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Everything posted by Bluesky

  1. The parents in your area. My youngest has the most difficult hair and no one in our family has it. I go to hairdressers where they know how to best cut her type of hair and what products to use. The right cut is everything.
  2. This was a documentary wasn’t it? My kids watched Disney movies with their grandma because I couldn’t sit through them.
  3. Was that a two family home? Cheap rent. When they go into the bedroom and complain about lack of privacy I wish the agent would walk over to the drapes and shut them. There were black drapes in the bedroom. Also was that part of the rain forest?
  4. Bluesky


    I read Texas has very few animal protection laws. This should have been investigated by police as animal cruelty.
  5. Are they too cheap to go to a hair salon? They can get the necessary products and necessary haircut.
  6. I meant the new ones coming in. We have good actors on this show and they had put Skarsgård in? He’s in everything, his face is everywhere. Same with Hope Davis and the others. This show doesn’t need “guest” stars. They are distracting.
  7. It’s always the same actors over and over. So boring and predictable.
  8. Always hated the smarmy priest. I’m glad he’s gone. I wish they focused more on the corrupt cops and what was going in there. Who cares about the ex cop’s son?
  9. I don’t know who PMK is but those are some old stereotypes . White mother can have straight silky hair herself but her White daughter can have kinky thick hair way different than what she’s used to. You go to a hairdresser for advice and learn. If your child’s father is a different race you go to him or his sister for help. It’s been a long time since the only beauty standard was blue eyes and blonde hair. Although lately you see so many dark skinned people with yellow wigs or hair dyed way too blonde. Not a good look. Kim looks ridiculous with blonde hair.
  10. I won’t speak negative about friends and family’s children but When someone famous shoves their kids in front of cameras 24/7 I’ll judge. The oldest child of Kim’s is going to have a difficult puberty because she’s kind of a big girl for 10 years old and she’ll be getting Kanye’s nose, is not naturally thin, just an average looking kid, no beauty, just a kid and that won’t fly with her mother. Her father will love her for her but not her mother is not like that. . And the kardashian females forget that they are all naturally average looking too but became better looking with nose jobs, lip implants, chin and cheek molding, whatever. The females will be under great pressure as teens to get work done.
  11. Kardashians started the bloated ass and fake boobs and tummy tuck. But unlike these teen moms they did the work to tone the rest of their bodies. There isn’t a toned arm among them and that’s the easiest body part to work on Even Macy is soft and smushy
  12. People will be looking at her name Cerenity and wonder is that a hard C? Why else would it be spelled that way?
  13. Those aren’t Kanye’s followers those are racists who are using the story to get their shit out there. Those are the losers who protest and chant Jews will not replace us.
  14. Five kids? How old is she? She was so bent on having all names start with Cs that she had to bastardize the word Serenity?
  15. I know. They would target my children too even though they know nothing about the religion. It’s the one religion that is genetic. Unless others are? I can’t think of any. But luckily That’s not happening right now.
  16. If they don’t practice the religious I don’t think people would even know they were Jewish. my husband is Jewish but his parents are atheists and he’s just not religious. It would be weird if someone brought my children up with regard to antisemitism just because their paternal side is Jewish. People at risk for violence are people who go to Synagogues or Temples or Mosques or Black churches. They have all been victims of mass shootings. Who even cares what the kardashians think anyway They’d drop kick their youngest children down the river if someone said it would guarantee it kept them in front of the cameras for ten more years I can’t even follow Kanye rants anymore, they don’t make much sense. Wasn’t it more stereotypes about media control and business or something. And it sounds like Candace has got him under her control. Between that and white lives matter. All this totally contradicts his earlier work. I would bet any money that Candace is antisemitic.
  17. So she has three more years unless the next test takes just as long to pass. She should shut off social media and focus all she’s got on this. It only gets harder. It’s worth it. She’s aging out of the sexy pictures. The natural look is making a comeback. No more excess fat in the butt and boobs. Move on. Doing something worthwhile. She can do it. I saw some essay questions from previous baby bar exams, criminal, torts and divorce on splitting their money. Very easy essay questions and they had an hour to answer each one! They were just samples on a couple of subjects. The classes usually required in first year are criminal law and contacts laws and torts and civil procedure, constitutional law. second year will be tax law, advanced writing including memorandums and briefs and correspondences. A lot more electives like fiduciary expectations laws, family law, bankruptcy law. it’s just so much work. I do know a lot of women who went to law school later in life after working in related fields and they were able to do it. Their children were older though so that was one less obstacle. I think what Kim would miss is the friendships you make and study groups. You don’t want to go to your graduation and not know one person.
  18. Don’t believe tabloids or people like Candice wats her name. This is from Washington Post - JPMorgan Chase and the rapper formerly known as Kanye West are ending their business relationship, but the breakup is not a result of the controversy over the hip-hop star's recent antisemitic comments. Kanye had been talking about leaving the bank for awhile. They sent him a letter in September about closing his accounts in November. Didn’t the “Dear Ye” give a hint that the letter was fake?
  19. They biopsy everything that comes off the body. It’s routine. It was probably an age spot or beginning of a mole and she needed to get publicity from it.
  20. The deliberate black roots have been around so long someone must have finally told her it’s no longer 2015. Luckily for her she’ll never be a lawyer so she won’t ever have to dress appropriately.
  21. He doesn’t seem to have a support system. Untreated bipolar can be a nightmare especially he said that he tends to have manic episodes. Fuck that trashy Kardashian family. I know their choices of men are calculated to bring in the most attention which leads to more money but I don’t know how they choose. Kim chose Kanye until his illness became an embarrassment. Those women are barely human. kim ignores Kanye because he has on a stupid White lives Matter shirt. So what. He has an embarrassing shirt on. She’s more concerned with public perception of her than their children and Kanye’s health. Four children together and it’s in their best interest that he’s healthy. And just to be petty Kim makes an ugly blonde and her face is starting to sag.
  22. They will never give up the kind of power they got because of this crisis. Just like the real world men controlling women’s reproduction rights even when it’s not needed. In the name of religion of course! It’s the power, greed, status, riches.
  23. It should be both of them not just Earn or Van. You say her child but it’s his child too. It was just weird for her to claim she was acting because she needed the money. She’s qualified for a number of steady jobs, I don’t remember if they said why she didn’t have one. Also I don’t get why she always looks so miserable.
  24. I’ve never watched Perry’s movies but I can see the appeal. Van did say she did the job because she needed the money which was surprising because it looked like she was doing well. Van might not want to rely on others but Earn is not “others” he’s her father and has the same desire to support his child as the mother does. Based on Van’s new home and car looks like he is contributing generously.
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