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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 3 hours ago, Ohmo said:


    This could be something or it could be nothing.  TVLine used this picture in its "What to Watch Tonight" daily post.  It shows an Abby who is standing and hugging either Bishop or Jack.  However, there is no indication in the post that the image comes from tonight's episode.  It could be just general stock footage from a previous episode.

    It could be the actresses hugging after the last day of filming too. 

    • Love 1
  2. 1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

    About Christopher being able to leave the bunker to see her family: I think that was supposed to be an outside-of-protocol excursion since it could be her last time to see them if the time stream altered.

    No- we saw her at home at the beginning of the episode.  We also saw her outside the bunker in the episode where Rittenhouse kidnapped her. She is the agent and their boss. She just set the rule where the team couldn’t leave the bunker because Rittenhouse would go after them. It’s not physically impossible for them to leave. We saw Lucy travel to the federal prison with Denise  to see Flynn.  We saw Wyatt go get Jessica. Now why Rittenhouse leaves their families alone hadn’t been explored. 

    • Love 1
  3. We know you can bring someone from the past to our present (JFK for example) so Jessica’s brother could have been brought to our present and then returned after treatment.  There is not currently a way to our future from the present in this storyline. We know you cannot supposedly travel to a past that is after  you were born. We know that a few years from now Lucy will somehow get around that to travel back to when Flynn’s family dies to give him the journal. We know you can only safely take as many people as there are seats. That’s pretty much all we know. 

    • Love 1
  4. In addition to the sand and saltwater...there’s this thing in Hawaii called a sun. It creates a sunburn especially on delicate areas of babies.  Especially in those from a rainy area called Oregon. For someone who wants to be more present, tuned in, disciplined and have priorities... she’s always more  clueless than most. 

    • Love 15
  5. I would have liked Lucy to ask Denise if she noticed any mental confusion.   Denise went home to spend time with her family knowing either she or they might disappear. She came back to work with 37 years of new memories and a flash drive.   Does the changed Denise remember what the original Denise went home for? 

    • Love 1
  6. I couldn’t tell if Papa was charged with converting weapons, if he was being charged with possessing one that Brandon had given him, if he was being charged with possessing a weapon owned by Brandon, or if he was just being charged with failure to report he owned this particular gun. 

    However, it makes sense that several of them would also be interested in these types of weapons- they do everything as if they were a Borg collective. 

    • Love 1
  7. I’m confused. If Lucy was too old last season to travel to 1983, how can she travel to 1981? Was she born in 1982? Wyatt went to 1983- so he’s younger than Lucy? And so is Rufus? 

    I’m really tired of the Jessica story. However I did like the fact that Wyatt considered  Jessica might be a sleeper agent under duress.  

  8. On 5/3/2018 at 10:38 AM, LJones41 said:



    The problem is not that Lucy realized that Wyatt HAD to try it again with with Jessica.  The problem is that Wyatt made that decision the moment he laid eyes upon Jessica.  And yet, he continues to behave as if he expects Lucy to wait on the sidelines, just in case it doesn't work out with Jessica.  Like she was some kind of spare tire to be used, in case one went flat.  His behavior to her growing friendship with Flynn seemed to make this obviously clear.


    It doesn't matter to me whether Jessica is Rittenhouse or not.  Wyatt has no right treating Lucy as a spare tire.

    There is no shame in Wyatt deciding he had to try with Jessica the minute he laid eyes on her.  She is his wife.  They spoke vows. She’s no longer dead, and in this timeline was never dead.   Wyatt and Lucy shared one night - that doesn’t give her standing over a wife. Now, Jessica may be Rittenhouse and she may be a sleeper agent. That would be a betrayal and Wyatt would then be justified in a divorce- or they may decide they are incompatible and divorce. Until then  Lucy is just the other woman, even though the one night was not cheating. 

    As to how Wyatt is acting about Flynn. Wyatt and Lucy share a bond that is highly unusual due to the time travel team. He doesn’t have to pretend he’s never met her or doesn’t care about her.    Now should he physically stop her from being  with Flynn? No- but he doesn’t have to not comment on it and watch his time travel team go to crap. Flynn is known to murder people who get in his way. Anthony for one. 

    • Love 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, Tony Dickson said:

    OK, "Millennials".  We get it.  

    And The Wonder Twins sleep in the same bed, but fully clothed.  Baby steps.

    To be fair, the story was that they had over-imbibed the night before at a costume party. Nell commented about her head hurting as if she had a hangover. So they pretty much passed out in the bed. We don’t know if they have actually progressed to sleeping in the same bed sober. 

    • Love 1
  10. I really think that Jeremy honestly tries to get her input on things that affect them both. However, he may not  have gotten Jinger to actually speak up for the first several months. Exposure to others in his church and family may have helped Jinger to understand what an equal partnership is, so she may speak up more now.  I remind you all of Derick asking Jill what her goals were for the next year- and her reply was ‘whatever yours are’.

    as for the number of kids to have... it’s got to be a compromise number that results in the children being wanted by both parents. Neither gets to say ‘as many as God gives us’ when the other wants 2.  I remind you all of Josh and Anna. He wanted 2 and she wants as many as possible. 

    • Love 15
  11. There are different types of medicate health plans. You have to be 65 or have a major major health issue. A (free) covers hospitals, B covers doctors. B comes out of your monthly Social Security check  once you claim it, otherwise you pay the government if you aren’t getting a check yet.  There are plans you can get for prescriptions - that’s offered by private insurers. D, F, J are those letters.  Different levels of coverage,  it’s very confusing. Some people have other insurance thru their old employer to pay for what Medicare won’t. 

    Dan and Roseanne are probably being portrayed as people who aren’t actually 65 yet, and don’t have good insurance. They probably have the lowest level of Obamacare- which covers about 60% of the cost. Becky is 43- so I would say they are between 62- 64. They might be getting Social Security but wouldn’t be eligible for Medicare yet. 


    ETA/ checked wiki - they are supppsedly over 65. So maybe they are on the donut hole. You hit some magic threshold of prescription cost and then you have  pay a lot yourself until you hit some other magic number. Google it in that case - they probably didn’t buy additional coverage. 

    • Love 1
  12. I did hear Storybrooke Regina mention Emma to Henry. I guess that’s all we are going to get. What are you going to do when the actress won’t return? 

    If they hadn’t wasted so much time on Crappy Rapunzel/ Druzilla story, this wouldn’t have been a bad season. The second half has been pretty good - except for Jacinda. 

    Now why is WHooks heart still poisoned? Mother Gothel is no more, so shouldnt WHook be released from his curse? 

    • Love 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Ohmo said:

    I don't know if sad is the word that I would use.  I liked a post upthread because I feel sorry for the grandfather,  Je'Michael is also guilty because murder is not the way to handle anything.  However, I have news for Dannie's family.  She was not the magically sweet teen that they thought she was.  She was not the random, unwitting victim of a situation.  Telling your boyfriend that you're pregnant when you're not is dangerous.  Being in a secluded area with him late at night is dangerous.  Like someone said upthread, Je'Michael thinking the way that he did had consequences, but Dannie also thinking that she could magically get Je'Michael back with a baby was an equally dumb idea.  I know that both of them were teenagers, and teenagers make dumb decisions.  However, the reality is is that all decisions have consequences.  Dannie is dead, and it's not like the teenage decisions don't count.  I feel that that's how we're supposed to view cases like this.  Like it was a stupid teenage decision and nothing more.  Everyone only gets one life, no matter how old a person is, and people have to take some agency in order to try and protect themselves.  I feel very sorry for Dannie's family.  They truly believed that she was more innocent than she turned out to be.  The cop said that she wasn't pregnant, so she was taking a gamble, and she lost.  She did indeed deserve to live, but the situation was not without some participation on her part either.  I get tired of being told to wave situations away due to teenage stupidity.  Plenty of teenagers make stupid decisions, but many others don't.  Je'Michael should not have killed her.  He deserves to be in prison, but if Dannie had also made some different choices, she might very well still be alive today.

    If you're going to throw something at me, I suggest chocolate....dark chocolate is my favorite.

    Not going to throw anything at you. You aren’t wrong- and I did feel she made bad choices too. It’s just sad that teenagers end up dead.  I think her family didn’t supervise her. Not because  she was allowed to slip  over to a friends house at 10( In walking distance)- but because she was 15 and was allowed to be in a situation where she could be pregnant. Lots of teenagers that age and below are told to meet at the movie, parents will pick you up, etc- just for this reason. They were treating her as an adult because they weren’t her parent. 

    • Love 10
  14. I think the pregnancy story was true because they had the texts from his phone, her phone, and the friends phone.  She wasn’t pregnant though.  It’s so sad that a 17 year old boy thought he wouldn’t be able to be a Marine with a child. That’s what the police thought his motive was. 

    It was very sad that a 15 year old died. As usual though, the show painted the victim as a perfect person for 3/4 of the show- then comes back and throws in the real story. No one is perfect. They still have a right to be alive.  Sometimes I think the shows writers and producers think we will only care about perfect victims. 

    I’m also amazed that the creek was really that secret of a place.  I expect it had been a teenage hangout for years. So  adults should have known about it after a while. 

    • Love 15
  15. Poor Jeremy. He posts that Ember’s fever spiked at night so they took her to a clinic, in the morning she’s much better. No one’s told him that temperatures rise as the day goes on. That’s the reason why your fever has to be gone 24 hours before  you go back to school or day care. 


    Also- Audrey- its’ not nice to  clutter up a Birthday wish to someone by including a  hashtag to shop your website. 

    • Love 9
  16. Random fever.  She had( has, will continue to have) an ear infection. You took her on a six hour flight to Hawaii. New germs.  What did you expect?   

    Yes, their wording is extremely formal. Just another way of attempting to impress.  They remind me of Higgins on Magnum PI 

    • Love 8
  17. 5 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    I wonder if "Help! Someone save me from Mommy and Daddy's hair!" would win me that sweet Always More sweatshirt? :D

    That was my second thought. The first was ‘ that child is almost nude and the parents are fully clothed as if they are cold... again’. 

    • Love 1
  18. 22 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

    If desperate red haired lady's plan to go bigger means killing even more people with the Apex gene, then I can understand why future Apex carriers have such contempt and no concern for regular humans.

    Well, if I were being systematically hunted because of a gene in my DNA that made me stronger - I’d probably enhance it as much as possible too. So i could turn the tide in my favor. So yes, EVE - this is all your fault. 

    • Love 3
  19. The case of the week was ok. It gave the show an opportunity to highlight veterans issues. Never a bad thing. Vance being annoyed about the whole thing was unneeded. 

    However, we saw promos all week about Abby leaving.  What do we get- a rip-off of Penelope Garcia being shot at the end of an episode. 

    • Love 2
  20. 43 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    Well, Gregorio and Sonja were roommates, were they not? I didn't really see it as self-destructing, but I could see that she might be feeling lonely. And yes, we did know she is bisexual. It has been brought up before, a couple of times I think. We met one of her ex-girlfriends.

    I must have missed that episide.  That would have helped me a lot. 

  21. To be fair to Sebastian, Gregorio went on the balcony to take a phone call. He thought she was safe there and expected her to show more sense than to climb down the fire escape and just hand herself over to the killer.  She’s former FBI in addition to NCIS.  

    There was too much blood and torture.  Also- I could do without Gregorio self destructing at the beginning of the episode.   We are supposed to think that she missed Sonya ( a woman she’s known for a year and a half?) and that somehow caused her to turn into a depressive complete slob( from a neat freak?) and also become bi- sexual?  Did I miss an episode where that was brought up before? She’s divorced from a male, right? It just seemed to come from left field rather than something we’ve known for a while. 

  22. Emma seems to be with Keane because she’s attracted to him.  She has showed that from the day she met him. You would think that his 100 year old sensibilities would have snuffed out that attraction. Especially this episode.  

    She was the pilot for this trip. She took the guy (Avery) that was supposed to kill Lucy there while the previously time traveled sleeper agent took out Alice. That sleeper agent had become a suffraget and was activated for this day. Emma killed Avery and confessed to Rufus and Flynn that Keane wanted Lucy dead- something they already knew.  Then she lied to Keane and said she didn’t help Avery because Keane told her just to pilot.... because she’s just a helpless female. 

    Wyatt is not being a dick. Several commenters have stayed his emotional reactions to the situation better than me. No point in restating it. 

    Saw the Jessica possible mole situation the minute she was discovered to be alive.  Rittenhouse doesn’t care about Wyatt’s love life. They care about getting info on/causing rifts between the team. 

    • Love 4
  23. 5 hours ago, Maverick said:

    So, was Hetty implying she's dying from Agent Orange too at the cemetery?   

    I wondered that myself. She talked about ‘ the time she had left’ . I wasn’t sure if she was saying she was sick or was just trying to nudge Keane into making the most of his second chance at life. 

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