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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. 13 minutes ago, SweetTooth said:

    I don't necessarily agree. The victim's husband didn't look at Deacon and say "DO YOU HAVE A WIFE?" That would have been the same song to me.

    Instead, Deacon, a grown man, understood he could empathize with the guy all by himself due to nearly being in a similar situation, and took it upon himself to go comfort the man, rather than just standing there and empathizing with him.

    It's also very much in keeping with the character.

    I agree with it being in Deacons’  character to comfort, etc.  I actually like his character a lot better than several of the other leads.   I just feel the show did unnecessarily use a trope to set the scene up.

  2. 18 hours ago, SweetTooth said:

    Okay, so there were two things I knew from the past two episodes.

    1. There's NO WAY they'd let the camera linger that long on some random woman giving testimony, unless at some point, sh*t is gonna go down, and she'll probably either wind up dead or in danger for testifying. I thought maybe she'd been testifying against an abusive ex, but the result is the same.

    2. I actually knew the actor who played her ex, Michael Trucco, and figured there's no way they brought in a known actor to play her ex, unless he was coming back. (See previews for next week).

    This episode packed a lot of punch. Though a lot was going on, they managed to not shortchange anything.

    This week, Chris kicked into HIGHLY EFFING ANNOYING. Oddly enough, there's a similar plot going on with SEAL Team, and that character is equally as annoying. 

    Sometimes they use one character to kind of "needle" the leader to hire that person back, but they take it to levels so obnoxious, you want THEM to be thrown off the team.

    I don't know what Chris's deal is, but I don't think an APOLOGY is a lot to ask for in order to get reinstated. He doesn't have to jump through a lot of hoops here. Street is creating the hoops, so he doesn't have to do the ONE THING  that's being asked of him, but if he's going through this much trouble just so he doesn't have to say "I'm Sorry," you have to know Hondo is 100% correct to keep him off the team, as you need to person up and admit you did something wrong. 

    I love that this show isn't all macho BS, and that it's not always the woman who empathizes. They managed to have Deacon realize what's going on without anybody saying to him, "DO YOU HAVE KIDS?" which is a trope that's been around since cop shows were invented and still hasn't gone away.

    Instead they used the ‘ my wife could have died too ‘ trope to explain why Deacon understood the husbands pain. Same song, just a different verse. 

    • Love 1
  3. Every season of this gets worse.  Season 1 was pretty good - but now we have what the poster ahead of me said. 

    I was really hoping Martinez was going to save his friends son... and end this dictator too.  

    Why did Kelsey decide to turn her phone on knowing it was being tracked? 

  4. 1 hour ago, Caracoa1 said:

    Has Ember ever wore anything from aTarget and not from an upscale trendy Baby Boutique?! 

    My guess would be ‘Not Yet’.  However, given that they’ve quit being on the show, haven’t maintained their blog, and never seem to ship anything until they get enough orders to get something made... I’d bet her clothes will come from a normal store eventually. 

    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, gunderda said:

    That's a really bizarre comment to make. A lot of people grow up in small towns... small schools.... where there isn't a single black person or even someone of any other race.  I don't even like Jeremy and Audrey but even I would have to say "everyone I've known since kindergarten...." would also be white. And not just my friends.... literally everyone!


    I would have to say the same thing about my background. My kindergarten was really small. Probably 30 kids all together between the morning and afternoon classs.   Mostly comprised of farm kids or extended relatives of farmers.  It wasn’t until I moved to a bigger town in junior high that I had classes with people who didn’t look like me. 

    Audrey didn’t pick her kindergarten classmates. 

    • Love 4
  6. I am not sure that there was really enough evidence to try the husband. Do I think he did it? yes.


    But just because he called people in  the middle of the night wondering where his newly separated wife was ( when he was at her house at 2am with their kids), isn’t enough to convict. Just because he had handed a private investigator an envelope that jingled.  Some guy saying he saw him a 114 yds away from his house at a car isn’t either.  He only moved out that morning- that visitor wouldn’t have known that and so wouldn’t have been surprised to see him. Why would he then remember it when he was most likely just as drunk as his mistress? 

    This is the problem with 27+ Years older cases. I don’t remember details about good or bad things from that far back. 

    • Love 2
  7. I know this episode was meant to highlight the struggles military personnel go they at home in wartime. However it was so terrible I could barely get thru it.

    The only redeeming  scenes were the debutante and Miller, Green and his son at the very end.  Really, show, you had to break up Green and Kara while uniting Chandler and Sasha?. Then you have to make Sasha the well loved perfect almost step-Mom. As if she knows anything about raising children. 

    Since when did the virus make people sick for months, and then lose their minds towards the end?  The virus killed people within days and only affected them physically.  Retrofit the story much? 

    • Love 6
  8. 1 minute ago, Spencer Hastings said:

    Maybe Jana? I can see him giving her a heads up since she’s his closest sibling at home.  Was she in the grainy video?

    That would be my guess too. That or he called ahead to a couple of them and told them to film whatever happened when he came into the kitchen. He didn't  have to tell them he had Abbie with him. They are all so used to filming things that they wouldn’t bat an eye. 

    • Love 9
  9. Not all Christians think Halloween is evil. Nor Valentines’ Day, nor Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, nor Harry Potter.  Only a certain subset.  

    Look, certain decorations are creepy.  I’ll admit to preferring Pumpkins, Casper the friendly ghost, etc  instead of fake caskets, skeletons, and chain saws.  Maybe that’s what Jeremy means too. 

    • Love 6
  10. Alanna and their kids add nothing to the show. They are merely there as a tool to show the difficulties of a military marriage. They could do that off screen with phone calls and texts.   Ray’s wife, on the other hand, actually seems a good fit for her role.

    I see no chemistry between Clay and Stella. Now between Sonny  and the military support specialist ( I like her but never remember the characters name)- I see chemistry there.  The CIA strategist can leave more often.  We didn’t miss her at all this episode. 

    Please  explain to me why the youngest greenest guy ( Clay) is number 2.   I know Sonny doesn’t like being number 2, but Clay? I find that a little unbelievable. But I guess we have to justify why the actor is one of the leads. Truthfully. I felt Rays actions last season were probably actually realistic of guys that are trained to be able to perform even if they are injured. None of them ever then want to admit that they should step away from their job. A job, that just like the rest of us,pays the bills. Ray felt his combat pay was necessary to his family. Civilians often depend on their overtime pay. 

    • Love 4
  11. 2 hours ago, Kelda Feegle said:

    I hate sloppy timelines - so Daryl came back for a week and in that time got his girlfriend pregnant (ok) and also discovered she was pregnant? within the same week? yeah, no.

    No, he came back for a week. Then later found out she was pregnant and came back for good. 

    Was it just me or was some of the dialogue stilted and badly acted?  Particularly between Cortez and the Interpol agent, and surprisingly, some of Hondo’s lines. Shemar never had that problem as Morgan.  

  12. 3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    I am so fucking lost in all this back explanation. Just me?

    I think the crown was meant to symbolize a decoration that Lauren and Josiah were working on together at one of the other siblings weddings. That’s when they realized they liked each other. 

    I don’t know if Lauren’s father picked the theme or just told Cindy  about Lauren’s interest in horses as a child.   Lauren and Josiah were  not allowed to pick a theme or choose their decorations because Cindy wanted to ‘surprise’ then. Apparently it’s a requirement if you hire her.   In my opinion... my wedding, my theme, my choice of decorations. YMMV. 

    • Love 20
  13. It’s ok. It’s not the original. There’s just enough of the original to make me nostalgic. The dogs,  the Island Hopper chopper... but the guys and gals aren’t compelling. 

    Last episode we are shown that everyone is firmly established in Hawaii, except for Magnum. Rick knows everyone, TC’s business is established, as is Nuzo’s.  Nuzo has a wife of Hawaiian descent and a son about 5.  Nuzo was wealthy, Rick was comfortable, TC unknown and Magnum was broke. 

    This episode we are told they just got out of the service less than 2 years ago and hadn’t thought  of going to Hawaii until then. You can’t be consistent for two episodes? 

    • Love 4
  14. 15 minutes ago, Horrified said:

    Have we even talked about Miss Cindy's "theme" for the wedding? (Aside:  do weddings have themes now?  I thought the wedding was the theme....)

    Theme:  Princess Dreams

    Occassion:  7 year-old's birthday party


    Theme:  Princess (The. Horse.!!) Dreams

    Occassion:  Wedding.  Ah yes, young couples everywhere dream of launching into their new lives together with a celebration based on a childhood pet.


    FYI - my first pet's name was Bingo.  My wedding theme and decor just wrote itself folks.

    Priceless. Are we having a wedding or designing a movie set?  All this stuff Cindy comes up with seems way over the top, and somehow disrespectful  given the Duggars  religious views.  I don’t know how to explain it better, so hopefully you all understand what I mean. 

    • Love 1
  15. 2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Lauren said helpmeet in hers vows. In 2018.

    I thought Josiah took two sneak peeks at Lauren's ass in her wedding dress during the "first look".

    All those 'almost kisses' were rather uncomfortable to observe.

    I was at a wedding this weekend, at what I would call a mainstream, even laid back, Christian Church. The wedding was between people between the ages of 35-45.  Both had been married before, there were already kids. The words submit, headship, and respect your husband were used- repeatedly.

    Lauren also vowed to be Si’s cheerleader.  

  16. 4 hours ago, Punkadoo said:

    I'm wondering if a preference for Jackson has something to do with the fact that it's just easier and more normal to be with him. I remember when Audrey was near to giving birth and there was a big talk about boundaries. It seemed to be pointed more at Amy but I doubt it was only about Amy.  I can imagine a conversation with Zack more along the lines of Hey Dad, let's go to the air show and have some fun. I cannot imagine it would be so simple with Jeremy. 

    P.s. RAP541, your posts are always among my favorite to read. How can a nice, straight forward snark make me so happy? But you also make me think and I appreciate that as well.


    Now that all 4 offspring are adults,  Amy appears to want to spend time with all 4 and both grandkids. Matt only cares about the grandkids and only when they come to him.    Audrey doesn’t welcome any of them to her home. She only goes to the farm when necessary.  That’s probably why the office space has happened- Jer wants to see his family more than Audrey does.  

    Tori makes sure Zach’s family feels welcome and also makes sure she goes to the farm too.  That’s why Jackson is at the farm and Ember isn’t. 

    • Love 1
  17. I didn’t think Josiah’s actual response to the first look was that bad. He said several complimentary  things prior to the ‘you look good in it comment’.  The talking head was not quite as good- but maybe he was 90 minutes into the talking head session and was talked out. 

    • Love 1
  18. 6 hours ago, Jenilane6 said:

    I wonder how Jing and Jer felt about the possible same-sex couple slow dancing next to them at the birth class.  Well I know the non pg woman could be a stand-in but I love the thought of bugging JB and MEchelle.  

    I was amazed that they slow danced JB and Michelle must be aghast.  I liked the birthing class/ not one mention of the stuff that they showed at the one JB and Michelle attended where the instructor talked about ‘smoothing the vagina’. 

    A tea party.  I heard the sister mentioning having to get the food plated. I bet the Duggars have never heard that word.  The difference between the Duggars and the Swansons is on total display here. 

    • Love 3
  19. 1 hour ago, LittlePeas3 said:

    That is my question too! 

    That was never determined to be true as far as I know. People were speculating that she had gained weight and was hiding her abdomen in shots. Her sister told people to quit speculating on social media.  I think it’s been discussed in the season 9 thread. 

    • Love 1
  20. 3 hours ago, N. Abella said:

    We all know Moseley is a great character to dislike. Granger was a company man but understood that you sometimes had to do the wrong thing for the right reason.  Moseley came in to supposedly disrupt a good group of agents because the relationships they had with one another was distracting to the mission.

    In a life and death situation, you must rely on your good relationships to keep you safe. This band of agents kept their team safe because they cared about each other. Moseley seemed to sweep right pass that and on several occasions commented that her intent was to break them up. 

    As a leader, she used intimidation, arrogance and a haranguing temperament to keep her people in line. She was so unlike Hetty who used finesse and persuasion. Although Hetty could be stern and authoritative, she displayed true empathy and understanding when it was needed. She has a nurturing side to her even though on the surface, she gave the impression that few people cross her.

    Moseley went totally crazy while trying desperately to save her son.  She proved she was willing to sacrifice the team in her quest to show she had power over them.

    She showed no remorse for her actions although to some degree she was thankful to the team for saving her son. Can't wait to see her demoted and cast out. I cannot stand her character. She was more concerned about her image than the humanity of her team.

    I hope they resolve her situation quickly. I almost want to throw something at the screen whenever her character walks on stage.

    My big disappointment...Harley. She had grace and poise and could relate to the team. Why they killed her off astounds me unless for some peculiar reason, she is resurrected. Perhaps maybe she needs to go to the Mother Ship where Gibbs resides. That show has felt flat since Abbie went away.

    Bring Hetty back please.

    Someone get a shepherd's hook for Moseley. I don't want to see her tettering on heels she can't walk on, thrust her bosom to the screen and place hands on hips. No offense. Some changes are good but the writers introduced something toxic in the pool with this character.

    I couldn’t say it any better than this. 

    • Love 1
  21. 27 minutes ago, MoistestCake said:

    How many times can 4 women in their 50s plus, who are law abiding and honest, get arrested and spend the night in jail. I'm watching the episode where Rose and Blanche are arrested for shoplifting because of the 2 girls who shoplifted. And it reminded me that they were arrested for prostitution (for just sitting in a hotel bar) and scalping tickets too. Are there others? Just remembered the arrest on the docks when dick van dyke is the lawyer/clown. 

    And yet they never got arrested for Sophia's get rich quick schemes, or Blanche pretending to sell a car to meet men,  etc. 

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