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Everything posted by Scorpiosunshine

  1. I had Swapnil pegged for the win from the beginning, rooted for him the whole time , and was disappointed at his slacker arc and subsequent aufing. I loved his dummy collection ( and his other collections I checked out) ! THAT was a winning collection, IMO. He could have blown them all out of the competition! IMO, his talent and eye far surpasses any other designer this season. (Side note: I have a piece by Dmitry and would pay good money to have a Swapnil design.)
  2. I'm still watching the episode, but regarding he couple in Israel: I thought it was cute when he said " you may not be able to get every single thing you want" and she said " maybe I cannnn!", grinned, then whipped her head toward the camera and did that movie-style" duhhhhh duhhh duhhh!! " shit-is-about-to-go-down sound. Very cute.... I chuckled out loud :)
  3. Yes, that's who she reminded of in that pic they showed! What a gorgeous photo!
  4. Damn, Babs looked freaking HOT in that "wet shirt" picture they showed; Glenn had his own muse, indeed! Yowza!
  5. It does look like Mo is finally making permanent contributions to the relationship; however, it appears that contribution may be a raging case of herpes, lol.
  6. **oh heck; I forgot that this show aired weeks ago and I'm playing catch-up. I guess there's no issue, lol, sorry.
  7. For those who asked, here is the full-size of my avatar. It's still cropped, but nothing important is cropped out. Now I wished I would have done a better job on the final version; I went through so many attempts at resizing it for my avatar, I got tired and did kind of a hack job on the cloning. Oh well ; it still cracks me up, hehe!
  8. I wish I could take credit for all that, but to be fair, another poster started in with "the holler" comments, and I just put my own spin on it. But... now I'm laughing at "swamp flower"! LOL ! I love this board ! :) It cracks me up, too , hehe! I wish I wouldn't have had to crop and resize it, because it was much funnier before I did all that; I took a pic of Katy Perry in her Cheetoh costume from Halloween (not sure what year) and cloned in Leah's "nodding off with tongue out" face, lol. :)
  9. "Big Poopi" ; hahaha!! Add me in to this group of posters. I do the same things. ( Even though I'm huge about keeping things clean and tidy, I don't make my guests feel uncomfortable or anything. They're free to make themselves at home, and I'll happily clean. ) There's nothing wrong if people don't want to go to that extreme, as long as it is within reason. I'm funny about eating food prepared by people whose homes I've never visited, just for that reason--is it clean? How clean? The problem with Leah's house (and car) is that it seemed to be unkempt to the point of being unacceptable-- not because OF the kids, but because she HAS kids. At least give the kids a clean, tidy place to live! Won't anybody think about the kids!? ;) The house looked so different when they showed it after Leah moved out; even though they didn't show much, I noticed it before Jeremy even mentioned it. Yes! All of this^^Remember, he dared ask for time to think things through. A person on this show actually wanted time to put thought into a relationship, guys! No, that wasn't good enough and it wasn't fast enough, so she went back to Germy. Then, when her perfect fairytale with Germy didn't "beat" Corey , I think that was the straw that broke Leah's nose. No one disses Pill Princess of Possum Holler**, and no one out fairy-tales her fairy tale. **Ftr, I joke and kid, but I am a huge proponent of harm reduction and advocating for drug reform/helping addicts/etc. My problems with Leah go way beyond her simply using.**
  10. We all know that Kail can certainly be a jerk with or without Javi, but you're so right about the possibility of "smooth sailing" without Javi in the picture. No, it's not always been that way, but I think Javi intentionally rattles the cage (while Kail prefers rattling heads ) more than calming things down. He's insecure to the point where Jo and Kail having a conversation on the front porch--as well as surrounded by cameras, in broad daylight -- angers him. I know that it isn't always roses and rainbows being a stepparent (been there, loved it, sometimes it was HARD), but never would I have attempted to forbid conversations between two people who will always share a son and always be his parents, no matter if his father and I were married or not. Javi would do well to keep that in mind. Jo and Kail will need to communicate for a long time, and while they should respect their partners, Kail and Jo's parenting of Isaac trumps Javi's insecurities and his need to throw down commands--commands which won't stop Kail from cheating, IF that's what he is afraid of/ what she wants to do. Moving on to Leah for a second: The more I think about her the more she irritates me. She has one of the best fathers of the franchise for her girlses, a man who is steady, responsible, a good father--no, not perfect...but rock solid and wanting the best for the girlses. Corey truly wants the best for them! He wants them to have a shot at a good life. Naturally, Leah goes out of her way to try to make him look like the bad guy. Has she looked around at the alternatives? If only she were as quick to throw herself under the bus as she is Corey. (If the rumors are true, if those two did hook up, ughhh; I don't even want to think about it, lol!
  11. The poster I answered asked about repaying financial assistance . The poster didn't ask about child support/cs arrears while on assistance. It was specifically about repaying the aid itself (housing assistance, etc). I've never heard of it having to be repaid, and .gov FAQ states as much. I think we might have been talking about two different things.
  12. Agreed! While, IMO, Vee may be prettier and less chinful than Kail*, she is not even close to model material....not even video vixen material. On another shallow note: I searched for pics and some of her pregnancy photos came up; I have to say that it suited her --her filled-out face glowed with health and hormones. She looked so pretty! * I think Kail can be quite pretty at times, but sometimes her attitude is so stank she looks hideous, unflattering scarves aside. *
  13. N.I.C.K. B, eh? Hahaha, I'd forgotten. Jo's too duck-faced for my taste , so I'm not really getting "cool kid" vibes, but I'm also not a kid, lol. I listen to all kinds of music, rap from across many eras and styles included. I haven't listened in a while, but IIRC, my reaction when I first heard Jo rap was laughter and a big eyeroll. Could I have been colored by TM infamy? Certainly, it is possible, but I am pretty sure I could separate my feelings. In other words, I thought it was crap, lol. Just to be fair, no one lied on Vee. It was a purely speculative conversation --re: what Vee (and in effect, others in her situation) may be entitled to receive -- started upthread by someone other than the poster you quoted. More on Jo: I think he's getting a little too much credit --"maybe" he plans to do this or that when it comes to school, time with Isaac, as to why he isn't working, etc. He said NONE of those things when he had the chance. He said he "could" get a 9 to 5 "but" yadda yadda...then gave excuses why he doesn't want to, all while acting above it. He also didn't ask for and was specifically happy about not getting more time with Isaac. (Yes, I know he's now doing school drops, games, etc..that's not what I mean) Just like with Kail and the pic text, wouldn't mentioning things during an important convo about those things make sense? Jo made it clear that he doesn't want to work, then gave a ridiculous excuse which made no sense. As much as I loathe Kail these days, I just cannot strain credulity to defend Jo. He's not a saint just because Kail is a sinner. If he had plans for school or getting a job, he sure made no mention of any of those plans. I go by what these people say, and he didn't "defend" his unemployment with any summer visit/school/job is coming excuses. To me, he seemed defensive and embarrassed. There is zero shame in temporary unemployment , but when it comes to supporting kids, IMO, there is shame in not wanting to work. Even though he is paying support now, maybe he's afraid an increase will mean getting a job, which he doesn't want to do. It could be that simple. He and Vee were stupid to have a baby with no flexible financial plan in place. Jo should know child support could go up, because the cost of living goes up , and it's as much his responsibility as it is Kail's , even if she does make more. I just don't think he deserves a pass ( that no other father gets) simply because Kail sucks. The best thing to do is to do what most people do, and the right thing to do --let the courts handle it. If Kail gets less, so be it. Jo will come out better . I won't wish it on her , though, because that money is for Isaac. As much as Kail deserves scorn, I believe she uses CS for Isaac. **Edited because of typos and grammar; the keyboard on my frequently-dropped iPad has a mind all its own, misses letters, can't keep up with my typing, etc. If you see a glaring mistake in a post I've written, my apologies. I probably missed a few!
  14. No, except in cases of fraud (pursued cases, that is ) there is no repayment of Section 8 or most any other assistance programs (I mean state and fed, not private), as "repayment" is considerd to be via the recipient paying taxes, since those programs are funded by tax dollars.
  15. I meant to say part of her waist, d'oh!! Just....wow. That pic gives a whole new meaning to "pursing her lips"!
  16. I agree-- I loved Swapnil's design, but while I thought the pink was pretty, another color would have worked better. As for Lindsey, I think your words perfectly described the effect of the model's boobs looking like part of her waist :) That yellow was hideous!!! Blech!!!
  17. When Javi first came around, I thought he was a nice guy and would be good for Kail and Isaac. (Not as a Jo replacement, but just a supplement, so-to-speak, lol ) Now, I really cannot stand him. He thinks he's some fucking super star, and I can't wait until he is disavailed of that notion.*edited bc "ice" guy and "nice" guy aren't the same*
  18. Just to answer the questions about Kail pursuing a child support increase, and why she is choosing now-- my understanding is that she didn't initiate CS discussions out of nowhere; she received a letter stating that it was time for a review of child support since there hadn't been a change or a review in x number of years. (I don't recall the exact wording or number of years) She was telling someone (Javi I guess?) and then later Jo about the letter, and in each of those conversations she made the point about how his support didn't even cover tuition, etc. The child support revision letter came up; she agreed that it was time, and Jo agreed but wanted to do it out of court. We all know the rest ...
  19. I agree , except I wish I had taken a clue from you and hadn't watched the rest, LOL!
  20. Jo needs to get a job, and Vee can quit her crying and get a job, too. Her comment about how it's not just affecting his life but her life too? Umm, oh well! You don't depend on a child support arrangement to supplement your wishes for a baby. It's not wrong or evil of Kail to go through th courts just like I or most people I know would advise anyone to do, as is her legal right and his responsibility. That being said, I think Kail did want to work it out outside of court, then Javi talked her out of it (I truly believe her emotions on that were genuine), then she used the game and ceremony as "excuses" to move forward in court. Not that she needs an excuse...but the two kind of have nothing to do with one another. Leah: She seemed fine when she got out, though it's all still Corey's fault for always attacking her. STFU, Leah. But later in the episode, the camera showed her profile when she was on her phone, and she had her mouth set in that way she always did when she was suspected to be high, her husky drug voice seemed to be back and her eyes looked pinned. Granted, I could be wrong. She just had that look, and she didn't sound as clear and animated as she did when it was obvious she was sober. Chelsea : I like Cole and hope it works out. I love that she and Aubree are excited and happy, because they deserve it. She does need to be careful not to lead Aubree with the "Daddy" stuff, and chill with the passive Adam bashing. He may deserve it, but it's not fair to Aubree. That being said, I do understand and will give her a pass, only because I believe she is truly torn, and her reasons are not evil, hateful ones--she wants her daughter to feel loved, wanted, happy, etc. Adam straight up lied about Father's Day. ***arghhh! My iPad is leaving off letters! So annoying !
  21. I just watched the clip, and Jo high-fives Kail when she says she doesn't want to do the six weeks, he says, "thank god", explains about how he thought it was a disaster/adjusting, then she says she thought he'd ask for more time , and Jo says he's already putting in more time by driving to school, games, etc, and it's already more of a bigger load on him because he's not used to it, then they discuss child support. I think I got it all! On another topic, I know this was briefly discussed before, but I forgot to mention how glaring the difference was in the behavior of the girlses at Leah's/Leah's family vs Corey's. Since Leah is coming back this epi, it's going to be interesting to see how the girlses act after the initial happiness of seeing Leah. I hope Leah gets her shit together and gets clean. I hope she learns to take responsibility instead of only blaming. Owning her own mistakes is what will help her avoid repeating them; blaming others does her no good. Ultimately, her children pay the price.
  22. I don't recall the exact words, but Jo's wording also implied that those 6 weeks were hard on him, too, that it was a huge adjustment being in it every day, and that as soon as they did get adjusted it was time for Isaac to go back to Kail's. He was relieved and happy to keep the status quo.
  23. Yes, she said it in the episode. She said it was a huge sign with the date and time, that she took a pic of it and sent it to Jo.
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