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Everything posted by 12catcrazy

  1. Is the guy who plays "Mouse" leaving the show? Looks like they are setting up his leaving.
  2. @ LoneHaranguer - maybe because the woman was pregnant they couldn't risk using something like using immune therapy which might have injured the baby? Also, her tumor was growing very rapidly and there might not have been the time to wait to see if immune therapy would work.
  3. What was the movie they were goofing on in the finale episode? Bill Hader kind of looked like Robert Evans - was there a documentary made about him?
  4. I enjoy this show but wish that Meri would come back. Yep, another cliche of new team member with a "past", on top of the NY stereotyping. And I really hate when my intelligence is insulted by having a plane crash which then appears to explode on contact, leaving the plane in parts, and then HAVING SOMEBODY ACTUALLY SURVIVE! And without any obviously broken bones, or even worse injuries. REALLY??? I understand that you have to usually deal with some element of fantasy in most tv shows, but this veers in Blacklist territory.
  5. Totally, totally in love with this show! If you've seen the original documentaries they are basing these on, you'll have even more of an appreciation on what they're doing. Some months ago, my companion and I started watching "Salesmen" and we had to turn it off due to total boredom. Now we wish we would've seen it through after watching "Globesmen".
  6. Was it ever found out what happened with the actress who played Brody?
  7. So far I'm with the majority here. I really liked Brody (as someone else said, tough woman without being obnoxious). And while I didn't like the new female FBI badass, I actually liked her better than the new woman on the mothership. I used to look forward to watching both NCIS, and NCIS Nola, but so far I'm very disappointed in the new season. I'll give them both a few more episodes, and if I don't like what I'm watching, it will be time to start reading more books. And I'm getting sick and tired of everybody from New York being portrayed as impatient, snide, and thinking they know more than anybody else (and yes, I'm from New York).
  8. Love, love, love, this show! Laughed my butt off at the wedding video and felt sympathy at Adam's reaction to the AA meeting. This is a show where you can root for the characters and feel vested interest in their success, and trials. And this a show from Chuck Lorre of all people.
  9. Linda Hamilton with Beauty and The Beast - wasn't that back in the 1980s? . Anybody more recently?
  10. Frankly, I'd be really, really, surprised if Liz is really dead. Has any NETWORK tv show killed off a major character other than when the actor playing said character has wanted out of the series? Others on this board have said that Megan Boone hasn't been doing any exit interviews, which seems to be in contrast to other actors who are leaving tv shows who are all over the place giving interviews about why they are leaving, so my bet is on she's coming back, as honestly, how many well-paid actresses quit a show because they've had a baby?
  11. So, next episode, we see Tom with a cup of coffee and feeding a dog, a stack of school papers on the table, and he's getting ready to leave for work. Suddenly, Lizzie enters the room still wearing a nightgown and rubbing her eyes and says to Tom, "I've just had the strangest dream...."
  12. I really like Burgess (or should I say the actress who plays her) - make her an intelligent, adult, PLEASE. And the victim of this episode is going to keep her baby "as something good will come out of this" (or whatever similar thing she said). Yay - go right-to-lifers! A baby which is the product of it's druggie, prostitute mother being held captive and raped on a daily basis for weeks on end. What a Happy Ending! Maybe the next show coming down the pike will be Chicago Family Services so we can see some more happy endings.
  13. I enjoyed this episode but had my laugh when the (guilty) partner doctor said that his girlfriend's family was going to spend time at Lake Ronkonkoma, which sounded like it was some resort area. Having lived in Lake Ronkonkoma (in a house 3 houses away from the lake itself) for almost 15 years, I can assure everyone that it's NO resort area. There may be a few large houses on the lake, but there is also a very run-down welfare type of apartment complex also on the lake. The town was a notorious biker town in the 70s/80s, which has been coming back up over the last 20 years. People come from Hell's Half Acres to use the train station (forget about parking there by 6:30 in the morning on a weekday). Just had to comment because the writers of this show mention Long Island every so often (and film here), but I sometimes think they have no actual clue about the place.
  14. The actress playing Pride's ex-partner had the same hairstyle in Major Crimes. I agree her hair was distracting, mainly because of how it seemed to keep changing color from brown to red on my tv.
  15. I've only been watching this show for about two years and I really enjoy it. I hope that moving to Sunday night isn't the "kiss of doom" for this show. In New York, the Sunday 10 pm shows often get cancelled because football, golf, name-your-sport, runs over so long that they just dump the 10 pm show and go straight for the news. It's not a good time slot for a show to be in, but I'm crossing my fingers that it's going to be around for a while.
  16. Sigh. As soon as Jake bought that engagement ring, I knew how this would turn out. Yup, suffer the trauma of having your boss killed, and then go get engaged to a woman you've been dating all of like 3 weeks (and her being stupid enough to accept - sheesh!). Then of course, ex-wife gets a kick in the ass and goes dashing out to stop the engagement. And this is season cliff-hanger DRAMA (eye roll here). At this point adult people (who wouldn't have behaved like this anyway) would step back and maybe Jake would gently have to take Jen aside and tell her he jumped the gun with the engagement and needs time.... Will that happen on THIS show? Nah, we know it won't. The next cliffhanger will be Jake and Jen at their wedding and ..... It's a shame how they've ruined an otherwise okay show with this crap. Count me as somebody else who will probably bail after this season.
  17. Depressing isn't the word for it. This show could have so much going for it - a good cast for one, but the writers don't seem to have any direction in what this show should be. They want it to be a light-hearted (well , at least in comparison to shows like Chicago PD) crime of the week show, then throw in stuff like killing off a character we've started to like (a single mother of a young child, no less). And we have the stupid back and forth romance/nomance of Jake and Laura, and now throw in the really original (rolling my eyes) trope of the female cop with a messed up, lying, law-breaking sister. And then along comes Pop with his Jewish father schtick (oh yeah, I'm forgetting the Gay office guy - talk about another stereotype). What a mess. And yet there are some really likable parts of this show. The crimes of the week are usually okay, and I really like the cast in general. But Comedy/Drama has to be done right - "Mom" does it really well - , and there is pathos in every day life, but on "The Mysteries of Laura" things seem so forced. Shapeshifter and Free upthread are wondering if the next twist is Laura being pregnant (and oh yes, who's the Baby Daddy). Why the hell not - this show has thrown everything else up at the wall - why not have the stressed out divorced working mother now have an unexpected pregnancy to contend with - especially when she's not going to know who the Daddy is? How 2016 is that? I really hope the writers don't go there, but at this point I don't expect much originality from them, so it wouldn't surprise me if they did.
  18. Count me as another person who is rapidly getting sick of Henry's elevation to Super Husband, Spy (lets forget about poor Dimitry), Hero, and whatever. It's like it isn't enough that Liz is a great SOS - we have to make her husband Super Guy as well, because in 2016 America you can't have an entertaining show about a powerful woman with a happy family life and an "average" husband who works a real job and comes home every night without some bullshit drama. I had really enjoyed this show when it first started but the Super Husband schtick is wearing thin and it's getting to the point I'm only watching it because there isn't much else to watch on Sunday night.
  19. I enjoy this show with the exception of the Laura/Jake will they/won't they crap. It's almost an insult to our intelligence. Laura drops a guy who is so perfect he'd never exist in the real world because she still has feelings for her ex who a) cheated on her and b) lied about his medical condition. Okay, so in reality women stay with men far worse than that, but then instead of telling him that she dropped the Perfect Boyfriend, and seeing if they could make the relationship work, she practically pushes him into the arms of this "perfect for him" DA woman. And, everybody she AND Jake works with knows that she dumped Tony, and yet nobody tells Jake about it???? C'mon show writers - at least pretend you're on Planet Earth here! They really need to poop or get off the pot with this Laura/Jake story - it's starting to ruin the rest of the show for me - how about the rest of you?
  20. I'm so happy to see that other people love this show as much as I do! It's one of those quiet gems on tv - doesn't seem to get a lot of fanfare but it's a great show. Oh and the part of Marjorie is played by Mimi KENNEDY (not Rogers). I did a double take when I read that as I saw Mimi Rogers on another tv show fairly recently and didn't think that the actress playing Marjorie looked like her.
  21. I doubt if Mr Kaplan is Lizzie's mom. We've been told that Lizzy with blond hair looks like her mom - Megan Boone, what ever you think about her acting abilities is a very good-looking woman - Mr. Kaplan - not so much. And Megan Boone is PG in real life? Sheesh - they did the same thing on Law & Order SVU writing a pregnancy into the story when Kelli Gidesh was pregnant. What ever happened to hiding behind large plants and wearing over-sized coats to hide an actress being pregnant. Now they just put it into the show no matter how ridiculous it is.
  22. This was one of the better Dateline episodes I've seen recently. And I guess this is a generational thing (because I'm in my 50s), but if Julie had actually given her friend an ACTUAL PHONE CALL instead of texting and then going over to his apartment, she would probably still be alive today. I'm still on the fence on whether or not Rachel knew about the murders or had anything to do with them. During her Dateline interviews her eyes seemed very empty. Dunno...
  23. I'm confused - when did Violet get back with what's-'is-name? I thought that he had kicked her out after he found out she had a baby that was given up for adoption. Did I miss an episode between this one and the one where Regina started drinking alone?
  24. Kind of an interesting episode - it was good seeing Red trying to manipulate his way around the hillbilly morons ("Deliverance" indeed! Where were those banjos when we needed them?), and yet it was Lizzie and Dembe who saved his life that day. But I think we're going for a story arc where the bad guys are going to be on top for a while. Now the FBI people are divided (none of them are trusting the other at this point), the person in charge who was on Harold's side is now dead, Liz is a captive, and it looks as if the Cabal is in charge. I also notice how the business of what Liz is to Red has been dropped, as well as the "clues" of the weird scar on her hand and the large scars on Red's back. You'd think with all the time that Red and Liz have been spending together on the run, that these things would have been talked about.
  25. Actually, there was an article in today's NY Daily News about the actor who plays Dembe. Apparently he just retired from the NYFD because his role on The Blacklist has been expanded. It was originally supposed to be a one episode shot and he's now a regular part of the cast, so he had to give up his day job to be able to keep doing the show.
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