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Everything posted by Bluesky

  1. They will get the DNA back and the mob family will realize they got the wrong kid.
  2. How old is she? I couldn’t understand one word.
  3. Pure trash and not in a good way. I can’t watch a woman who takes money from church members and uses it to buy tacky logo hats, scarves, bags, anything that proves it’s Chanel! Or Gucci! I tried to watch it but it just plain sucks.
  4. They were like a group of teens who got the answers to the test beforehand and bragged that they got the highest scores. The part I hated the most when they all just yelled out the word scramble answer, sourkraut (I can’t even spell it and spellcheck is not correcting). That would have been an interesting challenge.
  5. I fast forwarded to the end after the stupid racing with heels. Why do they include Boring tasks that they all finish with ease? There used to be a wider range in ages but now they skew younger. But it seems like the challenges are getting easier physically. Horrible season.
  6. The word Psycho is just outdated slang and it doesn’t mean “mental”
  7. Homely too. So is Zac. Tayshia has bad taste. Didn’t even give Dr. Joe a chance which verifies she’s got bad taste.
  8. Bennett does initially look cute the he opens his mouth. He also has beady eyes, Frankenstein forehead and an awkward way of walking.
  9. I’m guessing that the mother was murdered in front of that store by gang members. They made sure the judge mentioned a specific gang. I would think the father would put a hit on the teen and there would be no tracing it back to him. They sure did drop enough unsubtle hints that it will be traced back to,the kid.
  10. I would guess she was a failed investigator. If she had been successful she would be able to show 3 or 4 years of tax returns of appropriate income.
  11. The father has much older kids from previous marriages. If the mother is 65 she could have had him around 36 years old, not unusual. The show hit pay dirt finding this family living like it’s 1945.
  12. Why, why, why would a scrawny guy probably making about $12 per hour living with his parents in the middle of nowhere think the attractive Russian would be content to stay on the farm milking cows? He fooled her with a trip to Paris, a trip to Iceland. When reality sets on she’s out of there.
  13. He said he fled to upstate New York in a “panic”. He probably left his phone so they couldn’t track him down. For the Cleveland lie, maybe he was planning to take Elena on a trip before he decided to bash her head in.
  14. I know, ridiculous. Especially after she said at the beginning that if she had the opportunity to u turn someone she would, it’s everyone for themselves. As it should be.
  15. Jonathan’s brother adopted her not his mother. Is a psychopath produced or born that way?
  16. She would have been gone after getting caught lying. If someone so new is comfortable with being so dishonest they wouldn’t keep them around. And the actress who played Harper sucked. She had like two facial expressions, mostly miserable or blank. I wouldn’t watch a second season.
  17. Or so he says. When she asked Bennet if he broke it off he hesitated and then changed the subject about his parents marriage. He knew about their marriage before he asked someone to marry him. Off subject but Bennett’s teeth bug me. Take some of that “wealth management “ money and get orthodontic work. His two front teeth stick out and the other ones are crowded behind them. Easy fix and will make a huge difference.
  18. Based on the sisters not being part of the alliance, being yielded two or,three times, having to do extra tasks for being last twice, not given answers like the other teams, they actually were good racers. I think without the alliance and answers given to them, one or two of those left might have been last.
  19. Since David Kelley’s an attorney I guess they didn’t care.
  20. Most sociopaths function very well in society. Grace was a psychologist not a psychiatrist. She didn’t go to medical school. But Jonathan’s colleague saw right through Jonathan. Jonathan healing patients was all about Jonathan being a god and being worshipped.
  21. The $500,000 was probably used to cover his lack of job. He made a whole lot more money than his wife and she would wonder where his salary was. The viciousness of Jonathan’s attack on that inmate had convinced me that he did it. It was like second nature to him. He probably pushed his sister into the street so he didn’t have to babysit anymore.
  22. Is that cold sore medicine on her lips?
  23. Bluesky

    S04.E10: Happy

    I don’t understand this. Who is Mike Milligan?
  24. I would walk around the Upper East Side at night but East Harlem after 110th street wouldn’t be safe in her trance like condition. Did they say where Elena lived exactly? Because if it’s way up there nobody would believe she was just taking a walk.
  25. I’m disappointed in how much the attorney sucks. Her whataboutism, pointing the finger at others wouldn’t work. And her telling her clients it’s all circumstantial is ridiculous. First, DNA evidence is not circumstantial. Second people are convicted of murder with only circumstantial evidence all the time. I can understand why people thought the kid did it but I can’t imagine him having the strength to do that type of damage.
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