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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 2 hours ago, Ria said:

    Why was Dorothy a substitute teacher for apparently most (or all) of her career? She loved teaching and was happiest with long term assignments. She complained when all she had to do for a day is set up traffic cones or babysit a class for a day. So why did she never apply for a full time position? In my state substitute teachers are usually unemployed moms or retired people looking to make a few dollars. They aren’t real teachers. 

    She was actually the only one not to advance in her career during the series. Rose ended up an associate producer (a stretch IMO, Mary Tyler Moore she was not) and even Blanche went from giving directions at the museum to be the assistant to the Director and planning exhibits. 

    Possibly these things: 

    She was her mother’s ‘caregiver’.  When the show started, Sophia was in a nursing home after a stroke.  There may have been periods of time that Dorothy needed to have a flexible schedule for Sophias’ needs, appointments, etc. even after Sophia ‘recovered’. 

    Then Dorothy got chronic fatigue syndrome. A substitute teaching schedule might work better for that. 

    I can’t  remember the teaching job market from back then. I’m a younger baby boomer and graduated high school in the 70s. Fewer teachers might have been needed at that point in time due to fewer students. 

    • Love 2
  2. I absolutely love breakfast for supper.  Probably because I’m not all that enthused about cooking when I first wake up. Maybe that’s how the bride and groom feel.  Maybe breakfast for supper has good memories for at least one of them.   Who cares? It’s a meal, served to people sitting at tables inside. The guests look as if they were invited to make themselves comfortable.   A wedding and reception is supposed to be joyous, and they appear happy. 

    • Love 20
  3. I was bothered by the Slenderman tie in. Probably because in the real world, one child is dead, two ruined their lives and 3 families are destroyed. I don’t like children’s deaths turned into storylines. 

    In terms of the story, was the Tall Man a legend that the bad guy and his underage victim used to get the necklace back from the other girl... or was he the story behind the Tall Man legend all along?   

    • Love 2
  4. Why shouldn’t Marisa be wary? They were divorced once - for cause. She was burned by Kyle.  She seems to be rather unsure of herself in any/all of her personal life. 

    All the evidence seemed to point to him. Marissa knows what reasonable doubt is and isn’t. She also knows that even people we know well do things we don’t believe them capable of. So why shouldn’t she be wary? 

    As to her telling the team about the kiss- They need to know the truth.  Normally  the prosecution would call a spouse to the stand and ask what time the other one got home since the fire occurred at the time it did. They would also ask if not waking you up was normal.  

    ETA - let me add. I do not like Marissa’s husband. I do not believe the writers expect him to stay long.  

  5. 9 hours ago, redpencil said:

    That episode was truly upsetting to me. To the point I kept thinking about it for a couple days. Courtney really seemed like a kid who was just lost, and was truly fearful for his life. Those people straight-up tortured him for something he didn't even do, and then burned his body. The two main perpetrators showed absolutely no remorse. I just kept thinking about how terrified he must have been, and what the other people at the house said about him basically begging for his life. Ugh. It's still upsetting.

    Also, the man who was shot at the apartment survived (though was apparently in the hospital for a few weeks).


    Yes to all of that. Courtney had been diagnosed with mental illness. The detective knew him from his past cases and said he was a good person, just friendly with the wrong people.   You are not alone with being upset and having it linger in your mind. I still get upset that the son didn’t call the police during all those hours Courtney was being tortured. Maybe the son would be dead though too since these people killed Courtney because they thought he’d set their friend up.  It’s so hard to accept that people like these exist. 

    That you for pointing out that the first shooting was not a fatality. I knew that. But my fingers obviously had a mind of their own when I typed that earlier post.  I’m so used to the First 48 covering fatalities.  Guess that should have been my first clue that the episode wasn’t really going to be about that first ‘victim’.  Some victim, huh.  Wonder what he is actually like. 

    • Love 3
  6. 18 hours ago, auntjess said:

    I don't think so.  Here's a pretty recent story, and links to other coverage. 

    If only they could have gotten word out right away, about why the keys were taken, maybe he'd still be alive.

    Interesting. They don’t appear to have charged the son and they turned his girlfriend into a material witness.  The son wasn’t shown to have done anything, but didn’t try to prevent it or call 911. The sons girlfriend was the one who helped get the ice, but also didn’t otherwise participate or prevent.  They did not discuss the gang affiliation in the show, other than to say Courtney had gang friends. . 

    • Love 1
  7. 1 hour ago, sATL said:

    Someone enlighten me why there is a outlet in the middle of the floor ?

    We had covered outlets installed on the floor of our great room. Our couch sits in the open area between the family room and the kitchen. The outlets allow for lamps, laptops, etc to be powered without running extension cords. I am surprised to see it installed like theirs though. Ours is such that you can put the cover on flat to the floor ( outlet recessed) if you dont need to use the outlet for an extended period of time. 

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, auntjess said:

    I just watched the 2 hour episode on the shooting, and then the dreadful murder of Courtney Palmer.  That poor guy.
    They haven't gone to trial yet, but this is a case where I really hope they get death.

    That was truly horrific.  The episode started off with the shooting, and I felt so sorry for the dead man and his family. Then details started coming out, and it was ruled self-defense( rightly, I think). Then the dead mans friends just totally murdered Courtney.  That whole situation sure changed 180 degrees, didn’t it?  Those people were cold cold cold. My DVR cut off the ending. Did the son who came clean with the police get charged? I know his Mother and girlfriend did. 

    • Love 1
  9. On 10/30/2018 at 10:39 PM, CoyoteBlue said:

    The most unrealistic part of this ep was that NYPD CSI spent $99 to send a heroin dealer's fingernail scrapings to a commercial DNA tester on the off chance a heroin dealer's killer is the type of person with the discretionary funds for a vanity DNA profile.


    This wasn't the Lindbergh baby or something, this was a drug dealer. I'm surprised they even put effort into investigating it.

    Multiple DNA testers. So multiple $99. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    Why not? Isn't that what editors are for? 

    Well, yes, but they’ve proven they aren’t interested in performing that task. In any reality show I’ve seen with the possible exception of Survivor. 

    My personal opinion is that they know they have to fill up x number of minutes so they just pick out some footage that will fit in that amount of time. 

    • Love 1
  11. I don’t think they broke up before the new house.  Remember- we saw Elizabeth in the new garage studio... mixed in with footage of moving to the new house. Elizabeth said they didn’t break up until 4 months after her birthday. I bet we see footage of her birthday in a future episode. So dont expect every storyline covered in an episide to be shot in the same month. Nor should you expect the episodes to be chronological one after the other. 

    • Love 4
  12. Surprised Bess didn’t also discuss the fact that not voting means you can’t complain about who gets elected - or what happens during that next term.   Noodles quit the campaign because of one issue. What if the person that got elected was a lot worse? 

    • Love 8
  13. Why is Kacie in the lab by herself in the first place? She is basically 1 level up from an intern, whereas Abby was a senior forensic whatever. Seems to me that theyr should be mention of a supervisor, etc.  it’s never been realistic that there would be 1 lab with 1 employee for the entire office. 

    Torres telling Gibbs ‘you don’t know what it’s like to look in the mirror and see a killer’.  

    • Love 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    My intention is to never offend.  I try to keep any sharing of theology to the very basics. 

    TPTB decided to make the character "God" in the fashion of the Episcopalian Church - the church of Miles' Dad.  This is very much unlike Lucifer, by way of example, where "God" was decidedly not of any standard faith.  

    Cheers to all.

    I’m not offended. I just can’t  join in the conversation about the character ‘God’ in this show. But happy  to discuss and snark on the other characters. 

    • Love 1
  15. Who owned this house?  They left a room trashed, while the house was for sale for months? They left loads of lint in the dryer.  There are cats in the attic.  Gee, maybe those  are reasons it didn’t sell.  Let alone the mold.  

    That’s a big house.  I hope they aren’t depending on TLC money to make the payments. 


    In the ‘on this season’ at the top of the episode, it was revealed that Anna (and only Anna) was in a new school as a junior.   I would guess that she  got placed in an alternative school. She said she switched to be around better people. So either she was bullied or she was associating with a bad crowd. 

    Poor Elizabeth.  The first break-up is rough. I remember thinking  ‘ if I can just get him to realize x, y, z he will come back’.  It takes a long time and a few break ups to realize that if someone leaves, then just let them ‘the hell’ go.  Two years of unofficial and 4 months of official dating is a long time in high school. 

    • Love 8
  16. I’m willing to discuss fictional people as if they are real people because we usually know real people who behave like the fictional people.. so we can assume and extrapolate.  I can’t bring myself to discuss a fictional God as if he is a real God. God is portrayed on this show as the writers imagine he would be.  But that’s not a quantifiable, provable theory.  I feel We have no way to really know what God would mean by unfriending someone.   In fact, it’s foreign to my reality because we are taught that God ‘friends’ everyone no matter how late they show up to the party.

    But more than happy to discuss the rest of it. Interesting to see that some stereotypes were being brought out for discussion ... the extreme helicopter  parents,  the  extreme demands that the offspring must all be doctors or professors or extremely successful.  

    • Love 1
  17. If I wanted to watch a paranormal show, there’s plenty to choose from. The timekeeper needs to go away- and take Pride along. Every week we get less and less of the team and more and more of Pride.   

    We are supposed to believe that Cassius was in prison for 20 years, and Pride didn’t know who his visitors were? Jimmys’  name never came to Prides’ attention. 

    How does Pride still have a job? Let alone special agent in charge? 

    • Love 2
  18. At the beginning. Vance and Kasey are on the stairs.  He announced that Kasey’s temp assignment has come to an end. Kasey gets this dejected look on her face.  Then Vancw announces she’s hired permanently.  Gee, no offer and acceptance, no discussion of money?  Really?  Shouldn’t the person you are hiring have accepted the job before you announce it to the staff? 

    Thats what I got out of this episode. I was so hoping it would be similar to the Charles Durning episode- but it fell flat. 

    Happy to see more of McGhee.  Not happy with Kasey.  

    • Love 1
  19. Just now, HazelEyes4325 said:

    Oh yeah, he was definitely short with the FIL and Delilah was right to call him on it (that is probably one of the few times I have ever said something nice about her!), but I didn't take it as a sign that Jon was uncaring, but that he was under a great deal of stress and trying his best to keep up a good facade.

    That’s a possibility too. Maybe we will get some answers in episode 6 based upon previews.

  20. 9 minutes ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

    In the 1.5 thread, @mythoughtis wrote:

    I just pulled up that scene and Jon never said or insinuated that his FIL had been drinking.  He got on his FIL about giving Eddie sangria because Eddie didn't drink, but nothing was ever said about the FIL drinking.  It had also already been established that Jon knew about his FIL's dementia.  Delilah's way of handling her father is to humor him and not draw attention to his memory issues (which I really can't blame her for, I'd probably do the same thing in her position) and Jon pointing out that his FIL had "forgotten" that Eddie was an alcoholic was embarrassing for him in Delilah's eyes.

    Oh. Thank you for the correction. I must not have been paying close enough attention.   I still don’t like the way he spoke to her dad- possibly because the actor is one of my favorites.   

    Also the humor and distraction method is the preferred way of dealing with a dementia patient.  Correcting them isn’t going to have good results as they progress because their brain wont won’t process it. 

  21. I didn’t like the way this episode unfolded.the team kept leaping from one assumption to another. Moms having an affair, Dad beats  his family( when it was likely the son doing it). Pastor killed both.  Dad kills both- until he confesses, then he’s lying.   

    Something else that’s bothering me:  lots of cop shows have parents falsely confessing to ‘save/protect’ their kids.  If your son kills two adults,  letting them get away with it is putting a whole bunch of other people at risk.   We aren’t talking breaking out a few windows here. 

    • Love 4
  22. 3 minutes ago, HazelEyes4325 said:

    I don't recall Jon implying his FIL was drunk.  I remember him snapping at him impatiently and Delilah saying that Jon embarrassed him.  If anything, it showed that Jon was under stress, not that he was uncaring or just a general jerk.

    Yes- that is the scene I meant. Jon said he’d been drinking but he hadn’t.  I think we are going to eventually see that Jon wasn’t aa perfect as his friends seem to think. 

    • Love 1
  23. Peeked at the clock implies that he was in bed the entire time.   He doesn’t mention Audrey except to say she got Ember back  to sleep shortly after that. So I’m going to speculate that Audrey had been up the entire time.  Hence the ‘patience’ comment.   Ember is probably teething or has an ear infection.  If so, there is no reason that Jeremy couldn’t have gotten up and helped.  

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