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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 23 hours ago, Raja said:

    But what is it with money races on this show, first the Fast and Furious on a motorcycle riff now a team race?

    I can’t speak for the over the top betting between colleagues. However, I know the police, sheriffs’ and fire departments here have several events per year to raise money. They are advertised as ‘Guns and Hoses’ whatever event for whatever charity.  Hockey games, softball games, 5k runs, etc. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

    My father used to give me a list of approved candidates that I was supposed to vote for. That list was lost as soon as the curtain was pulled. I voted who *I* wanted to vote for, not who he wanted me to vote for. 

    Jim Bob stood next to his daughters as they voted on one of the 19 kids and counting episodes. I don’t think Joy was old enough to vote. I think it was just the oldest 4. 

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  3. On 10/26/2018 at 8:14 AM, BlancheDevoreaux said:

    In the episode If At Last You Don't Succeed, whose side are you on between Rose and Blanche?  Rose wants to have a yard sale.  Blanche is opposed to the idea and tells Rose that she will buy all of her stuff for $50. Rose agrees but tells Blanche a deal is a deal and she can't come complaining that she didn't get her money's worth because her stuff is "crapola in a box". Later, Blanche discovers $50,000 worth or war bonds and Rose believes herself to be entitled to the money.  Blanche disagrees.  They vote. Blanche votes that she can keep it, Dorothy and Rose vote to split the money, and Sophia votes to "give it to the old lady".  I was always on Blanche's side here.  Rose sold it all to her and was pretty snarky about how Blanche was getting a bum deal. She shouldn't get $25,000 in the end (not that anyone got any due to it bankrupting St. Olaf except for their emergency statue fund).

    I hate that episode for two reasons.

    1. It is another one of those episodes that takes itself too seriously and tries to teach us something rather than just making us laugh (see also Brother Can You Spare a Jacket and Fiddler on the Ropes).

    2. It is one of the episodes where Rose is exceptionally stupid with her "why didn't Mary and Joseph call ahead for reservations?" crap.  That's right up there with "I'll call you, Rose, soon, and the phone will ring." I get that she is supposed to be an airhead, but there is just too dumb to function and she fulfiled that in both of those episodes.

    I’m sorry-it may be legal to keep the bonds. But it’s unethical, and a really really crappy way to treat someone you claim is one of your best friends.  Blanche certainly wouldn’t have been ok with Rose keeping it if the roles were reversed. Of course Blanche didn’t have a problem with giving away Rose’s Fernando.  The way these best friends treated each other - who needed enemies

    • Love 1
  4. I never saw Roseanne as caring any more about Becky than Darlene. In fact, I never thought she cared about either of them.   I thought she did a very good job of portraying the ‘children are to be seen, nor heard’, and ‘ children make parents lives miserable’ attitude. Which made the decision to have Jerry Garcia all the more out of character.  

    I think one of the glaring differences in Roseanne then and Darlene now is Darlene’s obvious love for her children.   If Becky had had children, I think she would have a  attitude about them similar to Roseanne’s attitude.  

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  5. 8 hours ago, BeachDays said:

    Reason #192 I think David and Darlene might get back together-  in this ep we got confirmation they have incredible sex together and pretty much have since they were teenagers (barring the initial mishaps ?)

    I also think they will get back together.  Why? Because that’s what the audience wants. Because the David fans( including me) are not happy with TPTB for ruining David’s character with the abandoned the kids story line, and we want it ignored.    Put that storyline on the same trash heap as Dan’s early demise. 

    • Love 6
  6. Jason finally figured out how not to be a jerk.  All it took was Alana ordering him a photo album.  

    Sonny is my favorite character. He gets all the one-liners.    Ray is my next favorite.  I’d be okay if Jason fell off the edge of the earth. 

    • Love 2
  7. 14 minutes ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

    From what we've seen, I don't see any reason to think that Jon didn't love his wife (I think the show tried to show us that but failed).  But I misread your post the first time and had a different thought.  Why are we supposed to be so concerned about whether or not Delilah felt loved by Jon?  What if Jon didn't feel Delilah loved him?  What if he felt like he was failing as a husband and father?

    That could very well be true also. Although I don’t want people to think it’s ok to kill your self because you aren’t perfect.   Im not giving Delilah a pass either for the affair.  She either should have asked Jon to join her in therapy or left.   I’m just not convinced yet that Jon was all that upset over the affair.   I do think he knew about it because we are ‘ supposed’ to think he found the necklace in the back seat of Delilah's car. 

  8. First, let me state that Delilah and Eddie were wrong to have an affair, and stupid to think they could go on being friends with everyone.  They seemed to have been planning to leave Jon and Katherine, so even without Jon’s suicide, they’d have been personas non grata once it came out. 

    Second, I will stipulate that Katherine is hardworking.  Doesn’t mean I like her. She reminds me of some other hardworking people I know who want everyone to know how hardworking they are and how put upon they are by everyone else.   Eddie works part time for the same reasons a lot of spouses do. It makes no sense to have the lower income person work and have all their income eaten up by child care and also not be able to chauffeur their child to after school events, etc.  

    Rome was correct in saying the affair is not the only or even a large reason for Jons’ suicide.  We’ve not even been given any indication that Jon still loved his wife in the first place. 

    • Love 2
  9. 10 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    Not defending her, but she is at Wal Mart, so it could take awhile especially if there are people ahead of her getting an oil change. I know we had to wait more than 30 minutes for an oil change, new tires to be put on, or a new battery to be put in.

    Surely there is a dedicated oil change place close to them.   As someone else said- you barely have time to sit down before they are done. Unless you also want tires rotated. Then you can finish your small coffee- which they provide for free.  

    • Love 7
  10. 12 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

    Yes! If I found a wallet, I'm not splitting it with strangers. Why would anyone?

    Sophia has street smarts so it made no sense.

    Senior citizens are still getting scammed with this type of scam. 


    I ( have, found, won) a large sum of money ( check from anywhere, foreign bank account). I’ll split it with you if you will just deposit it for me.  I’ll need you to give me a small amount of operating cash up front since I wont have access for a while. Etc. my elderly  mother in law got caught up in one of these a few months ago. luckily the bank intervened before she was out any real money. 

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  11. 8 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

    Speaking of Jer’s insta story yesterday...the poor guy has figured out its good to have a routine in your life when you have a baby.  He has to wake up at 7am to “help” Audrey get Ember downstairs that way he can take off for an hour of “me” time where he drinks coffee and rides a bike and then reads his bible in his garage while he meditates on “leading” his family.  All the while Audrey is feeding and cleaning Ember, in other words “leading the family” while Jer is away.  I’ve been married over 20 years and never considered my husband to be leading our family.  We are equal partners with equal responsibility.  I can imagine if Jeremy had a regular job that he had to show up for what a shock that would be to their family let alone if Auj worked as well.

    He’s also doing intermittent fasting, which is fine but was making a big deal about only eating between 2-10pm.  So basically he goes without breakfast, although he does drink 2 thermoses of coffee instead.  If you’re hungry just change your eating hours to 12-8, then you can eat at normal times!  Ugh.  So entitled.

    2-10pm. So he can eat almost  immediately before bed. Since he gets up at 7.   Meanwhile, the actual recommendation is to not eat at least 4 hours before bed - so no later than 6pm. 

    • Love 1
  12. The only thing I didn’t like about this episode was the wonky time line. Cable was not identified as a bridge death for at least a couple weeks -maybe 3. That was established in this seasons episode 1.   This episode has the funeral first... then later - specified as 3 weeks after  the bridge collapse - the TV reporter says it’s Terrorism. So how did they manage to bury Cable before they identified her? 

    Plus this is episode 4 of the season... how did the cases in episode 2 and 3 magically happen before this trial?   TAC was humming along more or less on even keel for those, but TAC acts like they are newly grieving in this episode.  

    I do like the replacement for Cable. She has the maturity, experience and self confidence to stand up to Bull.  Even Marisa, Chunk, Benny, and Dani can’t seem to do that.  

  13. Other than the  fetish website, this case was like several episodes they’ve already done. Pretty sure the table the guys were on has been in several episodes used for the same purpose as this episode.  

    They seem to be running out of ideas.    

    • Love 4
  14. 16 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

    I called mine Gramma (paternal last name) and Gramma (maternal last name). Worked for me!

    When talking to them, it was just Grandma and Grandpa.  When talking about them, we added the last name to differentiate.  If I had used their first name, there would have been $&@“ to pay.  That was considered disrespectful. 

    • Love 4
  15. I no longer feel sorry for any Goliath that is made miserable by Natalie, they had the chance to vote  her out- they didn’t.  ‘Generic David member’ and Lyrsa have my sympathy for now as they haven’t had a chance to vote  her out.  Whatever version of a tribe that next goes to tribal with her should either vote her out or stop complaining. 

    • Love 6
  16. 6 hours ago, Lunula said:

    I like that the show went there with her death. I don't feel like Alana was well-written or the relationship between them was well-played. It could've been very meaty and interesting, but ended up being a drag where she came off as naggy and whiney

    This was exactly my issue with her character. She was so underdeveloped. We never got a chance to like her because all we saw was her bad side. We’ve only seen a little more of Ray’s wife, but I think we all like that character, right? Because she’s been given lines that show her to be supportive of Ray, while not being perfect. 

  17. 1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

    His wife died???

    As in his characters ‘ wife Rosanne Conner.   John Goodman, The actor, did not suffer such a loss in real life. 

    • Love 2
  18. The unexpected pregnancy could be the daughter in law. She’s unexpectedly home on leave. Just please not make it Harris.  Although it could be Becky given she was told she probably wouldn’t be able to conceive.  

    Like some of the others, I really don’t need to see much of the next generation of Conners. I really prefer the interaction of the adults. But we need the kids to make it more of a family feel. 

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