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Posts posted by mythoughtis

  1. Well, it seems that non students are allowed. My question would still be WHY?  Fellow students do not need that distraction. Especially from these two.  If Jill wants to know what college would be like for her, I suggest she ask to monitor a community college remedial class. 

    • Love 21
  2. On 9/10/2018 at 8:49 PM, ginger90 said:

    A continuation of the tweet about switching networks:




    To be fair ... raise your hand if you have ever wondered if TLC stands for Trashy Lifestyles  Channel? It used to be The Learning Channel when it first existed.   

    • Love 8
  3. 2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    Interesting that Kendra, Joy and Jill have all had honeymoon babies. Isn't there something like a two or three day window in your cycle where you can conceive? Almost makes me wonder if they plan their wedding dates to get pregnant as quickly as possible. 

    As another poster said, they most likely tried to pick a date where their ‘monthly visitor’ wouldn’t visit. And would stay gone for a couple  more weeks.  However, that puts you right in the middle of your most fertile time( 14 days after your last period).   I don’t really think they plan on getting pregnant that night. Truthfully they are advised to abstain for a while rather than go from first kiss to sex within 12 hours. They appear not to listen. 

    I also seem to remember reading that Jeremy’s Church ( and therefore Jeremy) are ok with the use of birth control. 

    • Love 5
  4. 5 hours ago, ginger90 said:


    Jackson is an adorable child, I love that he is usually dressed in comfortable season appropriate clothing.  His parents obviously love and adore him.  They don’t try to make us believe that by throwing word salad at us.   I hope they take Ember under their wings. 

    • Love 12
  5. 19 hours ago, McManda said:

    Huh. I was today-years-old when I learned Jaxon was pronounced "Jack-son" and not "Jacks-on".

    It's a subtle difference, but now I hate Jaxon even more; I agree, just spell it Jackson.


    I pronounce both the same. Jaxon sounds Star Trekkie though.   

  6. 1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

    Will they start a romance? Just playing devil’s advocate-the look they gave each other after the kiss could be interpreted as, “that was like kissing my brother/sister. There’s no ‘there there’.”

    The way they were acting the last few scenes BEFORE the kiss was as if they had lost their best friend.    The scenes just weren’t played right to me. 

    I actually like this show. More for the office sidekicks than the leads. 

    • Love 2
  7. 5 hours ago, doodlebug said:

    Many of the lay midwives I’ve encountered are indeed members of strict fundamentalist churches and they cater to like-minded women.  They are often sceptical of modern medicine and convinced that most cesareans are unnecessary amongst other things.

    Childbirth was so much safer before modern medicine. /sarcasm 


    Seriously, though, one wonders if Jill has trouble cognitively between her ‘lay midwife’ theories and the realities of her and her family’s actual childbirth experiences. Several of which definitely needed the intervention of modern medicine. 

    • Love 6
  8. 4 hours ago, bythelake said:

    Cathy may have gotten a police pension. My father was in LE and died of cancer not in the line of duty. My mother got a pension with money added for me until I turned 18.

    And Cathy may have lost it when she remarried.  Each state/town does their police and firefighter pension/ survivor payments independently.  So it is hard to say whether she got a generous survivor stipend or small one, whether he paid into social security and she got that for Dan( Derick was 18).  If she wants to pay for law school, that’s her choice.  

    • Love 4
  9. 9 minutes ago, graefin said:

    Well, I haven't found Josiah's house yet, but I did find that "spooky" house that Jill and Jessa toured a while back while claiming that they were looking to upgrade their housing:


    Looks like JB paid a pretty penny for it.

    I think there is a picture of Josiah’s house somewhere in one of the Counting On forum threads. I don’t know how to search for it.  At the time, people speculated that it was going to be a new Duggar church that Jeremy, Derick and Ben would preach at.  

    • Love 1
  10. If I was the midwife and no one called me until the 19th hour of labor, I’d refuse to be a midwife for the woman again. 

    If I were the pregnant Mom, and my midwife either didn’t show up for 19 hours, or missed a breech, i’d Not use the midwife again. 

    Doctors are often not there during the labor, but labor and delivery nurses are. 

    Also - did Joy have any kind of an advance relationship with this ‘closest’ hospital- or was she just expecting an OB to be at the hospital 24/7? 

    • Love 24
  11. I think she did it. One thing I would have liked them to address was the angle the bullet took going in. That usually tells them the height of the shooter vs the victim. With the caveat that one could be sitting vs standing, etc.  it is suspicious that she was on her way so much sooner than when she said she got there. There’s not much else she was probably doing on the way that time of morning  since  it’s so far out of town 

    • Love 4
  12. On 8/29/2018 at 5:55 PM, ginger90 said:


    Why is Hannie still wearing leggings under her skirt? She’s old enough to have received the traditional purity ring and the father-daughter date event. Doesn’t this make her old enough to know how to sit in a dress?  

    • Love 1
  13. 4 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

    Do Auj and Jeremy realize that it's entirely possible to have meaningful life experiences at a workplace, while employed? 

    No. Because the only one of those two  that has ever been employed (other than the family business) is Auj. She didn’t like it. Jer made a point to avoid the farm as an adult until he was arm twisted into moving back. 

    • Love 2
  14. 10 hours ago, kokapetl said:

    How embarrassing (for those featured).

    Except for Duggar Data.

    I never knew it existed before today, it is fascinating,

    I do not think the last half of the current generation of both the Duggars and Bates will  have as many children as people might think.  Why, you ask? 

    Money and life experiences.   Jim Bob and Michelle head this family. If  even one of them dies, the situation changes drastically.  Can his offspring run his businesses and make what he does?  What if one of this current generation or their spouse dies, especially in childbirth?  I’ve seen how death changes the survivors in my own extended family and friends - their life headed in drastically different directions. Often life was quite drama filled for a while.  I think Justin and on down may have very few children as a result. 

    • Love 4
  15. So I’m to believe that 13 and 16  fundie girls were  allowed in a program that included clinicals and exposed them to men who needed sponge baths? 

    I am guessing this Pre-nursing program was only classroom and no actual people’s anatomy was viewed. 

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