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Everything posted by Scorpiosunshine

  1. Just throwing this in: My guide is still incorrect, too. I am showing exactly what you're showing! (I have Directv if that helps.) Edit: OK, that's WEIRD! I don't know when it updated, but my guide IS correct now and my DVR updated. That must have just happened! At least it's showing up for the right days/times.
  2. The most unintentionally hilarious moment for me tonight: Beefy Ross walks out of the room, his slightly-too-small suit ripples across his considerable frame, he crosses the common area, then he disappears. GrandPAssum's voiceover tells us he is PISSED! And he is ANGRY! To express his rage, milquetoast, cardigan-loving Arie sneers, "Fucking nerd", to no one except the cameraman and the empty commons. LOL! ?
  3. I watched when Viceland originally aired it, loved it so much that I kept the season on my DVR, and tonight I just finished my second viewing! Now I am waiting anxiously for the next season! I find that Viceland has excellent programming in general, so I'm thrilled they aired this gem. The question for me is: will they pick up season 2 as it airs, or will we have to wait a while? Eek! Ok, I just realized that The Weinstein Co had distribution rights butnsold the rights to Amazon. It looks like series 2 (season 2) airs in Iceland during Winter 2018, so maybe we will get it as it airs. Dang, such a long time either way. On another note, I'm going to Iceland at the end of this year or beginning of next year, so I'll definitely check out some Trapped landmarks!
  4. I feel awful for Dom. I hope he dumps Mary, heals, and looks back only long enough to never again make that kind of mistake. I don't often say this, but Mary is a first-class, straight-out bitch. She is in love with the idea of a wedding, that's it. To hell with Dom, his needs, his feelings, his freedom... I LOVED Dom's calm and matter-of-fact response when Mary attempted her shitty, "ok fine then let's just end it" teen-level, emotional blackmail. What a selfish, self-centered imbecile. Her man is traumatized. He could go back to prison if he does the wrong thing, he is telling her that he wants to do the RIGHT thing, and that's somehow an issue? The fillers have scrambled whatever brain she may have had. FREE DOM! Alla was definitely high. Her attitude, defensiveness, shadiness, the puking (if it was real, it's a big giveaway, esp if you've ever been there or seen it first-hand). I wouldn't be shocked if she used in the bathroom, too. Scott needs to cut his losses with Lizzie, but I bet he won't. Don't be stupid, Scott! You're still nothing but a mark to Lizzie. Johnna finally goaded Garrett into a proposal. How romantic.
  5. I don't understand being jealous of an ex or the mother of a partner's child. That was before you, you know he has a child, you know the child has a mother ... Why get involved with that if you can't handle it? She knew what she was getting into. It's incredibly selfish and childish to act that way. I'd just say that I want to meet his daughter and ex but I'm not ready, or I'd admit to him that I'm nervous and would rather sit this one out . I can understand being nervous or even intimidated, but I don't get not handling it like an adult. Andrea is acting ridiculous, but Lamar's reaction kind of worried me. Those two are toxic. (As are most of these couples.) Garrett is not ready to settle down, Johnna is cuckoo, and she's going to let him run all over her just so she can have her man. The lady waiting on the prison bus -- way to misrepresent yourself.
  6. I read in an article that it was an outside person who reported the abuse. I wonder if it was one of the boyfriends (now husband and fiance). I'm wondering only because I was in a similar situation. I confided to a boyfriend/future husband (the abuse had stopped by then), and he encouraged me to tell my mom, etc. I don't know why, but I hope that's the case.
  7. Lizzie is never going to get her SAG card -- her acting skills are awful.
  8. **dead** hehe! Don't get me wrong, I love snark as much as anyone else, but I have to admit that I really enjoyed the relative normalcy of this episode. It didn't surprise me that Alicia struggled at first and continued to hide her eating; she was so deep in her addiction and so in love with food. It took her longer to get there but I'm glad she did. I liked Tim, but part of me kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm glad it never did! I hope Tim is a case of "what you see is what you get; he seemed to be a genuinely good guy. He was probably one the most "normal" partners I've ever seen on this show.
  9. My surprise at this couldn't be any lower. With her being an addict --and heroin at that-- there was always a good chance of relapse. (Assuming that's the case-- still reading the articles) It's too easy to fall back into, hard to break free from (but 100% can be done), and addicts can relapse many times. I'm sure everything I'm saying is preaching to the choir here. Too bad James was thinking with his little head instead of his brain. Getting involved with an addict is risky, but when they're just getting out of prison, too? Pfft. It's such a bad idea for both of them!
  10. ?? You all are killing me tonight! Practically every post in this thread has me rolling!! I don't understand how Avi asking for money wasn't a clue to any of these grown ass women. WHY would anyone give away their rent money and risk not getting it back? No loving fiance would ask that or do that! Sure, engaged people share money, combine funds, etc, but they already have an actual life together! All I see is so much desperation and barely a hint of empowerment, self-love/respect. It's OK to not always have dick and to refuse to take any old scrap of attention , Whitney -- especially if you have to PAY for it.
  11. Classic Abuser 102, right behind "See what you made me do!" If she gets back together with him, he will be good for a while, then the verbal abuse will ramp up, and (if it hasn't already) the physical abuse won't be too far behind. If I believed in gods, I'd be praying and begging right now that she comes to her senses. On the other hand, I've been there myself and know that it often takes multiple times leaving/attempts to leave. Someone should drill this into Lexus' head:
  12. Agreed x all 3 ^^ I am so far behind on this show. I had to stop watching when The-Pimply-Prince-of-Parenting-Wisdom ordered Luxury Car to stop spoiling a newborn. I was infuriated and didn't think I'd finish the series. Color me shocked when James tried the same thing and Lily-of-the-Dumb basically told him to have a fucking seat (and cuddled baby closer). Good for her!
  13. I just happened upon a marathon of this show while having an oh-so-rare lazy morning in bed with coffee. I love this entire comment! I am dying at "pussy in the wind"! LMAO!
  14. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed his junk, lol. I was feeling kind of skeevy that I even noticed, but it was just so obvious! Shannon is so immature. I get her point about some things, but I also get Shellie's points. Regardless of who is right and who is wrong about certain details, they both need to put the pettiness aside. Shellie does seem kind of mean-girlish in some ways, but Shannon is so dramatic and so "me me me me". She seems incredibly stunted, angry, and combative. Lily "I'm married in my head" is dumb as fuck. All the talking in the world isn't going t change that; she's just going to have to learn the hard way. That is the only way ANY of these young moms and dads are going to learn anything . Do any of them have jobs? I was dying to work as soon as I could, same with my brothers and sister. I don't understand not wanting your own money -- even before a baby was involved!
  15. I didn't see this before I posted in the wish list thread. No Swapnil! :( I'm not surprised. I see a few names that interest me, but I'm excited for Edmond and Kelly. I can't wait to see how their aesthetic has evolved.
  16. Aww, I'd love to see what Swapnil could do with a second chance. I feel like he started so strong then just crashed and burned. I rooted for him on his season, but I understood why it was his time to get aufed. He has talent, but I am torn about PR being right for him. Nonetheless, I'd love to see him again. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I sort of wouldn't mind Korina being on all-stars. It would be interesting to see how much/if she's grown.
  17. I’ll also be back for season 4. It’s partly because I have to see if the writers redeem the season 3 shitshow, and partly because I am committed to ogling JJ anytime he is on my screen. By the way, I was so disinterested in this season that I finally finished it...yesterday, nearly a year later. See what you did, writers? I used to looked forward to the next episode. I wouldn’t mind seeing some true redemption for some or all of the characters. I will say this: While I am not OKing the cheating, the dysfunction, the lack of self-respect, the utter desperation, the lies, etc ... I understand the pull re: Alison and Cole/ Helen to Noah. That said, the pull can be broken. It is possible to free oneself of that level of dysfunction and to have healthy relationship(s). It takes work and it takes commitment, but it can be done. I'm not sure where I want the characters to go, but I can't help but want Alison and Cole to end up back together. Not as it is, but maybe in some future where they have grown and truly changed. I don't know...that may change, too. Perhaps I'm a bit blinded by my attraction to/long-running crush on JJ. :) I hope Noah and Helen each find their own healthy happiness, too. I've never been one to need a happy ending, but I wouldn't mind it here. Can't really say why. Guess I'm not sweating it too much, being a show I couldn't even finish until nearly a year later.
  18. I missed the part about the dad Skyping, but I thought the article stated it was her mother and stepfather who visited Andrrrrrrei in Ireland. (Not to say it isn’t still made up drama!) Agreed. It doesn’t look like him, IMO, plus it was in 2009, and the ages don’t quite match. To me, the guy in the video looks older than Andrrrrrrei does now. Andrrrrei is kind of-sort of my type, though to be fair, I don’t have one type and have dated/loved a wide variety. I mean, ultimately I guess he’s the type I am most atttracted to, in that he’s taller/bigger, dark-haired, light eyes, and takes no shit. Granted, I like mine a little less salty, but I don’t mind a little salt, as long they are sweet to me and not assholes to others— no jerks. I do like his straightforwardness. I don’t see an abusive guy at all, just a different culture. The drinking would be something I’d be very wary of, and in fact, it might be a dealbreaker. I’d have to see more before judging on that. An ex had issues with alcohol, so I tread carefully. I llike that he gave no shits about Elizabeth’s dad and brother, yet he wasn’t rude—he was firm. I get sick of the brides/grooms being treated as “others” simply because they’re “foreign”. The families act like interrogators rather than family, which doesn’t really set up a good situation for getting to know someone. I’m glad Andrrrrrrei stood up for himself and basically poo-pooed their verbal handwringing.
  19. Trashy dysfunctional relationships, you say? Can't wait! :D I do love me some good old schadenfreude.
  20. Other than reading the occasional recap, I gave up all recipes of Teen Mom, but I'm all in for Teen Mum! I hope this isn't the last of it. You've all pretty much said what I wanted to say, but I have a few thoughts: Sassi: SO.MUCH.YELLING. Good grief. Does she ever stop (do ANY of these moms stop) to think that screaming in front of their young child might not be a good idea? I just don't get it. There isn't even a second thought about it, no awareness at all. Then again, I don't ever have to stop to think about not yelling in front of children, because I don't yell at people at all. Jordan is kind of a mush-mouth, but he and Chloe seem to be fine. They're young and don't quite get it, but they are getting there. I think they will be fine. They both work, don't scream in front of the baby, and seem to at least sort out their issues (dumb as they may seem) without too much drama. Buying a house is a smart move, and as long as Chloe is realistic (cue the new car scene), they might be OK. Mia needs to dump Manley. He is a jerk, a low-key drama king, and seems like the type of guy to spark a fight so he has an excuse to dip out and go do his thing. Mia seems so upbeat and happy, so positive, and at least she tries. I'm sure we don't see all that goes on, but I see so many red flags there that it makes me fear for her a bit. Not good. Amber --(Good for her for dumping Alex.) I think she wants Ste again only because she's single. He seems to be a decent guy. Yeah, physically he's not conventionally "hot", but I often find physical quirks sexy, especially when we're talking about a good guy. (I am not saying I find Ste sexy, he just doesn't bother me too much either way.) Megan: It's all been said. I'm sad for her. That's really all I can add. You know ...It's kind of sad to look at these young couples and see so much drama, so many tears, raised voices, unhappiness, and to NOT see the spark and passion of young love. This should be the time of their lives! Love is wonderful at all ages, of course, especially when it's "twu wuv", but one of the best/most memorable parts of youth is falling "in love", experiencing the passion and fire that comes with a relationship, wanting to be close to the other person, cuddling, hugging, laughing, being together, figuring it all out while exploring life and the world, etc. These couples are so joyless.
  21. I'd like to steal this phrase, please and thank you. It'd be a great comeback for those who perpetually make excuses on "why" they can't get "it" done: "Cut the bullshit and make a coat, Margarita!" Hehe!
  22. Please let me pile on to the Leverett hate. I'm starting to fast-forward through his segments, too. They are all the same and annoying as hell. Yes, Sgt Leverett, you're "King Poobah"-- that's way above the not-nearly-as-fair-as-you "Grand Poobah". You're the fairest of them all. That would be an early Christmas giftie.
  23. I know this is old, but in defense of Live PD being live: I'm watching this episode right now and have rewatched that part several times. At first it was hard to hear every word because the officer kind of mumbles & talks fast, plus the suspect keeps interrupting. I listened a few times, put my headphones on to listen again, then checked CC to double check. The officer says, "They were out here before I even g... (the suspect once again interrupts for a second, then the officer continues)...They were out here before I even got here, okay." When I heard it the first few times with no headphones and no CC, it did sound like he said "beautiful Friday night", but I think that's because he mumbles at one point and runs his words together. The headphones really helped clarify.
  24. I just wanted to add that as much as Margarita bugs, I did feel for her when Tim told her she couldn't buy the fur. I can see how that would throw her off. When she initially picked the rabbit (?), I did have a split-second thought, "Is it real?", but didn't think more about it. I guess I assumed it wasn't, so my brain didn't wonder about the possible consequences. Also, a quick agreement on some of the Kenya sentiments -- I do think she it talented and I hope she has a long, successful career. To say she makes "wearable clothes" does sound ridiculous, but I understand what's meant by the sentiment. This is just me: I want to see runway clothes on PR. I don't want to see clothing I can see in a clothing catalog, on a rack, etc. I appreciate beautiful, well-made, "regular" clothes when I see them, and sometimes it even fits the bill. That's fine; there's nothing wrong with it. The designs don't all have to be "out there", either. I just want a lot of eye-candy. :-)
  25. That's the cool thing -- we don't have to question why we have the reactions we have. We just have them, and that's OK. This board is for discussion and snarking, and Maragrita brings plenty of both on herself with her own eye-rolling and super nastiness. If she put half of that (negative) energy into designing, she might be more successful. Just IMO. No one said she was lying, but Margarita knows what "cold" means. Puerto Rico does not exist in a vacuum and neither does Margarita. She went to fashion school (!!!) in RI. She's seen movies. She's been to fabric stores, fashion shows, etc. She knew enough to pick fur!! (My stepmother, step-sister, etc are Puerto Rican -- they are not totally oblivious to Winter.) Margarita's dress was fugly and tacky because she made fugly and tacky clothes, not because she's from Puerto Rico. There are plenty of designers who come on the show from x and/or have never done x or worked with x. She is not unique or special. I liked Kenya's coat, but when they were in Mood, she had her hands on a multi-color slightly-abstract Chevron (wool?) fabric that I thought was fantastic. I was hoping she'd get that! I want to get it and make something, lol. I loved Brandon's and Kentaro's. Slight issues with both, but loved and would wear both. Ayana's was close but it didn't quite hit the mark. I liked the coat well enough, but the jumpsuit was a little to clownish. She was on the right track, though. I like these 3 and will be happy if they are top 3, but I'm truly excited to see all the collections and let the best win.
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