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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. Charleston. Is it me or is there something funky going on with her eyes? Like one pupil is bigger than the other. Did they not have a mortgage on their previous house? After 6 years of ownership they are now rolling in money. House #2 was very nice. So was #3. Is she drawling and uptalking at the same time? They seem like nice people but I find them to be annoying. So they did base buying a home on a golf cart. If I knew that was the real price, I'd have known that was a contender.
  2. Christa, what do spiders have to do with someone buried alive? She is lucky this wasn't the elimination round. Have to give Hollie props for her smooshed face. Not that I would eat any of the trifles with all the vegetables. Mandi's voice is really annoying me tonight. As the number of contestants shrink, I guess we hear more from everyone. Oh Zac, I wouldn't be able to look at him. From the comments, I thought James had won.
  3. I really hope Lucy is your crush.
  4. Aarti's hair was so pretty tonight. I loved the black lagoon display. Am fine with the team that went home.
  5. Ron's jacket was to die for. I really liked the crashed carnival ride. Eddie hugged the cake maker. After hearing the judges' critiques, I knew they weren't winning. The evil clown on the carnival horse looked good on paper. They weren't able to fully realize the idea. The winners did have a lot on their board. I hated the elephant. Maybe the sculpted clown faces won it for them. Those were nicely creepy. And the funnel brains worked the best in their design.
  6. I don't know. The winner's first and fourth bakes didn't look clean. They did great on the judges' choice. Can't wait to hear what you all think.
  7. I just watched this episode. Agree with everything you all have said. I side eyed the convenient empty house next door that is now holding all their clutter. The one bone I'll pick with Hillary is her bringing her dog into a house where another dog will live. Seems rude. I know my dog would hate the smell of another dog in his house.
  8. I thought that too but then realized that the place where he bellyflopped on the bed was their place.
  9. This! And the Amazing editors spliced a clip of the lotus gatherers saying how anxious their partners must be waiting for them before showing more fun with fish.
  10. Victor being all we did well because we're wise and experienced. No, it's because you can speak the language!
  11. Feel for Jocelyn thinking she's disappointing her in-laws.
  12. Can picture several people not doing it right and not being able to figure what's wrong.
  13. Michael's score was brought down by his other dish. I was surprised at Tiffany's score. It was pretty easy to guess who cooked which pair of dishes in all the rounds.
  14. I've got most of his books if you need to borrow any. They escaped the purge I did last spring.
  15. Brooke got a 19 and Byron got a 16 so titans won. Came on here to say I am so tired of the long, drawn out opening. We know who the titans are and where they come from. Them seeing the TT is just silly.
  16. Utrecht, Netherlands. How perfect that a bicycle engineer is moving to the Netherlands. I like their back story. But they have the same HHI issues. City center, charm, space, outdoor garden all for little money. Yawn.
  17. Charleston, WV. Wonder what effect homeschooling will have on the kids' activities. I liked house #2. I would keep the monkey and gorilla. #3 seemed to need the most work. Guess it worked for them.
  18. I said Michelangelo but meant Da Vinci. Honest. I knew the TS of dead heat thanks to being a voracious reader of Dick Francis when I was young.
  19. I thought that one team had been eliminated so I was confused. I missed the first few moments, was it mentioned? That's the most animated I've ever seen Jonathan get about the tastings. Maybe flavors are assigned so everyone doesn't make the same thing? The ladies were lovely, those outfits were great. It's what they should wear for a finale.
  20. I am still watching despite CW's always showing sports in their time slot. I've been a fan of Mike's since the beginning so not sorry they kept him. Did want Tim in the finale too so wanted Ashlee to go home. They get a tech demo on how to make pastry cream but they were on their own to figure out upside cake? They are all showing improvement but not sure I'd pay for any of their goods.
  21. I think if Jeff sneezed, these people would cheer.
  22. Siem Reap, Cambodia. Entitled artist looking for cheaper than NYC living. Wow Julia is pushing all my annoyance buttons. This realtor is excellent, she's very patient and not snarky when Julia makes an unreasonable request. You don't want to pay $350 for the perfect location, they'll have no trouble finding someone who will. We get it, you're tall and most Cambodians aren't. How rude they didn't build apartments to fit you. And when she turns to the realtor and asks what Juu thinks. I'm sure they couldn't broadcast what Juu thinks.
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