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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I guess Spurge picked this one up from all the fire and brimstone. Oh Jessa...
  2. We have the possibility of snow in the overnight hours early next week. It NEVER gets that cold around here. The last time I saw snow around here was c.1994.
  3. So now Amy has Covid, too. Hope Daxxxy doesn't get it. She's blaming the airline. https://www.instagram.com/p/CX4BHahJVqr/?utm_medium=copy_link
  4. What struck me when I first saw the pics last night was her PRIDE in this meal. Those poor kids.
  5. It speaks to Jessa's lack of worldview. What she thinks is of as funny and appropriate just...isn't.
  6. The rules must not apply to laterals or backwards passes. That said, I too thought that dropped lateral ended the game.
  7. I thought Shannon admitted to a second settlement check last night? That said, David is still shitty for not paying college tuition/expenses.
  8. I'm frankly surprised they have coats, to be honest.
  9. She also doesn't have a litter of children. Although Spurge and Henry are plenty old enough to put on their own hats and gloves.
  10. In which we see Felicity's back. https://www.instagram.com/p/CX16UumPo3p/?utm_medium=copy_link
  11. She's not wearing a ring. I am predicting a holiday engagement. Isn't he in Nebraska now?
  12. I saw the Little Rock flight. The as t cc tracks with Jessa saying they were spending today with the Seewalds. They don't have to be home until their church's Christmas Eve service tomorrow night
  13. The living room TV was on full display in pics taken during Jonathan's visit. Stupid cow posted them. 😂
  14. @Scarlett45 and @Jynnan tonnix, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved kitties. It's always so hard to lose our furbabies. 😿
  15. Free Jinger was born from the constant locking of the Duggar thread on TWOP. 😀
  16. Right. I just wanted to clarify that she heard Bobye's testimony about her rape.
  17. She WAS there the next day when Bobye Holt testified. And she was there every day after that.
  18. I doubt Austin was vetted like Derick and Jeremy. I think the Austin/Joy pairing was semi-arranged. They got lucky in that Joy had a huge crush on him. I also think Jed!/Katey were arranged.
  19. Right. I read Ethan's post about Nurie. So glad Ethan slid out of Jill's grasp and is living a freer life now.
  20. It didn't work when she was leghumping the Duggars. eta I'm pretty sure Jill knows the Plaths via the Pearls. Now THAT is someone I wish would get investigated. Of course he's well-known in fundie snarker circles, but his "ministry" of abuse needs to be spread far and wide.
  21. No, the Plaths are run of the mill IFB. They are actually good friends of JillRod.
  22. The Plaths? Yes, there was scandal of kids fleeing, but they aren't IBLP. I wonder what their angle will be?
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