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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. How is it that we have never seen the guy who was formerly in Prides current position the entire series, but we see Pride every episode? 

    I have a question for any commenters well versed in American Muslim culture. Jasmine identified Hannah as Muslim. Hannah’s V neck top was very low cut.  Is that normal/acceptable in the USA for Muslims?   I truly don’t know, but thought there were rules about attire.  

  2. McGhee’s and Torres comments about the rave should have been reversed.  McGhee says Tuesday afternoon is a terrible  time for a rave. Torres says any time is terrible for a wave. McGhee says Torres is going to the wrong raves. Is there a single commenter here that can picture McGhee at a rave?  

    • Love 5
  3. 12 hours ago, gunderda said:


    I really hope after this episode that they can stop talking about the ex-boyfriend now... that poor kid doesn't deserve to be talked about every single episode

    Me too. Yes, he should have told her in person that he just wanted to be friends and also date others.  He still doesn’t deserve this continued discussion and the producers sticking the same talking head interview in every episode. 

    Elizabeth needs to move on, stop looking at his Facebook. In fact, he should block her since these episodes have started airing.  Her parents seem really grounded and they should be telling her that high school relationships rarely survive high school, so this break-up us a normal event- and won’t be the last. 

    The art name labels should have been done earlier and  just brought to the show to hang. The punch could have been done earlier too and brought in jugs to pour into the punch bowl.   Why didn’t the art teacher help them?

    i really couldn’t fault Jonah asking his mom to shush. He didn’t say Shut up, or yell.  He was listening to Trent and Amber started talking over Trent. Yes, Trent was saying something similar to what Amher had already thought. But still, Jonah can’t listen to two people at once.   

    And Amber, technically, Jonah is an adult not a kid. He’s 18.  You got to start letting him call some shots about his own life even though you want him to commute to school for the next two years while living at home. 

    • Love 2
  4. 9 hours ago, gunderda said:

    She found an itty bitty leak in the basement after one rainstorm and she found out that the prior owners had it fixed and didn't disclose it

    In my state, you only have to disclose issues you have not fixed.   If it has been fixed and is no longer a problem, then it’s done and over with.  Now if they knew the fix didn’t take, then it wasn’t really fixed and should have been enclosed. 

  5. 1 hour ago, firehawk12 said:

    Basically my first post here on the very last episode of the series and I guess my biggest surprise was that I didn't know people hated Sasha. 

    I don’t know about other people- but, for me, Sasha took screen time away from characters that I had grown to love.  She was a totally unnecessary addition, done to give Chandler a love interest. She also was shown as a one woman ‘army’ whose makeup remained flawless through every scene regardless of the terrain, weather, etc. 

    • Love 8
  6. 42 minutes ago, Luciano said:

    I cackled when Jackie explained why she went to church: "I take my mother to services every Sunday just to remind God she's still here in case He forgot to take her."


    Liked the line, but ‘my mother’ seemed formal to me in a room of only family. Why didn’t she just say ‘Mom’.  

    If Geena was deployed for two years, she should have been home for leave at points. They still get 30 days a year, right?  So why wasn’t this resolved earlier. 

    • Love 7
  7. 29 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    You are very likely correct in your interpretation of what was intended, but at least a decade before I attended various Christian churches, most of which had church-owned homes for the leaders of the "flock," I learned about such Church-owned properties from reading Jane Austen's novels. This is definitely Bizarro World—and not just because of the God Facebook account.



    And now I wonder at what point they are willing to hire a consultant. 

    I am familiar with the term parsonage.   It used to be commonplace that churches would provide rent free homes for the pastor.  I think it’s fallen by the wayside in favor of housing allowances( or just extra salary) because of the cost of upkeep. 

  8. 1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

    Well, maybe she owes the Doodling Dora an apology since she can’t keep her own poop in a group.  She works from home and so does her husband.  How would she ever hold a 40 hour a week job for someone else? 

    • Love 17
  9. Quote


    I don’t think the writers meant that the board would be involved in selling the house. I think they meant the Rev. hoped the board would accept the money from him in lieu of sending Terrance to jail.  So, I don’t think the writers thought the church owned the house. 

    Miles comment was more in line to mean that the house was his Dads, the family home and it shouldn’t  be sold to pay Terrance’s debt. 

    • Love 1
  10. So uncle T can embezzle money from the church twice and it’s all good  because he said ‘Sorry’? $600,000?  Well, strike 3 is on its way.  This storyline irks me.  I live in a very small village and our clerk embezzled $100,000. In fact, several small towns around here have had it happen.  Several businesses in the area have had employees steal from them. 

    Why should Lena forgive him? She’s got a life to live, bills to pay, and old age to save for.  What kind of husband is he to her?  But, oh, he’s a  nice guy.  

    • Love 6
  11. 38 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

    Does Auj understand that emojis aren't punctuation? The whole first paragraph is like... a huge run on sentence. There's another place where an emoji seems to be serving as a period in the second paragraph.


    Is incredibly arrogant. Really, Auj? Doodling Doras need to get their shit together and tend to you? Oh right, you said "poop" so you're just a cute lil girl and not arrogantly noting how you think Apple needs to get its shit together and get your podcast approved.

    Does referring to human feces as poop make you *less insulting*, Auj? I mean, if someone said maybe you and Jer should get your poop together and stop making people wait months for their paid for marriage journals, would you smile and find it not insulting? 

    Or what if someone said you had poopy punctuation and poopy grammar skills? I mean, they're still saying your writing skills are feces laden. 

    Not only that, but Apple does not need them. They need Apple.  It might not have been a particular great idea to insult Apple this way.  

    • Love 8
  12. I thought Tavo was crazy. I thought his wife was power hungry-and egged him on to his own detriment. This episode I decided his wife was mourning because her chance to be Imelda  Marcos the second was gone. 

    This show went the way so many of the shows I like do. 2 or 3 good seasons, then it goes haywire.  They get new show runners, or writers, or they decide to showcase some one who the viewers don’t like (Sasha). Then they break up good couples (Danny and Cara). Or they have to make up storylines( the grain blight, Tavo). 

    • Love 1
  13. 1 hour ago, LucyEth said:

    Zach and Tori in Hawaii, I wonder what Zach does for a living.  That's a nice trip.

    Zach works at the soccer facility (unless he’s left it?), works at the disability step stool firm owned by his family, the farm, and... oh, yeah, on the TLC show. You know, the one that we all snark about here. 

    Hawaii isn’t as expensive to get to from  the West Coast as it is from elsewhere in the country. I wouldn’t be surprised if Matt doesn’t own  a condo  there that Zac and Tori can use. Matt used to head to Hawaii multiple times a year. 

    The trip may also be being filmed for the show.  

    • Love 7
  14. So the DEA agent goes rogue and starts killing people. Luke therefore goes rogue to go after the DEA agent.  Umm,’ be careful while hunting monsters, less ye turn into one’.  No idea who said it, but it fits.

    Now beyond that... is there a single person besides Elle who ever got punished in any way, let alone demoted and restricted to the home office?  

    • Love 3
  15. 18 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

    Something feels off with Amber this season. I can't put my finger on it but she doesn't seem happy. Even physically she looks so different from last season. She has put on a lot of weight, her face looks different, too. Maybe it's the weight gain, maybe she's stressed, maybe it's the kids getting older and more difficult to handle, maybe she's not getting along with Trent. I just know this isn't the Amber I remember.  

    Could be the weeks of living in a hotel. Could be purchasing a new, more expensive  home on 10 acres, finding out about the mold and other issues, besides the renovations they had already planned. Could be Elizabeth starting to date and then the break-up. Could be whatever caused Anna to switch schools.   Could be her back is still or again giving her issues.  Could be people thinking she needs to hear their opinion about every episode. Could be lots of other things that happened between seasons. 

    • Love 10
  16. Stevie asking Jason what his going to college has to do with Bess running for President.  This coming from the person who dropped out when her Mom became Secretary of State. She dropped out because it was just too hard being the daughter of the Secretary of State.

    Jason wants to delay because he’s worried about embarrassing his mother. I like him.  

    Does Tim Daly’s contract state how many episodes per season he gets to be the one in peril? I really wish his character was like Jow on Medium. Supportive and drama free. 

    i knew this episode would be a disaster when Mike B appeared on screen.  That’s always a dead giveaway. 

    • Love 4
  17. 11 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

    Disappointed in this ep.  

    The circular, if not dishonest, talk Miles had with Hasan at the Mosque doesn't sit well with me.  The Dad begins by righteously challenging Miles' assumption that Islam was a major reason for his objections to the marriage.  Then, in full, but polite, umbrage he forcefully declares that it was about BELIEF!  He goes on to explain that her unbelief would be an automatic tearing of any familial relationship.  She would be, essentially, ex-communicating herself from him and her family.  An apostate.  But, heaven forfend, this wasn't about Islam.  The basic assumption is that the groom's father would be the very same.  

    I get that the show has to be coy as to the specific parameters of "God."  But, it makes it difficult to accept anything as actual if logic can't apply.

    I didn’t see it as totally circular. I took it as meaning that a great portion of family/holiday time involved religious celebrations. Celebrations that her spouse and children, and possibly her, would or could not attend: so the family bonds would be endangered. Just as a parent might object to offspring moving out of state. 

    That doesnt mean he was in the right to be in control of his  adult offsprings lives the way he wanted. They are adults and they all chose to come to this country. Both our laws and customs mean that adult children can’t be forced into the decisions their parents  want for them. Whether it’s possession of a cell phone, moving out of state or marriage. 

    • Love 4
  18. I got to the part where Delilah tells Ashley she is pregnant.  Then I admitted that I no longer like this show and deleted it from my DVR.  According to google, the network ordered additional episodes of the show.  I can’t figure out why. 

    I like Rome.  Not sure about Regina. I  don’t like Eddie, Katherine, Ashley, Delilah.  I like Gary, although I should probably hate him for his bathroom sex antics. I liked Maggie for an episode or two - but that has passed.     I  have a lot of other programs on my DVR. No sense in wasting my time with this one. 

    • Love 2
  19. 29 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

    True but honestly, I don't know a lot of marriages that survive long term medical or financial or legal issues. 

    I don't wish it on them because I'm actually not that much of an asshole. But I think a real problem - a baby with a real problem, an elderly parent or grandparent with dementia, that wish Matt has to be a crippled burden to his family... these things tear apart families. 

    I understand your point completely and agree.  I just think Jeremy and Auj ( particularly Auj) would ( and will) break a lot sooner than the majority of marriages.  Amy and  Matt managed to stay together 25 years with Matt’s health and physical  issues, his Siblings issues, his own 2 DUI arrests, his various long distance jobs,  Zach’s physical issues, the financial issues before the show came along, etc.  yes, the marriage ultimately failed, but I don’t think Auj would stay around for a year if any of that were to happen to Jeremy and Auj. I’m not sure they could last thru both having to get normal jobs outside the home and live paycheck to paycheck. 

    • Love 6
  20. 54 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

    I actually wonder if it might be good for them to actually face a real problem. I dont wish that on them, but I wonder if they'd have a healthier relationship without, you know, the constant struggle simply to stay married. It seems like living the pleasant completely safety netted lifestyle they are in leads them to turn their minor issues into major mountains of woe.

    A real problem might put their lives into some perspective.  

    I do not think their marriage can survive a real ongoing crisis.  An ER visit, yes, a long term medical or financial or legal issue, no.  Long afterwards, they would indeed gain perspective- but too late for their marriage. Just my opinion. 

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