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I Want My MBTV

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Everything posted by I Want My MBTV

  1. I don't think my blood pressure can take any more episodes of this. I spent the whole episode wanting to jump through the tv and punch Todd! His antics were not cute and I was totally team Lyle! I think we're supposed to be rooting for Todd but I was just rooting for him to fall off a cliff. I don't care that he was able to solve the case. That doesn't justify his behavior or anything else and if engaged girl is stupid enough to leave her fiancé for this giant man boy well then I guess she gets what she deserves. It is strange because this was not my reaction at all after the first episode but this 2nd one sent me round the bend.
  2. I like literally not one character on this show. There's not even a dog so I can like it. Are we sure there's only one more episode? I don't think I can manage more than that. As it is I hate myself every week for watching this even though at this point I'm fast forwarding through like 50% or more of the episode.
  3. She really needs to move on. Being with someone for 12 years off and on is just not good. Also, if a grown 30 something man is still not acting like an actual grown up he never will. Take your cute dog and be by yourself or with a friend or whoever just not this dude. That call that Rob got about how "well you gave us a budget of 1.5M and we've spent 2.8M (something close to that)" was unbelievable! Can you imagine having so much money that you can first have a budget of 1.5M to begin with then barely bat an eye when the budget went over by a million dollars! I like R&R and it seems like the town really needs this team but it seems like they're able to just buy everything they want. I can't think of anything or anyone that they wanted not coming to fruition once they threw money at it.
  4. That scene was so OTT I actually thought Bob was dreaming! Then it kept going and I'm like "wait, he's not going to wake up and gasp?". He needs a break for sure. Bad way to do it but it seems like in this family the only way to get anything for yourself is to bail like Christina did. Talking gets you nowhere as no one listens. Unfortunately, that includes Bob. Had he listened he would not have been surprised by Goodwin leaving. They all take everyone for granted. On a happier note - I really liked Abishola's yellow sweater and a lot of the outfits tonight! I adore Gloria and that was my favorite scene followed by poor Dele 'cheating' on his study partner :-)
  5. Okay, so Leni started the fire because she was jealous of Gina's relationship with Dylan and was planning on framing Dylan for it to get him out of town, etc. But did Leni know there was anyone in the church when she started the fire? Also, did they know the person that died in the fire? Is that person related to anyone or should we know who they were in some way? I'm disappointed - I came to this show solely for Matt Bomer and there hasn't been nearly enough of his pretty to counteract this horrid mess. I'm actually surprised he took this role. Like did it somehow not seem as stupid in script? Did things change along the way? I don't think he just needs the money as he's been in a lot of movies and tv shows the last several years.
  6. Not that I should be looking for logic in this series but ..... I don't understand (or wasn't paying attention) to how stealing the horse or whatever Gina was doing was going to get her and Dylan money. Seems like stealing the horse only made them owe money? I hate that the horse got shot. I did like knowing the grandma was in on it and was never actually hurt by the horse thieves. When Gina found the diaries in the safe I actually thought Leni put them there. I couldn't figure out why she would put not like either of them or sane so....
  7. I think part of that was due to not being able to put a 'face' to the victims. Every other episode (that I've seen) you have the talking heads from the victims but here it was just "the people of Malaysia" which of course does suck but from a viewing perspective is different. Or the people that invested in the funds and if they had the money to invest and never asked any questions.... but yes, very boring. They tried to make it exciting with the Hollywood angle and showing Miranda Kerr every 5 minutes but that did not help.
  8. J's been at it the least amount of time and I don't think he's as known to the police even though he has more blood on his hands then Pope. Does he even use the last name Cody? All this stuff from Craig and Deran suddenly about how J's stepped up and what not has to be Chekov's gun. And yeah, I can't believe he doesn't have plans for the bank employee. I can't believe he's just that into her. He's never seemed to have any real feelings and nothing without an ulterior motive.
  9. it's rather frightening (though not surprising) how quick and willing J is to jump to murder to solve "problems". He has no qualms about it being a child, relative, heck at this point I'm not convinced he didn't kill Julia! I know he put a tentative hit on Pope but has he killed anyone that wasn't female? That's a lot of therapy to unpack! I'd say run Penny but she's stupid and I don't care. Unfortunately, as noted with the flashbacks moving at a snails pace we'll be lucky if we even make to Julia getting pregnant let alone seeing her and J move out. I miss what this show could have been.
  10. She's definitely an awful human being! I think they also said got her last CI killed so realistically she shouldn't be on the street either.
  11. I'm guessing never though I don't know how legally she got away with it but she's Smurf. She wouldn't want her boys around anyone they might respect or learn anything from. She wants them fully dependent on her. She's a sick motherf****r Not sure why I'm still watching other than I've made it this far and know that it's near the end. I really wish they would have just introduced the flashbacks in like one episode then gave them their own serious if they were that determined to do a "tales of a young smurf" story. They add nothing we don't already know and take time away from the story we came here to watch. I don't understand how if they've all been doing jobs for the last 10+ years or so (J less time but still) and none of them live a lavish life style. They don't drive fancy cars, wear expensive watches, or clothes, we've never seem them take any vacations. Heck they don't even eat out! So...... where is all the money?? Can't at this point they all just fly to an island (or separate ones if they're sick of each other) and chill out? Also, I know the cop lady is a shitty person and a shittier detective but it's not like she's framing Pope. He did kill Cath. He did beat up that kid. Along with all the other things he's done. I know it's easy to feel sorry for him since he never had a chance with Smurf as a mom and the way Shawn plays him all broken can tug at your heartstrings but at the end of the day unless he's in extensive therapy for many years he really should not be on the street.
  12. I still don't understand how the real killer got into Helen's apartment. It was made clear early on that she didn't open her door to strangers and there was no sign of anyone breaking in so did she actually know Brian or did the police miss that he broke in? Still don't understand why more wasn't made of Clint being the one that started the whole thing saying that Deb was involved. When Tom was saying Deb is still brainwashed I was thinking "well yeah, her husband told her she did it!" I don't know what the right amount of money is for anyone wrongly incarcerated since you can't buy time but I do wonder how the amount was decided. Also, I think 3 of them served 4 years and the other 3 served 18 years so does everyone get the same amount? I can understand the taxpayers not wanting to pay but I think that all of us taxpayers pay for things like that like when the police departments get sued for various things that money comes from somewhere and its us. Maybe there's not as much press around it for people to draw a line to line conclusion but sadly we all pay. Overall I thought the series was too long and not well edited but the ending was very emotional.
  13. would it matter though? Part of the reason Senorates was so successful with social was because most of the time the show was in or near LA which is where they're based. Who/where would ESO and Southern Pride have posted to be able to get customers when they're in a completely different state? Otherwise I don't have too much of a problem with using social media as that does seem to be a major component of "real" food trucks otherwise you'd never know where they're going to be. I have a much bigger issue with the opening before being ready and that being now "strategy" that Tyler never complained to them about. No way in heck would I stand around for nearly an hour waiting for something that looks like it came from Boston Market (no offense to Boston Market :-)) - don't even get me started on the ridiculous pricing!
  14. Agreed. I think the producers or whomever probably thought having the play was their hook or differentiating factor. Also, while I don't excuse or defend anything Searcy did he's not the only one to blame for this tragedy. This all started with Clint trying to get a reduced sentence for the crime he committed and that Lisa Podendorf saying that Jo Anne confessed to her. I don't know if she's still around but I really wish she had been interviewed because I'd like to know what her motive was for doing that. From what we've seen she wasn't picked up for questioning or a person of interest or anything. I just think the fact that Lisa and Clint faced no repercussions for their part in this isn't right and the fact that Clint is still married to Deb who he accused of murder and that Deb says he's the greatest guy she's ever met is incredibly sad in many many ways. Oh, and also, let's not forget the police had the right guy within days and if the lab tech lady hadn't messed up this could've all be over then and there'd be no need to arrest anyone else. Of course she's deceased so she can't face any punishment. So much blame and tragedy to go around. I feel sorry for all the families (the family of Helen Wilson of course and also the families ((minus Clint)) of the 6 that were incarcerated).
  15. One of my many problems with Sugar is she just doesn't even seem to be a very good or entertaining Drag Queen. I mean she's constantly hollering at people "have you ever bought mac & cheese from a drag queen" but after you give her money what is there? Screeching and puns for food that looks like it was made by a middle school cafeteria worker? Shouldn't there be something? I don't know what she could be doing but nothing about her right now says to me that she's talented and I would want to see more of her. As it is I spent most of this last episode trying to fast forward when she was on.
  16. Thank you for all the info! I did actually remember this it was just in the flashbacks with adult (if you can call her that) Smurf I only heard her referred to as Jeanine and never saw or heard anything where she decided to go by the badass name of Smurf :-)
  17. That's what I did pretty much all of last season and it worked out fine except I do feel like I missed a few things I sort of cared about, mainly where Baz, Craig and Deran came from. For me it was like all the sudden there was Baz then I see a little toddler Craig then a reference to Deran and I'm like "were they here all along?". Also, I missed when/how Smurf started getting called Smurf and how she had so much power with the police - so yeah, a few important things :-) I'm not going to go back and rewatch though. I think the actors playing Julia and Pope are both doing well (I thought the ones portraying them as little kids always did a good job). Baz is fine I guess but I just don't see him growing up to be Scott Speedman. But I agree with the poster above who thought grown Baz was kind of a dick too. Not really sure how this can end other than with them all in jail or in a ditch. Not that most of them don't deserve it. They have murdered people (Pope and J for sure and I can't remember about Craig and Deran) so not like they don't deserve it. It's funny watching them at some of these heists when they're doing the stuff like the plumbing and what not - they're actually very good at that stuff and some can be smart (if crazy). Who knows what they could have ended up being if not for Smurf. Then again, I guess we wouldn't have had a show about a bunch of well adjusted people!
  18. Wow! I always assumed the customers were wanting to be on camera and that's why they waited and paid but I never thought they were actually given money to buy the food! That really puts a whole new sour taste in my mouth. I kind of wanted Amawales to win. Not because I particularly liked them but because I thought their food always looked good and was interesting. I've always liked ESO and think their food looks fantastic. Sadly though I'm sure it'll be down to the two trucks with the most 'drama' and camera time. Not ESO "well we got pork, we'll just do what we do and it'll be great".
  19. We saw Sugar saying "it'll be a bit of a wait" or something to that effect. Never was 45 minutes mentioned. For Señoreata I don't think we ever heard them tell the customers anything but one customer mentioned that on Señoreata Instagram they said they'd be turning out food fast. Guess fast is relative... I do wonder why no one seems to ask for their money back. Especially the one customer who said she went to ESO and got from from them twice while still waiting for Señoreata to complete her order. The other thing I didn't like was Tyler mentioned something specifically to Señoreata about their ticket time but nothing was said to MacNCheese who's seemed to be even longer. I don't understand how they keep getting away with things - other than the fix is in. Lastly, all the food from MacNCheese looks horrible! There's no way they'd be able to survive as a real food truck being in the same city dealing with negative reviews and trying to get repeat customers. Not sure why I started watching this show again after many years of not other than I saw the Señoreata truck when I was out for a walk in Playa del Rey not Manhattan Beach (they weren't yet selling (think they said they would be soon) but there were camera people outside) so that made me think "that show is still around? wonder how it is now" - now I know.
  20. Let's hope so as it certainly doesn't look like Serena is going to especially if she doesn't come back soon. I just hate that Court's name even has to be mentioned. My opinion based on absolutely nothing but my own feelings is that if Rafa can play he'll stick around until the Olympics and play those in Paris and then maybe retire there. That's in two years so several more slam chances to pass that person who's name I'm not going to mention again :-)
  21. Okay, I know I said I wanted Zverev in tears but that's not what I meant.
  22. I hope Nadal has enough left in the tank to crush Zverev. Not that I don't like a good match but I don't want it to even be close. I want Zverev in tears.
  23. I watched the Slow Hustle as well so was somewhat prepared and waiting for that scene even though it wasn't exactly the same it was pretty close. On Slow Hustle though it did seem more framed there as this was yet another cover up by the Baltimore PD and no way he could've shot himself. Knowing how corrupt they were and are it is hard to take anything they say at face value. This show was so depressing. I was not surprised but glad that Mayor Lady and her "babies" got caught for fraud. Poor people of Baltimore deserve better.
  24. I really hate the Riley/Vanessa stuff. The show had done such a good job with them prior to this (in my opinion). I wouldn't mind it so much if Vanessa wasn't living with Freddie but she is and no matter how you feel about Freddie that's just a really sucky thing to do to a person who things you're in a committed relationship. I realize Riley was in a relationship as well and while i don't excuse him there's a difference between dating someone and living with them. Though both Riley and Vanessa are cheaters and need to figure out what it is exactly that they want. Be together or don't be but don't be in the middle causing pain all around. The less said about Al and Cindy the better.
  25. Can't say I'm too sad about this one. I enjoyed it at first then it seemed to have changed and I kept asking myself "why am I watching this?". There were some talented actors that I hope to see in other projects.
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