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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I've heard that the AR facility doesn't have SO counseling. Is that part of a condition of their incarceration?
  2. I'm really curious as to what the Jane Does will have to say. I expect Jessa to toe the family line, as she's still on Boob's dole, but the other 3 are wild cards.
  3. I remember from Teresa Guidice's incarceration in a federal prison that only kids 12 and up could visit. It might have been a little higher, like 14.
  4. It's a minimum security unit. Sex offenders are put in medium security, minimum. He's going out of state.
  5. He's being held at the county jail until sentencing. Many states do not allow conjugal visits at any level of jail. Hopefully, AR is one of these states.
  6. Emily D Baker is going live at the bottom of the hour. Can't wait to hear what she has to say!
  7. Well, they took away his tie before they took his booking picture.
  8. The judge did get pretty snarky with Gelfand. His motion denials (for the most part) were enjoyable reads. At least as read by Emily D Baker. πŸ˜€
  9. Typical. eta in her stories, she said that the excuse that you can't afford Plexus comes from the devil. Yes, she said that. πŸ™„
  10. The lawyer I was listening to said not to worry. This is common to go home and come back with a fresh mind tomorrow. Now if it goes beyond tomoy, I will start to worry.
  11. They probably need to go over the forensics with a fine tooth comb to convince any holdouts.
  12. Just had confirmation from an attorney who has followed the paper trail on this case that CPS did indeed attempt to interview the kids, but both Smuganna declined. They basically said it was because they didn't trust the agency. eta The attorney went on to say that if Smuggar is convicted, Anna has no choice. CPS will interview the kids.
  13. Meech probably loves her. After all, Hilaria is nothing if not a Duggar sycophant.
  14. Remember these from Opening Statements? Defense attorney Justin Gelfand told jurors, "if you like a good mystery, this case is for you." And β€œThis is equivalent of a trail of blood from a murder scene . . . It does not lead to Josh Duggar.” (also Gelfand) Not aging well. πŸ˜‚
  15. No you scumbag, I am not praying for most of your family. The truth has come out, and my thoughts are with all the victims, Including the Duggar daughters you failed to protect.
  16. Rebuttal has rested. Looks like closing arguments tomorrow at 9.
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