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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 4 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    Were the kids who were featured more get more money aka more compensation?

    My guess would be no. I think the money was distributed as J.B. saw fit.  Meaning whatever bills came due were paid. Meaning whatever car or house was needed next got bought.  

    • Love 9
  2. I tnink bigskygirl has the gist of the compensation pyramid. The offspring never saw a TLC check. They may have seen transfers between JBs accounts and theirs- but not as paychecks, just as gifts( so less than 14,000 a year). They may have gotten cars available to drive or houses available for residence. Most likely all in the name of JBs companies.  And only as long as they toed the line. Hence the Dillards’ move to the apartment. 

     I’m guessing the offspring were all told their compensation for the show was the above plus personal items such as food, clothing, make-up, cell phones, etc. remember the girls communal closet? 

    • Love 6
  3. Giving the girls cars was supposedly because 1. they were not allowed to work outside the home as the boys did to earn money, and 2.they worked all day at home and the boys didn’t. J.B. flat out said this when they were discussing the cars that Jana and Jill had at the time.   So I am sure that the minors did not get paid.  Whoever films this probably pays the J.B. and Michelle entertainment LLC.  They are supposed to pay their employees, but probably don’t have any listed and consider them all volunteers. The kids wil have to sue their parents to get paid. Jeremy, having been in soccer, understands the deal and probably told The Film crew they wouldn’t film if The film crew didn’t negotiate  a contract with them separately. None of those kids would have a clue. 

    • Love 12
  4. Derick needed to be back from his Nepal gig, get that job at Walmart,move out of his Moms, and live as an adult for a year or so before getting married. It’s obvious he had never  been a real adult. It’s quite possible that he didn’t have Walmart insurance. He may have still been on Cathy and her husbands insurance since he was under 26.  Our youngest son stayed on our insurance until then because it was cheaper premiums since he was an 2nd dependent on mine.  He would have had to pay quite a bit more on his employers plan. 

    Jill may have been on JBs policy similarly. That policy probably didn’t cover the grand baby or had really high deductibles. 

    • Love 4
  5. In my opinion, The person who will be available during the day to run errands, etc. needs the car if there is only 1.  Derick was at work and unless he needed to leave, that car wouldn’t have left the parking lot. Why should Jill have had to depend on her family for rides every day when Derick was supposed to stay in one place all day?  My spouse and I try to manage our transportation needs without relying on others as much as possible - even extended family. 

    Now, if she preferred to have him drive himself and leave her carless- that’s still not her family’s problem.  

    • Love 11
  6. The new house is 5 minutes from the school( discussed at the impromptu adult lunch at that house)  but I don’t remember them saying the school name.  I’m not Catholic but I remember people often switch to public school for high school, so it’s plausible the boys switched. 

    Sonething that’s been quietly shown this season- the family rallying around Danny to help him thru decision making while he’s grieving.  Wish all families were that close. 

    • Love 2
  7. Nicky has often been referred to as Nicky Reagan. so much so that I forgot it wasn’t her last name. I didn’t  know Nicky used both. Erin did until recently. But it was stupid- they only brought it up to highlight that her boss didn’t know who she was related to. 

    The female cop didn't seem all that sure of herself. Theoretically smart, but no common sense. 

    The boys at least got scenes besides family dinner.  

    Danny had money troubles  even with Linda’a income. Grandpa gave them his car to replace their old junker, for example. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

    Those are all proven, normal treatments

    Thanks for clarifying my post, Galloway. I meant to say besides the 3 normal ones I listed.  My fingers got ahead of my brain.  I am very cautious about my spine, eyes, ears, etc. However, what do you expect from people like the Kody Brown family that don’t know how to tell when a child  is ill and needs to be in a hospital. 

    • Love 12
  9. Just exactly what alternative treatments are there for spine curvature: surgery ry, brace, possibly chiropractic? Are they silly enough to think yoga stretches will fix bones?  Or that green stuff they used to drink? 

    I’m guessing the truth comes out has to do with Meri and Kody and/or who actually will be involved with the bed and breakfast. 

    • Love 11
  10. As always, there seemed to be a whole lot of missing parts to the story. Her dad is a police officer. She’s a high achiever in high school, yet she moves in with a loser while in high school. Where were those parents? Where were those parents during all those years of abuse and hospital stays? What was this high roller family friend to her? 

    She was a high achiever, seemingly intelligent-yet years later, the loser guy tells her to come back and she goes.  The story seemed vague at whether she broke up with Michael to go back to Daniel or whether Michael broke up with her and then she went back to Daniel. 

    I do not understand why the abuse could not be mentioned during the trial. It pertains to why she did what he told her to do.  Maybe it’s because she wasn’t on trial? 

    Something was off with her. I don’t know if she was lying, or if she’s ‘damaged’ due to the abuse, but she just didn’t seem normal.  As in, in my opinion.she could be part of doing something like this again. 

    • Love 5
  11. I have heard of braces going on twice. Sometimes because the teeth shift. Sometimes because the first set was to correct part of the issue right away while then stopping either for surgery or something else. In my sins case, they put in top braces to bring  his front teeth inward, so they wouldn’t break off if he fell. Then they came off while we waited for the rest of his permanent teeth to come in. 

    Derick has made the mistake of thinking he’s like the commentators on cable ‘news’ programs. They attack and attack with impunity, in my opinion. 

    • Love 2
  12. Was thecar that Derick drove before they got married his or Cathy’s? I seem to remember that it was Cathy’s,and therefore the van was the only carDerick and Jill had for a while. If that was the case, I can see Jill getting to be the one with the car while Derick was at work. That takes care of the dropping him off and picking him up part. It was the wholemust be with him every minute of lunch every day that was over the top. Plus, you just know she was calling, texting, and skyping him all day.  If she had a job, that wouldn’t have been happening. 

    • Love 2
  13. Superior - staff relationships are never a good idea.  Seems to me that  there are lots of captains positions. Transferring to another area in LA wouldn’t derail her career.   Of course,  It might complicate the storyline. 

    I thought Street  got a bad deal. He looked for the guys ID just to get a name.  I don’t think he realized the guy was an illegal immigrant until after ICE had the guy in hand.   His actions weren’t the same to me as him actively working in concert with ICE. If LA is a sanctuary city, who authorized SWAT to back up ICE in the first place?  Of course, I am biased because I think all law enforcement should work together to enforce all applicable laws. 

    I did  think the writers did a good job of trying to present all sides.   

    Not impressed with the Promise Guards. Kidnapping  is a crime too. 

    • Love 5
  14. Shalita has been dividing her time between this show and another one these last couple seasons, I think. I will miss her character.  She grew on me over time. 

    I loved Zoe’s character from day 1.   

    Its sad when  back stage issues mess with our shows. 

    • Love 4
  15. True- and Jen spent quite a bit of time at her conference. That was one of the problems with the kids and the trip. Bill either wouldn’t or couldn’t corral them at the castle, for example.  Many of us commented then that the kids should have stayed home with the grandparents. A business trip with  Bill would have been similar. Someone would have to be with the kids while Bill conducted business or went to dinner with the factory execs, etc.   it’s just not appropriate to take kids that age on a business trip.  

    • Love 7
  16. It’s not something I could do.   I feel that I deserve the monogamy part of it as part of the package, and I give it in return.  Extra people would just divide the attention and negate any feelings of love. Plus the money I earn goes to my spouse and our children, natural. Step, and adopted. I don’t want it going to the house next door. 

    • Love 9
  17. I really don’t think ALL of them want to live this way. Meri doesn’t, but obviously her religion requires her to. Martyrdom.  Robin doesn’t-if she did, she’s still just be spiritually married.  Christine does sometimes. Janelle does.  The offspring hold the household all together. Once a household has none in it, then it falls apart. Meri has an empty nest and no husband. Kody admits he no longer sees her without the rest of the family. Janelle will have no children at home in a few years. She will feel differently then. Christine has Truly so she will have an empty nest later. This is Robyn’s end goal- she’s the last one with small children.  The other 2 will find themselves shuttled off to the side as Kody begins to reserve his weeknights etc for the children left at home. That’s when they willrealize that empty nest monogamous couples  travel as twosomes, etc.  they will be 3rd wheels and will be lonely just like widows. 

    • Love 10
  18. I think Taylor’s Mom has probably been a peice of work, but I think she was actively trying to make up for it now.  It was Toni’s Mom and David’s Mom who were currently  sabotaging their children. Angela’s Mom just didn’t want to admit her daughter couldn’t white knuckle it. 

    Zac’s addict Dad probably didn’t help him. 

    Tiffany and Tracey’s Dad was trying to make up for his past addiction. 

    Your mileage may vary.  

    • Love 2
  19. Years and years ago ( like the 40s I believe)  there was a sappy movie about a bunch of college friends and their adult lives. I vaguely remember one of them having trouble breastfeeding  and it was The End of The World.  That’s what Audrey’s comments remind me of. The Mommy wars are supposed to be over. It’s ok not to breast feed if it hurts or even just because you don’t want to breastfeed. 

    She  doesn’t realize that she’s alienating a bunch of potential customers by her superior attitude

    • Love 1
  20. I lost count at about 10 and couldn’t remember the other two. 

    Billy, Tiffany, Tracey

    Allan, Toni


    Kiersten, David



    so those were the addicts

    so who am I missing to get to 12? 

    Then extras:

    the woman the police officer got to treatment 

    Zacs dad

    Taylors Mom. 

  21. I think the ones who are still in Sober Living are doing ‘ok’. It’s a process.  It’s recommended that you not go home because you fall into old habits, The ones who moved out or back home after 90 days or less such as Allen sounded off - as if the show was being told one thing and believed another.   I do hope Billy and Tiffany stay sober for the sake of their child. 

    Did they report on Zach’s father at all? They were counting him and Taylor’s mom as part of the 12 addicts they helped,right? 

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