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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 4 hours ago, Lacei said:

    What the writers have shown is people comfortable enough to have grandpa at home, a little kid playing with him, a daughter kissing her father goodbye, sharing coffee with her brother, and mentions of dinner. Acting as these people have known(open)each other for all their lives instead of months. That is what the writers wanted me to "see". Which is false.

    To piggyback on this comment- the writers showed us this exactly once. At the beginning of this episode. We haven’t seen Alex since the day we saw Callan and his father staring at her house wondering whether they should go introduce themselves.  Callan and her father haven’t been shown to have anything except for a cautious visit or two before now,  We saw more of Sams’ boat than that. We see more of Kenzie’s mom than Callan’s family.  Sorry, but I’m not feeling the love. 

    I also don’t care if I ever see Anna again.  I’m not feeling any chemistry between Callan and Anna.  I’d love to see Alicia Coppola be paired with him. She’s able to play strong  characters and that would counter Callens calmness. 

    • Love 1
  2. On 3/29/2018 at 4:14 PM, UniqueHandle said:

    I can't do the blindfold challenge. I run into things un-blindfolded every day in my house where I know where everything is. "Ouch, hello ottoman, you have been there for three years. Meet my shin, again." 

    Hello twin! I run into or bump stuff so often that I no longer bother to remember which object gave me which bruise.  

    I really have no idea how those contestants survive sometimes. I always think at least one of them ends up with a concussion, split lip or missing teeth.  

    I thought Dom did a great job on the course/ he used their names first so it got their attention.  Des would yell the instruction and then the names. 

    Wendell did beautifully during the puzzle. I heard Dom copy him after a while.  Still laughing about the white puzzle piece though. 

    • Love 2
  3. Didn’t they already try going back to when Rittenhouse was founded? They ended up killing the guy and his son ran away?  I think they came back  to find Rittenhouse was even more powerful than before. 

  4. 6 hours ago, bros402 said:

    I also have occasional seizures - been over 2 years since my last seizure (Yay!)

    congratulations! You must be taking care of yourself! 

  5. Angela needs to get out of her own way. She was lucky the other two women didn’t join with the guys and vote her out. Kellan was justified in worrying  about whether Angela would vote with them. Of course, Kellan telling Angela that Des was her number 1 ally didn’t set Angela at ease either.  

    • Love 4
  6. Comparing Becky to real life: I have a cousin who dated his wife beginning at 14. She died unexpectedly at 27. His personal  life was definitely altered in a bad way for years. He managed to keep his job, but never really at the level he would have.  He’s slightly older than Becky’s character and is now stable.  I think that is what they will show with Becky. She lost Mark ( most likely in their 20s) and drifted in a sea of bad choices. 

    • Love 8
  7. My adult son has seizures. He’s had multiple MRIs. No doctor has ever suggested seizure scars or subsequent brain damage showing on scans. He does suffer memory loss from a few hours before /after a seizure.  His seizures only happen occasionally- sometimes years between each. He’s also medicated. Regarding the doctor pronouncing Jyia fit- she’s got epilepsy because she’s had at least two seizures without an apparent cause. 

  8. I have a hard time believing Callan has grown that close to his father in this short amount of time. Same for his half sisters’ relationship with dear old dad.  I do hope they get him back in one piece though. 

    Moseley let the team do their thing because she still wants to break them up. More ammunition for her to use. Hidalgo is her handpicked associate and Moseley won’t let her forget it. 

    • Love 2
  9. The first time Lucy asked was to make sure that Wyatt was ok with dating a co-worker. That was a throwaway line to ward off  sexual harassment discussions in forums like this one. 

    The second one was to build us up so the text would bring us down.  

    If the text came from Jessica- why? She obviously didn’t expect him to show up there. More likely the text came from Rittenhouse so they could lure Wyatt out of the hiding place. Possibly didn’t like the death of their third sleeper agent. Did the guys Dad die too? 

    • Love 2
  10. And Jessica’s back. Not happy to see Wyatt? Does this Jessica know who he is? 

    So Jia is healthy- except for the seizures/ visions thing- and the fact that everyone else with this syndrome is dead or crazy. 

    • Love 3
  11. 20 hours ago, Vaysh said:

    Ugh. I'm having such mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, go Joe! for looking out for your baby sister, you seem like the one brother that everyone genuinely likes. But on the other hand, maybe without his friendship and encouragement Joy would've been able to shed the Gothard/Quiverfull beliefs and find her own path. Instead she ended up married and pregnant before she even hit her twenties, yoked to another religious nut who'll most likely keep her barefoot and pregnant for the next thirty years.

    I guess this explains how she got her nickname Joyless Anna back in the day - the Duggar lifestyle and beliefs really were chafing at her through the years and it showed, but now she's back in the fold happily popping out babies for Jesus.

    Damn you Joe...

    I’m going to agree with this. Joe probably did befriend her/ but he probably also stated all the reasons to stay in the fold. He wouldn’t have been able to objectively discuss the topic. If there was any discussion. She doesn’t even seem to know if she was really having doubts about the religion or she wouldn't include the ‘I think’ in the sentence. 

    It is interesting that she refers to it as ‘ my parents faith as my own’.  Because  Jinger and Jill wearing pants may be showing the kids that lightning doesn’t strike if you disagree with your parents. 

    • Love 12
  12. 17 hours ago, JoanArc said:

    And there's Michelle, sliming her way into more filming. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOU, EVER. GO AWAY.

    Unfortunately, there are people who are still complaining that J.B. and Michelle ( and the younger children) are not featured. They don’t hang out much on this forum. If you check out the family/ friend run forums, blogs, etc, you’ll see them.  They also want Josh, Anna, Derick and Jill featured.   They even want the Duggars to negotiate a deal to be on the UP network because they feel TLC is unfair to them.  

    I think that is why we do see J.B., Michelle, and the younger kids occasionally. 

    • Love 4
  13. I knew the mayor would be the VP when I read the episode description.  

    I’m guessing the brother character is to replace Alex. So far I like him better already.   

    I watch this show in spite of Hannah.    The last scene with the Russian was ridiculous, as were the clothing Hannah chose to wear for the meeting. How many FBI agents actually  dress like her? 

    • Love 3
  14. I’m not a creepy clown fan. What I did notice  was the first glimpse of Reid acknowledging that he is traumatized by the events in his life. that’s what I got out of the discussion at the hospital. 

    Second- this is one of the few times when one of the criminals got a positive spin throughout the show.  The one who didn’t do any killings even got to say goodbye to his family onscreen. 

    Third- if I was the victims widow, there is no way I’m sitting at the police station just a few feet from the criminals family, even if they were innocent. I’m definitely not letting them sit at the table my child is at. I’m definitely not giving the ‘good’ brothers’ wife a hug. 

    • Love 3
  15.  Im not inclined to be a fan of an organization that will stop st nothing to get what it wants..,

    killing Flynns family 

    breeding Lucy for their purposes down the line

    threatening to kill the woman that The three helped escape to Japan 

    Sent in sleeper agents to change the past to change things that already happened for their benefit( our 3 are changing things inadvertently while trying to prevent Rittenhouse from changing things.  ) 

    threatened Masons and Rufus’s families.  

  16. 21 hours ago, LittlePeas3 said:

    I think he is with his father and she doesn't know where they are.  So I summise he was taken without her consent.  

    I think the first sentence is true. However I got the impression that she didnt get custody due to the necessities/realities of her job in the past. Another reason she may have accepted the move out west. More stability. And she may think her son is there.  The subject was only discussed once with either Sam or Callen I think. 

    • Love 4
  17. 1 hour ago, MDL said:

    Walter lies to Paige about the lecture, then calls Flo(rence) and asks her to go with him....DICK.

    First I was pleased that he used a white lie because he knew Paige didn’t want to go. Then I was annoyed at the show writers for setting up another fiasco.  He did sort of touch base with the team about their evening plans - maybe the implication is that he would have asked one of them to go? Not sure. But this will not end well for Walter with either Paige or Sly.  I love everyone on the team as it is now except Walter and Paige.  Can we keep Ralph and lose those two? 

    • Love 2
  18. Most of this episide was bad except... 

    Ralph locking up the bikes

    Patti hugging Sly. 

    Happy and Toby having a serious discussion about life changes. 

    • Love 2
  19. I thought the first conversation between Hetty and Moseley seemed off.  Maybe Hetty was deliberately trying to hold her cards close to her vest, or maybe she just didn't want to overstep with a superior she didn't know well.  But, that's not usually the case, Hetty seems to know everything about everybody.   She was just weird, sort of half dancing her way into the room and talking with a weird cadence.  Meanwhile, Moseley is trying and failing to get the upper hand. 

    Funny thing.  the other NCIS teams have been together for a while - are they meant to be broken apart too?

    Is this the first mention of Harley being a widow?

    • Love 1
  20. Jason- your eldest sister dropped out of college, dated a guy 30 years older, and then a Russian drug addict. Your middle sister is back home for the semester.

    Your Dad just quit his job. He’s a stay at home dad. 

    Your parents are more realistic in your expectations than you think.  

    • Love 6
  21. 6 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

    They were together.  And no, it was anything but cute,

    I liked them together. Right up until they started fighting out of nowhere. Which was obviously a plot device.  As was the behavior that they had Matt do  that broke them up finally. Just my opinion. 

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