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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Bill and Jen adopted for the same reason many people do..they wanted children. They couldn’t safely, and then just couldn’t,  have biological children. They have the money to do it.  They wanted little people because they understand the issues and because they could provide the emotional support. Doesn’t make them saints nor devils, just people. 

    I wouldn’t take a 7 year old on  business trip to a neighboring state, let alone  foreign country. Why should Bill?  

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  2. Being as I could only take a few minutes of the show, I missed the actual rally. What did they attribute the poor attendance to? Wait, don’t tell me, -fear. That was the drinking game word. My personal opinion is that it was lack of interest. Thee aren’t that many polygamists. 

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  3. Someone help me with the timeline. Saw the episode where Rose gets her first boyfriend after Charlie’s  death( Arnie who is played by the actor who later plays Miles). 

    Rose says she hasn’t ‘ you know’ since Charlie’s death 15 years ago.  Now I would swear that in a much later show she says Charlie’s only been gone a few years. The show where the film doubles exposes and Charlie appears to be in bed with Blanche. Blanche gets out her journal from 9 years prior and sees that she slept with a Chuck. 

    Rose also says in either that episode or the one where Dorothy’s daughter gets married that she spent 51 years in Minnisota. Now didn’t  Rose supposedly move to Florida within a year  of Charlie’s death? Didn’t the first season of the show pretend the girls had only known each other a year or so at this point? 

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  4. Cable told Bull the guys girlfriend has reached  out to her.  Why didn’t she just accept the thumb drive and then hand it to the FBI?  That would have been above board. She could have been explained  the theory behind what she wanted them to compare. They could have backed stuff up and done it. But, no, Cable considers herself the only intelligent  IT person in the world- or she considers the FBI interested  convicting innocent people. And, until this episode, I loved Cable. 

    FYI - Jason Bull has always been a flawed person. He’s always selfish, and spends money like it is water. He, however, is not wrong in firing Cable.  

    Now- where is the actress going and whose idea was it for her to part ways with the show? 

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  5. According to their courting and other rules... no female is supposed to be left alone with a male.  So just how was this 15 year old anywhere with Josh alone?   Did we ever once see a Duggar female left alone in a room with any male including the camera crew?  Jill couldn’t even be in a room alone to talk to Derek on her laptop. Kendra’s dad is the preacher of that church. His daughters follow those same Duggar courting rules.  So would the church members. 

    • Love 5
  6. I think one of the hardest things in the world for me to do would be to actually kick my adult child out to live on the streets.   Doesn’t mean I couldn’t/wouldn’t do it - I’m pretty opposed to illegal activity in my hone.  Plus I’d be opposed to the idea of enabling their deaths by drugs. I’ve never had to deal with  the issue. 

    I could see Angela’s Moms’  dilemma. She’s clean and sober now, doing what was expected of her. But rehab gives her a better shot of staying that way. 

    But Kiersten and David. They’d have been gone before now.   Couldn’t handle the stress. They have enough money to keep themselves in drugs so they could find a friend to camp out with. 

    • Love 2
  7. Something tells me Kiersten and David end up not going- at least that day, but we will see. Mom ‘ I’m no longer going to baby you’ , 5 minures later, she’s making excuses for him. 

    I don’t know what to make of Taylor. I just can’t bring myself to like her or her Mom. 

    Hope Angela stays in recovery. 

    I still think Tiffany is pregnant and they are just trying not to publicize it for some reason. 

    Any idea why Jeff hasn’t done any interventions this season? 

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  8. Derick seems to be a Very low level person at Cross church. I don’t think he has any say so about any of the Cross Church events he’s posting about.  He wouldn’t be able to book, reserve the room for, and pay for this Monday  night speaker. He wouldn’t be able  to start a new church location.  He’s just able to tweet about them and invite people to attend.  I think peoples’ anger should be directed toward the senior pastor and board of directors of Cross Church.  As for them- pretty sure you now all know what they believe. 

    • Love 3
  9. I hope Jamie continues with his work plan. Hopefully Brandon’s legal issues won’t derail a placement for Jamie.  Jamie is probably the least knowledgeable about Brandon’s activities since he works long days as a resident, lives off site and has only been married to Blair for a certain number of years. He also seems closer to normal than the biological Putmans. 

    I think Katie will have it rough if she leaves the compound. She ‘works’ in the family business doing office type work, has 5 children, no real education that I know of.    Dad Putman isn’t going to financially help out if she isn’t living there, or if she attempts to divorce Brandon to get out from under his legal issues. Dad Putman might not pay the legal bills as it is. Brandon has no money outside of working for the family business. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, e.gregious said:

    didn't know that David was her dealer, but that still would not make it his fault (IMO)  My oldest son and his girlfriend are like these two. I guess that's why I'm feeling some type of way about it. :)

    I agree with you.  First she was already using. Second- it appears to have been her choice and she appears no younger than him.  

    However, I totally understand the tendency to say ‘ it’s not MY child’s choices that caused this’. It’s just not reality in lots of cases though. 

    I’m sorry you don’t get to see your granddaughter. There is always hope though. Life has a funny way of changing things while people are making plans. 

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  11. On 2/13/2018 at 9:09 PM, Concerned said:

    The show seems to be slowing down, almost idling as a decision has been made to postpone surgery until 18 or 21 and they plan to slow roll until then. Frankly, Jazz should ignore the worriers and have the surgery soon so we don’t have to wait four seasons. They need to do the surgery and show the recovery and most of us don’t want to wait years. Enough talk, just do it.

    ‘Most of us’ aren’t the one that has to live with the consquences of this action for the rest of their lives. I think they should wait until Jazz is really mature enough to make a decision like this. We don’t even let people drink till they  are 21.  For Jazz, she may be mature enough about age 40.  It should definitely be well after the show is cancelled. Reality TV shouldn’t be an influence.   

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