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Everything posted by Bluesky

  1. I never saw The Godfather but yeah, it happens in the movies a lot. They do get caught up in all the beautiful scenery, luxury dates most people will never experience. And physical attractions happen. Some have been more shallow than others. But they do spend nights together going to dinner then drinks, adventures, the beach. There was none of that with Dale. This woman took it to another level.
  2. But she didn’t find her person early. She fixated on a man’s looks, a physical attraction. She knows nothing about him or if they are even compatible. She has enough experience at her age to know that a physical attraction won’t last. There actually might one or two of those men who she would be compatible with but she’ll never know. Dale is playing for the camera. It’s embarrassing to watch.
  3. What is up with the TV clips anyway? Are they significant to the story?
  4. I looked at Dales football history. He never really played. He was tossed around four different teams over a 2 year period playing on their practice teams. I’m not sure if he actually played in a real game.
  5. There’s no way around that. She’s unstable. Dale is playing the game and she’s calling him her fiancée. A guy she zoomed in on based solely on looks, right out of the car. And she’s so obsessed with him that she hasn’t taken the time to notice if he’s genuine or not. And sending the guy home because she was triggered? That was overly dramatic and a shitty thing to do.
  6. She didn’t report the dog incident and stayed with him at the time. Either she’s lying or she’s a pretty shitty person. Plus she claims it’s because he let fame go to his head and thought he was above the law. That’s just stupid. He has serious issues that have nothing to do with the show. He would have done the same things without the show. The show didn’t create whatever is wrong with him.
  7. Anywhere but manhattan their salaries would be considered high. But that multi million dollar townhouse and $50,000 tuition and every thing else would probably be out of their league. Apparently the father is the big money guy.
  8. It wasn’t her husband, it was a different guy with the same name. I have a hard time with Nicole Kidman’s face. It looks like a mask and hardly moves when she talks. Way overboard with plastic surgery.
  9. I didn’t guess but I usually don’t no matter how many hints.
  10. So these guys have no real incentive to get a rose. Because I would think the travel was big incentive for a lot of contestants. The way Clare was immediately all over Dale is something a teen or college student would do. Oooh, he’s hot! Let’s hook up! Definitely not the way a 40 year old woman looking for a husband acts.
  11. WTF? That was awful. What kind of ending was that? And everyone saying the island is special? Yeah, creepy men running around killing and maiming. Psychotic woman declared herself leader. Real special.
  12. I think that was a hint that the father was white, and the girls were related to original leader.
  13. That’s pretty extreme. Luckily there aren’t too many psychos like that running around! There are reasons that Chelsea would not like Donna but not Aubree. She’s been pressured by Chelsea and Cole. I’m sure she’s forced to call Cole’s mother grandma.
  14. I just read the beginning of the article about a 22 year old bragging about her credit score. Graduate student with no student loans which means someone else paid for it. Not all that impressive to have an excellent credit score when you’re still a student and everything is paid for.
  15. I know what you mean. It’s not the angle.
  16. Looked like that was written by a publicist. Her line of clothing is one step up from a middling Etsy store. There are Etsy stores with tremendously talented people selling clothing and other items. I don’t see anything original or interesting to wear a hoodie that has the initials MTTM.
  17. What about the generation above the boomers? The ones still hanging on? Talk about invisible!
  18. Not surprised Dorinda went after two dumpy guys with money. Dorinda was a real estate agent until she married rich and got her husband to finance a business for her in cashmere sweaters. No better than Sonja, just smarter.
  19. Her idea to help people was self promotion. She,hoped,it would be videotaped for TV or internet and they would be in the Sonja section of crappy clothes. And the money would be fronted, it wasn’t hers. I feel no sympathy for a grifter like her selling nasty cheap quality clothing and passing it of as designer items that she created. Complete scam.
  20. They are bitter old bitches. And age is relevant to this show. Every one of them is spending enormous money to create an illusion that they are younger than they are. It’s becoming cartoonish with the fake long hair, fake boobs, facelifts, Botox, fake teeth. The way they talk about the younger men who are hired to cook or conduct class for them. They even call themselves cougars. They see Tinsley where they were ten or twenty years earlier and are resentful. Ramona is the worst and the most desperate. Claiming to have so many dates but only seen with hanger ons from the bars they hang out at. Claiming men are intimidated by her. Yeah, ok Ramona.
  21. Dorinda refused money because she thought Scott was too controlling? Yeah, right. And since when does Dorinda keep shit like that to herself? If she had a story about Scott showing controlling ways over Tinsley she would have blasted it already. I doubt it.
  22. Leah did say she left the city for Long Island for the first few weeks. And unlike Ramona, Leah has an actual decent relationship with her ex and not a fake one for social media like Ramona. Not everyone agrees with Leah but the actual outrage was real and a lot of New Yorkers felt the same way about assholes like Ramona.
  23. I agree. She’s full of shit about her life too. She claims to constantly be dating but in five years she’s the only housewife not to have had anyone steady, at least for awhile. No big deal except she has said she wants to find a partner. She’s waiting for that billionaire to come along and sweep her off her feet and it’s not going to happen no matter how many face lifts and how much fake hair she has.
  24. Not comparable. It was more about Ramona prancing around in public without a mask, going to parties without a mask or social distancing, posing with friends in social settings without masks. Ramona risked lives at the beginning of the pandemic because she couldn’t stop drinking and socializing and partying like she was a college student.
  25. I thought Tinsley said Scott gave John money not loaned. That sounds like Scott was suckered into investing money into a new business venture John cooked up. And based on John’s bankruptcy, it appears Scott lost his complete investment. I wonder how much Scott put up?
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