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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Hey JD, are you and your cronies on the ground in KY after the horrible tornadoes there? Or is that not south enough for you? 🙄
  2. Ir could have been mentioned in the way Jeremy couched it. Just a way to acknowledge ALL of the victims, not just the babies in the CSAM.
  3. Yeah, the pictures are from the last couple of weeks. Looks like Jonathan and Nathan were there at the same time. I hope Jill let Jonathan sleep in one of the recliners. As if. 🙄
  4. 😂 Not to worry, it's mostly arm wrestling, pushups, and carrying of logs. The usual fundie shit. 😁 At any rate, I seem to recall pics of Jackson and Hannie with various Bontragers and Bowers. I think they went on the motorhome trip from there. They weren't that far from Yellowstone and the other places they visited.
  5. Don't forget that Smuggar's conviction triggers an automatic CPS check on his kids. Anna can't turn them away this time.
  6. The Bont's camp is more singing, crafts, and feats of masculine strength. 😂
  7. Regarding who was at the TTH at the time the child went missing...that was the week the Bontragers held their family camp. The Duggars also took off with the younger kids on that long motorhome trip around that time. So I don't think Jana had much help w/r/t childcare. The question remains: where was Anna?
  8. I bet she was looking for the warehouse and her mommy. It was naptime, so I doubt anyone looked in on the kids.
  9. I took it as no one really cares about the Duggars. Maybe I missed something?
  10. Her name is Lydia. Her family immigrated from Germany when she was a child, so she has been mostly raised in the States. The dad is a fundie nutter who says they left Germany to escape persecution. 🙄
  11. I'm glad he used Jeremy's. The bit about the millstone sealed the deal. Smuggar is dead to them. Maybe Jason actually did tangle with Boob regarding Smuggar!
  12. I think the kids were housed at the TTH full time. This incident happened at 3pm.
  13. Right. At Silver Dollar City, IIRC. I forget which Lost Girl was the recipient of Anna's wrath.
  14. How pitiful. Nurie is what you get when you're not allowed to have any friends. We also see it in Timbits' inability to fit in at two colleges and various jobs.
  15. A man driving by saw the girl and called the police. I suppose Jana was the only adult home at the time. They all did. Cheating and adult porn are a bridge too far. Apparently, molestation and child porn is another day at the office. 🙄
  16. I doubt Amy would have known about this. WOACB says she was tipped off last night. She FOIAed the documents and had them by midday.
  17. No mistake @Scarlett45! She was found on the road running parallel to their main road. The TTH is situated much closer to the main road. That's quite a hike for a 2 year old.
  18. If it was really Maryella, she wandered quite a way from the TTH to be found where she was. That's why I thought it was Meredith.
  19. She wasn't found on that road. Anna should have been home watching her own kids. I wonder if the kids actually slept in the warehouse last night for the first time in what, 7 months?
  20. Jason won't be getting anymore properties from Boob. I hope he has a few ready to flip and one to live in.
  21. It was posted in the Lonely Js thread that it was Maryella. My money was on Meredith.
  22. Well, they've had lots of littles since Anna abandoned her kids to stay with Smuggar (who earned his name with that mugshot). We know Meech doesn't care. Jana and Hannie are probably splitting cooking and babysitting chores.
  23. This is what is being reported. One of Anna's girls was found out on the road.
  24. Apparently fell asleep while babysitting Anna's kids.
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