith is an excellent addition to the show. I'm not sure if it's technically good acting, but she's just a charming presence and plays off so well with everyone except (unfortunately) her so called romantic interest. CG played Cassie is always fun for me, despite it usually being these silly dream sequences. She's so good that she immediately makes you understand that the character is clearly Cassie or Mariah. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, and hope you all had a wonderful day.
  14. A day late on this, but I was disappointed- although not surprised- in Jack bringing Phyllis over to the Chancellor house. Abby and Chance don't need that poison in their lives, and that's actually how she behaved. But hey, Jack's trying to passively get laid here, so anything goes. Unintentional highlight of the day- creepy lonely Nick leering in a booth over at Victoria and Locke Ness, then playing pocket pool wandering over to them. He might wish he never said anything at all after that death stare of Ashland's. Lowlight- pretty everything else, starring the Rudolph cosplaying Buttbiscuit. Can someone roast his tiny chestnuts on an open fire?
  15. It irks me a little that Victor of course is the one who has to see something's up and will probably be the only one to get out of the whole thing without any trouble (I'm sure a "badass" Victor moment was about due in EB's contract).....but you know, whatever. If it leads to the sweaty concave mess of a star in this storyline getting his ass kicked, I'll deal. And we're supposed to believe the weak willed addict is going to be able to play act falling into his vices while being perfectly fine? Right. Adam was pulling off some weird DudeBro faces today- serious Harold and Kumar, Jackass level vibes. He and Connor seem like brothers at this point, especially with MG apparently channeling his inner Steve O. I'm sure the answer is because it's a steady job, but I otherwise don't know how Courtney Hope puts up with these storylines. Her character is made to look like an absolute idiot Every.Time.
  16. Yeah, I usually haven't been a fan of CM's characters, but I find it impossible not to like the guy whenever he's doing one of these gigs.
  17. I remember "joking" that the Corinthii were somehow going to adopt the Sasha/Brando baby....and then the baby's actual death winds up overwhelmed with Sonny, Carly, and Sonny's (dead) father. WTF is wrong with this show.
  18. I thought Fridays were supposed to be the exciting episodes? What a condensed collection of the most boring characters and plotlines (sorry, Rey. At least it wasn't your fault). Did Lily audibly say "shit" in the previews for next week? Seemed like it. That was about all I got out of today, seriously.
  19. So Sally was throwing a fit about Adam endangering her job or whatever, but then she'll spy for him three weeks later? And she hasn't been around him nearly long enough to bring up Chloe's kid and tell her that Adam's "changed". Pretty sure the more Mariah and Tessa seem to patch things up, the worse it's going to eventually be. I really wish Mariah wouldn't bring up the parenting thing at all to Tessa. By now Tessa knows exactly what Mariah's feelings are on the issue, and she should be the one to initiate that conversation if and only if she's ready.
  20. Chelsea was almost, not quite tolerable for me today. Oh yeah, that's because I FF'ed every scene she was in. Gotta get the practice in now. Given that it was Christine, I'm surprised she wasn't disappointed that Chance's life threatening was over. Pretty cringy how they have to do international intrigue dialogue- "da bad guys got CAUGHT"- but I'm all for if it ends that storyline. I know it's a table of one or nearly so here, but I like Rey. There's kind of nothing for him to do right now, but as long as he's not involved with Adam, he's a good accessory character IMO. Devon, this is not going to end well for you, buddy. We warned you. Petty side note, but why does every soap or even every fictional young child have to be so precocious and advanced for their age? Why not the occasional, "No, nothing too out of the ordinary. Average. Probably future middle management material, but a good kid"?
  21. The most manchild thing about the archetypical manchild Nick is how he insists on this "I want in, you don't listen to me, I want out" perpetual temper tantrum. I have no issue with anyone wanting to escape the Newmans. What Nick wants is all the power of the name, but to be known as the "good" one. Victor knows that, so why would he ever bring Nick on in any kind of scheme? I don't even truly get what he's that mad about. This how the Newmans work, and you're 40 something, so it get it through your head and get a life. Plus, the idiot had to trigger Pric into another Orphange rant. Yes, we get it, the world already kisses your ass. Honestly, Victor comes off as a stereotype of an old school "good" father than one actually in reality. Being willing to give your life for your kids, but not to make any changes for the better for them, isn't as admirable as he thinks it is, IMO. Speaking of dumb Newman kids....Abby, I see you. She tells Chance she doesn't want to him to change, with the expectation he won't and she can be so generous for offering. It's crazy that we're still feeling the effects of the stupid surrogate storyline that pretty much tanked every character involved. I can barely feel sympathy for any of them, except for the next person who sits on that Chancellor couch....
  22. This is also what they've historically done with Sonny (probably not a coincidence). He's the best, greatest, Gary Stu fan fiction character ever, but then have him doing things that show he's in fact a pathetic asshole. I suspect it's a result of them trying to give said characters an "edge", but failing miserably.
  23. I think I'm making a heel-face turn on this Abby/Chance dynamic. I'd ask what the fuck is wrong with her, but pretty sure there's a post character limit. She was right to want Chance to come home, but a HUGE part of that is her responsibility to know that "normal" life might be a long way off (if ever the same again) and of being there for him on his timeframe. Devon, no. Miss me with another round of the negative vibez baby whispering, and there will be no interventions. If anything, it seems so far that Tater is a positive, hopeful influence on Chance. I did get a laugh out of him saying he was so boring he got the kid to fall asleep. That was well delivered. I'm pretty ambivalent on Devon/Amanda as a couple. But one think I've noticed and like is how it does not at all feel like she's Hillary. Phyllis doesn't want to hurt Jack, implying she would like to get back together but can't stop herself from doing so? What is this facsimile of a human being? On the previews...Chelsea. Ugh. I thought they were supposed to highlight what makes people WANT to tune in next week?
  24. Mr. Biscuit can't believe that "his own brother" wouldn't pay for his revenge scheme. Shut up, asshole. I'm sure Jack didn't believe that his own brother would plug his wife and then hound him for months for forgiveness, either. If Phyllis/Jack is going to happen, it's on Phyllis to go for it and tell Jack she's not going to hurt him. He's got every right (and sense) to think she'd do it again. Whoops, Abby "forgot" that her funniest home videos were mostly yelling at Chance for not being there, and then recommends that he watch them (I still don't think she was wrong at the time for feeling that way, but regardless). If I thought Abby were smarter, I'd almost think it was some kind of passive aggressive oopsie. I do *not* think Abby is smarter.
  25. I actually liked today's episode. Lots of characters interacting, some intrigue, and nobody was interested in Phyllis. Chance is growing on me. I'm glad they're playing up the conflicting emotions and the turmoil he's feeling about being back. The actor's doing well with it so far....understated, but you can clearly see the tension. Must be an even day, because there was a light again in SC's eyes. You never know what you're getting with that one, but I still like her when she shows up and bothers to emote. Abby is still such an idiot. MO looked especially great today, though.
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