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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Yup, I checked. He deleted both. No wonder if this small sampling was the gist of his comments. 😂
  2. I think we're more likely to get a New Year's proposal. Jonathan is speaking at a church in MS on either the 30th or NYE. My money is on the Rods saying there for a few days before moving on to the annual Florida grift.
  3. The fine box now reads $880. It was $430 the other day. Even I can do that math. 😁
  4. And he probably promptly deleted the tweets. The Seewalds are firmly planted in denial.
  5. I don't think that he had any interest in learning the truth. He seems content to have likely been told the Boob version of the "truth." The Seewalds' initial statement was weak sauce.
  6. Jill has confirmed that Jonathan wants to move to Ohio to live near the Rodpod. We don't even know what he does for a living, but will be be able to pull up stakes every few years as the Rods flee CPS?
  7. Slander sounds better than libel. He wouldn't have to explain the former to his Leghumpers.
  8. I agree. I believe he's still working for Boob in some capacity. I think Laura is tutoring the lost girls now, but Ben could be Boob's admin asst.
  9. Now he has posted, "Slander is a weed that grows in loveless soil." You can't argue that this is aimed straight at Derick. Which also clarifies the recipient of the first diatribe. He's Boob's little minion.
  10. He lives in a camper on his parents' property. Same address, so it could be taken that he lives with them.
  11. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    They've been wearing those unis a lot this season both home and away. I don't know the story behind it
  12. It appears so. I guess the $450 was the fine which will make it all go away.
  13. I'm sticking with Smuggar. It has never ceased to not fit his abhorrent persona.
  14. Tim's 21 or 22. I'm not digging up his birthday. 😁 But yes, well under the 25 year old threshold.
  15. Yeah, you're 100% correct. After the accident, his insurance must be through the roof. And as you noted, he may well have cancelled his policy.
  16. Jill has admitted in the past (at the time of Nurie's accident) that they carried the bare minimum insurance. I imagine that applies to Timbits as well, although his nay be higher now due to the two prior speeding violations.
  17. Jessa could have attended herself There's plenty of babysitting at the TTH, and she's apparently 7 minutes from the courthouse. No excuses, except she wasn't interested in hearing the truth.
  18. Why does he need two FB accounts to make these statements? Makes no sense.
  19. Yeah, since Boob can't write his way out of a paper bag, he asked lackey Ben to write the hit piece.
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