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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I was floored that anyone that familiar with weapons would be so careless- and I didn’t believe that it was an accident.  Keeping a loaded weapon in a flimsy grocery bag in an accessible area of your car- then carrying it cocked in your lap? 

    I was also taken aback by the focus on their godchild- who was the youngest child of that family. Let’s just spoil him by basically adopting him and ignore his siblings.  Didn’t sound like they got birthday parties at that place. 

    I sort of understood the loan thing. Presumably they filed married but separate and were subject to the IRS gift limitations. So record it as a loan. But foreclosure clauses?   Spending $350,000 on a saloon because your fiancée said you had to when you dont own the property? Their marriage was odd.

    I even cut him a little slack on retrieving the ashes so late since he had been in jail for several months. But either buy the urn or schedule a time to scatter the ashes. 

    Back to my original point.  He knew better than to hold a loaded gun that was even remotely pointed in someone’s direction. He’s guilty of at least manslaughter. 

    • Love 4
  2. There are reasons why senior class trips are chaperoned - you just saw one of them. Just how stupid are Bess and Henry? Didn’t they learn a thing from Stevie? Typical teenage actions and then reactions.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    Where does this presumption come from?

    My head, i suppose. Just seemed logical to me that it would be the reason she was calling. 

  4. Emma had the light flip in her head when she saw the photo- but didn’t have time to react or even turn around. 

    Caleb wants to be a man of peace and is agreeable that all the refugees want a new start- but he seems to be a natural protector... so   No reason to play nice with a guy who doesn’t want to play nice himself. The guy already knows Caleb is a former  hunter of apex collaborators, he should have known Caleb wasn’t a pushover. 

    I think Hannah was directed to hunt up Marshall- which is interesting in that the refugees didn’t know when or where they would end up. So - whom ever gave her the locket did- almost as if she’s her own great great something granddaughter. That’s what I get out of it. 

    Thete are too many stories all at once here- the same as in lost.  Now please, show, don’t go down the rabbit hole that was Losts last three seasons. 

    • Love 3
  5. Jamie suffers from youngest child in an ambitious family syndrome. I might not achieve what they did and I don’t want to fail- so dont try.  

    He didnt even try to be a practicing lawyer after getting his degree, he won’t even try to get his name on the sgt list.

    Yes he’s great at what he does . He’s also paying 7 years of student loans. He even volunteered to help pay his nephews college if they need it. Nephews whose parents struggled to pay the bills even when there were  two of them with good jobs.  Jamie needs to open his eyes and realize he needs to make more money if/when he has a family of his own. 

    • Love 1
  6. On 4/18/2018 at 6:30 AM, JackONeill said:

    I expected some revelation about Bull’s ex (Benny’s sister). Remember the show started with Bull hurrying into the office talking about alimony? But then, once in trial, we hear about Bull’s sister. And the ex-wife . . . ?

    That was revealed at the end when Bull saw the new building going up. It was a new women’s shelter/counseling facility for battered women named after Bulls’ sister. Presumably, The ex-wife had  something to do with naming or building it. 

  7. Who exactly are these witches that were awoken by the non magical police officer?  I thought only magical people could wake others?

     I think Tilly giving Rogers a kiss on the forehead is what will break the curse. 

    • Love 2
  8. Zach has a shunt and has had to have surgery more than once for it. He’s probably missed some school lessons over the years because of it and other surgeries. I also think he is intelligent  but may have learning issues and/or dyslexia. He loves history and we saw him go out of his way to do video etc pertaining to that.  

    • Love 4
  9. I’m not going to fault Any of the 4 new parents if they seem overwhelmed about the 24 hour responsibility. We’ve all been there. I remember bawling with my first after 3 weeks or so because I just wanted to go have a soda in peace. Hormones didn’t help either.  It is an adjustment having a newborn- hauling half the house every time you want to go visit a friend.  Planning your entire life on their needs. Doesn’t mean you aren’t a good person if you sometimes wonder what you got yourself into. 

    The 4 of them will get there- but I do think Jeremy and Audrey maybe should wait a good while before having a second. 

    • Love 11
  10. I never watched 24, so I never get any references to it .  As for Kim Raver..... on the few occasions when she manages to show some sort of emotion or passion, she's  good. Mostly her characters  seem to just sit there like dolls... similar to Elizabeth Mitchell.   This episode, we actually got to see Kim show a temper.

    • Love 1
  11. Rittenhouse planted the sleeper agents (after Emma stole the mothership) while the lifeboat and computer system  were offline after the explosion. There was a six week period where they couldn’t track where/what historical period the mothership was traveling to. The episode where Lucy traveled to WWI with Emma and Carol was the first one that Jiya was able to track after the explosion. They somehow know the mothership made 10 trips, but they don’t know where. Presumably Rittenhouse is now retracing its’ steps and ‘waking up’ the sleeper agents to put their plans in motion. 

  12. 2 hours ago, shafted said:

    Was anyone dying for Jessica to return? I mean Jessica doesn't seem offensive or anything but I don't really care about her, or if her marriage to Wyatt survives, either.

    If the goal was always to do a Flynn/Lucy romance, the bigger question is why even make Wyatt/Lucy a thing in the first place (instead of just possibilities)?  Wyatt/Lucy was never canon until episode 3 of this season which was also the same episode they ended. The show never even needed to make Wyatt/Lucy canon if they always intended for a Flynn/Lucy romance. That's just a really bizarre writing choice. If that was the reasoning behind all of this, it seems like they went out of their way to make it overly complicated for no real reason at all.

    I certainly never wanted Jessica to come back. Nor do I want a Lucy- Flynn romance.  The writers been telegraphing their desire for a Wyatt- Lucy romance since episode 1 episode  1 when Wyatt tightened Lucy’s seat belt.   They must have decided recently  they prefer Lucy- Flynn. In order to do that, Wyatt and Lucy have to somehow not be a couple. Having them get to ‘that special point’  in their relationship and then have Jessica show up to destroy it  was the writers method of  telling the viewers ‘hey, see, we gave you Lyatt, sorry that it won’t work- here is Lucy Flynn for you’. 

    I didn't say it was logical or that the viewers would like it. I said that’s why  the writers decided to bring Jessica back. Anyone that thinks  logic will ever exist  in this show might as well wish for untold riches- you’ll be as likely to get either. 

  13. Ok- so I have figured out why Jessica is back. Has not one thing to do with Rittenhouse or time line changes. The writers simply had to break up Wyatt and Lucy in favor of Flynn and Lucy. They had to pick a break up reason that would make at least some viewers happy.  So back they bring Jessica. 

    • Love 1
  14. Pipers’ parents were too busy playing the ‘ look at us - we know important people too’ game. 

    I was really annoyed at the whole Henry/Bess needy/willing to take all couples as friends subplot.   Although the ending sentence from their long term friends was perfect

    ’ Get in here, you two’. 

    Very annoyed at Russell and Dalton giving even a moments thought to keeping the actions of that president secret and continuing to support her possible re-election. 

    • Love 1
  15. The episodes keep getting better.  If  the first half of this season hadn’t been so bad, this could have been renewed.    

    Rumple finally stopped HIMSELF from from tearing a person apart for his needs. I think that is why WHook thanked him.   Too bad Weaver couldn’t have been as altruistic.  I don’t think Gold will end up with Belle- although he may die by the hands of someone holding the dagger.

    finally Henry may wake up. Although if it is idiot adult Henry from the DF....

    absolutely love Tilly. How is it that Rogers can get close to Tilly and the same with Henry and Jacinda? 

    Fyi- I think Henry kept his real name because he wasn’t a fairytale character in the first place. Never mind that he wrote himself into a book. The characters precede the book. 

    • Love 1
  16. I have lots of cousins all born prior to around 1965, and we are all like steps born about 14-18 months between siblings.  That’s about the time Loretta Lynns’ song about ‘the Pill’ came out.   I think that song helped standardize and publicize the Pill.  I remember how scandalized people were that a married woman would want to limit the size of their family.

    The Roloffs may have felt that way. They may have felt the pill and/or IUDs were dangerous at that time. I don’t remember men having vasectomies back then. The pill may also not have been as effective back then as now.  I dont remember genetic testing being a big thing back then.  

    I’m sure the Roloffs didn’t intend to bring children into the world just so they could suffer. Sam and Matt seem happy even  with their medical issues. 

    • Love 2
  17. Supposedly Johnny could only be on one episode.  However, they didn’t have to make him a deadbeat absentee dad to make that work.  I was really disappointed in that. David was always a good guy. He might have left Darlene due to their fighting- he wouldn’t have left the kids.  

    The grandkids aren’t doing a thing for me. They have no redeeming qualities like the Original Conner kids did.  Roseannes’ grocery store theft makes it hard for anybody to discipline Harris for smashing cakes. 

    • Love 7
  18. I don’t remember Matt’s parents using their careers as reasons for leaving Matt in the hospital alone.  I remember Matt saying they were only allowed to visit once a week - and that they would come to his outside window other days so he could at least see them. 

    I will also say that the surgeries that little people often have aren’t always available in their home town or even state. Specialists that feel comfortable operating on them are few still. So it’s possible that they had  to go back to work and could  only get there on weekends.  

    Back in the olden days parents were not allowed to stay all night at hospitals.  Now it’s encouraged even expected. 

    Amy once planned a very nice Mississippi riverboat Cruise vacation that would be very easy for Matt to fully participate in.  He left after a couple days because he emphatically stated that he just wanted to stay on the farm.  Truth was he didn’t want to spend time hanging out on deck with his family. 

    • Love 9
  19. The premise of this show and why they need Paige is that their genius brains make it impossible for them to function in society. But that’s not true for anyone but Walter and Flo. Every single one of the rest of the high IQ crowd is perfectly capable of interacting with others.   Yes, Happy has (had?) issues - but that’s more from being in foster care than her IQ. Yes, they  are geeky, and nerdy and not athletic but they function quite well. Except again for Flo and Walter.   

  20. It was a stupid story. How is a guy on a ventilator near death vital to ongoing negotiations?  negotiations that did not occur while the crew was there?  How did our gang get driven there if the mountain road was inaccessible? As someone  says - bring gas on same road  they came on.  Syphon gas from all the vehicles there.   

    I love Happy, Toby, Sly and Cabe.  Paige can stay if we don’t ever have to hear or see any romance involving her.  Patti and Cabe’s girlfriend too. Send Ralph to boarding school. Lose Flo and Walter.   Since the show is based on a real Walter, that will probably never happen. 

    • Love 2
  21. It’s even worse than that. This mentor in college would have been saying that to an unmarried woman.  So Audrey was discouraged from saying No to a boyfriend, now- why is ms.  Virgin before marriage even having this conversation? 

    • Love 4
  22. Happened to see the two episodes with Sophia’s mother appearing or being discussed today. 

    First episode  Dorothy( as a younger adult) is pushing Sophia’s mom in the wheelchair at the New York apartment. Sal and Sophia are inviting her to live with them. 

    2nd episode - Dorothy is describing Sophia’s mom to Blanche and Rose. She specifically says her Grandma was 94 when she was six and that her Grandma  lived to be 94. Man that woman seemed pretty lively in her wheelchair for someone that had been dead for  15 years or more. 

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