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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 12 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

    Not sure if this is accurate info about the end scene. Apparently the voodoo doll was Hansel/Jack/Nick, and Facilier says, “And I’m taking you out of the deck,” and stabs the doll, killing JackNickSel. But did he really need to enter the holding cell to do that?? And why a voodoo doll if he could just walk up to the guy? 

    That’s what the internet says. I guess they showed the ending 20 minutes late. But I’d changed channels by then.  

    So he killed him to prevent Nick confessing who woke him up? 

    • Love 1
  2. The thing about the Zelena/Hansel interaction that rings false- based on the age of Hansel it would have occurred after Zelena came to storybook.  The evilness of the event doesn’t fit her character then. 

    And the witch doctor guy is boring. 

    • Love 1
  3. She did read his words.... then she added  her own words, which were basically ‘however, he’s been punished enough’.   I will grant that she should have mentioned that the last part wasn’t agreed to by other family members.   

    In real life, I would bet that the parole board would have been able to figure that part out since the brother got upset when she changed course.,

    • Love 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    Why even bring it up? How is her job title relevant to giving a victim impact statement about her parents' deaths? Was she required to tell them what she does for a living?

    To be honest- I don’t know if she was required ( for real) to state her occupation or not.  I have only attended one clemency hearing- where I watched  character witnesses give testimony. They were asked their occupation.

    I just know the scene where Carlos twisted her arm to read his statement included her comment about the weight her occupation would be given. 

    • Love 2
  5. Carlos should have manned up and read his own statement. He chose to force Garcia to read his words when she clearly didn’t want him to use  her FBI status to tip the scales of justice.  She has a right to make HER statement even if it differs from her family. The guy spent 20 years in prison. That’s enough.    Now, if he had multiple DUI’s - that’s different. Murder is often 20 years, unintentional is usually half that. 

    • Love 7
  6. How would Toms’ brother have access to the tapes to leak them? Sounds more like IT, security,  medical transcription breach or hack to me.  Now he might have mentioned the therapy - or maybe the kids knew and mentioned it.  They wouldn’t have thought therapy was unusual since they are probably talking to a therapist too. So then someone knows to hack it. 

    • Love 1
  7. I get a different vibe about Andy vs Jerry. They specifically mentioned where Jerry is the very first episode. They mentioned Becky losing her husband that same episode. They are dancing  around David’s whereabouts, but the kids exist so....Andy- they’ve gone out of their way to establish Jackie is only an aunt and has no one and no role but aunt. So mention where Andy is, why he’s not in Jackie's life.   

    • Love 5
  8. Matt is the dreamer... and with TLC’s help, his dreams about the farm came true. But not on his own without Amy. 

    Amy worked up until the show made it hard. She maintained that house and all 4 kids while Matt traveled full time for work.  She dealt with Matt’s 2 DUIs. She was a partner. Matt doesn’t get the farm to himself just because he was a man and the major breadwinner. 

    Amy met Chris  after the divorce. Matt took up with Caryn while he was married, and most likely left Amy for Caryn. 

    The comment made about drivers licenses probably related to having it suspended if you don’t pay your child support.   Matt waited until Jacob was almost 18 to leave. 

    • Love 15
  9. 15 hours ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

    I may have missed something, but what was the significance of San Diego 1980?  

    I believe that is when whomever killed Jessica was born. Rittenhouse must have caused that  not to happen.  However, we saw the guy tonight die by wagon minutes after he should have died by rifle... so why didn’t something else take Jessica out anyway? 

  10. 5 minutes ago, buckboard said:

    But why would the NYPD want to promote or transfer an experienced cop who is a Harvard Law school grad and is the son and grandson of former and current police commissioners?  Right?

    That has to wait until one of the next generation ( or their spouse) is ready to take his place on patrol.   Otherwise the show can’t say the Reagans represent multiple levels of the police force.  

    • Love 3
  11. We’ve all forgotten something. Especially if we normally have an extra of whatever it is in the car or where we are going.   I’m sure I forgot diaper bags when my children were small.    I’ve not watched this season or last because I’m limiting my ‘reality’ show viewing, but I think Zach has grown up to be caring person who loves his family. A family that I think he didn’t expect to get until Tori showed up. 

    • Love 12
  12. The car will probably be towed without anyone even wondering about Henry.   They arent going to call Weaver and Rogers about an abandoned car, and who else would know any of Henry’s friends - who all think he is in New York anyway. 

  13. Watching now. Eddie gets shot in the vest- is basically unhurt( in real life I know it’s more serious )... she gets a personal visit from the police commissioner and an offer of any assignment she wanted. Danny’s partner gets accidentally overdosed on the job, in a coma for a  week, and doesn’t see the commissioner at all, and doesn’t get any job consideration. Writers, please be consistent.

    • Love 4
  14. 4 minutes ago, CCTC said:

    I am wondering if when he first appeared he really was simply Jack of Jack and the  Beanstalk.  I suspect this serial killer story line was not developed when he was introduced and the idea to make him Hansel came later.  It seems like most of 7B were ideas that came up after they had already aired the first episodes.  A lot of what we saw at the beginning of the season ended up being inconsequential.  

    A lot of what they did in the first half didn’t work for the audience either. I think they concentrated on the fairy tale part when they hadn’t made us care about the characters first.  The second half has  been much much better.  Except for Jacinda who they are stuck with and who no one likes in either HH or fairytale mode. 

    I think Nick is both Jack and Hansel because TPTB liked the actor and wanted to use him more but needed a Hansel to pin the nurses on and needed to quash any chance of Nick getting ‘back’ together with Jacinda. 

  15. I was very put-off by the distance between Pride and his daughter. He acted like he had only seen her a few times in his life.  We know that is not the case.  She’s even been home from college several times  and stayed there. 

    I was actually bored with the case of the week too. 

  16. It looks like grilled turkey and cheese to me.  A decent lunch, and she appears to have transported it to him at an outside table somewhere.  I’m actually impressed. But then, I’m not a very good cook myself, so I cut other people slack. 

    Wish we had seen the Si and Lauren: side huggars comment when we were picking title names. I love it. 

    • Love 6
  17. Yes, meeting someone’s fiancée for 5 minutes makes you able to know everything about them.   Lots of con artists impress people at their first meeting too.  Not sold on the fiancée but willing to wait and see. 

    I hope Rick shows up again.   Seems to me that the owner of the security firm needs to be visited by some vets who are now in a position to affect his bottom line. 

    • Love 3
  18. 2 minutes ago, Camera One said:

    In the winter finale, Mother Gothel brought Anastasia into a room with a bunch of coat hangers with the hooded capes that her Coven wears.  So we were just joking that the cliffhanger was a bunch of coat hangers. 

    I guess we could call the Cult members coat hangers .., since they seem to be riding Gothels coattails. 

    • Love 1
  19. They experimented with a blow cut/dry and will try it curly.  Did Audrey get married so she could have a Ken doll to dress and play with?  Isn’t it enough that she has Ember to do that with?  I am surrounded by males that would sooner be bald than  go to a hair stylist. Barbers are the only people they let cut their hair. 

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