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Everything posted by WinnieWinkle

  1. What bothers me are people who loudly proclaim they hate kids (probably one of the last entire group of human beings people feel comfortable admitting they hate to the world and his uncle) but also feel fully qualified to give an opinion and advice about a child's behavior based on a 2 minute interaction in a public place. Gets on my last nerve.
  2. I think it makes a difference how one defines SAHM too of course. With most young women now that I know of women stay home for the first year after they have a child and then go back to work - and even that year (or two or three depending on # of children) can be a problem for them in terms of their upwards mobility. But if when you talk about a SAHM you mean a woman who stays home at least until the youngest is in school, or even longer, that's a totally other issue. Again, IME, this can be spun positively (whether it will work is another issue) but I completely agree that it ends up being much harder for a woman to re-renter the workforce, and if she's in a profession of any kind she's then years behind where she would have been had she never been a SAHM and of course that's bound to impact on her negatively - but I don't see a reasonable solution in that scenario to be honest. Choice made - consequences inevitable really. Which I wish I could get through to my niece - knowing her someday she will be railing about how cruel the world is because she took 18 years out of the working world and didn't get the corner office when she went back to work.
  3. Random observation - watching older episodes and noticed that with both Dr Stepanie and and with Raj's sister Priya we have women who try to change Leonard in terms of clothing and appearance. In both cases not in a positive way. With Penny I don't recall any episodes where she does this - he does try to change things about himself for her but once they are a couple I can't think of any times when she makes him wear clothes that itch or put him in contacts. Not sure where i'm going with this 😃.
  4. I wish it were just her. I am so sick of this attitude that they've somehow suffered because they couldn't party for a year. Her own father was a POW who was tortured, our grandparents/great grandparents fought a war and lived through a depression that went on a helluva lot longer than this. If just once MM would express some awareness of this I could cut her some slack but she doesn't - and she won't.
  5. This, a thousand times this. And women (in general) have contributed to this, and still are. I remember in library school there were a handful of men as opposed to women in my class. Guess who the class president and vice president were? And it was the female dominated class that elected them. It was mind boggling to me at the time and it still pisses me off when I remember it.
  6. Someone at ABC is either very cleverly working against the Republicans by giving her the chance to be that 'one conservative voice" or else they genuinely think she's smart and is giving her the opportunity to prove it, time and time again. I honestly am not sure which is true. Or else someone thinks having her rant on and on is actually funny? Maybe?
  7. How much is that a judgement of a stay at home parent though as it is a judgement of someone who has been out of work for X number of years? IME (admittedly in a female dominated profession) there is an acceptance of women being off work for child care - this is actually in my opinion the one benefit to being a woman in the working world. Men being off work for a similar length of time better have a really good reason - and staying home to care for kids isn't going to cut it in most situations.
  8. The movie Christmas on Wheels was filmed in and around Ottawa last July or August, can't remember. We got the chance to watch a few scenes being filmed in a small town near us. They had set up a Christmas tree lot, complete, of course, with a kiosk selling hot chocolate (doesn't every town have one of those?) and people were walking down the street wearing coats and boots etc. Must have been awful for the cast!
  9. Short answer - yes. I cannot wait until no one cares what she has to say anymore.
  10. When I was a young mother the big battle was the classic "which mom is better" also known as "which mom has it harder" the working mom or the stay at home mom. I'm sad to see that 30 years later this is still going on. I've got a niece who is homeschooling her kids and doesn't just stay home because it's her choice she has to put down any woman who goes out to work. She also talks endlessly about the "financial sacrifices" she's making as if women who work are just working because they want to be able to afford Starbucks. I want to hand a her a reality cheque and suggest that the "financial sacrifice" she is making now may bite her in the ass when she's older. I think though she's going to have to learn this the hard way. In the meantime I wish she'd stop acting like women who work are doing it because they don't love their kids as much as she loves hers!
  11. I've never done that (but I like the idea) but I have definitely spoken up either on behalf of an employee or to the employee afterwards to let them know I witnessed the incident and they did nothing wrong. Too many times it's one crappy incident with a customer that is going to ruin someone's day. It's human nature - and to bring this to the topic of pet peeves : a pet peeve of mine is how I can let one crappy news story or one crappy interaction with a nasty person completely colour my day. I wish I could shrug stuff off more easily.
  12. I love this idea, but I swear, I spent a good part of last night trying to think of another classic scenario, but the two you listed cover every movie I could think of! I watched one this morning that was actually pretty good Write Before Christmas but then when the lead couple had the "misunderstanding" it was a double whammy - both of them saw the other with someone they assumed that person was in a relationship with - the only difference was that in the case of the man the person he was with was practically a stranger to him and not the usual ex-girlfriend. Otherwise I liked this one quite a bit - there were several couples and other storylines that were interesting so worth my 2 hours.
  13. Courtesy is definitely a two way street. But that said I've witnessed a lot more customers being incredibly rude and dismissive to servers in restaurants and store employees than paid employees being rude. Working in a public library i was also on the receiving end of some verbal abuse that would surprise anyone who thinks working in a library is a nice quiet job. The self absorbed entitled nasties seemed to forget that a library employee doesn't have to take crap the way a cashier does. They'd threaten to leave and never come back and we'd respond "yes, not a problem." 😊
  14. She's probably eligible now if you consider Josh hasn't worked in months - assuming he ever worked and brought in a real income of course. I can't see the Duggars supporting the idea of her going on public assistance though - they want to give the illusion of wealth and they also want to give the illusion of being a caring family. That wouldn't really jibe with Anna having to collect money from the government.
  15. For me I want things to have a place they always go because I grew up in a house where I could never find the scissors, or the scotch tape, or the TV Guide. Whatever I was looking for was never, ever, where anyone would expect it to be. I figured there may not be a ton of compensations to getting older but one of them is sure going to be being able to put my hand on the scissors when I need them and not having to search the entire house for them!
  16. Another household related pet peeve - people I am related to who put knives in the sink - when it is filled with dishes and soapy dish water. An accident just waiting to happen!
  17. I agree. We've had years of issues becoming politicized that really shouldn't be and I would absolutely love for The View to go back to it's roots and just discuss issues that are of particular interest to women and have the women who are on the panel represent women at various stages on life's journey. Sure, sometimes politics are bound to come into any discussion but not every damn time! IF they get an MM clone it's just going to be more of the same.
  18. Ugh. My parents were actually pretty enlightened for the time - but it still rankles when I remember my mother cooking special meals for my brother when he would come home late while we girls were expected to fend for ourselves. The fending for ourselves part wasn't the problem needless to say - it was waiting on the Little Prince hand and foot that drove us nuts! But at least she didn't expect his sisters to do the spoiling!
  19. Have they said when her last official day is going to be? Because I will be definitely tuning in for that.
  20. And it's still women being expected to be the ones to have this conversation in the first place. I am living for the day when magazines aimed at men start having articles in them dealing with issues like this and telling men they need to be the ones to just start doing it - not wait to be asked, or told or forced or whatever - just start assuming that they do at least 50% of everything home or child related if their partner also works outside the home. Never going to happen but I can dream.
  21. My spouse related pet peeve is that he has closure issues. By which I mean he cannot shut a cupboard, a drawer or a door to save his life. If we were ever to divorce and I have to give reasons this would lead the list!! Second only to his inability to differentiate between the laundry basket and the floor right beside the laundry basket. What bugs me is when I say "use as many bags as it takes" and they still put everything into one bag. Hey I know I don't look like the richest woman in the world but trust me I can splurge an extra nickel or two for more bags at a grocery checkout!
  22. I don't care what anyone does in private but talking about their genitals, however cutely named, is not something I want someone doing in front of me. Major "hey, boundaries people" thing for me.
  23. Same. I have a master's degree and worked as a librarian when my kids were small but even so my husband always made more money than I did and if we had to choose one of us being home it definitely would have been me. Which, of course, is part of the problem with women moving forward in their chosen fields. In most cases I know even when the wife was a major breadwinner she was still the one taking time off when the kids needed someone at home - be it a day, a week, or in a pandemic a year. Sure there are exceptions but that's exactly what they are, exceptions.
  24. Look how many mothers ended up having to quit their jobs in the midst of the pandemic. I'm not saying men should have quit but it's not exactly going to surprise most people if when it comes right down to it it's mom who has to give up working when kids need to be cared for. I was watching the news the other night and some small business owners were moaning about how they can't get employees back now that things are starting to open up - and of course blaming the money that people have been getting for being off work because of the pandemic. No mention that most of these jobs they can't fill are minimum wage (if that) and mainly filled by women. Well how are women with kids supposed to be taking these jobs right now when schools are closed and a lot of child care options aren't fully available and we're still IN a pandemic in the first place?
  25. My theory is that she is so desperate to be liked by Republicans who are pro Trump that she thinks she has to be disrespectful to any Democrat who holds office. I also think she's angling for a Fox or similar gig and I guess she thinks that attitude is what they're expecting.
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