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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    I think that difference is likely because you actually care to be a practicing Christian whereas they are mainly interested in making clear to the world at large how very very Christian they are -- more Christian than anybody else, to be precise. 

    Actually I’m one of those who no longer attend church. I believe in God but I am tired of all those people you are talking about. 

    • Love 24
  2. 2 minutes ago, Sarah 103 said:

    I thought he offered her the transfer before based on something heroic she had done and this was him making the same offer again. 

    It sometimes takes me longer than I'd care to admit to put the peices together, but I just realized last night that Frank would have been on patrol (like Jamie is now) during the early 1970s. I have no idea what area he was assigned to, but I'm pretty sure he must have some amazing and wild stories and it kills me we don't get to hear them. We get "back in my day" type of stories from Henry all the time, but I'd love to hear Frank tell a story about the bad old days, especially if he was anywhere near Times Square. 

    I went to a private school but it was independent (not religiously affiliated like where Jack and Sean are). I never remember any school functions on Sundays. Dances and school plays were always Fridays or Saturdays. I'm not sure what you mean by overnight sports trips but any away games (which were always on Satudays, never Sunday) were day trips. We'd be back home for dinner. 

    We have show choirs here at the junior high and high school levels that are gone for several weekends in the spring for competitions. Band trips to places like Disney. Traveling baseball teams that play in weekend tournaments that run thru Sunday, etc, etc. some of that is school affiliated, some not. We’ve never even seen the kids be over at a friends home rather than at dinner. 

    • Love 1
  3. Is there no such thing in their life as a simple thank you card that thanks the person without thanking God 5 times more?   Just once I want them to be able to say 1 single thought that focuses on the recipient of the thank you.  They somehow think it’s disrespectful to God to  go 5 minutes without including the name in a conversation. Every single post has to include it. And I am Christian, but I can speak for 5 minutes without mentioning that.  

    • Love 19
  4. I’m the opposite of  many of you. I like the Deeks-Kensi relationship and I cannot stand the Callen-Anna one. Probably because I cannot stand the Anna character. She has no redeeming qualities that I can see. For example, I’m not at all surprised that she shot an unarmed perp. I want Callen to be happy- but not with her. I really think they could bring in a character that works in the office as a support person ( wardrobe, vehicles, whatever ) and it would work better.  Someone who doesn’t need to be in the field  but is ok with Callens’ career. 

    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, iwasish said:

    So far the family is lucky no ones significant other has a issue with having Sunday Dinner EVERY single week with their in laws. I know a few families like that, they expect the in laws to just put their own family on the back burner. It did seem like it chafed on Linda once in a while but since she didn’t have much to do with her own family, she went along with it.

    We had issues with this around every major Holiday. My in laws had to have Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.   


    I like the concept of family dinners- but every Sunday from Mass until dark seems too much for working families.  They never seem to go out of town. Even when Danny and Linda booked a weekend in downtown New York, they were expected back for dinner.  So they run every single errand they have on Saturday?  What about the kids school stuff - nothing on Sunday? No overnight sports trips?  

    • Love 2
  6. 13 minutes ago, spunky said:

    I'm on the fence about them attempting to do something about the Central Park 5. So Jamie and Eddie leave from hugging due to relief, to being engaged, no dating, just engaged, okay. The entire ending felt like a ripoff of a cheesy Hallmark movie or a Disney princess fairytale. Sunday dinner should be interesting. 

    I’m ok with them skipping dating. Dating serves several purposes, everything from having someone to go to the movies with - to determining  if you want to spend your lives together.  Jamie and Eddie already know each other on a very deep level since they have been together daily for years sharing their deepest thoughts.  They each already knew they loved the other. They just weren’t sure they were loved back that way,  Why would these two need to date? 

    • Love 8
  7. I think Frank was not surprised. I think he knew the two of them were right for each other before he visited Eddie in the hospital earlier this season.  He gave off that vibe then. I think he’s just worried about them both being cops. He’s not got any female cops in the family yet. 

    Pretty sure Eddie just showed she can protect Jamie’s back if the situation calls for it. That would be a big concern in married partners. 

    I’m going to miss the character Monica. 

    • Love 3
  8. 4 minutes ago, TheNewJanBrady said:

    Ha, yes, thanks, corrected!

    It’s not a recent insistence. This was in grammar books over 30 years ago.

    Which is after I graduated from high school by roughly 15 years.  

    • Love 1
  9. The boyfriend Doug Detrie is obviously no prize based upon the stories of other woman and now his child’s aunt.   When you go out as a couple, you go home as a couple. he chose to separate himself from her halfway through the night and not catch up with her, that was immature and boorish behavior.  Nicole chose to go to  a different bar with his friends, and then to hitchhike ( my guess) home. She was a 30 something teacher and should have  known better. There was Uber, cabs and friends available.  

    I’d like to know where Nicole’s  other two children were that night, and how Doug managed to sleep until 11 with a six month old.  His reporting her missing earlier wouldn’t have saved Nicole though. 

    Tne suspects story was something right out of a movie. The photos of his fishing trip are really scary. He looked like he didn’t have a care in the world and yet he just murdered someone a few hours earlier. 

    • Love 8
  10. She has a couch In her office. She also makes good money and could go to a hotel.   If you were sure they caught the guy, why not just go home?  If you are that afraid- why would you let Emily go there by herself? 

    • Love 1
  11. I agree with the rest of you. Pride has behaved badly. It’s been investigated.  yes, I know that the tabloid causing an internal investigation is a ripped from the headlines plot.  It’s not an interesting plot for me since it feels repetitive.   Can we also just drop the multi episode arcs about corrupt mayors, CIA operatives, etc. just concentrate on the case of the week and the interpersonal dynamics of the team? 

    • Love 9
  12. On 5/10/2018 at 1:35 PM, enoughcats said:

    Didn't one have  a job at a pet store in DC?

    Yes. He figured out Abby was his sister on his own. I think he moved out of state at some point. Don’t remember if Abby ever met the other one. 

  13. 3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    I think you meant that it should be "to J and me."

    I moved a lot as a kid and missed out on certain grammar lessons. However, what I do remember being told is don’t ever say ‘ person and me’ always say ‘ person and I’. So the insistence the last few years of switching between the two based on sentence structure is jarring for me.   I’m sure I often use it incorrectly. 

    I think Tori is a kindergarten teacher- and a beginning one at that. I was more surprised at the reference to Jackson by a lower case j than anything else. It was still a beautiful birthday message. 

    • Love 2
  14. Tori can express herself so well using language that we all might use. Rather than a bunch of tortured phrases meant to sound important but mean little.  Zach picked a really good partner. 

    • Love 11
  15. 32 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    I believe in earlier season Tonya said that she inherited her mothers house.   I am not sure why I watch this anymore, all it is fighting every week much like Atlanta and Dallas now... I may just stick to Scott Conant hosting Best Baker in America, the only problem is that watching that show, I want to grab a spoon and some Duncan Hines frosting - 

    I quit watching this several years ago. I catch a partial episode now and then. Enough to remind me why I don’t watch it.  Watching/ listening to adult woman scream at each other over fake drama is not entertainment to me.   That’s all it is these days. I think they meet before a season filming starts and decide exactly who is yelling at whom and what about. Only the pregnancies, the health issues and Brianna’s disaster of a marriage were real.  

    • Love 7
  16. Matt didn’t build that custom home with his income. It was built with Family income from the TLC gig, When Matt had a non reality TV  job, they lived in the old farmhouse. The drafty old farmhouse where the kids wore coats inside because they needed to rather than a fashion statement.  The kitchen was customized first after a few seasons of the show. Then they added on ... Matt kept changing the design while all the furniture etc got crammed into the original living room.  And the cold air was even worse because outside walls were removed. Then later they added a pool.  That was all done with money that Every single member of that family earned since they were all on the show. 

    Of course Amy is hurt.  The marriage she expected to last forever didn’t. A trusted member of her extended farm family ended up with her husband, mostly even before Matt moved out of the house. Given that Caryns divorce happened first, and what we all saw with our own eyes on certain seasons of the show.  Asothers have said- Amy has to hear Matt’s comments, and Jer and Auds.  Jer has always been Matt’s spoiled child, while Zach has always been Amy’s. Zach tries to be neutral now that he’s matured. 

    • Love 15
  17. Sit-coms have been used for decades to put a mirror on prejudice. Think Archie Bunker. George Jefferson and interracial couples. Roseanne, a lower middle class ( if that) white 60 ish Trump supporter is made to realize that ‘the scary they’ Is more like her than she thought.  The Roseanne show has never shied from holding a light on society’s predujices. 

    • Love 11
  18. Regarding Roseanne’s job prospects - she’s only got a high school education, seems to have only worked entry level type jobs.  Those probably didn’t come with pensions or 401Ks.  She could go work at Walmart, but she’d have to stand all day and end up with less than 30 hours a week probably. She may make just as much money doing Uber( with tips). Dan is also doing physical labor and waiting for people who want his services.  It’s true that jobs get harder to come by the older you get.  

    As someone said- their income might have worked for the two of them/ but there are several extra mouths to feed here. Becky, DJ and Mary probably eat there a lot along with Jackie. Maybe they are helping  Bev too. 

    • Love 10
  19. I never saw Abby as a love interest for Gibbs. McGhee- Yes. I was very disappointed with the episode where the crazy book fan wanted to kill Abby because of the way Tim wrote the character in his book. Abby put the brakes on any relationship with Tim at the end of the episode. 

    She did change over the years- and not for the better. Characters like Tony, McGhee, Palmer- all matured as people and in the characters career path. Abby was shown as excellent in her field, but her emotional development went backwards. They took the Goth accents and made her a little girl playing dress up. 

    As for the feud. Mark Harmon is a producer and, as such, should have been 1. Cognizant of liability issues concerning a dog that has already bit someone severely on the set. 2. Supportive of his cast. If Pauley was afraid of the dog, it should not have been on the set, and 3- enough of a professional to leave the dog home and have scenes with Pauley. 

    I don’t blame Pauley one bit for refusing to be around the dog. 

    • Love 13
  20. Duane is right- they never did much with his character until the last few episodes. After they knew he was leaving. Many of us wondered why the character was even there as he didn’t do anything really. 

  21. She didn’t specifically say she was staying in London, I think. Just that she wasn't coming  back to NCIS.  She could establish the charity in London, but not stay there permanently. Plus- Abby  probably has money.   She can afford to travel back and forth 

    • Love 3
  22. 5 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

    All these two do is take pictures of themselves!  Are they always advertising their beating 50% in all their vacation photos so they can write their trips off as a business expense?

    In a word...yes.  Most likely that’s how they wrote off the entire trip along with the professional photographer. 

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