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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I enjoyed the reunion show better with the original host. The one who made sure to ask every player at least 1 question.   Jeff could do that, he just chooses not to.  I think he is a producer as well as the host. 

    • Love 1
  2. I’d like to see Donathon come back. Other than his tendency to blow up tribal council, he seemed to really blossom during the season. I’d love to see how he would play a second time. I loved  that he was already saying positive things even on his way to get his torch snuffed, 

    • Love 10
  3. This was even worse than last year. If they  need 2.5 hours to go from 6 people to a winner... then split the episodes into two weeks. The last one can be 1.5 hours and then they can do a 1.5 hour reunion. 

    • Love 19
  4. 56 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

    Surely they won't chance having another dwarf baby? If so, doesn't that border on being abusive, to purposely get pregnant when the chances of the baby being handicapped are so high? I would think Zack would not want to put a child through what he has gone through? I can sort of see having one baby, but after that, it is just a shame.

    Little people seem to be ordinary people with brains, hopes and dreams, and a life that they seem to value.   Yes, they have physical challenges. Yes, some have surgeries.  But who is better equipped to guide someone thru it than one who has been there.  Zach and Tori seem much better equipped to be parents than, say, the people from Teen Mom or the Duggars. I don’t see anyone over at the Duggars house telling them they can’t have as many children as they want regardless of ability to provide for them.  

    There was a program in some southern states( and possibly elsewhere)  in the mid 20th century where people were forcibly sterilized because certain people in power decided others shouldn’t have children due to things like the color of their skin, their IQ or their family history.   I think we all need to stay out of deciding life choices for others. 

    • Love 17
  5. Jackie could have been a functioning adult with a happy home life... if Roseanne had quit interfering in it. Roseanne was so jealous of Jackie doing or deciding anything without her. Roseanne put herself ahead of Fred even. I’m not talking about situations such as when Dan punched the guy that had been abusing Jackie. That was an appropriate intervention- but claiming the right to be there at childbirth, for example, was not. You will notice Jackie, although around, doesn’t interfere in Roseanne’s life. 

    The writers didn’t care about the kids helping Dan nor did they care about the realities of FEMA.   

    • Love 6
  6. My assumption is that Darlene and Becky were at work and DJ was at his home with his daughter.  

    Loved the comment about the misspelling of Illinois in the tweet about the state of emergency. 

    Liked Becky trying to explain how to get better tips. 

    However, it’s really not funny to see Dan and Roseanne so beaten down by life. 

    Not only did Roseanne not smell dinner, she never heard them prepare it. So she needs hearing aids too? 

    • Love 16
  7. I can understand Mosley wanting to get her son back right this minute since she’s finally located him. I understand trying to move heaven and earth to do it. What i don’t understand is why she tried her best to make everyone else feel like they were hostages that would be shot, killed, or (ahem) fired.  All but Deeks were actively on board even while she’s screaming bloody murder at them for no apparent reason. Deeks was only questioning how they were going about things. We all knew he’d end up on that plane. I was waiting for the cars to show up on that runway just like they did. 

    • Love 4
  8. 8 hours ago, anna0852 said:

     I think Callen's going to be badly hurt along with Deeks. Which of course opens the door for Kensi and Sam to feel guilty about charging ahead with the mission and gives Hetty the opening and the fury to go after Mosley and take her down.

    Yes. It makes sense that the two with the most reservations about this mission would be injured. Especially with Deeks’ heated discussions with Kensi and Mosley.

    I enjoyed having Hetty back to a normal amount of screen time.  

    Mosley was just outrageous.  

    • Love 4
  9. It’s quite possible that Amy saw the other two offspring - Jer and Molly on Saturday.  When there are two Moms to visit, it’s not always possible to visit both on Sunday. 

    I will also say this- my children are both grown.  There has never been a Mother’s  day that was all about me even once because both my Mom and my Mom-in-law are both alive. I’ve often wished I could just visit both of them on Saturday and save Sunday for myself.  So if Jer has decided to do Mother’s Day that way, good for him. 

    • Love 4
  10. The part that I found astounding is that Carol, and now Emma and Jessica are the brains of the sprawling all powerful Rittenhouse organization.  All these vast family lines and others following these three? Emma was stuck  in the past until a year ago. She’s going to run the whole organization? 

    • Love 3
  11. I had never heard the term Netflix and  Chill until someone explained it on this forum thread. Many people who are of similar age to Roseanne and John Goodman haven’t.  We aren’t all big Facebook, Twitter, or Netflix users. I also didnt see the point of the title but I usually pay little or no attention to episode titles. 

    I also thought the stoned scene was awkward on Roseanne’s part. That’s not how she played being high when they found her old pot. Something about her laugh in the scene and in the opening title scene is different than in the original series. It doesn’t come off well and I found the scene unfunny. 

    • Love 7
  12. 18 hours ago, ketose said:

    I can tie it to the "waiting around for hours" thing. For the whole thing to work with the mothership and the lifeboat, if it takes 4 hours for Rittenhouse to change the timeline, the time team has that long to get into the lifeboat before the changes take effect. At the same time, if it takes them 4 hours to do their job, Agent Christopher and Mason have to wait around 4 hours for the lifeboat to return.

    They can take as long as they want to get ready to go because they know when they are going to. For example they want to go to Month day year hour minute because that’s what the tracking device told them about the motherships trip. So they can land 5 minutes after the mothership did regardless of whether they hit the start button 5 minutes or 5 days after the mothership left to go to the past.  Think of it as coordinates like longitude and latitude. 

    Which is why there is no reason for time to have passed in the present when they return other than they need it to be after they left so they don’t run into themselves leaving. 

    When the  season started they knew the mothership had taken several trips since the explosion. They didnt know where or when because the tracking system was down.. so they had no way of jumping to those destinations and stopping the motherships goals. 

    • Love 3
  13. 1 hour ago, RemoteControlFreak said:

    I think you're confusing the actress Bebe Neuwirth the character Nadine Tolliver.

    Bebe did choose to leave the show, for whatever reason, but she hasn't stopped working as an actor and isn't retiring. I wouldn't be surprised to see her back on Broadway sometime soon. 

    Nadine chose to leave the show to move from DC to California to be closer to her son and grandchildren. 

    Bebe's career path is more typical of a accomplished woman at the peak of her career than is Nadine's. 

    Nope, every comment in that post except for the first couple sentences was about the character Nadine.  I speculate that Bebe wants to reduce her acting roles, but I don’t know that for sure. The rest is all about why the character might wish to leave the Secretary of state job. Please re-read my post

  14. 2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    I think Roseanne and Dan were pretty good providers. They didn't lose their house, they managed to get their mortgage payments made and raise all of their kids there. There was always food on the table and trips to the mall to buy them clothes and shoes. Sure, they had to struggle, money was tight, they had to jocky money around to get the utilities paid sometimes, but when one of them was out of work they always managed to find other work, even if they hated the jobs they found. So I would say that was being a good provider. 

    So why are they so destitute now? The very first revival episode showed them as being just as poor as they are on this last episode.  Darlene and the kids had only been there a week at that point, so its wasnt that. 

    • Love 4
  15. Illinois has a special health insurance program for kids called ‘All Kids’.   Darlene could have had the kids on that once she lost her job with benefits.  However  Medicaid patients in Illinois have trouble finding doctors that accept it.   

    I thought it was hypocritical of Dan to criticize Darlene for the casino job thing. How many times did we see Roseanne and Dan change jobs without one thought about benefits? Not that he didn’t have a point. 

    If Dan and Roseanne dont have enough room on any credit card for a hotel incidentals hold they need to make some serious changes. 

    If they are old enough for social security they need to start taking it. If they are old enough for Medicare - why aren’t they on it? Why would there be a $3000 deductible for knee replacement on Medicare? So they aren’t 65 yet? 

    • Love 4
  16. Rittenhouse can really make their people drink the koolaid. Give up their life to go spend years in the past, give up actual children to them, allow adult children to have never been born.  Let’s hope we never see them in real life. 

    Lucy is not Flynn’s wife. He remembers meeting her when she is older than she is now - most likely the version of Lucy we saw at the end.  We just saw him say so an episode or so ago. That would also mean she’s not his daughter. Flynn is in love with Lucy. He just knows she’s not in love with him and therefore he keeps his feelings unshown must of the time. 

    one question that bothered me this episode. Why would Mason and Denise be sitting around for hours when the group is gone? Couldn't they come back to a time 5 minutes after they left? Why would they need to actually lose time in the present? 

    • Love 8
  17. Kasie was better this time. I liked that she had her own ways in the lab. However Gibbs in the lab asking her favorite drink... way too soon. Cheap shot 

    • Love 7
  18. A Facebook post of Matt’s wished Caryn( along with everyone else) a Happy Mothers Day. She was, however listed pretty much last/ way behind Amy. 

    I dont think they’ve split (yet)/ but I think they will eventually.  I do think Caryn might have switched jobs.  Working for Matt and Amy is inappropriate. The other employees probably perceived unfairness between their treatment and hers ( vacations with the boss?).  Also- would you want to report to your significant others ex- regardless of whom it was?  

    • Love 5
  19. 2 hours ago, schnauzergirl said:

    Does anybody else wonder who all the people are at GG events?  When Dorothy was going to re-marry Stan, the lanai was filled and when she married Lucas the church was packed, yet we never really see them interacting with all that many people.  I understand the seats had to be filled, but suddenly all these "friends" appear.  Other shows do this, too, I know.  And how did Derek (is that his name -- I'm drawing a blank) know Blanche was having a Midnight Madness party?  Not that any of this spoils my enjoyment, but when you've seen every episode so often you can recite every line, the mind does focus on other things occasionally.

    I agree. Contrarily, we never see the attendees we should be seeing - the extended family members. When Blanche was getting married in the pilot, where were her children and grandchildren, for example? When Dorothy’s brother Phil died, where were his children and why was the funeral in Miami? 

    • Love 4
  20. Deacon didn’t do anything wrong. He’s treated Hondo with respect and support the entire time. He was passed over due to someone’s personal preference that didn’t have to do with his qualifications.  Something people get upset about a lot.  His feelings are valid and he doesn’t have to feel guilty about having them. Now if he had been acting on those feelings, it would be different. 

    Hondo is the one who brought up the issue in this episode anyway. Deacon pointed out that he knew how to survive on the woods better than Hondo so he should take point. Hondo went ballistic because how dare Deacon not genuflect at his feet in the woods. 

    • Love 2
  21. 4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    The way he worded his post, it sounds like he's doing the 28 unit program in Theology. Still, that's a lot of Jinger's teevee money to be spending for even one year's tuition.

    How do we know he’s using Jingers TV money  and not his own TV money? he appears on the show too. Maybe they are like a lot of the rest of us- we jpintly own the money together regardless of who earns the money. Stay at home Moms deserve spending money without begging for  it for example, 

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