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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. I agree that Granderson was foolish to go home alone. She should have went back into that command center and fessed up to what she suspected.  Girlfriend/wife didn’t know she was suspected so a half hour delay in catching her wouldn’t have hurt. 

    i agree on all points with the comments about the team on the ground. 

    I must not be paying close enough attention because I’m totally missing Toms’ ‘visions’. 

    I think Tavo can’t strategize his way out of a paper bag, has a huge ego and is mentally unstable. Hector seems to be trying to win the war in spite of Tavo. Tavo’s wife seems to be manipulating Tavo- must be delusions of grandeur. Hector seems to realize this. I don’t think he’s having an affair with her. 

  2. Hailey seemed to be described as a straight arrow, sensitive, extremely nice individual. What was she doing with all these people? 

    1. Isaiah,  a guy who stole money from her and  forged checks on her account. 

    2. Her childhood friend who had a baby by a guy who was known to be bad news.  A guy who she felt lied about how the baby died, and she thought was guilty of killing that baby, yet she’s over at their house the night she died. 

    Then there is Isaiahs’ friend, who was with him even though he knew Isaiah had stolen a mutual friends TV. 

    However, that doesn’t mean she deserved what happened to her. That’s all on Isaiah.  It’s not his  fathers fault even though he asked for his money back.  It wasn’t even clear that he knew about Isaiah’s theft and forgery. 

    Mom should not have sprung that on the lawyer- although it’s possible the lawyer wanted to be kept in the dark about any possibility of Isaiah’s guilt.  

    • Love 5
  3. 1 hour ago, Nysha said:

    I called my mother-in-law by her first name. My son-in-law calls me "mom", which is better than my daughter's live-in boyfriend, who doesn't call me anything to my face but refers to me as "that b!tch" in front of my grandkids.

    Well, that’s the one case in which not calling someone anything would be the better solution.   I bet you have a couple pet names for him that you use in your mind. I would. 

    • Love 7
  4. 2 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    What?!??   No.  That wasn't her.  


    I hadn’t thought it was - until they said Cable was on the bridge. Then I thought - why didn’t I recognize her? Thank you, I’m not going crazy after all.  So they couldn’t/wouldn’t  even film her long enough to show her on the bridge.  

    • Love 3
  5. I’m going to miss Cable.   I wish they had at least explained why she was in the car with a man and two children.  To me, the show seemed rather flat this episode.  It might have been that travesty of a case, or it might have been the re-marriage.  The cast gel just didn’t seem to be there. 

  6. Poor Joy and Austin. They know, they know ... that it would have been nice to have waited a while to have kids. They love each other and they love Gideon... but they know they could have benefited by some time as a couple before becoming parents.Austin, not being a Duggar robot, isn’t afraid to admit it.  

    And, yes, the not Duggar halves of the couples just want to gag at the Duggar table manners.  

    • Love 17
  7. 1 hour ago, ehall1052 said:

    “What is it with people calling their  in-laws Mr/Mrs/Pastor last-name.  Either call them by their first names or by Mom and Dad.  If you know them so little that you cannot do that, then maybe you shouldn’t be marrying into their family. “

    “ We have been married for 31 years. I have never called my in laws anything. Not Mom or Dad, nor their first names. I just have never called them anything. If I ever refer to them, they are “Husband’s Parents.””


    l brought this discussion over from this week’s episode talk.  This is something I’ve always struggled with, too.  I wish there was already established names for “in-laws”. I was very shy when we got married almost 40 years ago and felt uncomfortable calling my in-laws Mom & Dad but didn’t feel comfortable calling them by their first names.  So I never called them anything and that always bothered me. (I would call them Grandma and Grandpa when it involved my kids).So when my oldest son got married, I told my daughter-in-law right away that she could call us by our first names.  But guess what? She doesn’t do it....she doesn’t call us anything!  Now I know how my mother-in-law must have felt.

    So how do people get each others attention... just wait until they happen to look straight at you? What if they are looking the other way, are in the other room, or the room is noisy?   People love to have their name used. It’s one of the first things people tell you to do to make friends and influence people. 

    My ex-daughter-in-law called her Mom ‘Mom’ and she started calling me ‘Ma’.  She is still friends with my son and she still calls me ‘Ma’. They just made better friends than spouses.  

    I would be okay with a daughter in law using my first name. I call my in-laws by their first names - because I’ve never felt close enough to them to call them Mom and Dad. However, I’m not my Daughter in laws grandma and I wouldn’t appreciate her calling me that unless she was speaking to my grandchildren, and therefore, referring to me. 

    • Love 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

    Hey jessa. Why are YOUR wheels turning about a nursery for a baby that isn't yours? Have a seat Jessa, you're not in Tontitown anymore.

    I was very impressed how Jeremy included his parents in the gender reveal, even asking his Dad to say the prayer. Jeremy also made it plain that he and Jinger were hosting this event. Poor JB, had to exit the stage. 

    I would be very insulted if my daughter in law never called me by either my name or Mom.  It would make me feel unliked. But then, I’m not from the south. Unabashed Yankee here. 

    • Love 11
  9. Super neat. Fyi- when your daughter is 36 weeks pregnant, you are possibly too old to be using the words super neat.  It sounds like you are a teenager. I absolutely hate using the word super in this way.  Just use the word ‘very’. 

    What is it with people calling their  in-laws Mr/Mrs/Pastor last-name.  Either call them by their first names or by Mom and Dad.  If you know them so little that you cannot do that, then maybe you shouldn’t be marrying into their family. 

    • Love 9
  10. 3 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

    I think we don't like Lauren because we know it's not the right girl for Josiah.. I think Josiah was forced into being married and that Dwain found a way to get closer to the stardom that Boob has. JMHO

    I don’t seem to like her, but I feel guilty about it.  She just seems so fake. That voice, the lack of excitement about everything going on in her life.    The  entire  focus on  people getting married because they’ve reached the age of consent.  At least a few of them are going to get divorced. It may not be while the shows on or until after the death of JB or Michelle, but it will happen. Misery that could been avoided if JB and Michelle didn’t preach 1815s dating techniques. 

    • Love 10
  11. I think they’ve gone skiing more than a few times.  We’ve seen them go at least 3 or 4 times between the shows. I’ve seen photos of John flying some of them to ski trips at least a couple times.  I bet they go at least yearly.   There is no way the younger kids would be that good otherwise.   

    Kendra was around for the last televised ski trip- she was snow tubing if I recall. With a skirt on over her pants. 

    • Love 3
  12. 54 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

    I got plenty irritated by the idea of JB needing to make a speech in the restaurant -- "Hey, guys . . ."  I had flashbacks to every group outing of my own or with my children with the group leader getting the kids' attention to announce what was coming up.  The guests of honor were supposedly celebrating their 28th birthdays and they've got to be shushed and told what to do like a bunch of sixth graders?  I'd be so stoked.  

    Has there been 1 single episode this season that Michelle and JB have not been featured?  Maybe it’s because the episodes are focusing on family events that would normally feature the parents ... but they sure seem to be front and center. Their minor children seem featured a lot too. 

    • Love 13
  13. On 9/15/2018 at 4:27 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

    When I watched this show, I skipped by the intro so did not realize that they actually gave it away right away by showing Andrea saying "This was a love triangle". Duh. I went back to hear why the woman interviewed kept calling herself the victim's surrogate mother.

    But I knew the wife was involved right away, as soon as she said she turned down the side road because she felt sick. Yea, because what are the chances that some one would be needing help in a broken down car right there and then? And just happen to kill her husband?  Neither she or the boyfriend were that bright, her with giving a description of a different vehicle, and he with the jacked up loud truck. 

    I found the story pretty boring and predictable. What annoyed me was the female prosecutor giving a deal to Jessie because it was her boyfriend who actually pulled the trigger. As the second prosecutor said, there would not have been a murder without Jessie wanting her husband dead. So he gives a deal to the boyfriend too? WTF? They both get deals? Isn't that nice. 

    BTW, I think he had 5 kids, not he and Jessie. I think they had three together, and he had 2 previously (according to the story by the time he was 18 by two different women). I don't think they were raising all 5 kids together, but she did leave 5 kids without a father. Apparently though three of them are better off being raised now without her as their mother. 


    Her story made no sense and got worse with every Lie. When people get sick in a car, they don’t ‘turn down this road’... they pull over to the side of the road they are already  on.  Quickly.  He’s just gotten back from being deployed. When would he have had time to get mixed up with drug dealers? 

    Why was an ex-military guy allowed to reside in a house of a military guy on deployment? Shouldn’t the MPs have questioned this?  Shouldn’t the neighbors? Do they really tolerate wives having affairs on base when the spouse is deployed? 

    • Love 5
  14. Other than the wrong temperature for larger chicken breasts( and a little too long too), this recipe sounds pretty good. I think the basic recipe  is copied from a written recipe Cathy gave her.  There are complete sentences along with words Jill’s never used- place and dot, for example. Jill probably added the veggie substitution language- which is why it’s wrong. 

    • Love 9
  15. 59 minutes ago, Vandy10 said:

    I'm sure that's what he's thinking, but if he *has* to differentiate between his wife's siblings' kids and his own sibling's kids, isn't biological a better term than naturalized? I just think of citizenship when I hear naturalized as an adjective. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure English uses the term naturalized in any other way.

    Naturalized or biological - Both terms sound like he doesn’t consider the Duggar side his.  if I were Jill or any of Jill’s siblings(or their spouses), we’d be having a serious chat.  Does he mean that his kids aren’t claimed by Ben, Anna, Lauren, and so forth?  

    Of course,  these folks do have funny ideas about marriage and how families fit into it. 

    The only really acceptable way to say it would be ‘Jill and I have our first  nephew from my side of our family’. 

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