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Everything posted by mythoughtis

  1. Is it just me or is the woman playing AJ’s adoptive mother a different actress than the one playing her originally?
  2. I agree this is the most likely filming. She mentioned ‘on set’. That’s probably what they call the TH location. I doubt she refer to any other location as ‘on set’.
  3. So their tradition is to go to the grocery store after church? Because most Walmarts or Meijers don’t have ice cream shops inside to eat at. I mean, ok, but it’s really not an event you need to post about
  4. AJ and Mina were on the same page until Cain raised the racism issue. I felt Cain was just being manipulative and AJ fell for it. Cain will say anything to get his way, and he lies all the time.
  5. I hope Janelle is getting the support she needs and I hope her other kids are too.
  6. Remy seemed way out of his depth this episode. He was panicking from the minute he heard the ransom call. He’s supposed to be an FBI agent - calm cool and collected. Jess would have never shown so much panic. Where’s Aaron Hotchner when you need him?
  7. I didn’t know Kaylee and siblings were such Loretta Lynn fans. Someone should tell them Loretta saved her fancy dresses and hairstyles for her shows. I don’t understand why they have to dress 50 years out of date.
  8. Well at least she didn’t claim to be a full time stay at home mom while also working in this Plexus monologue like she did in the last one.
  9. What was the point of introducing the character in the first place … except in order to kill her and have Maggie at least temporarily have a child?
  10. Again, I think there is something particular about the Duggars that has the management unhappy with those of us that aren’t fans of the Duggars. The yellow light post addresses Titles and comments about the Duggars - not comments from posters about other posters. The comments and thread titles aren’t any worse on the Duggars sub forum than the other reality sub forums. Yet none of them have any red yellow or green management comments. I don’t understand why the latest management comments couldn’t have been made a couple of weeks ago when we were all asking for clarification.
  11. I’m definitely not a Kody fan - however: I‘m not going to blame any family member for the suicide. Suicide occurs even in the most supportive families. Maddie has made comments that Garrison’s biggest concerns had to do with social media and him feeling ‘less than’ in comparison to others.
  12. She’s been sleeping in a crib and she’s soon to turn 6????? and yes, twin bed would be the appropriate size for a six year old. Probably won’t fit in that room
  13. Long long before these last two seasons, the adults ALL knew that what was filmed was subject to being aired on an episode. After all its season 17 and 18. Therefore, the WAASSTTED and kidney monologues and ALL of Kody’s hateful TH speeches were not ‘off the record’. That was all him knowing he was on camera . However, he certainly had no inkling that Garrison was soon to be gone or that there would be no reconciliation. You have to understand that even he wouldn’t have said those things if he had known that time was very very short for Garrison. I do worry about Kody and what he could now be thinking. I hope he’s seeing a reputable counselor.
  14. Not only were there 3 people between Kody and Janelle… he wasn’t even sitting next to his own mother. Robyn was. He was seated next to David and then there was Christine. I thought it was good that Logan was seated next to Gabe, and they were directly behind Janelle and Hunter. Overall though, I felt so bad for them. The family is hurting so badly. I really wish the photos of the family had not been published by the National Guard
  15. Thank you @ginger90 for posting this tribute. The photos show a family still in a stage of deep grief. Garrison was a true guiding light for them and his absence will be felt deeply for years to come.
  16. I don’t, nor do I know why we were there in the first place. I’ve not seen very many instances of posters being rude to each other. Occasionally there’s a misunderstanding because it’s texting rather than speaking, so there’s no facial expressions or tone of voice. I really think that the new community managers and mods don’t like people being less than totally positive about the Duggars and that this topic will be closed no matter what we do.
  17. So many beautiful tributes from his siblings. I do hope people close to them are rallying around, while those who aren’t are giving them their privacy and space.
  18. She also commented that they sell their tracts at cost only. Except for foreign missions, which could be shipping only. If they haven’t added things like the electricity and subsidizing the foreign missions into their cost figures, then they should revise those figures. Or here’s a novel concept: open the printing business to at profit jobs. Stop the constant travel so that the printing business could operate year round. How did they get a $1000 electricity bill when they weren’t even home for an entire month? Don’t they turn anything off? They had a huge amount of firewood there- are they using electricity to heat the place?
  19. ==Jill was busy entering in all the information from the dozen(s) of women attending her retreat == I wonder what she was entering this time? She posted previously that she was up all night before the flight to Punta Cana entering all the registration information for her retreat.
  20. How is spending time on Plexus, her radio minute thing, and/or delivering tracts any better than ‘working outside the home’? Regardless of where she does it, it’s still time spent on something other than her family. Which is what her dig at ‘working outside the home’ is about. At least people that work outside the home actually earn money- not just credits to buy more product or an occasional trip. A trip that takes her away from her family.
  21. I don’t understand the difference between this thread and the spoilers, social media and speculation thread, or the various threads for individual Browns or the kids threads. I do understand the difference between this thread and Garrison’s thread.
  22. The swim attire is just so unnecessary. They don’t swim when other people are around to see them, so why go to these extremes? There’s plenty of swim suits that have small shirts attached that cover the top of the thighs. If Jill can go sleeveless, the rest of them can too
  23. OA’s question to Gemma was reasonable. Her friend was killed because she went back to a criminal after participating in a sting. After she was caught selling drugs outside of a club that she had arrived at with Gemma. OA and Gemma had only been dating a few weeks. He doesn’t know her all that well yet If I were in his position, I would have asked the question. She could have just answered it with a resounding No. instead she avoided answering the question along with kicking him out.
  24. Six years later and we are binge watching this. I found my post from six years ago and didn’t remember it.
  25. Did she even ask Nathan and Nurie before she sent this out over the internet? With Nurie’s patient account number visible?
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