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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 14 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

    Maximum environmental damage/waste for a cup of coffee so that tracks with Duggar philosophy.

    I can’t snark on them for a Keurig. I have one. LOL. I do sometimes use my own coffee in those reusable pods. 

    • Love 3
  2. 4 hours ago, mmecorday said:

    I watched the one about Big Daddy's first visit this morning. He tells Blanche he sold Twin Oaks so that he could embark on an ill-fated singing career. Really? And when his singing career didn't quite pan out, did he buy back the property and all of its contents, including a hollowed out Bible for hiding whisky and a music box that plays "Stardust?"

    Had to have since Blanche went there for the funeral. Maybe even did it a second time since he probably lost it in the divorce of that ill suited 2nd wife. 

  3. Jeremy really loves Jinger. I agree, they had a late anniversary celebration geared toward TLC.  But, Jinger WAS surprised by the piano and her family.  

    It was nice to see Joy actually more equal in her marriage than people have thought.  Austin really does love her too. 

    Anorher episode featuring JB, Michelle and the kids.  Did the married offspring limit their film schedule??

    • Love 6
  4. 20 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

    '"sprinkles of rain informed us that a thunderstorm had crept upon us. Jumping up we leaped for shelter as the warm tropical rain began to downpour."

    Jeremy must have slept through every English class he ever took. This is mind-numbingly bad. 

    There is no one I personally know that talks or writes in such a tortured way.   I can’t imagine trying to carry on a conversation with these two. 

    The rest of us would say- ‘it started to rain and began getting heavier. So we ran inside.’

    • Love 5
  5. 4 minutes ago, SMama said:

    It’s the splitting of the medicine among all kids that is problematic. Unless there was a prescription for each child. Otherwise they are really short changing all the kids.

    That part I agree with. Surely the doctor would make sure he/she ordered enough medication for all. 

    • Love 2
  6. 22 minutes ago, Claire1745 said:

    This post was painful to read. If this is how their book is written God grant mercy on any soul who reads it. It’s like they just add adjectives to make a dull story longer.


    They are so self absorbed and also so sure they are the most anguished love story since .... Love Story.   Have they used the ‘Love is never having to say you’re sorry’ line yet? 

    • Love 7
  7. 3 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

    Oh, good grief, tell me they did not do that. What if one of the nineteen was allergic to something in the medication that the others weren't? Was that kid out of luck?

    Doctors used to prescribe like this all the time.  No need to have 19 kids in the waiting room for the same symptoms.  I can’t fault the Duggars on this one.  

    • Love 6
  8. 11 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

    I do get the purpose in teaching young kids both stranger danger and the difference between appropriate touching and not appropriate touching.  I'm wondering if Jill isn't promoting these books because of her own experience with her brother molester and, although Jill wouldn't realize she was doing it, throwing shade at her parents.  If these girls had been taught what was ok and not ok - you know in the real world sense, not in some crazy Duggar world of don't kiss before marriage, then perhaps 5 girls wouldn't have gone through a horrific experience.

    Although, I'm guessing these books don't discuss masterbation and if they do it's just ebil.  sigh.

    The odd thing is that evangelical Christians are the first to opt their kids out of sex education at school. 

    • Love 12
  9. On 8/16/2018 at 4:35 AM, becca3891 said:



    Totally disagree with you all on this. Jinger specifically did not include the vow to trust god with the size of their family in their wedding vows. Josiah and Lauren did. The "If god should bless us..." was just a nod to the fact that they do acknowledge fertility issues, not taking away from the bullet point, which is that they have drunk the no birth control Kool-Aid.


    I think it’s just enough different that JB snd Michelle think they’ve drunk the Koolaid, while leaving an out clause in Josiah’s mind.  A person could always use birth control or family planning and say ‘ if God really wants to bless us with a child, he can get around birth control. If he doesn’t care one way or the other about giving us a child, then he’ll let the birth control work’

    The Swanson’s may or may not  have seen thru it. 

    If they had really drank the Koolaid, they’ve have used the standard ‘leave it up to the Lord’ verbiage. Because that covers fertility issues too. 

    • Love 6
  10. 21 minutes ago, Mollie said:

    Jill wrote twice as many words explaining how to dump potatoes onto a cookie sheet and bake them than she did to explain Derick's major life decision to enroll in law school!  The Dillards gave no explanation to the people who sent them money this time last year when they wanted Derick to go to minister school but claimed they didn't have the $12,000 to pay for tuition.  (They never disclosed how they got the money to pay for Jill's airfare to Africa, Mexico, Colorado Springs and Washington D.C. so that she could tag along with Derick on the class trips.)

    Well, never mind about all of that now because, "We look forward to seeing how God will continue to direct our family in this new chapter of life!"

    Derick's first classes start next Monday at 8:00 a.m.  He will be required to read and absorb thousands of pages of material every month.  Since it will be impossible to do that kind of intense study in a small house with two toddlers, he will ensconce himself in the law library and return to home late at night after the kids are in bed.  Jilly is going to freak out as Derick disconnects from the marriage. 

    This will not have a pretty ending.  No wonder Jill is at a loss for words.

    Jill has no understanding of how much work law school is. The most she did herself was study Anatomy via the internet for her midwifery studies.   She doesn’t realize what’s going to happen. Derick might.  Can’t wait for the JB and Michelle comments about how much time it takes away from Jill.  The time away from the marriage was their reason to say no when John David first wanted to be a pilot. 

    • Love 8
  11. 11 hours ago, Zella said:

    I like how she sometimes--so apparently not always--"kinda" mixes them. It's like she can't even commit to that. 

    At what point does kinda mixing become mixing?

    Haha we crossposted, @DangerousMinds!


    To be honest, kinda mix them up translates to ‘push them around so they don't stick to the pan ’ to me.  Turn them over with a spatula is what would keep one side from being over cooked.   

    • Love 5
  12. 5 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

    I wonder what Derick thinks about all the folks in the first 2 pictures that have drinks in their hands?  At least a couple seem to be beer cans with coosies on them.

    If I remember correctly, he once told  a Twitter commenter that he didn’t think drinking alcohol was a sin in itself. So he probably doesn’t care.  

    • Love 11
  13. 2 hours ago, rainclouds said:

    Someone asked him about getting paid for the show on instagram and he said that being on the show was their ministry. He alluded to them not being paid for it. 

    So Derick was honest about this part.  

    I’m sure JB has convinced them that the married adults need to help out on the show for free so that JB and Michelle can afford to take care of the minors and Jana. 

    It also explains an article I saw where the offspring are getting annoyed with the amount of time they are being filmed.   

    • Love 5
  14. 1 hour ago, flyingdi said:

    Michelle did 19 baby "calendars"?  Sorry I'm calling bull on that!  My mom did a full baby book on my brother, mine has like my name in it!  I always thought that was normal in most families.  LOL.

    I think It was actually referred to as ‘ the weekly calendar’.  Basically, the one on the wall with the doctor appointments, etc.  So, if she kept them, people would have to go thru  them to find anything about a specific child. 

    • Love 7
  15. I was so happy to see Jeremy behaving like a normal person in his TH at the hospital. I especially liked his comments about how strong Jinger, his mom, and women in general were. He didn’t think about Michelle at that moment, and neither would a typical son in law.   Plus I think his opinion of his in laws as ‘missing a few screws’  was reinforced. 

    It occurred to me that Laura was there because she could not be left at JBs without Michelle. Nor could she stay at any of the married offsprings as an unrelated female.  

    • Love 14
  16. Josiah can trim his own beard with trimmers. I have never trimmed my husbands beard, nor cut his hair. I have used the trimmers on the back of his neck when the barber didn’t do it.  

    The yurt was cute. I think Joy knew what the yurt was but didn’t tell Austin. The ice fishing was not a good idea- and I think it was Hers.

    Jinger and Jeremy continue to be the sane ones in the family. Followed, actually, by Jessa and Ben. The creamery was a nice kid friendly tour. 

    • Love 7
  17. 22 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    I understand that. But with all the Roloff kids in the picture, it just struck me as strange that she didn't reference the fact that he was their grandfather, too. 

    I don’t find that strange. When I refer to my spouses’  family, I refer to them as his ‘father’, ‘mother’., etc. I don’t refer to them as my spouse AND his brothers ‘father’, ‘mother’, etc.   

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