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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. The elder Pearls are in their early 70s, I believe. They are probably members of Samaritan, the Christian health insurance clearinghouse. Hell, I bet most of the Duggars are as well, what with them being self-employed and anti government health care insurance.
  2. I know the Pearls squak about Covenant Marriages (although their state doesn't recognize them). They're also viruently anti-government, and hate that they would have to have a license issued by an entity that also issued same-sex licenses. They aren't the only ones who think like that.
  3. They got a marriage license. That's more than some fundies (the Pearls, for instance) do. https://www.instagram.com/p/CbasQtWJgoO/?utm_medium=copy_link
  4. Louisa Jacobson is billed third, only behind Coon and Spector. That's not " much further" down the credits. Did she deserve third billing? Probably not.
  5. Yes, there was blonde Peggy and Armenian Peggy.
  6. There was drama involving Shannon's dress. https://pagesix.com/2022/03/21/rhoc-reunion-held-up-after-project-runway-star-botches-dress/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons
  7. Apparently Jill said somewhere (maybe her comments?) that her doctor has put her on low-dose aspirin. I doubt her quack midwife acquaintances would bother.
  8. I just read the Falcons are getting Mariota. He's been on the Raiders bench for the last couple of years. He hasn't played at all, being injured half the time.
  9. Ruh roh. Although I question why wait all this time? I don't recall any repurcussions.
  10. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    I thought I heard Rafa had a foot injury and that he's soldier through Indian Wells. He's skipping Miami and headed back to Europe to rest and prep for the clay season. I was surprised that he got to the finals at all.
  11. Matt Ryan to the Colts. Does Baker end up in ATL?
  12. Or Cersei. They'd think it was creative; the rest of us would know her as an incestuous twin. 😂
  13. Knowing Chad, he's working cut-rate or, lord help him, for free. ☚ī¸
  14. Why should Chad? He should be home running his own business as well.
  15. She turns off comments. How many people has she saved from getting blocked? 😂
  16. Tiffy confirms that this is the third property she's purchased. The other two are still being rented out in CA. I wonder if she dipped into the equity of those to buy this dump? https://www.instagram.com/p/CbV2QAUP0BD/?utm_medium=copy_link
  17. So, Law comandeered the Bares males plus Chad to work on his place 3 hours away? Who's going to work on it in real time? Certainly not Lawson. 😂
  18. Oh, so they bought in the Knoxville area? I figured they would have bought in Nashville since that's where they plan to live. I guess Law figures his family can fix the place up for him, yet he will reap the profit. 🙄
  19. Jessa and Ben did the kiss first. Boobchelle posted theirs when Jessa got roasted for her anti-LGBT stance. I was stupid and made a post on that pic. She blocked me. That's when I found out how thin-skinned she is.
  20. Lawffy have apparently bought a house to flip. I'm not going to give them views on YT to find out where, or to get a tour. But here we are.
  21. Well who is Ben to know whether Derelict's posts were meant as "sharp rebukes" or "rudeness?" Ben's interpretation could be flat out wrong. 😂
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