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Everything posted by mythoughtis

  1. I think baldness is inherited from the mother’s ancestors
  2. Yes, Cade and Conrad are dating. Yes, he’s denied feelings for Billie in the past. A person he didn’t feel was available for him ever. Then Billie gets attacked. He acted on those feelings and spontaneously kissed her. Then she went inside. That was it. What happens next determines if Conrad is cheating - or immediately breaking up with Cade. Sometimes people spontaneously act on their feelings while still involved with a boyfriend/girlfriend. If they immediately break off the first relationship, it’s part of the reason for break up. If they intentionally begin or continue a new relationship without breaking off the old one, that’s cheating. It also depends on the commitment level of the old relationship - spontaneously acting on your feelings is cheating at engagement or marriage level. You’ve committed to a person being ‘the one’. You’ve committed to not spontaneously or intentionally acting on feelings for other people. We don’t even know if Cafe and Conrad committed to being exclusive. She sure didn’t seem to want to have anything to do with Gigi. When did we ever see them together?
  3. The music she add to her videos, speeding up what she filmed. The girls dressed in extremely outdated outfits. I feel like I’m watching a combination of Dudley-do-right and The Perils of Pauline. I got the impression those two girls had never been to a Chuck E Cheese before. You don’t need to be dressed in pinafores to play at Chuck E Cheese.
  4. Conrad told Billie a couple episodes ago that he had trouble talking with her about moving on because she was Nick’s best friend. He probably has been denying his feelings for her for the same reason. The entire episode was about denial - his, his patient’s, live forever guy, Cade’s, Billie’s, Padma’s, etc. So now Conrad is confronting his own feelings.
  5. Conrad spoils Gigi. Billie is chief of surgery - why didn't she know Ian was suspended from surgeries until he passed a drug test? Or at least until further notice even if she didn’t know why.
  6. Nina had indeed gone overboard. 3 strollers???! Color coded notes in every room about everything. Scola was right to call her on it - she escalated the argument just as he did. It’s the reality of life that people argue sometimes. At least they had an intelligent calm conversation about it afterward. And yes, new parents have make up sex. However I will also agree that I have seen nothing that implies Nina isn’t a great mother. Nor anything that says Scola is not a great father. Just two tired people trying to manage life.
  7. I don’t know why she thought it was ok to word it that way. Being married later this year isn’t the same as being married now.
  8. So only the grown children ( otherwise known as ADULTS) get smart phones, but then Jill monitors every move they make on it. Note to Jill- )1 you’d better be the one paying for it then and 2). You do understand you have no legal right to tell your grown children what to do).
  9. Why would she need perm rods? All of her daughters have absolutely straight hair. No perms on any of them.
  10. Leela has a right to not want kids… but Devon has a right to want them. This isn’t a ‘what do we want for dinner’ compromise. Either one or the other has to change their mind to stay together. Neither should be looked at badly for their choice. The only things done wrong were 1) not discussing it much earlier and 3) Leela not being honest about her choice when they did discuss it.
  11. I disagree. FBI agents can and are parents. They also get divorced or widowed and become single parents. I didn’t see anyone saying Jess on the FBI most wanted series should have quit his job because he had a kid. And he ended up being killed. Yes Maggie will need reliable 24/7 child care. But so do Scola and Nina. She’s off chasing fugitives for days on end. Should they quit their jobs? Or give up their child?
  12. They retconned his adoption age when they replaced the actress that played Carol. The new Carol was shown with him being adopted around 10 or later. The old Carol had holiday photos and memories of him as a young child. Regarding the funeral, TV weddings and funerals often seem to only have the show regulars attending. It’s a definite writing flaw. I’ve never forgotten the wedding of McGee and Delilah on NCIS- attended only by his team. Not a single friend or co-worker of hers.
  13. Having lost an adult son a year ago, I understand her somewhat. I can’t understand her pain totally, because we didn’t lose our son to suicide. We lost him due to a medical condition. I hope this gave her some joy. She deserves all she can get. Having fun doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss him. I can guarantee that she thought of Garrison throughout the day.
  14. I was indoors too. Had our blinds up though annd although I knew we were only in the 90 some %, I was really disappointed by how much sunshine and light of day there was. You’d have thought it was a normal day.
  15. I don’t know how to copy part of a FB post over to here. Jill posted a long diatribe about how kids shouldn’t blame their parents. As part of it, she talks about David not having grown up in a Christian home. He grew up around swearing, public school, alcohol and his dad committed suicide. I really wish she’d learn that people in many Christian homes often swear, send their kids to public school and enjoy alcohol in moderation. And no family is immune to suicide. I’m also wondering if someone in her circle isn’t happy with their parents either.
  16. Both Billie and AJ should have told Trevor that he was not defined by his origins. That he was still the same person he knew himself to be before he figured out how he was conceived.
  17. Billie should have told Leela that the double board certification woukd be impossible for anyone …if dyslexic or not. Leela is so bound and determined to prove that she’s not less than, that she ignores the fact that there’s just not enough hours in the day for anyone to be everything to everyone.
  18. Trevor didn’t annoy me this episode. I thought the actor did a great job portraying how hard it would be to just stand there and watch a patient refuse treatment and die.
  19. I can understand them staying for what was probably the most time allowed. First there’s travel involved. Second, there is possibly a limit of x separate visit sessions a month. So it’s best to do one long visit than two shorter visits. There’s probably board games etc on a table along a wall to play. Probably vending machines for drinks and snacks. So you can pass some time with that rather than conversation the entire time. I’m not going to snark about parents visiting their son. Even when I don’t like any of them and am truly disgusted by Josh’s crimes. I’ve never visited a federal prison, but I doubt that Michelle found it a pleasant experience ( not counting her seeing Josh). I know state prison visits made me feel like I was a criminal being detained myself
  20. Jill is a product of her environment. She has a steady diet of news and affirmations that reinforce her persecution belief. She doesn’t talk to anyone that has a different opinion or belief than her. Because she’s been told those people are looking to drag her down the path to evil. Blue haired, pants wearing, independent females etc. She has no clue that people who think differently than her are just trying to live their lives / just as she is. She might figure it out if she wasn’t so fearful of having a conversation with them. In addition, she never went to school and learned the basic social and compromising skills that students around others do. She’s stuck in the grade school level of extreme hurt because someone looked at her funny. The rest of us learned a long time ago that other people’s actions ( and facial expressions) often have nothing to do with us - because they are caught up in their own lives. And are not paying attention to what color our hair is today. Nor are they usually trying to hurt us even when they make odd comments
  21. This episode was hard for my spouse to watch. We are in our sixties and I have been taking care of my elderly parents for several years. Even with them in assisted living, there’s a lot for me to do. I saw myself. My spouse saw his own future in the husband -not the Parkinson’s, but the reliance on his wife due to his ailments. He saw what my future as a full time caregiver would be. He didn’t like it.
  22. For such a big hospital, they seem to have very few doctors and surgeons. Yet these same doctors and surgeons have all day to hang out in patient rooms… and perform CT scans. There’s never a radiologist or technician in the room- but there’s always 5 doctors there.
  23. Once he was diagnosed, there was no reason for Conrad or Nic to be there. The doctors at Chastain seem to have all day to spend with a patient. In real life, an admitted patient is lucky to see their doctor for 5 minutes a day. ER doctors spend a little more, but not much more.
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