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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Oh, I forgot about Backwoods Barbie, or whatever her name is. I still don't understand wth went on there. But yeah, Famy did confirm that KJ wasn't staying with her during the trial and that she'd probably be out of town. Sounds like she stayed home and KJ never went to AR.
  2. Your information is all correct. A rift occurred around Spring 2020, and the Duggars left Lighthouse Baptist. No one knows what caused the rift; the stories I've heard don't seem plausible.
  3. KJ and Famy seem fine. They're commenting on each other's SM as of just yesterday, I think. It looked like something had gone down because of how snippy both of them were leading up to the trial, but I guess they were just going through their own individual shit.
  4. Uncivil Law discusses the Rule 414 (admission of prior acts into evidence). He's not a Duggar expert at all, but he certainly doesn't like Smuggar.
  5. Yeah, all that aired of their "relationship" was the FaceTime announcement to his family that they were together. As if they didn't already know. That was so staged and was the very last thing we saw on the very last new episode that aired.
  6. IIRC, it was Anna who stopped them. I suppose a parent can do that? Especially a parent in denial.
  7. It was rumored that CPS tried to meet with the kids, but they were prevented from doing so. I'm not sure where I heard this, but I do remember seeing it in multiple places.
  8. If she's just learning what happened to her, that would mean she never read the police report. Speaking to the girl's lawsuit, how can she claim distress if she didn't know what happened to her until Bobye Holt testified? eta Joy was still a minor when the lawsuit was filed. I never thought that this was an action the girls would have taken on their own (except maybe Jessa, but she brushed it all off as "NBD"). Boob, however, is very litigious. I don't think there would have been a lawsuit without Boob's meddling.
  9. They had a no touch relationship before heading to the altar.
  10. She can't write a tell-all until she gets out from under Boob's NDA. And with Smuggar likely headed to prison, I doubt that will happen. I think the tell-all will come from the Dillards.
  11. They've been courting on the SLY for several months. I expect a holiday engagement.
  12. Yes, Alyssa was a bridesmaid. They all wore white shoes, which I found odd with the black dresses. Back to Jer, yes he's always had the curly hair. I thought he'd avoided the Duggar Hairline Curse, but his is getting as bad as his brothers'.
  13. I can't picture homie teaching. He's too arrogant.
  14. For once I am happy to see a 49ers game. Dude on the Niners was taken off by ambulance after an apparent head/neck injury. Looked really bad.
  15. I think Jesse Palmer's been hitting the wacky tabakky.😱 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHJWHoPdOK/?utm_medium=copy_link
  16. Hilaria said she was there to support Anna. No one would straight up admit they were there for Smuggar. But I would infer that they were there for the defense, not to see justice served.
  17. I tend toward this opinion. I think Amy knows more than we might think. And yes, I bet Jill spilled some tea once she and Derelict were ostracized from the TTH.
  18. Mr. Woodhouse's niece will be happy. She's a freshman at Michigan and has been to several games, so she's invested. My alma mater sucks ass (not even bowl eligible), so I will root for the Wolverines. Likely futile, having to probably play Georgia, but I have no reason to root for any of the others in the top 4. And hating the $EC, I have reason to root against two. 😁
  19. I like the idea of using footage of Smuggar from 19 Kids in his computer room to convict him. I clearly remember him showing off the room and saying, "NO RUGRATS ALLOWED!" It can't be more clear that the tech room was made for the Golden Boy. eta It was the moving in special, not the series.
  20. But if he had still done the thumbs up, we would have still gone at him pretty hard. Testimony had tilted a bit in Smuggar's favor at that break, so it was obvious what he was signaling.
  21. Jill edited that post, removing all mention of Nathan's supposed new job. She also said he had a "degree. " Who knows what "bible college" gave him what was likely a certificate for a 2 semester course like what Nurie and Kaylee did.
  22. I thought the Fed's witness was from the DOJ. I'd assume they had ALL the resources. As for the defense "experts?" Who knows what they'll present?
  23. I dunno. Imagine the damage she could inflict if she wasn't bound. She'd probably be at the trial giving snarky updates from her car during the breaks.
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