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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I am hopeful for these two. They are older.  They seem to have been actually dating - without chaperones.   They seem to be comfortable enough together to actually touch each other without acting like an alarm is going to go off.  JD has always struck me as someone who has opinions about how his life IS going to go even if he is quiet about it. 


    JD - I want to be a pilot. 

    JB and Michelle - you can’t do that. When you get married, you might be gone overnight and that can’t happen.  

    JD ends up being a pilot. 

    • Love 8
  2. 8 hours ago, Heathen said:

    I've heard of several weddings where guests were invited to the reception but NOT the ceremony itself. Now that's tacky. One was a fundie-lite/hypocrite wedding where the reception was a few weeks later, post-honeymoon. The other was a regular reception-following-ceremony wedding. 

    I would not go to a wedding where I was invited to one or the other but not both. No way. I don't mind if the food isn't that great or the reception is blah. But I do mind being treated solely as a bearer of gifts. 

    Back on topic: I wonder what food the Josiahs had at their reception. (I'm hungry.) 

    I totally understand the invitation to the reception but not the wedding.  They wanted to invite their friends to the celebration party, but wanted a private ceremony.   A lot of people only attend the wedding so they can then attend the reception. 

    I’d be perfectly fine with that. It’s the other- come to the wedding, bring a gift - but you aren’t good enough to come to the party afterwards that would bug me. I’ll just stay home

    • Love 11
  3. 7 hours ago, Rap541 said:

    There's another one up. :)

    There's some similar answers. And interesting tidbits. My vibe is that whoever this is is clearly Team Amy but if people want, I will ask if Amy has a vicious violent temper off screen. 

    I’m not convinced this is a close family friend. It reads more like someone that is a server in a local restaurant, who comes in contact with the Roloffs there and in other public settings. I think she has a good awareness of their public behavior and local gossip. But,may be guessing a few things.

    • Love 2
  4. On 11/12/2014 at 3:08 PM, Hanahope said:

    Also, it seems pretty far fetched that Joel is just now deciding he wants to fight for Julia.  I thought for sure after last season when he had his "realization" with his client (Penny from Lost), he'd go back to Julia and say, I've been a total jerk, lets try again.  But apparently he did nothing for the next 6-7 months?  And now he wants to try after Julia has clearly given up all hope and moved on?  Not to mention all the money they paid to divorce attorneys.  Totally not fair to Julia.  Course, I still think it was incredibly unrealistic for the writers to have had Joel move out so soon in the first place.

    This. As near as I can tell, the only counseling that happened was how to deal with the kids questions. Joel made it plain all last season that he did not want to work on the marriage. This season he tried to kiss Julia, but until tonight never said ‘I want to come back’.   How was moving out and never trying to discuss anything fighting for his marriage? How long as Julia supposed to sit there and wait for him to show up like he did at the end of this episode? 

    • Love 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    Jeremy openly talked about their five year plan and that they would have children eventually or some day.  That's not the kind of thing someone says if they are actively trying to get pregnant and not succeeding.  Jeremy's church is not against birth control.  I said it before the wedding and I still believe it, Jeremy had a box of condoms at a minimum in his suitcase for the honeymoon.  

    If I remember correctly, Jeremy and Jinger stayed a couple of days in the US after their wedding before flying to Australia. Jinger has pants on for that flight. I think they bought her some new outfits and got her some  birth control during those two days. Condoms would also have been necessary that first month. 

    • Love 4
  6. Joel and Julia have been separated for several months at this stage. He told her he did not wish to work on the marriage.... but he didn’t pursue  divorce.   I don’t see why she shouldn’t be able to date. People often date while seperated. Couples often delay divorces for years. I do agree with not telling the kids she’s dating yet. 

    I thought Julia put off telling the kids in this episode because she saw Joel’s face as she started telling the kids. She could tell he didn’t want the words to be said and gave him that respect.  It is amusing to see Joel realize that Julia isn’t a doll for him to put on a shelf and come back for later.  I say that as someone who really liked Joel’s character in the first 3 seasons.  Joel is going to have to work hard and come up with some explanation for leaving if he wants Julia back. Which I think he does. 

    Julia did not sleep with Ed even after the seperation. Ed was not a valid reason for Joel leaving for more than a day or two.  She slept once with the teacher, admitted she still wasn’t ready. Now it’s been months and she’s dating someone she knew already . Seems perfectly reasonable to me.  

  7. 1 hour ago, kalamac said:

    I'm a few pages late to this, but as a true crime buff, I hear the name Cinnamon, and my first thought is Cinnamon Brown, who at 14 was manipulated into killing her stepmother by her father. 

    Back on topic, Felicity Nicole is nice, and I hope she gets to grow up happy, well-educated, and free to be a daughter, not a sister-mom.

    I remembered that case and her first name too. 

    • Love 5
  8. 17 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    Judging by the arm bracelet and mass-produced artwork in the background, Jinger is most definitely in a hospital or birthing center.

    I also agree that Jeremy is looking weird in pictures lately, almost like he's in some kind of pain. I'm giving Jinger a pass because she just pushed an eight pound baby out of her hoo-ha, but I would've expected Jeremy to look a little more excited.

    If the baby was born at 4:37 he has probably not gotten any sleep since yesterday morning. 

    • Love 13
  9. On 10/11/2014 at 4:34 PM, Cattitude said:


    This is the same point I got from it. What bothered me about that scene is she is his ex-wife for a reason, and he has since done some reality checks and is trying to change his habits based on the fact he may be autistic. They have a lot of baggage and I think it is unfair for him to be keeping her in the dark about some of the reasons they may have not worked out and how that can still be affecting his relationship with his daughter. I think his ex sees him as a guy who purposely loses himself in work to keep from having to deal with hard stuff and her ultimatum was her way of trying to get HIM to parent his daughter. All it would take is for him to meet with her in private and discuss his autism and she might be another member of team Hank to HELP him and Ruby connect better, plus it might deflate some of her residual resentment from their divorce to understand better why they didn't work.

    She didn’t tell him what was really going on with Ruby. She said she had problems.  It was only after he told her about the shoplifting that she admitted this was already happening, and more besides.  If she thinks Hank isn’t leaving Ruby’s side she’s delusional.  

    I’m glad Drew cares about his sister... but Amber is pregnant with Ryan’s baby. Ryan will be part of Ambers life. 

    How did we go from Zeke’s surgery having a 96% success rate with some complications if not successful... to the family acting as if he has a good chance of dying on the table.   It was maudlin and not realistic. 

    Joel- you left your wife a year ago, you flat out told her you didn’t want to work on your marriage... you are surprised that she is seeing someone. 

  10. Sarah had a true to life reaction. She was shocked. Give the woman 5 minutes to think of something to say to her daughter who takes offense at parents giving advice.  Sarah has got to be one of the worst non abusive parents on television. She has absolutely no idea ( and hasn’t in 5 seasons) what goes on in her offsprings lives.  Lorelei knew what Rory was doing.  

    Max should have been told to shut up and quit back talking his parents.  Which should be one of the  rules. He has Asbergers and is high functioning. He understands rules. 

  11. Yes, Julia didn’t give Joel the respect at his job. However, Joel supposedly had his own business and bid on this construction deal with Pete and her company. He’s NOT employed by them in an employer employee relationship.   Now all of a sudden she’s his boss. Plus, look how many times the Bravermans have barged into each others work lives. 

    Joel, in return, didn’t notice that Julia was basically having a breakdown. She didn’t really quit by choice. It was going to be quit or get fired.  She’s a high achiever and didn’t know how to handle Victor, who isn’t. She’s never been a stay at home Mom. He should have realized Julia was struggling.  

    Joel ran when the going got tough and didn’t even say why. Really, you are supposedly leaving your wife because she made a male friend and a kiss happened. What about the play date Mom who was  interested in Joel in season 1?

    Max was diagnosed in season 1 at age 9. He behaves a lot worse now than then.    

  12. 10 hours ago, Jules59 said:

    It is interesting how wedding receptions differ in various parts of the country. I am from the midwest and every wedding reception I have attended, with the exception of one, a meal was provided, and usually hors d’oerves with a cocktail hour. The first time I heard about a “nuts and punch” reception was from a neighbor.  She said her and her husband had one because she saved herself for marriage and wanted to get out of the reception quickky (sounds familiar).

    Depends on where in the Midwest. The weddings in Central Illinois range from the nuts and punch to the dinner.  I’ve seen a lot of heavy appetizers too.   The only cocktail hour I’ve ever seen has been on that silly Four weddings tv show. Now, the rumor is the Chicago weddings cost as much as people’s first homes. I’ll pass. If your main reason for inviting me is a big check, I’ll just stay home.   

    • Love 8
  13. Max showed the traits we would expect in this episode from Aspergers,  such as the highly analystical clinical discussion. As opposed to the temper tantrums and obnoxious behaviors his parents normally allow him to portray.  The contradiction was jarring. 

    Drew is having a pity party  about a girl that told him from the very beginning that she just wanted sex. A girl that he totally ignored and blew off for weeks when Amy showed up.   Now, truthfully, Natalie wants a relationship with Drew but it’s not the right time for them. 

  14. Bea Arthur and Betty white - born in 1922. Estelle Getty - 1923. Rue mcclanahan - 1934. The show started in 1985 so most of them were in their 60s as actors. but obviously that’s not always the characters age.   

    You are right that the premise that Rose and Blanches’ offspring were totally independent was off base. They each had 5 kids so at least a couple should have been in college and home for breaks, or needing a home base when the show began. Dorothy was the only one of the three with kids that all would have been older at the time. The writers even messed that up with Michael somehow losing 10 years somewhere. 

    • Love 2
  15. 51 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    I had an August baby as well...then a July one. The third was born in January. What a difference!


    My babies were both winter babies. However, my last one came at 9lbs, and 21 in. I was in my 30s. I’m short. I was huge. A picture of me two weeks before I had him shows I’d had more than enough. 

    • Love 3
  16. 7 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    I vote that we store the complaints about things Amy hasn't even done yet in the circular file along with all the complaints about the things she never did at all, like throw raging shit fits that left everyone terrified, unfairly blaming her long list of personal and professional failures on poor Matt,  and publicly complaining about Matt cheating on her with Caryn.  

    I vote also that we suspend  the entire Amy vs Matt: who is the most villainous villain discussion for a while.  Because I really really need to learn how to use the ignore feature here. Or I’m  going to have to quit following this thread.   Amy is a human being who can get frustrated and lose her temper- as all of us do.  But no one in that family acts as if it scares them. 

    • Love 13
  17. Just what exactly do parents like Adam and Kristin think will happen to children like Max once they become adults?  Are random strangers, co- workers( if they exist), supposed to give in to people  like Max 24/7?  Who says everyone has to  put up with Max’s behavior? 


    What the ****is wrong with the Braverman offspring? Do they think that all of them should always get to be godparents?    

  18. I get Camille. She’s finally got her children raised and she wants to travel.  That’s fairly common for retirees. She asked Zeek early on to sell the house so THEY could travel. He responds by bringing home a project car.  So she decided to travel without him. Yes, she should have asked him to go- but it was an art class trip. We don’t know if other spouses went.  Crisby is being selfish. Complaining because she painting his old room Lilac.  

    Adam and Kristina had Max in a perfectly good private school- but that wasn’t good enough for them. They wanted to mainstream him. Now they want to start a private school.  I get they want the best for Max - but they are never objective about Max’s needs and wants vs anyone else’s. 

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